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Marking the end of an Era


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I think so but I have no idea if he has looked at them yet. All I know is that he will love it and he will be comforted by what he reads and sees!

:wub2: :wub2:


Hopefully....he brings so much joy and love to our hearts and it would mean the world to us if we could do the same to him..:wub2:

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By far, my best moments not only of the tour, but of the year (and i think that still rings true if i tag january onto the end of 2007...and possible 06, 05, 04...)I truly thank Mika for everything. He is an amazing man and is incredibly sweet and caring. He goes out of his way to make people happy and really does care about his fans. he's not a sell out and stays true to the music, and thats what really counts in the end. With the ability to do what few- or no- others can, he is a lovely Lebanese-American angel who deserves everything he's worked for.


I can think of MANY hilights, but these are a few top ones of mine:wink2:


Being a lollipop, of course. Words cannot describe how amazing that was and how happy I was. Still haven't recovered fully. Never will- but that's in a good way:wink2:




Officially meeting Mika and getting to chat with him- If i really need to go into detail on how extremely happy this made me, then let me know and i will write you a nice little book.:wub2:

of course my hair was a bit flattened by the wig and i was gross, sweaty, and very tired, somehow I was still as happy as can be!

i think that pics too big for my own good tho...oi lol.


Of course- the bracelets, i still wear mine, i can't seem to take them off. I've decided to add a month for as long as i can- i HOPE i can continue this until i see him again, gah- hurry up with the album then:wink2: !


String for bracelets- 5 dollars

LICM CD to listen to while making them- 10 dollars

Gas money to get to toronto- 50 dollars

Seeing my bracelets on his wrist at the next few shows, flipping out and becoming happier than I have been in a very long time- priceless.




Thank you to the other MFCers as well for making this ride along the tour AMAZING!!!!


oops, the links to the pic stopped working hmm.

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By far, my best moments not only of the tour, but of the year (and i think that still rings true if i tag january onto the end of 2007...and possible 06, 05, 04...)I truly thank Mika for everything. He is an amazing man and is incredibly sweet and caring. He goes out of his way to make people happy and really does care about his fans. he's not a sell out and stays true to the music, and thats what really counts in the end. With the ability to do what few- or no- others can, he is a lovely Lebanese-American angel who deserves everything he's worked for.


I can think of MANY hilights, but these are a few top ones of mine:wink2:


Being a lollipop, of course. Words cannot describe how amazing that was and how happy I was. Still haven't recovered fully. Never will- but that's in a good way:wink2:




Officially meeting Mika and getting to chat with him- If i really need to go into detail on how extremely happy this made me, then let me know and i will write you a nice little book.:wub2:

of course my hair was a bit flattened by the wig and i was gross, sweaty, and very tired, somehow I was still as happy as can be!

i think that pics too big for my own good tho...oi lol.



Of course- the bracelets, i still wear mine, i can't seem to take them off. I've decided to add a month for as long as i can- i HOPE i can continue this until i see him again, gah- hurry up with the album then:wink2: !


String for bracelets- 5 dollars

LICM CD to listen to while making them- 10 dollars

Gas money to get to toronto- 50 dollars

Seeing my bracelets on his wrist at the next few shows, flipping out and becoming happier than I have been in a very long time- priceless.




Thank you to the other MFCers as well for making this ride along the tour AMAZING!!!!


First of all...you are SOOOOO lucky!!! You got to be a lollipop girl!! I mean...DANCING RIGHT NEXT TO MIKA! How lucky could you get??


Second of all..you have really nice teeth!!!!


And third of all...you must be one of the happiest people on earth, seeing as Mika hasn't let go of these beautiful bracelets ever!!!! If I were you...I'd never cry or frown ever again!


Wow....you are incredibley lucky....truly...

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First of all...you are SOOOOO lucky!!! You got to be a lollipop girl!! I mean...DANCING RIGHT NEXT TO MIKA! How lucky could you get??


Second of all..you have really nice teeth!!!!


And third of all...you must be one of the happiest people on earth, seeing as Mika hasn't let go of these beautiful bracelets ever!!!! If I were you...I'd never cry or frown ever again!


Wow....you are incredibley lucky....truly...


1)Thank you, as i look back, i see that everything just fell into place, if certain things hadn't happened at specific times none of this would have happened so i thank fate as well!

2) lol, thanks! braces.....(the american kind....haha) they work wonders but they're a pain in the arse while you have 'em on!

