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The Wedding Planner


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So I must be a bit of an unusual case, as I'm gettting married in July and I still don't know much about how the wedding will be. Or my dress for that matter :boxed: .

I never had a "wedding dream" or plan or anyhting like it;if anything I used to say that I would never want to get married, so obviously I never fantasised about it....

All I know for now is that I am having it next to the sea, in an old castle. That's all.

I don't really like to get stuck in unimportant superficialities and lose the real meaning of the day.........Although I suppose that I should start looking for more ideas and deciding on details soon.

Or I'll end up wearing jeans :naughty:


oh great I didn't know that! how cool!! :D

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Speaking of weddings, my sister is getting married on March 15th (she got engaged in November). Here's what she (and her fiance!) has accomplished so far:


- Chose the color schemes (canary yellow)

- Picked out and bought her wedding gown

- Found the church, reserved it

- Hired the photographer and got all of the specifics done for that

- Created the guestlist

- Hired an organist for all of the music (additionally the music is already set for all of the processionals, etc)

- Gotten a hair stylist for the bridal party

- Made all arrangements for the honeymoon



Right now they are in the midst of booking the building where the reception will be head, looking into florists, and this Saturday we're going to purchase all of the bridesmaid's gowns.


That's just all of the things off of the top of my head. Anyone who says planning a wedding within the same year is crazy. Katherine doesn't even have a wedding planner and has done so well thus far. :)

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Speaking of weddings, my sister is getting married on March 15th (she got engaged in November). Here's what she (and her fiance!) has accomplished so far:


- Chose the color schemes (canary yellow)

- Picked out and bought her wedding gown

- Found the church, reserved it

- Hired the photographer and got all of the specifics done for that

- Created the guestlist

- Hired an organist for all of the music (additionally the music is already set for all of the processionals, etc)

- Gotten a hair stylist for the bridal party

- Made all arrangements for the honeymoon



Right now they are in the midst of booking the building where the reception will be head, looking into florists, and this Saturday we're going to purchase all of the bridesmaid's gowns.


That's just all of the things off of the top of my head. Anyone who says planning a wedding within the same year is crazy. Katherine doesn't even have a wedding planner and has done so well thus far. :)


that sounds so exciting!! :punk:

why don't I have an older sister or get married myself? :naughty:

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Speaking of weddings, my sister is getting married on March 15th (she got engaged in November). Here's what she (and her fiance!) has accomplished so far...


Wow! I must say, though, she's lucky she's getting married in the "off season". If her wedding was June - September-ish, vendors would be more booked up. :thumb_yello:

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Speaking of weddings, my sister is getting married on March 15th (she got engaged in November). Here's what she (and her fiance!) has accomplished so far:


- Chose the color schemes (canary yellow)

- Picked out and bought her wedding gown

- Found the church, reserved it

- Hired the photographer and got all of the specifics done for that

- Created the guestlist

- Hired an organist for all of the music (additionally the music is already set for all of the processionals, etc)

- Gotten a hair stylist for the bridal party

- Made all arrangements for the honeymoon



Right now they are in the midst of booking the building where the reception will be head, looking into florists, and this Saturday we're going to purchase all of the bridesmaid's gowns.


That's just all of the things off of the top of my head. Anyone who says planning a wedding within the same year is crazy. Katherine doesn't even have a wedding planner and has done so well thus far. :)


wow, they've gotten alot accomplished...I like the date of the wedding, my b-day is the 12th:naughty:

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That's the thing, I don't know if Mika will wanna marry me...I didn't show off my "assets":roftl: But I did write him a killer poem and he did smile at me quite cutely the last time I saw him.:wub2: Besides, I think he'd love to marry a writer and a girl with brains.

I've got the credentials... and that's why I want to be elected mika's wife:roftl:




Besides Mika...though I can't imagine there being a better alternative...I'd have to settle down with someone in the arts...no one business minded. I can't stand that...


