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If MIKA was a close friend of yours... would u still?


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well...you must know that Dieter is the man of the decisions ,though I really love it that he supports Mark this much right now:biggrin:


Er, yes. :biggrin2:

I think it is a waste actually. He has a voice and is kinda cute (wearing braces and stuff, always a good sign :roftl: ), not the brightest but nice.

(Er, you don't know him closer, do you? :blink: )

However I don't like the song, it's soooo DB and sooo soooo boring!

I've never understood why talented people take part in those casting thingies...

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If Mika were my friend, I would definitely join his fan forum.... for the fun speculations ...


Oh, good one! I'd probably start some ridiculous rumors, like Mika's really only 5'2" and his height is all camera tricks. Or that his real name is George. Or that he's one of a set of identical triplets, so he can perform in 3 countries at once!

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Oh, good one! I'd probably start some ridiculous rumors, like Mika's really only 5'2" and his height is all camera tricks. Or that his real name is George. Or that he's one of a set of identical triplets, so he can perform in 3 countries at once!


Or that actually his dad writes his songs :roftl:

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Or that actually his dad writes his songs :roftl:


No, all of his songs were taken from a safe deposit box he inherited from a deceased distant relative. They were written on dirty napkins, and sealed in a big brown envelope. They were all composed decades ago!


Alright, that's enough from the Mango rumor mill. You'll have to wait until I'm actually friends with him for all the good stuff!

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If Mika was a close friend of mine...

Hmmm, first of all what does a "close friend" mean? A very good friend or a boyfriend?

Ok, I suppose it's a very good friend for me. Having Mika as a boyfriend is a pretty delicious idea :blush-anim-cl: but it's really just an idea, moreover I already have a sweet-sweet boyfriend.


So... I'm sure I wouldn't put posters on my wall (by the way I don't do it even in reality either), or save pictures from the internet. I think we would have our own photos taken together private, far from concerts and interviews and stuff.

And I guess we would have great times together having fun, and spending much time together. (He is always very intelligent and protective while being asked about his private life, I guess family and friends and love life is very important for him. He respects enough himself and the people he loves to take care of their relationships.)


But anyway I can't really imagine our friendship, since I don't know him. I would like to, but I don't.

But I think I am very different from him in a lot of aspects of life, so I guess our friendship would be a bit strange or silly.

I mean I honestly respect him, appreciate his work, and find him an incredibly intellingent and :thumb_yello: bright, charming and :wub2: cute boy... yet we would make each other go crazy from time to time :roftl:

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Your right.


I was also thinkin a simillar thing a few days ago.

I mean if mika asked you out what would you say? [ UNLIKELY I KNOW.]

I would say no!

coz it ruins the whole idol thing!

But yehh if mika was a close friend then i dont think i would put posters up instead i would support him. :] xxxx

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Your right.


I was also thinkin a simillar thing a few days ago.

I mean if mika asked you out what would you say? [ UNLIKELY I KNOW.]

I would say no!

coz it ruins the whole idol thing!

But yehh if mika was a close friend then i dont think i would put posters up instead i would support him. :] xxxx


i would :blush-anim-cl:

but if he will be mean to me (i dount it would happend) i wouldnt like listening to his music anymore so i know what u mean...


i think we should stop imagining and spaculate...mika if u read this....call me ;) lol

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I know we're all pretty obsessed (otherwise we wouldnt be here lol)

but gosh if I ever made friends with him I'd lose that whole "OMG" Crazy fan factor. When you're friends with someone...you know them beneath the skin...it's a whole different story. You just see them as they are - human.


If, hypothetically, Mika did ask me out, just randomly, I would say no as well. I'd rather get to know the person first before making a decision like that.

However if we were friends first and things dug a bit deeper then, I would have to think about the consequencies and the changes, and see if that is what I really want. But I would probably say yes lol.


But then again, you never know. We fancy him now, as an idol, but if we ever became friends with him our feelings may change. You can't be too sure.

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No, all of his songs were taken from a safe deposit box he inherited from a deceased distant relative. They were written on dirty napkins, and sealed in a big brown envelope. They were all composed decades ago!



No...he wrote out tons and tons of sentences, and, by dipping his hand in the hat and juggling all the pieces of paper around, he just strung them together xDDD


and make bloody good sense! ROFL.

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Beck has used a similar method as well. Maybe Beck was ripping off Bowie, and Mika is ripping off Beck. How sad...





To be fair, Bowie was ripping off William Burroughs. No-good copycats, the lot of them!



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Actually I don't know about this thing. I have never really wanted do date Mika, he is really more like an idol, like a supernatural being ( ok, I exaggerate here a bit :naughty:). But if I knew him in person I think there are two ways - either I see him as a normal person and he is not so special to me anymore or I understand that I really love him. It's so strange that thousands of people adore Mika and they are all equal fans, but we can never know what would their relationship with him would be if they really knew each other. I think that could be really strange feeling if you realize that a celebrity is really your soulmate and you would love him as a human being not as artist or idol and yet you know you're just a fan.

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i don't have posters of him on my wall. if he was a close friend, i'm quite sure i'd secretly fancy him, so i'd still save the pix on my pc and hope he'd never see them! :naughty: i mean, he's SO the type of man i always go for, and if he was a friend of mine, he wouldn't be a complete a**ho** (if he was, i wouldn't choose him as my friend :wink2:), so... well, yeah, it certainly wouldn't be MY choice if we weren't more than friends. :naughty:

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How GOOD of friends? Like... if we were on my bed making out, I imagine it would be creepy to look around the room and see pictures of yourself plastered to the wall.


But just FRIENDS, like we hung out? I'd probably still have pictures of him in frames on my dresser or something, but I'd also put pictures of other random people. To make him think it wasn't spooky.:wink2:

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Ok. I'm totally random and Ot...and I beg you pardon for this, but...everytime I go to mfc main page I read: 'If mika was a close...'


But my mind reads 'If Mika was a closet...' :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao:




Well... this is my interpretation... :fisch:

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I thought it was something of a joint effort, with him doing sketches or concepts or something and her doing the paintings?


Ah, either way, if Mika and I were old chums I'm sure he'd hook me up! :biggrin2:


I wonder if this whole massive success thing is strange for his pre-fame friends, especially those from the Royal College of Music. I wonder if he has friends who are a bit overwhelmed by his success. And it must be tough for them to barely see him now, wih him always touring.


I'm trying to envision someone in my inner circle experiencing Mika's type of fame, and I can't even picture it. Hmmm....


I totally understand what his friends must feel not seeing him as often as they are used to. One of my friends lives 200 miles away in Cornwall, we grew up together and are still pretty close, but the distance and our jobs being fairly full on (although if I get a run down that way, it helps) means it kind of sucks. So I guess Mikas friends are probably used to it, but maybe wish they got to see him more often. I do feel for them.

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