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Everything posted by lollipop_monkey

  1. Oh I see! Great username.


    I chose mine because right before I signed up on MFC I had just watched the video where Mika talks about the song Lollipop and how the Lollipop Girl lives in the Emerald Forest and is chased by Chew Chew, a monkey who is trying to steal her lollipop... and so lollipop monkey was born. :roftl:


    Aww, cute video! That was so sweet to watch. :wub2:

  2. Thank you :biggrin2: That song in particular is mindblowing. I can't wrap my head around the fact that he can sound like that without a microphone or anything. He really is a treasure. :wub2:

  3. Ooh, Martin looks really good with glasses, doesn't he? They suit him. Nina, I shared your Only Lonely One video on Facebook and some distant friends that I barely talk to posted favourable comments, which is especially nice since he's so unknown here. One even wrote: "I have to say cause of your posts on here with his music it got me to download it!! My 3 year old as been rocking out to big girls for months she can almost sing the whole song." World domination baby.
  4. It's 4am here and I probably should go to bed, but staying up to watch Nina's videos is far too tempting to pass up.
  5. Thanks. Don't you know that beggars can't be picky. Oh, and I loved the bit in Billy Brown where people were like "MEXICO!!" I assume that was you and your guests? It reminded me of the Roxy gig in LA where the same thing happened, all the Mexican fans cheered when he sang the "island off the coast of Mexico" line.
  6. I love your username. Does it have some special meaning that I just haven't picked up on? It just sounds great on the tongue. Omdeliom, nom, nom... :roftl:

  7. Anyone else find it interesting that he kept messing up Toy Boy, which he's played a gazillion times over the last 22 months... but he had Only Lonely One pretty much spot on? How funny is it that he nailed this obscure B-side from a four year-old single and yet acted horrified at the prospect of doing Ring Ring, which he's done live for entire tours. I wonder if he's been working with Only Lonely One and intends to unveil some new version of it on the new album. What he did live is quite different from the demo, and it screams "potential". I could see him arranging it in a way that puts the song in the same general vein/flavour as by Jason Mraz and by Train, which were huge on the US charts, and When the Night Feels My Song by Bedouin Soundclash which was huge in Canada. North America is eating this stuff up... just sayin, Mika. Can't wait! Are you back home already? And if you don't mind, I say post the vids despite the bad quality. I think we're hungry enough to take what we can get.
  8. Inaudible without a microphone, and unbearable without a copy of Autotune. I agree, what a wonderful voice indeed. All the skeptics who accuse him of lip-synching can take these videos and suck it.
  9. I just spent an hour of my life looking up Mika's official vids on YouTube, reading what "normal" people have to say about them, and nearly peeing myself laughing. Grace Kelly: "Anyone else replaying that 'kachinga' over and over? He sounds like a Pokemon!" Rain: "Goal: outdance and run down Mika. Status: fail." "i don't give a sh*t if he is gay or even a martian." "RUN MIKA RUN!... lady gaga has spawned with herself... and they have come to get you! RUN!" We Are Golden: "he had a cupcake suit before lady gaga had a meat suit ha!!!" "who said all british people were conservative" "so THATS what Mika does in his spare time..." "what's up with the diaper?" "He's so hot. I love the lasers coming from his junk." "thumbs up for laser liberty!" :lmao:
  10. That's what I was thinking too... it reminds me of that "live@home" performance from France. Amazing.
  11. Thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!! We poor fans in the Americas faced the prospect of waiting ALL evening for videos as Europe slept, then being asleep ourselves when you all wake up and start uploading. So I really appreciate you staying up late to post this. Wow, wow, wow. What a great vibe. I can't believe he didn't have a microphone! Oh, to hear Mika sing without any amplification... have I mentioned lately that I love that man's voice? I'm all fangurly now.
  12. Oh that's a beautiful pic, Nina! Thanks for sharing! Melachi is adorable. I was working on the yearbook last night and read one of your reports (after one of the arena shows) about how you dream of intimate acoustic performances. I'm so glad you were there for this. Have you decided yet if you're going to upload your videos?
  13. I hear a rumour that he performed one of the demo tracks... one that was released on one of the LICM singles. But, as that's only secondhand info, I'll wait for the gig-goers to share their reports. :biggrin2: Oh and apparently they had a pro videotape the gig, so hopefully that will be on Mikasounds at some point.
  14. Best moment evar. Do you know how many cool points that gets me back here in Nowheresville, Canada? "Yeah, I got to walk the red carpet at the exclusive European premiere at Leicester Square, in London." Strangely, as I post this Toastie is watching Kick Ass. Spooooky!
  15. Yes, that's pretty much how it looked in my head when I read that. Looks a lot better than Mika up there ^^.
  16. I have to agree with everyone who has been saying this sounds like the "old" Mika. I love the little quirks and spelling errors in the original text. It affords a very real quality, kind of like the blogs from days gone by. This column seems to epitomize that "something" about Mika that's just so damn endearing... the quirky, offbeat, bizarrely intelligent lens though which he views the world. Like the line "A little post life theatre can’t be a bad thing." That's just so Mika, in 10 words or less. And the random thing about the henchman. "...must have a doctorate in something obscure, like the behaviour of a subspecies of amazonian red ant." I love that. Or "Those guides are written by self promoting workaholics who want you to buy their books, feel crap again and then buy another one." Reading this just makes me want to hug him and be like "Don't ever change." How about this one: "We all know that discipline makes you feel better about yourself." True? Untrue? Discuss.
  17. I was just listening to My Girl by the Temptations. I would love to hear Mika sing that. His voice is so perfect for heavily melodic songs like that.
  18. Oh wow, that video is so Mika-flavoured. No wonder they wanted to work together. I sorta figured that was him Mika sat next to in that Grevin video, but I wasn't sure. That old vlog is so cute.
  19. That's a great video! Who is that he sits next to? He looks like the singer from this video blog...? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DE9ouRYUyz4
  20. I have never heard anything about Mika owning a bar, and definitely not from his website anyway. Tell your friend to pony up the ice cream.
  21. I can think of a few minor appendages I'd trade in order to go back in time to be at this show. Vintage Mika. If Mika were a wine, 2006 varietals would be highly sought-after. Thanks for posting!
  22. Hi Robi! :huglove: I was just thinking about Christmas today, and was wondering if your father did a Nativity again this year. I remember pics from previous years and they've been so amazing. :wub2:

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