Someone dreamy and sweet... ideally longish hair and a french accent:wub2:


You make it seem like I ust flashed my assets or something :naughty: (the top I was wearing wasn't even low cut)


Anyway, realistically, I couldn't marry Mika. Apart from not knowing anything about him as a person that really matters, I don't think I'm the type who could stand having a famous husband. All that travelling, the expectations on the children to do something brilliant. Paparazzied whilst going to the movies with him, having the career as a third party in the wedding, its all too much.


Then there's his ocd, and all the other fangirls who would killl me :naughty:


I'm not even going to say what I want my perfect guy/groom to be like, because I have no idea until(if) I meet him. He could be a buisness type, or an artsy type, or something in between.

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You make it seem like I ust flashed my assets or something :naughty: (the top I was wearing wasn't even low cut)


Anyway, realistically, I couldn't marry Mika. Apart from not knowing anything about him as a person that really matters, I don't think I'm the type who could stand having a famous husband. All that travelling, the expectations on the children to do something brilliant. Paparazzied whilst going to the movies with him, having the career as a third party in the wedding, its all too much.


Then there's his ocd, and all the other fangirls who would killl me :naughty:


I'm not even going to say what I want my perfect guy/groom to be like, because I have no idea until(if) I meet him. He could be a buisness type, or an artsy type, or something in between.



The fame aspect is ok to me...because I know it sounds a bit flighty lol but that's what I want for myself. I mean you know that's what I want to arise eventually from a career...I do want to be known, and liked for a career in film and writing:wub2: So It is my dream, ultimatley, to get to that point... So I suppose I'll have to deal with that someday, because I just know it will happen. That's a little scary, but it would be easier to have someone in sort of a similar industry, who understands what you are going through... If I had to walk in front of flashbulbs with mika by my side now...:roftl: I'd be all :blink:


I just always pictured the man I would marry as someone who writes and who loves easily... I mean, a sensitive guy who's tough at the same time... and just in general, a beautiful boy:mf_lustslow:

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If you're serious about pursuing a career that you hope will bring you fame, you may want to be a bit more circumspect when using the internet and posting on online messageboards, you know. Mika is very good at keeping himself locked up and guarded, but even so.


You know that if you actually get to be a famous actress or whatever, everything you ever posted here or on MySpace or your Facebook photos will be seen by everyone.



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If you're serious about pursuing a career that you hope will bring you fame, you may want to be a bit more circumspect when using the internet and posting on online messageboards, you know. Mika is very good at keeping himself locked up and guarded, but even so.


You know that if you actually get to be a famous actress or whatever, everything you ever posted here or on MySpace or your Facebook photos will be seen by everyone.




Yeah, I think that would be smart... I mean look what happend with Mika...people started pulling up his old myspace posts and comments. But, I don't know how to sacrifice that for something that seems so far off. I should though, I think you're absolutley right... but I'm not horribly ashamed, now, of anything I've posted etc...


When I wrote to Greg Wells, I talked to him about the pursuit of fame and success. He really helped me out with what he wrote back to me: It was something to the effect of not being obsessed with the idea of fame, but taking it little by little and loving what you do... he called me "young jedi":roftl:

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Wow! I must say, though, she's lucky she's getting married in the "off season". If her wedding was June - September-ish, vendors would be more booked up. :thumb_yello:


Oh, very true! They actually tried to avoid the rush of things, while also keeping in mind that their leases will be up in April sometime. Actually, since she is having a wedding so soon after the new year, her dresses are the latest styles so she will have them "first," so to speak. :)


Aaron has been really wonderful with helping out. He gives his opinion on everything. He even came bridesmaid gown shopping with us, just so he could be involved.

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Aaron has been really wonderful with helping out. He gives his opinion on everything. He even came bridesmaid gown shopping with us, just so he could be involved.


Wow! Sounds like your sister got herself quite the catch! :wink2:


Their leases are up in April? So they're each organzing a move as well as a wedding?


