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Everything posted by lollipop_monkey

  1. Hi Cecilia,


    You can send your documents by email to mfcmag@hotmail.com. Let me know if you have any problems. :biggrin2:

  2. Thanks for posting coolcat! And thanks to Robertina for making sure they posted the English version. "Pro choice" in this context refers to abortion... Mika is saying that he feels it's a woman's right to choose whether or not to have an abortion for any reason. In English-speaking countries the opposite point of view is referred to as "pro life." Someone with "pro life" views believes life begins the moment a baby is conceived, and that an expectant woman should not be allowed to make the decision to terminate that life. With everything else he refers to - contraception, tolerance, gay unions, and faith - he's simply saying that he is in favour of all of those things despite the traditional point of view of the church. Agreed. Of course I do like reading or watching interviews where he goes on about his clothes or whatever, but this feels far more substantial. I have to commend him for tackling such a sensitive topic. I don't necessarily agree with him on all points, but I respect his position and admire his ability to clearly express his point of view. I do relate to what he said about the feeling of escape and detachment within the walls of a church (or, for me, any sort of religious building). I also found it interesting that he wrote "we must be brave enough to take what we like and not have them impose what we do not believe in." My initial reaction to that is to disagree. I can't imagine one could comfortably affiliate themselves with a particular religion or attend a weekly religious service only to disagree with a significant portion of what's being taught. That was the problem I had with the Catholic school I attended from ages 14 to 17; I just did not agree with much of what was taught, and those matters put me off Catholicism as a whole. But on the flip side, if most of one's faith-based activities are carried out privately - a quick prayer backstage before performing to a frenzied crowd - what's to say you can't pick and choose? I suppose that's one of the differences between faith and religion. Religion is prescribed, organized, and in my opinion, inflexible. But broad faith affords far more flexibility. One can select the relevant bits from organized religions, accepting the parts that fit their own beliefs (love thy neighbour, for example) and discarding the parts that don't fit (say, homosexuality is a sin). And I suppose that applies to life in general. Of all the perspectives, opinions and advice out there you just have to take what fits and discard the rest. Thanks Mika, for making me think.
  3. Hi Kary! :bye:


    Just wanted to say I love what you've been doing with the colours on the superhero costumes. Thank you for being such a great art director. :flowers2:

  4. Aww, so cute! I just got a puppy, and her father was a Yorkshire Terrier. I love them. :wub2:



  5. You can still participate in the yearbook project if you can send all your content to mfcmag@hotmail.com no later than October 1st!

  6. Hi Laurel! :bye:


    I do have your Message to Mika, sorry! Just missed putting you on the list.

  7. That made me want to go back and watch it again. Love this one. Thanks Tiibet. I can't believe this was almost five months ago already.
  8. Is the puppy in your avatar a Yorkshire Terrier? It's so cute!! :wub2:

  9. Last summer I heard Relax in Paris at 3am in a little food market. Here in Calgary there's one shopping mall that plays songs from LICM pretty regularly, which is strange (but pleasant) since he never gets radio play here.
  10. If you can send your Photos of MFCers for the yearbook before September 26th, we can still include it.




  11. Thank YOU for all your effort in answering questions in the thread. It's a huge help and allows me to focus on getting the submissions organized and ready for the proofreaders. :wub2:

  12. Hey Laurel :bye:


    You can go ahead and send your 2,000 word travel story. Your Amsterdam experience was rather unique (to say the least) so we will make a word count exception for you.


    Thanks for participating! :flowers2:

  13. LOLZ! That was awesome. Love them. I think I'm one of those fans who likes the second album better.
  14. Heya! In the end we chose to name her "Mikayla." We could've spelled it "Micheala" or "Makayla" but I liked the idea of including "Mika" in her name. :teehee:

  15. Oh what a lovely interview! Thanks for translating, Priscilla. I love reading about the interaction between Mika and the musicians onstage. It's something I noticed back in 2008 when the LGs and BGs watched from the side of the stage; Mika's always signalling and gesturing at them, and you can see their eyes always trained on Mika waiting for his next direction. It was even crazier on the acoustic tour without any backing tracks and they had even more "wiggle room", so to speak. I find it impressive, really. I would think it would be a bit crazy making to have someone changing things on the fly all the time. I was just watching this vid earlier today and reminiscing. Love what Jimmy does from 5:19 on. And I love this bit, what Jimmy does on the lyrics "in a lost and found" at 1:24. I can't believe that was the first proper gig Jimmy played with Mika, and that I was fortunate enough to be there. He's such a great catch for Mika.
  16. Nice to see this thread bumped. I love hearing that TV and the internet help so many people with their English. And people say TV is a waste of time.
  17. Just wanted to say a big "thanks" for answering questions in the yearbook thread. It's much appreciated! :flowers2:

  18. Hey Kary! Yes, go ahead and open the cover thread whenever you're ready... the cover is your baby, after all! :biggrin2:

  19. Lots of MFC at (what will likely be) Mika's last UK gig of 2010... let's hear all about it! http://musique.premiere.fr/var/premiere/storage/images/musique/photos-musique/photos-mika-etait-en-concert-hier-a-edimbourg/mika/35277841-1-fre-FR/Mika_diaporama.jpg http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs306.snc4/40616_461399593178_657058178_6476812_512914_n.jpg ---------- REPORTS ---------- Soaring Simpson Sariflor anjybaby vickylovesmika Part 1 vickylovesmika Part 2 vickylovesmika Part 3 BubblesPurry eloise.shaw kath robertina scg allegra Karimah Part 1 Karimah Part 2 norikothesweetmaker RAK1 Part 2 dcdeb freddiesdouble funkycowgirl sharonkitten IngievV tauruslady Nightbird Ruth Jazzy ------ PICS ------ Professional Pics 1 Professional Pics 2 Professional Pics 3 Professional Pics 4 silver Soaring Simpson (gig and queues) robertina (fan pics) vickylovesmika (fan pics) Treasa (fan pics) Treasa (gig pics) Treasa (Photobucket link) funkycowgirl (pw: mikalove) funkycowgirl (Edinburgh trip pics) tauruslady (queue, m&g) AliceA (gig & MFCers) Jazzy (gig & MFCers) Nightbird (death march) Nightbird (Photobucket link) Blue (gig pics) ------- VIDS ------ Mika receiving the birthday book Mika meeting fans after the gig Big Girl Rain Stuck in the Middle Jazzy Dr. John Billy Brown Blue Eyes Jazzy Happy Ending sharonkitten Touches You Love Today (death march) Jazzy Rain Jazzy We Are Golden Sweet Dreams Chat before OMS Jazzy OMS Kick Ass Vids of MFCers http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?p=3171996#post3171996
  20. Jimmy's white facepaint reminds me of those ghosts in Super Mario 3 for the original Nintendo.
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