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2008 - Mika @ Guvernment Kool Haus in Toronto, Ontario, 29 Jan REPORTS/PICS/VIDS


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Yeah...so I won't do a report because you have heard it all before. I have so much catching up to do in school..but Oh my! was it worth it!


The show was...amazing doesn't describe it! It was great and it was so much fun to meet other MFCs...everyone is so nice. I had a great time, so Thank you everyone!!!


I will post some pictures when I have time; I'm sorry, i really have to do so much school work.


can't wait to the next concert...who knows when.

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I loved reading it! you are so lucky!!


I especially liked this part:

Funny random memory : Mika walking up and down the hallway yelling : "the toilet in my room is blocked !" :naughty: :naughty:

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Thanks for the report, Vero! (glad I didn't read it as you were doing it...the to be continued's would have been torture:naughty:)


I'm glad i didn't have to wait for the next part of the report to be written, too.

Loved your report Vero!! Thanks for describing in such detail the awesome experience of being one of the lollipop girls!

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Here's my video of THE TEDDY BEAR PICNIC&the first prt of LOLLIPOP





MiKA IS AMAZINGGGG...i was just :mf_lustslow: through out the whole concert, actually i'm like that everyday when I constantly talk about mika...who wouldn't :wink2: I actually nd seriously couldn't breathe when I first saw mika come out of that maroon colored van...I JUST FROZE...my mom constantly yelling:"TAKE A PICTURE!!!" but i couldn't move or breathe at all my face was like :shocked: until the start of the concert...WOW...that was the BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!!!!

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Here's my video of THE TEDDY BEAR PICNIC&the first prt of LOLLIPOP





MiKA IS AMAZINGGGG...i was just :mf_lustslow: through out the whole concert, actually i'm like that everyday when I constantly talk about mika...who wouldn't :wink2: I actually nd seriously couldn't breathe when I first saw mika come out of that maroon colored van...I JUST FROZE...my mom constantly yelling:"TAKE A PICTURE!!!" but i couldn't move or breathe at all my face was like :shocked: until the start of the concert...WOW...that was the BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!!!!


That would have been me too. Absolutely frozen, needing somebody to jar me back to my senses. glad you had a good time.

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Here's my video of THE TEDDY BEAR PICNIC&the first prt of LOLLIPOP





MiKA IS AMAZINGGGG...i was just :mf_lustslow: through out the whole concert, actually i'm like that everyday when I constantly talk about mika...who wouldn't :wink2: I actually nd seriously couldn't breathe when I first saw mika come out of that maroon colored van...I JUST FROZE...my mom constantly yelling:"TAKE A PICTURE!!!" but i couldn't move or breathe at all my face was like :shocked: until the start of the concert...WOW...that was the BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!!!!


Yay! Your first post! Finally! I have to ask your mom if I can post pictures of you....

Go to the introductions thread and introduce yourself, hon....do you want people to know how we're "connected"? :wink2:

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There's nothing like being onstage with Mika and the band in a bright pink dress surrounded by balloons and confetti and looking Mika straight in the eyes while shouting : OOOOooooooOOOOOoooooOOOOOooo LOLLIPOP !!!!

I second that!!!!


yes it was ! I heard him say that while I was in the room with Yasmine ! you didn't hear him say that ? it was priceless ! :roftl:

AARGH no, I didn’t even know he was there! I was paying attention to Yasmine and his mom, but thanks for letting me know!




While we were waiting, the owner of the venue, which was super rude, entered into our room and was like : who let you girls in ? So we said that we were part of the show... and he repeated : ok but who let you in ? so we said :the crew and showed him our backstage passes... and he repeated AGAIN : but who let you in ?? AAARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHH I wanted to punch him !!!! He had to be the most annoying man ever. And to top it off, he said : well don't touch anything, don't mess anything.... WTF !!!! the room was already a COMPLETE mess before we got in it ??? All of our stuff was neatly piled on the floor and on the couch cause we had nowhere else to put it because of the mess... but anyways... I just had to rant about that.



(to be continued)[/font]

I know! He annoyed me. He was like “don’t mess up my stuff” *Gestures to the complete disarray of the room to the point where you can barely walk*


ladyGodiva, it won't let me add you cos i don't "know" you... but you could add me. I'm Chickadee on myspace as well as here.:thumb_yello:

ahhh! There are a bunch of chikadee named people on my space, which one are you?


He entered the room saying : "good job girls, well done !" and then his face just went : :blink: and with a wtf look on his face said : "what is this room ?!" lllolll !!! He hadn't seen it before and he seemed sorry that we had to stay in that room the whole time lol ! So we told him about the owner telling us not to mess it up and he was like : :boxed: .