Someone oughta give your sister a medal. :thumb_yello:

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Yeah, he's definitely a keeper! I'm actually surprised just how involved he is, but I'm happy for her that she isn't carrying the whole load. They've been talking about the wedding constantly and even tonight he said "Isn't it going to be so much fun?" when he showed her the music that he wants to be played for her processional. *awwwss* lol ;)


Yes, both of their leases are up in early April. They actually live in the same apartment complex (he's right across the street) and since it was out of the question for her to move in before the wedding, they'll be moving in together straight after the honeymoon. They've definitely got their plates full!


Right now we are considering having me move in in Katherine's place, so that my sister doesn't have to move out to another place. We'll see what happens.

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You make it seem like I ust flashed my assets or something :naughty: (the top I was wearing wasn't even low cut)


Anyway, realistically, I couldn't marry Mika. Apart from not knowing anything about him as a person that really matters, I don't think I'm the type who could stand having a famous husband. All that travelling, the expectations on the children to do something brilliant. Paparazzied whilst going to the movies with him, having the career as a third party in the wedding, its all too much.


Then there's his ocd, and all the other fangirls who would killl me :naughty:


I'm not even going to say what I want my perfect guy/groom to be like, because I have no idea until(if) I meet him. He could be a buisness type, or an artsy type, or something in between.


Oh come on, you were planning for him to look down your shirt. :roftl:


Yes, I definitely agree. I've said it before, but Mika could be a complete monster in real life. Of course, it doesn't seem probable, but it's still possible.:bleh:


And I'm not sure if I'd want a famous husband either (especially a singer) because you'll either have to travel (which I like, but not to a city for a one night gig and then on the road again) or you'll have to be away from him. Also, if we would ever have kids, I'm not sure I'd want the media all up in my kids' faces to put it bluntly. I mean, it's one thing to take pictures of the celebrity, but it's another to hunt down their kids!


And then all those fan girls...:naughty:


Honestly, I think most celebrities do one of two things: marry someone from back home or marry another celebrity. Marrying someone from home means that they knew you as Mica and not Mika (in this case), they know your family, and it's not likely they're just taking advantage of you. Marrying another celebrity means that your partner knows what it's like, and it's also probably not likely that they are just using you, unless it's for publicity, I guess...

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Oh come on, you were planning for him to look down your shirt. :roftl:


Yes, I definitely agree. I've said it before, but Mika could be a complete monster in real life. Of course, it doesn't seem probable, but it's still possible.:bleh:


And I'm not sure if I'd want a famous husband either (especially a singer) because you'll either have to travel (which I like, but not to a city for a one night gig and then on the road again) or you'll have to be away from him. Also, if we would ever have kids, I'm not sure I'd want the media all up in my kids' faces to put it bluntly. I mean, it's one thing to take pictures of the celebrity, but it's another to hunt down their kids!


And then all those fan girls...:naughty:


Honestly, I think most celebrities do one of two things: marry someone from back home or marry another celebrity. Marrying someone from home means that they knew you as Mica and not Mika (in this case), they know your family, and it's not likely they're just taking advantage of you. Marrying another celebrity means that your partner knows what it's like, and it's also probably not likely that they are just using you, unless it's for publicity, I guess...

I totally did not.... Totally tasteful, not low cut (like some of my tops). I can't help he had to look :naughty:


And I agree with you. The career would affect the relationship, so that you would have to choose between being with them, and having to sacrifice your own career, a 'normal' school for your children, and a home environment. Or, you live your life with your partner on the road, and spending a great amount of time separated. While some people can make those options work, I dont think I'd be able to. Plus I wouldn't want the kids to have their life be fodder for the media.


While some celebreties date groupies, I still don't think Mika would date a fan. I mean, do you really want to be with someone who was obssessed with you before even meeting you? Seems a little one sided to me :mf_rosetinted:

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Personally I think Mika might be gay :mf_rosetinted: Well he'll deffinitley not a marry a fanclub chick because then they'd know his biography off by heart and have 200 photos on photobucket of him. CREEEEPY.


