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I am horrified...


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i completely get you what you mean. We will all appreciate it when he goes to certain countries, but his health is important too. I'd rather see him energetic and happy on stage after a well earned break rather than seeing him tired and pooped out. I think I speak for everyone here.


I'm not saying Mika's stupid at all, I think he's a very smart man, and while us fans are important, he is as well as sometimes "me time" is all one needs.


Of course!! :shocked:


And I'm as worried about him as all of you are...:tears:


But you also know that he doesn't want that anyone feels left out...:wink2:


Maybe a little suggestion... Please, no more questions about if he would go somewhere for a while...:blush-anim-cl:

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In a case like this i think the fans need to take control over his timetable and calm down the 'Please come to......' thing, if we stop requesting maybe he'll have a rest!


As the last ever option i would say to just stop buying tickets to his gigs for a while... at least then he wouldn't be able to do any shows and will be forced to rest! I know its drastic and not very nice for him but i'm sure he'll be able to see it's all for him! Anyway i hope it never ever comes to that... EVER! :thumbdown:


But then if it did there is always going to be that group of people who are selfish and just want to go and see him... even if he is killing himself to be in 400 places in 2 days!!!! :sneaky2:



Caz i'm with you!!! All the way! Who else????

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Think someone has already suggested this, but maybe if we have a campaign to bombard his myspace with concerned-but-not-bombastic messages/comments (citing we are mfc-ers) the message would get through to him from whoever manages his myspacepage these days (as he probably doesn't read it that often).


Sorry to basically rip off someone else's idea. I'm just thinking aloud at the moment:bleh:

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or those who didn't see...


Maybe a card will do after all, I'm determined to help in some way. I don't mean to sound stalker-ish if I do, and if I do, I apologise greatly, but I'm a very caring person, as I'm sure a lot of people on here are, and I feel useless and wothless to just sit here and watch him perform night after night, travelling place to place pretty much everyday. I know it's his job, but there's working steady hours and doing overtime.

And if he keeps doing overtime he will overdrive into overkill.


We might not be able to help but we can at least DAMN WELL TRY.




Who's with me?


It can be just like the scrapbook, except the messages are different LOL.


I'd love to organise this idea, I really, REALLY would, but sadly I've no printer and if people wish to send me stuff via snail mail, they could not, as I'm sure my parents wouldnt be happy me sending out our home address to randoms.


If anyone wishes to organise this, if it goes ahead, please feel free!

but please keep in mind that this is my idea lol :D:roftl: :wink2::thumb_yello::bleh::blush-anim-cl:

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Think someone has already suggested this, but maybe if we have a campaign to bombard his myspace with concerned-but-not-bombastic messages/comments (citing we are mfc-ers) the message would get through to him from whoever manages his myspacepage these days (as he probably doesn't read it that often).


Sorry to basically rip off someone else's idea. I'm just thinking aloud at the moment:bleh:


Yeah i said it lol you didn't rip it off it's the simplest thing ever to think of but i might just work, i've double posted a message on the myspace but i think we need more there are 4 'take a break' messages on there now.. including my 2! More! :biggrin2:

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Some days ago the Angels group sent a collective 'take a break/get well' message to his myspace - I have no idea if he read it though...


It's frustrating not knowing what Mika sees/doesn't see these days.


I hope he is just reading THIS right now. That'd be ironic wouldn't it.


Hi Mika!!





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Love Today just came on the tv lol


Anyway i'm already doing a journal/collage thing for him from the fans so i can;t do it but maybe someone else?


I think we need to do more than that though... maybe the myspace thing and the scrapbook both together will do it??? :blink:

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at Mika's MySpace Page.


Admittedly I hadn't been on there in a while, so I was majorly shocked when I saw how many appearances he is making.


One after the other.







The man is seriously working too hard and needs some major rest. I am really worried about him and his health...his fame has really catapulted but I think it's about time he came down to Earth a bit to have some hometime, you know?

Fame in no way, shape or form has gone to his head - and I pray it never does - but this new founded fame sounds really gruelling and pressuring.


Mika, we love you, you know we do, and as much as we love to see you in concerts/tv etc, we'd love you even more if you were in tip-top shape. It saddens me to see you tired in some photos, and I'm sure other MFC members do too.



Now this next part sounds really retarded. I really wanna do SOMETHING. I hope he manages to read this message but I feel I need to do something to help but I am completely powerless.


anyone got any present ideas or anything?



I think the same.

It's a good (wonderful) thing to go around the World for the fan and to promote the Album, but... I would for him major rest, too.

I'd renounce also to italian dates if he can take more relax from that...

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Yes Mika, take a loong holiday (on a desert island maybe :biggrin2: ) and recover from all the buzz :thumb_yello:

And don't worry about us, we can occupy ourselves and each other for two or three weeks, :biggrin2: , as you have provided us so kindly with loads of material...:thumb_yello:

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I agree with you all. Mika should take a rest for his own sake. We can safe ourselves Mika, this is not the way it should be. We don't want you to have a burn-out. Please, please take a rest!

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Don't take it bad, but i think you live in Wonderland...


- your petition-sort-of things don't change anything to a planning that had certainly been fixed for ages, talking about the countries he visits and the period he visits them, adding dates between the main line, i REALLY don't think you should feel guilty about anything, cause it's not because of your petition that he goes somewhere... He knew where he was going in what month since he started it all !!