We asked if we could take pictures with him and he said of course. He seemed really tired though and his voice was a little raspy. I think jetlag + show in a huge venue the day before + Montréal / Toronto travelling was a lot for our dear mister M. So since he didn't seem to feel well, we tried to do this quick. Laura gave her the scarf she made and he seemed really happy about it. He gave her a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek, which was super sweet. He took pictures with the Big Girls and with Laura. We took pictures in the hallway cause the room was just too crappy lol ! :naughty: I spoke french with him, thanked him for the amazing night once again and gave him the letters that Fanny from France had sent me to give to him. Now that I think about it, I left the three letters in the enveloppe they arrived into so they would not get lost, so that means he has my address now... lol... just a random thought....


I felt kinda bad asking for a picture again since I got one the day before and since he looked so tired... but I asked anyway, since it's not everyday you get to be with Mika and have your picture taken. So I said : I know that we took a picture yesterday... but would you mind if we took one today as well ? Am I taking up to much of your time ? (with, I admit, a puppy face... lol !!!) So he said : of course not ! we can take a picture ! So we did and I was totally happy about that, felt so lucky. So I thanked him again and said see you in NYC.


After that I went with Laura to the side of the stage where her mom and sis were waiting for her. They really wanted to meet Mika so I don't know how but Laura managed to go get him... She just went through the door with Mika behind her and said : look what I found !


I waited on the side while they had their moment with him, don't want him to be sick of seing me ! So after that we got out of the venue, we split and I joined everyone who were waiting for MIka in the parking lot by the tour busses...


(to be continued)



I remember when he was like “what is this room” I think he did feel bad that all four of us were in there.- what a sweet guy. I remember him saying for pictures “Lets get out of this room first” ad he led me into the hall. …It would be awesome if I saw him wearing the scarf in the future….!?! I did manage to get him, which was insane! I did feel a little bad though because he didn’t look all that well . But the whole fact that he actually came just adds to his sweet and niceness.

Sorry for the loooooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnng mega detailed reports, it seems I just can't help it lol !!! :naughty:


No! i love the long detailed report! it means i get to re-live it again!:wink2:



AAAAND for those of you who weren't able to read it on my myspace......(see next post)

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Here we go, for those who are brave and for those who asked me for this…..!

i tried to split it up a bit so it's easier to read, so just BTDubs, its not normal paragrah spacing.



So, after not sleeping at all the night before I left my house at about 7:30 a.m. not bad considering the target time to leave was 7:00.


I live in Michigan so it’s about a 5 or 6 hour car ride—but well worth it! Anyways….fast forward…long car ride….border guards were kind of funny and asked us “what a Mika was” and then asked us (jokingly) to hum a few lines lol. Anyways, when we got to Toronto traffic was crazy compared to that in the small-ish town that I come from (our navigator GPS thing sounded very annoyed with us after it told us to “make a u-turn if possible” for the fourteenth time.)


So we parked at our hotel and got a subway sandwich then put our stuff in the room a little later. I got ready there and then we (my sister and my mom came) walked to the Kool Haus at about 4:45 and got there around 5:00. (Technically I didn’t have to be there until 6 but I wanted to be able to talk to people.)


I got let in at 6 and hung out in the little catering area for a bit then Vero came in and told us all about the night before and what everything was going to be like and we all chatted for a bit.


Then we went to our “dressing room” haha. It was pretty much a gogo dancer storage place for the Kool Haus haha (They- the Kool Haus people- didn’t actually want us in there, but oh well). So we hung out there a while with the Big Girl dancers who were super fun and nice and put on make-up until Mika’s sister got there with the costumes and stuff.


Andy stopped by for a bit and we all chatted some more, looking silly for the camera. But omigoodness, haha, the costumes were so much fun. The petticoat is so poofy! It took forever and a day and a whole bunch of bobby-pins for me to get my hair all tucked under the wig but eventually it did happen!! I thought it would fall off at first, but the headband keeps it on fairly well. So I was taught the quick little dance- in front of a very amused security guard haha.


After the band got warmed up and energized we went to the side stage and watched the show from there (still managing to jump around and sing along!), it was an okay view- but wow! It is insane backstage! Everybody is running all over the place and the timings are down to the second most of the time. We had the set list in back of us so we knew when we had to go anyways.


(So …WOAH 6:41 Jan 31. It JUST truly hit me that I met Mika….wow that was delayed! I met one of my two favorite music artists!! (the other being The Beatles, and it’s no longer possible to meet the entire band) Wow. My friends have all been making fun of me, asking if I passed out (they apparently have very little faith in me, I think I did a good job staying cool, i mean look at that pic, the epitome of cool and calm...sort of:P ) Okay, I’m going to try and carry on now, wow okay….)


