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REPORTS/PICS/VIDS for MIKA@ House of Blues in Chicago: 05-02-2008


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i'm loving all these reports guys! They are great!

Here's a few more of my pictures:



Amanda and Christina



And lastly: the corner we sat in for an hour or two:



I love your pictures! I love that you got one of our little corner. The first one is Mika signing my DVD but he signed the OUTSIDE and now it is getting smeared and rubbed off. And there he is with my sharpie that he kept.

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Huge thanks to all of you guys!I enjoyed so much reading your reports!

And your pictures are great too!

You are helping me to survive until one day I finally get chance to see his show.

I also loved watching pictures of some of you,at least that,when it's impossible to acctualy meet you.

Thank you!Mika has the best fans!:thumb_yello:

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Ahh. That is so cool Mika used the lollipop I made him at the concert in MN. :D

He told me he would to.


I pretty much have the same pics. But I'll post some anyway.







there you go!! thank you :punk:

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Ahh. That is so cool Mika used the lollipop I made him at the concert in MN. :D

He told me he would to.


I pretty much have the same pics. But I'll post some anyway.










Aww, such a cute picture of the two of you!

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We looked at some of the MN reports and it looks like they got to meet him. It was so sad that we didn't get to. We hope he comes back soon. We already want to see him again.:roftl: Did anybody get the last parts of SITM OR LP??? Just wondering.


It didn't even occur to us that we could of gave Christine or someone who were LP girls, our A Year In Cartoon Motion. They could of gaven it to Mika and he could of signed it. Too bad we didn't think of that.


Love Love:wub2:

Meyer Twins

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I'm sad that you did not get a chance to say hello to him. I am glad that your twin got to see the band. I only saw Martin in NYC but he was in a rush.

Are you going to any other gig??

why thank you :biggrin2: taylor (iheartmika)has all the pictures of luke, cherisse, and saraynade.. unfortunately i didn't get to take a picture with mikey and martin or get them to sign anything :/

i went to minneapolis!!! :woot_jump:

Oh, during Love Today.....no joke, everyone, we had the BEST seat in the house! When he was on top of the drumkit, we got to see him from the front and it was amaaaaaazzzzziiinnnnngggg! He had this look on his face that simply said "Yeah, I'm hot stuff, I know it." We were all hootin' and hollerin' at him! We all said that was the best part of the show. :D

that sounds brilliant! :wub2:


by the way i saw you on stage!!! i was in the center of the front row and i waved at you but then i noticed that you couldn't possible know it was me so i was a bit embarassed :blush-anim-cl:



Nope.. You were supposed to check them at the door... but I got mine in.. and I wasn't the only one b/c some other people had theirs too..


damn :thumbdown: i thought for sure that no one would be able to get them in. we were first in line and there was a curtain in front of the stairs and then some guy was warning us 'this is the last call for camera's!' and then some guy came out from behind the curtain with a metal-dector wand in each of his hands and he was really intimidating :naughty:

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Glad we got to meet you Melanie!!! Even if it was just to say hi.


Forgot to say in our other posts that Mika's outfits were FAB!!! We loved the purple jacket but he didn't have it on for very long. The gold one was delicious.


why didn't you talk to us?! :crybaby:

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Ok, I am not sure how long this will be lol.


here is an opening picture,



I went with Megan(norwalk174), her twin sister, and her mom. IT WAS AMAZING!!!

We left Iowa at 9:30ish pm and headed to Chicago. We got there at oh.. around 4am? We slept til 6:40am and then got ready for the concert. We were prepared to stay out in the cold ALL day long. We got to the venue at 9:40ish am and doors didn't open til 6pm. Luckily a guy who worked in the venue let us in! So we didn't have to stay out in the cold. We ended up being able to stay inside all day. The restaurant was open so we were able to get the "pass in line" thing so we got our food to go and had the pass in line thing. we were DEFINATELY getting into the venue first lol. while waiting in line we met some fantastic people!!! Kjoshi, Mili, Alex, Nikki, and Leona! You were all soo nice and fun! in line we made a MFC banner...


and we signed it, i signed mine like so...


and megan's mom made ribbons..


(Much thanks to Leona for bringing the supplies!!!)



*******, i didn't know you could only have 7 pictures.. i have 15!!! I am going to have to post a couple of posts.. i hope that's alright..***

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when we were waiting in line we saw Martin a few times, he is one speedy guy. haha. The only thing i got out of Martin was wave. I was happy with that :thumb_yello: . Luke, Cherisse, and Saranayde(sp check!) came to say hi to us!!!


me and saranayde (god i look HORRIBLE i'm sorry people..)


me and Cherisse (an even WORSE picture)


me, luke, and megan



We gave them all a ribbon, as you can see from the photos they each have one in their hand lol. Luke actually wore his during the concert!!! Saranayde said that they probably wouldn't let her wear her ribbon because of her costumes. oh well. when i talked to them i told them how we would be in front row and that if cherisse wanted to, she could give a shout out to taylor shaul from iowa!! hahaha


*******, i didn't know you could only have 7 pictures.. i have 15!!! I am going to have to post a couple of posts.. i hope that's alright..***

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on to the concert, eh?

Well no cameras were allowed, DAMN IT! :thumbdown:

BUT i did get a picture from someone else because it was me in it.. you will see that one later :naughty:


we got front row OF COURSE! anyway,

during the concert MIKA was AMAZING and guess what????

HE LOOKED AT ME SOOOO MUCH! not even over-reacting haha. He put the microphone to my mouth 3 times! eek! Cherisse handed out her drumsticks, i got one(well, i kinda stole it from megan, although she didn't reach out for it... so i guess it was ok lol) and guess what??????

the picture you have been waiting for......


















ME AND MIKA! (he pulled me up onstage!!!! THANK YOU GERMATA!!!!!!!!! This is the only proof i have of being up onstage! lol i am next to MIKA on the left :mf_lustslow: )


ok, so it's not the clearist*is that a word..* picture but that is me.



it was the BEST concert I have ever been to. wowzer.

if i forget something.. i'll post it lol

onto the minneapolis thread!! (see that thread for MORE MIKA DETAILS!!! :bleh: )


*******, i didn't know you could only have 7 pictures.. i have 15!!! I am going to have to post a couple of posts.. i hope that's alright..***

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OH! and something i forgot to mention..


getting up on stage...


there was someone who grabbed my freaking leg! they wouldn't let me up! so MIKA was holding my hand trying to pull me up for about a minute.. lol basically that means... I HELD HIS HAND FOR A MINUTE! hahaha

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