- they decided it was a good thing for him to be launched in every continents all at once, but fery few artists do that, simply cause it implies THIS sort of never-ending tour ! He's been touring for 10 months now ! He's done 2 complete tours in each UK and US, been to Asia and Oceania, 1 tour in Europe, some dates in European festivals since no 2nd proper tour, etc. So he's assuming the consequences of this decision, he knew it would be like that since the begining, it's not like it's a big surprise and no-one had told him that !! He accepted it, so now, he's stuck and simply Has to continue until the contract is honored... God knows how long this contract lasts and what it implies...


- who do you think you are to think you can organise something for someone you absolutely know NOTHING clear about, except what he decided to tell !! And saying how private life is important for him, be sure we KNOW NOTHING !!! We are FANS, don't forget that, we're not his friends, we're not his family, we just buy his CDs and he's doing great gigs for us, that's basically the only relation we have with him, and the fact that he's extremely nice when we (you) meet him can't make you forget what your place is !!! The only thing you can actually do is to tell him (whatever way) that you're concerned about him touring that much, but be sure that he doesn't have anything to do with all your advice !! That's just the way it is... And that's the way HE decided and accepted it to be !! And YOU (we) just have to accept that and live with your anxiety, cause whatever you do won't change anything !! Try not to be involved so much, even if i know that what i'm saying is going to provoc a HUUUUUUUUUUUUGE reaction... And is totally useless since you're all too concerned about him already...


In conclusion : send comments on myspace, he MIGHT read them, give him cards, if you want tell him that you're concerned about his health when you meet him, whatever you want in that style, but well... I think it's all useless ! I know you think you have to try, but i can assure you that there is NOTHING you can do about that !! And there is nothing HE can do about that, cause once it's on, you have to go until it's done ! That's life. That's the way he chose it and accepted it to be for 1 year, the launching year...


I agree with the fact that it's becoming dangerous and all, but not being negative at all, just realistic, he just doesn't care about all your concerns, so you'd better be concerned about something that's actually worth it and for what it would have actual consequences...


Sorry to be so harsh, but it's true, we can just watch and hope the whole thing stabilises before it's too late...

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Don't take it bad, but i think you live in Wonderland...


- your petition-sort-of things don't change anything to a planning that had certainly been fixed for ages, talking about the countries he visits and the period he visits them, adding dates between the main line, i REALLY don't think you should feel guilty about anything, cause it's not because of your petition that he goes somewhere... He knew where he was going in what month since he started it all !!


- they decided it was a good thing for him to be launched in every continents all at once, but fery few artists do that, simply cause it implies THIS sort of never-ending tour ! He's been touring for 10 months now ! He's done 2 complete tours in each UK and US, been to Asia and Oceania, 1 tour in Europe, some dates in European festivals since no 2nd proper tour, etc. So he's assuming the consequences of this decision, he knew it would be like that since the begining, it's not like it's a big surprise and no-one had told him that !! He accepted it, so now, he's stuck and simply Has to continue until the contract is honored... God knows how long this contract lasts and what it implies...


- who do you think you are to think you can organise something for someone you absolutely know NOTHING clear about, except what he decided to tell !! And saying how private life is important for him, be sure we KNOW NOTHING !!! We are FANS, don't forget that, we're not his friends, we're not his family, we just buy his CDs and he's doing great gigs for us, that's basically the only relation we have with him, and the fact that he's extremely nice when we (you) meet him can't make you forget what your place is !!! The only thing you can actually do is to tell him (whatever way) that you're concerned about him touring that much, but be sure that he doesn't have anything to do with all your advice !! That's just the way it is... And that's the way HE decided and accepted it to be !! And YOU (we) just have to accept that and live with your anxiety, cause whatever you do won't change anything !! Try not to be involved so much, even if i know that what i'm saying is going to provoc a HUUUUUUUUUUUUGE reaction... And is totally useless since you're all too concerned about him already...


In conclusion : send comments on myspace, he MIGHT read them, give him cards, if you want tell him that you're concerned about his health when you meet him, whatever you want in that style, but well... I think it's all useless ! I know you think you have to try, but i can assure you that there is NOTHING you can do about that !! And there is nothing HE can do about that, cause once it's on, you have to go until it's done ! That's life. That's the way he chose it and accepted it to be for 1 year, the launching year...


I agree with the fact that it's becoming dangerous and all, but not being negative at all, just realistic, he just doesn't care about all your concerns, so you'd better be concerned about something that's actually worth it and for what it would have actual consequences...


Sorry to be so harsh, but it's true, we can just watch and hope the whole thing stabilises before it's too late...


I understand. I think he does care, though. He probably doesn't think it's serious, though, the way most of his fans seem to. You brought up an excellent point: He chose that it was going to be this way at the beginning, so now he just has to deal with it. :boxed:

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We also have to remember that he is 23 and is finally doing what he has dreamed of for years.

At 23 (and you guys must be able to verify this) you have so much energy.

When I was that age, at one stage I had 3 jobs, one 9 to 5 Monday to Friday in the office of a large hotel, (I think it's called the Paragon now, on Lillie Rd Fulham) then five nights a week 5.30 pm to 8.15pm and 9.30 to 8.30pm on Saturday on the checkout of a supermarket,(Safeway in Kensington - gone but not forgotten) then 3 nights a week, 10pm to 2am in the box office of a music venue, where we were allowed to go and watch the bands after cashing up and in our breaks. On the nights when I was not working in the club, we were at the very least in the local pub, but sometimes out clubbing it. I used to start at 9am in the hotel (I was living in) and the chambermaids started at 7am, often we would meet them going out to work, just as we were getting in, so a quick shower and then off to work.

Myself and my friends also used to have competitions as to how many nights in a row we could go out late, without falling down dead.


I am still here 20 years later. :naughty: But my mind and body is ravaged.:mf_rosetinted:


In conclusion, I think Mika will survive. :mf_rosetinted:

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