So when it was time for us to go on, I was pretty much dragged to the entrance to the stage and then shoved on, which was funny because we just skipped on as if we had just wondered over there and weren’t pushed lol.


I think I figured out why I wasn’t nervous- theory; I was so excited to see and hear Mika that I couldn’t manage to do anything BUT smile and dance along, because that’s all I really wanted to do anyways and I was already doing that behind stage haha- what an awesome job! To do exactly what I want to do! If I could do it again (I hope that I do!) yea, I would do some things differently, but for my first time, I didn’t really mess up so I call that a success;)



So after we found our way back off stage we got changed and hung out for a while, waiting to see if Mika would say hi. It paid off. Mika had walked past the room a few times before but he stopped this time and told us all (Lollies and Big Girls) that we did a wonderful job. I think he said something about the room, but then I said something about how some guy (possibly owner of the kool haus…???) had been worried that we would mess up the orderly stuff in his room (the stuff in the room was chaos, tonz of clutter, very little walking space lol) And then Mika said that he didn’t think the people were all that nice here either.


Then we all asked for pictures and he said okay so we stepped into the hallways and each got our pic taken (mine is on the front page of my myspace)


I then remembered that I had gifts for him (I made him an electric blue, black and white scarf and some colorful bracelets, I’ll try and be more original next time but the scarf is really soft and nice, and it took me like a week to make and a whole bunch of “the next iron chef” re-runs on food network lol) I was really shy, which surprised me because normally when I’m nervous you really can’t shut me up, but I guess you learn new things every day)


I think I said something like “Mika? I actually have some things for you, I made this scarf and these bracelets, there’s actually a lot of separate ones, they’re just braided together right now.” (what a dork, I know, but I suppose its in my nature:P) He took them and seemed to like them- it would be really exciting if he actually wore something!- then he gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek (very nice :D) and I think someone else said something to him and he left after that.



Anyways, he was extremely nice! I was about to leave then and I went out behind the stage and the rest of my family crew were there. I told them a bit of what happened and my sister wondered if she could still meet him but I told her that she wasn’t aloud backstage. It was at that moment that I saw Mika’s sister walk by the doorway so I told my sister that I would ask really quickly but I didn’t want to be in the way or bother anybody, but wasn’t sure of anything and she said okay.


So, being the good sister that I was I walked back in and asked her if she knew whether or not Mika was going to go out side and visit with the fans, she told me that she didn’t know but I might be able to ask somebody else so I went off looking for them but I turned around and Mika was in a doorway with his coat on. At first I became shy again (dammit!) and didn’t want to bother him but I thought of my sister and decided to just do it, this was the same notion that got me to send in my e-mail for the lollipop girl job, so I suppose it can’t be all bad.


So I wondered up to him and asked him if he was planning on making an appearance out side and he said only for a short time because he wasn’t feeling very well. I told him that my sister was right down the hallway and asked if he would meet her (I really hope that wasn’t pushy, although I feel like I’m acting paranoid about this right now because I’ve witnessed worse from fans, compared to them I must look like a shy little bunny er somthin haha)


He agreed and set off down the hall where I remained speechless( the ONE time I have to say what I have to say- which is a lot- I remain quiet! *bangs head on table* I guess it was only few seconds walk, but still.) We walked out stopped and I think I might of said “hey Lissa, look what i found.” She turned around and I guess she wasn’t expecting me to come out with Mika because her jaw dropped and she kind of stood still, hehe. She ran over and said thank you to him and then surprise! Turns out my mom- who was waiting with my sis- had brought some of her art in the form of bookmarks for him- I think they were kind of for his sister too. She’s good at drawing and stuff so she shrunk and picture and laminated it.


He asked her a few questions about how she made them and then said “okay who has the camera” meaning he would do a quick photo. That would have to be one of the sweetest things ever because he did look very tired.


I have so much respect for him now, I was only on for one song (although I sang along to the others :D) and I was exhausted!! It is hot on stage and i was in a short little dress, not a full animal costume! My voice was going and I’m sure that if I were to have sat down I would have fallen asleep on the ground. So I snapped a picture as quickly as I could and said thank you again and that I hope to watch a concert from the front sometimes (side stage isn’t really the best view, but really, who am I to complain? It still astounds me that just a few days ago I was actually ON the stage with him. Crazy daisy. So that’s is pretty much my story, if anybody has any questions my e-mail is on the Mika forums blah….blah…blah…I’d be happy to talk to anybody!! If I remember any more I’ll be sure to post it.


