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Everything posted by hjbsrbab@hbibby.orangehom

  1. Awww that's terrible! for sticking up for Mika some people are so cruel! He's no freak as you rightly pointed out. Those who called you that horrible insult are sad. They're just trying to make people feel bad as they are feeling bad themselves. I am so sorry to hear about you being bullied. You are a nice person with a kind heart never let anyone make you feel bad. We all love you on the MFC and you go girl!
  2. Dear Mika, I just want to let you know that I love you so much and I wish you a wonderful Valentines Day whatever you are doing. I am totally head over heels in love with you and think you are a truly great person. Sent with a big kiss and loadsa love from Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  3. Dear Mika Ever since last year I have been in love with you. Not just for your looks, but because you have a beautiful spirit and great talent. You truly appreciate your fans and you have overcome so much. Mika, you put a smile on my face whenever I listen to your music, I feel happy. This small paragraph is not enough to express my thanks. I feel as if I have shared so much with you, I celebrate when your songs do well, I feel so pleased! So Mika understand and know that your fans are always cheering you on and wishing you all the best. We are right there for you 100%. I will always love you, love Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  4. Mika has both looks and personality! He's a great person, so kind and caring and also he happens to be such a gorgeous sexy guy! He's got so much going for him don't you think?
  5. Heya have a great time here welcome!
  6. Hi Petra and welcome! Have a great time!
  7. Hiya have a great time! Welcome!
  8. I know I took ages and I'm sooooo sorry! You lot are so nice I love you all!
  9. This is absolutely great! Official site for Mika-wow! Congrats to all of you wonderful people at the MFC!
  10. Hiya! My name is Samantha and I joined the MFC in August last year -it's great! I haven't introduced myself before so I thought I would! I have been a Mika fan since January 2007, been to a concert in November and going to Brixton on the 28th! I would love to meet you all and chat to you about all sorts (*cough*Mika*cough*) so hi everyone and I love u all! xxxxxxx
  11. Love it! Wow wow wow wow! *sings song at the top of her voice*
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