OMG you're soo right!!!:naughty:*deletes PB acct!*


The fame aspect is ok to me...because I know it sounds a bit flighty lol but that's what I want for myself. I mean you know that's what I want to arise eventually from a career...I do want to be known, and liked for a career in film and writing:wub2: So It is my dream, ultimatley, to get to that point... So I suppose I'll have to deal with that someday, because I just know it will happen. That's a little scary, but it would be easier to have someone in sort of a similar industry, who understands what you are going through... If I had to walk in front of flashbulbs with mika by my side now...:roftl: I'd be all :blink:


I just always pictured the man I would marry as someone who writes and who loves easily... I mean, a sensitive guy who's tough at the same time... and just in general, a beautiful boy:mf_lustslow:


That sounds very flighty to me.. If I didn't know you better I'd say you want to marry Mika for the fame it will give you.. And that's probably the exact type of person Mika is avoiding now.. No one wants someone else to ride on their coattails of success.. But then again, I don't really know you so I would hope, that if you do acheive fame, that you do it based on your own talents as a writer and in film..


(IMO) One thing we all need to remember (even though it's nice for Mika that people do it I suppose - if he reads the forum) when expressing our feelings for Mika on this forum, whether it be respect, love, or delusional love, that none of us know him any better than the next person.. for example: how could you know him any better than I do? Realistically? We are limited on information about it because he likes to keep things private, so most of our perceptions of him are based on interviews, others opinions and our own perceptions of our 'Ideal Man'


So that makes me and the other 8000+ mfcers equally as compatible as a potential wife of his..

In astrology, Leo's are known for choosing a partner who looks up to them. I wouldn't say they like obsessive types though, even though they like a little drama (icing on the cake). And posting on a forum dedicated to Mika is somewhat obsessive. So while I find it sweet that quite a few people here think they could be Mika's wife, due to being similar (in their opinion) to him, I find it completely unlikely and delusional that he would marry any of us. And would more likely choose to marry someone he has either known since before his fame, or someone who is somewhat musically or artistically famous, but reserved in the same way he is....

Call this age talking or life experience, but this is just my opinion.. I'm sure others see it differently.. But I'm sure many see it the same..

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Oh I know Divine! I love her.

Isn't she dead though?

We're talking about "ideal" wedding/divorce parties. I can dream. :tears:


I have good gay-dar...I must say, and I just didn't get that vibe...


:roftl Yes I have a gay-dar too lol. Some of my friends set it off :roftl:

There's no such thing as a "gaydar". You don't know what a person is until you're in bed. And even then years later they can come out. Don't judge so superficially.


In astrology, Leo's are known for choosing a partner who looks up to them.

It's called "self-loving". :bleh:

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[quote name='Kelzy;1017113


That sounds very flighty to me.. If I didn't know you better I'd say you want to marry Mika for the fame it will give you.. And that's probably the exact type of person Mika is avoiding now.. No one wants someone else to ride on their coattails of success.. But then again' date=' I don't really know you so I would hope, that if you do acheive fame, that you do it based on your own talents as a writer and in film..[/color']


(IMO) One thing we all need to remember (even though it's nice for Mika that people do it I suppose - if he reads the forum) when expressing our feelings for Mika on this forum, whether it be respect, love, or delusional love, that none of us know him any better than the next person.. for example: how could you know him any better than I do? Realistically? We are limited on information about it because he likes to keep things private, so most of our perceptions of him are based on interviews, others opinions and our own perceptions of our 'Ideal Man'


So that makes me and the other 8000+ mfcers equally as compatible as a potential wife of his..

In astrology, Leo's are known for choosing a partner who looks up to them. I wouldn't say they like obsessive types though, even though they like a little drama (icing on the cake). And posting on a forum dedicated to Mika is somewhat obsessive. So while I find it sweet that quite a few people here think they could be Mika's wife, due to being similar (in their opinion) to him, I find it completely unlikely and delusional that he would marry any of us. And would more likely choose to marry someone he has either known since before his fame, or someone who is somewhat musically or artistically famous, but reserved in the same way he is....

Call this age talking or life experience, but this is just my opinion.. I'm sure others see it differently.. But I'm sure many see it the same..


Besides the fact that I don't believe in astrology-things, I agree with you 100% !!