*Salutes the brave souls who actually read the whole thing.*


*Wonders what Mika would think if he read this….He is very sweet and very nice in person and an amazing singer on C.D. and ten times better than that in person- and when you hear his voice with out a mic in person, you just about fall over. Keep on singing it like it is Mika.*:thumb_yello::wink2::punk::wub2:

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Anything thats not in my review is probably in Vero's so if i skipped any details i'm in the middle of getting them right now! *thanks Vero!*


oh,and by the way, my snow dance yesterday, mentioned in another post of mine? YEA TOTALLY paid off....no school baby! Looooots of snow!

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Here we go, for those who are brave and for those who asked me for this…..!

i tried to split it up a bit so it's easier to read, so just BTDubs, its not normal paragrah spacing.



So, after not sleeping at all the night before I left my house at about 7:30 a.m. not bad considering the target time to leave was 7:00.


I live in Michigan so it’s about a 5 or 6 hour car ride—but well worth it! Anyways….fast forward…long car ride….border guards were kind of funny and asked us “what a Mika was” and then asked us (jokingly) to hum a few lines lol. Anyways, when we got to Toronto traffic was crazy compared to that in the small-ish town that I come from (our navigator GPS thing sounded very annoyed with us after it told us to “make a u-turn if possible” for the fourteenth time.)


So we parked at our hotel and got a subway sandwich then put our stuff in the room a little later. I got ready there and then we (my sister and my mom came) walked to the Kool Haus at about 4:45 and got there around 5:00. (Technically I didn’t have to be there until 6 but I wanted to be able to talk to people.)


I got let in at 6 and hung out in the little catering area for a bit then Vero came in and told us all about the night before and what everything was going to be like and we all chatted for a bit.


Then we went to our “dressing room” haha. It was pretty much a gogo dancer storage place for the Kool Haus haha (They- the Kool Haus people- didn’t actually want us in there, but oh well). So we hung out there a while with the Big Girl dancers who were super fun and nice and put on make-up until Mika’s sister got there with the costumes and stuff.


Andy stopped by for a bit and we all chatted some more, looking silly for the camera. But omigoodness, haha, the costumes were so much fun. The petticoat is so poofy! It took forever and a day and a whole bunch of bobby-pins for me to get my hair all tucked under the wig but eventually it did happen!! I thought it would fall off at first, but the headband keeps it on fairly well. So I was taught the quick little dance- in front of a very amused security guard haha.


After the band got warmed up and energized we went to the side stage and watched the show from there (still managing to jump around and sing along!), it was an okay view- but wow! It is insane backstage! Everybody is running all over the place and the timings are down to the second most of the time. We had the set list in back of us so we knew when we had to go anyways.


(So …WOAH 6:41 Jan 31. It JUST truly hit me that I met Mika….wow that was delayed! I met one of my two favorite music artists!! (the other being The Beatles, and it’s no longer possible to meet the entire band) Wow. My friends have all been making fun of me, asking if I passed out (they apparently have very little faith in me, I think I did a good job staying cool, i mean look at that pic, the epitome of cool and calm...sort of:P ) Okay, I’m going to try and carry on now, wow okay….)


So when it was time for us to go on, I was pretty much dragged to the entrance to the stage and then shoved on, which was funny because we just skipped on as if we had just wondered over there and weren’t pushed lol.


I think I figured out why I wasn’t nervous- theory; I was so excited to see and hear Mika that I couldn’t manage to do anything BUT smile and dance along, because that’s all I really wanted to do anyways and I was already doing that behind stage haha- what an awesome job! To do exactly what I want to do! If I could do it again (I hope that I do!) yea, I would do some things differently, but for my first time, I didn’t really mess up so I call that a success;)



So after we found our way back off stage we got changed and hung out for a while, waiting to see if Mika would say hi. It paid off. Mika had walked past the room a few times before but he stopped this time and told us all (Lollies and Big Girls) that we did a wonderful job. I think he said something about the room, but then I said something about how some guy (possibly owner of the kool haus…???) had been worried that we would mess up the orderly stuff in his room (the stuff in the room was chaos, tonz of clutter, very little walking space lol) And then Mika said that he didn’t think the people were all that nice here either.


Then we all asked for pictures and he said okay so we stepped into the hallways and each got our pic taken (mine is on the front page of my myspace)


I then remembered that I had gifts for him (I made him an electric blue, black and white scarf and some colorful bracelets, I’ll try and be more original next time but the scarf is really soft and nice, and it took me like a week to make and a whole bunch of “the next iron chef” re-runs on food network lol) I was really shy, which surprised me because normally when I’m nervous you really can’t shut me up, but I guess you learn new things every day)


I think I said something like “Mika? I actually have some things for you, I made this scarf and these bracelets, there’s actually a lot of separate ones, they’re just braided together right now.” (what a dork, I know, but I suppose its in my nature:P) He took them and seemed to like them- it would be really exciting if he actually wore something!- then he gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek (very nice :D) and I think someone else said something to him and he left after that.



Anyways, he was extremely nice! I was about to leave then and I went out behind the stage and the rest of my family crew were there. I told them a bit of what happened and my sister wondered if she could still meet him but I told her that she wasn’t aloud backstage. It was at that moment that I saw Mika’s sister walk by the doorway so I told my sister that I would ask really quickly but I didn’t want to be in the way or bother anybody, but wasn’t sure of anything and she said okay.


So, being the good sister that I was I walked back in and asked her if she knew whether or not Mika was going to go out side and visit with the fans, she told me that she didn’t know but I might be able to ask somebody else so I went off looking for them but I turned around and Mika was in a doorway with his coat on. At first I became shy again (dammit!) and didn’t want to bother him but I thought of my sister and decided to just do it, this was the same notion that got me to send in my e-mail for the lollipop girl job, so I suppose it can’t be all bad.


So I wondered up to him and asked him if he was planning on making an appearance out side and he said only for a short time because he wasn’t feeling very well. I told him that my sister was right down the hallway and asked if he would meet her (I really hope that wasn’t pushy, although I feel like I’m acting paranoid about this right now because I’ve witnessed worse fans, compared to them I must look like a shy little bunny er somthin haha)


He agreed and set off down the hall where I remained speechless( the ONE time I have to say what I have to say- which is a lot- I remain quiet! *bangs head on table* I guess it was only few seconds walk, but still.) We walked out stopped and I think I might of said “hey Lissa.” She turned around and I guess she wasn’t expecting me to come out with Mika because her jaw dropped and she kind of stood still, hehe. She ran over and said thank you to him and then surprise! Turns out my mom- who was waiting with my sis- had brought some of her art in the form of bookmarks for him- I think they were kind of for his sister too. She’s good at drawing and stuff so she shrunk and picture and laminated it.


He asked her a few questions about how she made them and then said “okay who has the camera” meaning he would do a quick photo. That would have to be one of the sweetest things ever because he did look very tired.


I have so much respect for him now, I was only on for one song (although I sang along to the others :D) and I was exhausted!! It is hot on stage and i was in a short little dress, not a full animal costume! My voice was going and I’m sure that if I were to have sat down I would have fallen asleep on the ground. So I snapped a picture as quickly as I could and said thank you again and that I hope to watch a concert from the front sometimes (side stage isn’t really the best view, but really, who am I to complain? It still astounds me that just a few days ago I was actually ON the stage with him. Crazy daisy. So that’s is pretty much my story, if anybody has any questions my e-mail is on the Mika forums blah….blah…blah…I’d be happy to talk to anybody!! If I remember any more I’ll be sure to post it.


*Salutes the brave souls who actually read the whole thing.*


*Wonders what Mika would think if he read this….He is very sweet and very nice in person and an amazing singer on C.D. and ten times better than that in person- and when you hear his voice with out a mic in person, you just about fall over. Keep on singing it like it is Mika.*:thumb_yello::punk::wub2:


Thank you!I've read your whole report !!!!It's wonderful !!:thumb_yello:

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Thanks for the video! Sorry about the wands. :blush-anim-cl: I hope it wasn't too irritating at the concert because I loved them. Wish I could take one everywhere with me. :naughty:




That is an entry for Bab's photo album if I've ever seen one. I'm going to post it in her thread! :thumb_yello:




:roftl: The looks on their faces are priceless. I've got a similar shot but this one is just brilliant.




I'm home now, but thanks for the offer. :thumb_yello:




Someone was asking me today if I was going through withdrawal but at this point I don't know if I even want to go to another gig until his next album and tour. That show was just so amazing, London or even NYC would be totally anti-climactic. It just couldn't get any better.




I'm really, really glad you came. And I'm so happy that things turned out as well as we'd hoped they would. Mika really brought it this time!




Where is Bab's photo album??

I love this pic, his jacket is awesome!!!

I got a few diiferent pics of him outside, and his face is so animated in each and every one!!! It's so cute! :wub2:

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YEEY another bear, we gave him one too in Newcastle, (its in my pic) he must be able to open his own shop by now lol.:naughty:


You gave him one?? hahah lol

I was so happy he liked the one I gave to him!

I hope he keeps it forever and ever!!

His own shop!! hahahah lmao :roftl:

I would love to see his collection of toys!

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