Relationships have to be based on equality, and for a fan to get together with their favorite artists: that's anything BUT equal. You get an strange situation where one person admires the other one and that simply doesn't work.

The artist should admire you just as much as you him, and in the case of fan/artist --> never gonna happen IMO

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That sounds very flighty to me.. If I didn't know you better I'd say you want to marry Mika for the fame it will give you.. And that's probably the exact type of person Mika is avoiding now.. No one wants someone else to ride on their coattails of success.. But then again, I don't really know you so I would hope, that if you do acheive fame, that you do it based on your own talents as a writer and in film..


(IMO) One thing we all need to remember (even though it's nice for Mika that people do it I suppose - if he reads the forum) when expressing our feelings for Mika on this forum, whether it be respect, love, or delusional love, that none of us know him any better than the next person.. for example: how could you know him any better than I do? Realistically? We are limited on information about it because he likes to keep things private, so most of our perceptions of him are based on interviews, others opinions and our own perceptions of our 'Ideal Man'


So that makes me and the other 8000+ mfcers equally as compatible as a potential wife of his..

In astrology, Leo's are known for choosing a partner who looks up to them. I wouldn't say they like obsessive types though, even though they like a little drama (icing on the cake). And posting on a forum dedicated to Mika is somewhat obsessive. So while I find it sweet that quite a few people here think they could be Mika's wife, due to being similar (in their opinion) to him, I find it completely unlikely and delusional that he would marry any of us. And would more likely choose to marry someone he has either known since before his fame, or someone who is somewhat musically or artistically famous, but reserved in the same way he is....

Call this age talking or life experience, but this is just my opinion.. I'm sure others see it differently.. But I'm sure many see it the same..


Yes, that. I totally agree.

I have to say I'm a bit concerned about the seriousness behind all that 'My perfect groom: Mika' talk. I find it quite irritating, to be honest. Not because of Mika (I'm sure he doesn't give a **** about who of his fans is secretly or publicly planning to marry him :naughty:) but because of the impact it might have on the planners.

There's a massive difference between saying 'I want to marry Mika', meaning it in a joky way on the one hand and actually planning it on the other hand. Besides the fact that I find that quite scary, I have the impression that some don't even know that there is more to the act of getting married to somebody than a designer dress and a massive diamond. And a celebrity groom to make sure there are enough papparazzi on spot to capture the designer dress and the bling on cam :doh:

However, I'm aware that this is probably a matter of massive starstruckness and age.

Besides, this is not exactly the kind of wedding I see Mika involved in. I may be just as wrong, though.

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Yes, that. I totally agree.

I have to say I'm a bit concerned about the seriousness behind all that 'My perfect groom: Mika' talk. I find it quite irritating, to be honest. Not because of Mika (I'm sure he doesn't give a **** about who of his fans is secretly or publicly planning to marry him :naughty:) but because of the impact it might have on the planners.

There's a massive difference between saying 'I want to marry Mika', meaning it in a joky way on the one hand and actually planning it on the other hand. Besides the fact that I find that quite scary, I have the impression that some don't even know that there is more to the act of getting married to somebody than a designer dress and a massive diamond. And a celebrity groom to make sure there are enough papparazzi on spot to capture the designer dress and the bling on cam :doh:

However, I'm aware that this is probably a matter of massive starstruckness and age.

Besides, this is not exactly the kind of wedding I see Mika involved in. I may be just as wrong, though.


I think that you're very right.

It also scares me a bit to see certain things posted here, such as people (or some) seemingly seeing it as a possibility that Mika would marry them...

Maybe dreaming is natural, I can understand that (not that I dream of marrying Mika, for several reasons :roftl:, but you get the point), but sure it does come to a point where the line to delusion is crossed?

And as a funny note, when discussing the need to start looking for a wedding dress with my BF yesterday, he chirped: "Mika's mum should make it for you!" Is that a well trained BF or what??? :naughty::roftl: :roftl:

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I think that you're very right.

It also scares me a bit to see certain things posted here, such as people (or some) seemingly seeing it as a possibility that Mika would marry them...

Maybe dreaming is natural, I can understand that (not that I dream of marrying Mika, for several reasons :roftl:, but you get the point), but sure it does come to a point where the line to delusion is crossed?

And as a funny note, when discussing the need to start looking for a wedding dress with my BF yesterday, he chirped: "Mika's mum should make it for you!" Is that a well trained BF or what??? :naughty::roftl: :roftl:

Yeah... I also find it worrying (and yes I did post Mika as my ideal husband earlier on, but then, I also posted the chicken dress as my ideal dress :naughty:)


Its nice to dream, but at the same time, you have to keep your feet on the ground.

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I see other's agree that there is some delusional aspects involved here.. It was worrying me and I was wondering who else had noticed..

I just want to say that I still view this as a thread for fun and I think most of us see it that way too..

Nothing wrong with a bit of harmless fantasy.. I just wanted to be sure that no one is being delusional about it.. It's one thing to write about it at home in your diary that you keep under your bed (which is a worry in itself), but to post it for the world to read on a public forum is disturbing, if that person seriously believes it's going to happen..

I mean it could.. but seriously - it won't :wink2:

So like I said, I hope it's just about having some fantasy fun.. I don't want this thread to stop so I might have to plan myself a second wedding .. :naughty:

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I think that you're very right.

It also scares me a bit to see certain things posted here, such as people (or some) seemingly seeing it as a possibility that Mika would marry them...

Maybe dreaming is natural, I can understand that (not that I dream of marrying Mika, for several reasons :roftl:, but you get the point), but sure it does come to a point where the line to delusion is crossed?

And as a funny note, when discussing the need to start looking for a wedding dress with my BF yesterday, he chirped: "Mika's mum should make it for you!" Is that a well trained BF or what??? :naughty::roftl: :roftl:



I have to agree with you.

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Yeah... I also find it worrying (and yes I did post Mika as my ideal husband earlier on, but then, I also posted the chicken dress as my ideal dress :naughty:)



Its nice to dream, but at the same time, you have to keep your feet on the ground.


Yes, that's the thing, isn't it?

I mean, I dream (about many things) myself, it's not like I'm often the most realistic person, and regarding this whole "star crush" thing I did have pretty wild dreams (or even delusions) myself when I was a teenager and obsessed with a particular singer....but doing it as an adult is really a whole different thing!:naughty:



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Yes, that's the thing, isn't it?

I mean, I dream (about many things) myself, it's not like I'm often the most realistic person, and regarding this whole "star crush" thing I did have pretty wild dreams (or even delusions) myself when I was a teenager and obsessed with a particular singer....but doing it as an adult is really a whole different thing!:naughty:



Have you seen the pic of the chicken dress (page 7 :wink2:)


And I agree, it is nice to have your dreams, especially while young, and everyone does. That said, I realistically know I wouldn't want to marry Mika.





Oh and for those in this thread who talked toast :das: with us, the would you like that toasted? thread might interest you :naughty:

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My cake will be proud as my half-Lebanese ex-bf is bi:




Oooh, the pretty colourssss. :wub2:


As for the dress, well I really like the colours, the brightness and the joy and cheer of this one. It seems so happy, and I want my wedding day to be happy. Plus it reminds me of a chicken





And I do like to hear about people who have kept with their old toasters (even if younger toasters may seem more appealing).


Because, in the end imo, Love isn't just about how well a toaster cooks your toast. Sure, it does help if it cooks it well (especially at the start, if they aren't cooking it long enough from the beginning, like yours Kelz, then they should be ditched :naughty:)

More its about knowing your toaster, and being comfortable with them, and accepting them for what they are, flaws and all.


... :no:


Well he'll deffinitley not a marry a fanclub chick because then they'd know his biography off by heart and have 200 photos on photobucket of him. CREEEEPY.


Yeah, shoudln't the 'delusional' conversation have end here? Wouldn't you be seriously creeped out by marrying someone who obsessed over you before meeting you?


Oh and for those in this thread who talked toast :das: with us, the would you like that toasted? thread might interest you :naughty:


Uh oh ...

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