3) It certainly does cheer me up when I'm down to go back, look at pics and remember everything!


This is probably one of -if not the- luckiest thing that has happened to me, and i really don't know what to say about that, but if i could think of something- it would be VERY VERY good!!!:wub2:

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I have absolutly loved being apart of the Life In Cartoon Motion Era...

watching Mika evolve and grow as an artist has been AMAZING. I got to see him live for the first time in February at the House of Blues Chicago.

Best night of my life!


And I can't wait for what's to come!!!! Mika will not dissapoint us!

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I want to hug everyone like this random guy is hugging this wombat:




LICM has easily been the best purchase of my life and I can only guess the future ahead is even brighter and better...


Funny how a $12 CD can be the best purchase of one's life...and how it can change one's life.


MFC has been so many things to me, and I've learned so much.


The same thing applies to Mika's music: it's a motivator, it's therapy, it's a mood enhancing drug, it's a soundtrack to life...sigh.


Cheers, Mika and MFC! Bring on whatever 2008 has in store!



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I want to hug everyone like this random guy is hugging this wombat:






Funny how a $12 CD can be the best purchase of one's life...and how it can change one's life.


MFC has been so many things to me, and I've learned so much.


The same thing applies to Mika's music: it's a motivator, it's therapy, it's a mood enhancing drug, it's a soundtrack to life...sigh.


Cheers, Mika and MFC! Bring on whatever 2008 has in store!




Mana...I am so glad I met you:) and yes MIKA is like a drug ( I'm a pharmacist so maybe I can invent MIKA in a pill! MIKAFLOXEMIN


(Micka flocks them in!) Take one tablet a day with food and while listening to LICM. Do not drive while on this medication as it might cause impairment when singing. Side effects including spontaneous episodes of glee, happiness, wearing bright colours and dancing uncontrollably. Will bring on euphoria and feelings of well being. Once on and if you are to go off, be extremely slow as withdrawal can occur very quickly.

:roftl: :roftl:

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I'm getting all depressed.... :sad::naughty:



This has been an AMAZING "era" and I can't wait to see what the next album has in store for us. I'm so happy I have found MFC because I love everyone on here, my second family! :huglove: (eyew, that ryhmes haha)





I love you guys!!!!!!!!!!!

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Mana...I am so glad I met you:) and yes MIKA is like a drug ( I'm a pharmacist so maybe I can invent MIKA in a pill! MIKAFLOXEMIN


(Micka flocks them in!) Take one tablet a day with food and while listening to LICM. Do not drive while on this medication as it might cause impairment when singing. Side effects including spontaneous episodes of glee, happiness, wearing bright colours and dancing uncontrollably. Will bring on euphoria and feelings of well being. Once on and if you are to go off, be extremely slow as withdrawal can occur very quickly.

:roftl: :roftl:


Right about now I need all the drugs I can get..............

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We're so glad that we are part of this era for LICM. We are so glad that we got to experience Mika live.:wub2: Although we still haven't gotten to meet him, we know for sure that we WILL go to another gig soon but of course after he is rested up and has a long vacation. Just so glad for the MFC because it's like a second family to us and we just love chating with all of you. Mika brung us all together and we are so happy for that.:blush-anim-cl: LICM has to be one our our greatest buys. Who knew that almost a year ago when we saw a commerical on the t.v. that we'd see him live on Feb. 5 2008. Mika is truly one of our favorite people and he treats his fans so sweetly and hopefully one day we'll meet eachother.


Love to you all!

The Meyer Twins

Megan and Haley

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Oooh, thanks Caz, this is a wonderful thread. I'm getting all teary-eyed :blush-anim-cl:

To think that Mika has gone, in less than a year, from being unknown and weird to selling out 12 000-seat stadiums is simply mind-blowing, and I'm so happy for him.


2007 was a really sh!tty year for me; I went through some really black spots. But it was also the year that Mika released his debut--and his music got me through it. Just the hope and excitement that he was a contemporary artist, and might one day do a concert near me, was enough to keep me going...and I'm sure I'm not the only one who he has helped pull through. He was the one to put the smile back on my face, and I am truly grateful--cause it feels great to smile!


So, here are some of my favourite Mika moments...


-Discovering his music, of course. I heard Grace Kelly, downloaded it, played it 30 times, and the next day I got LiCM. My dad got pretty fed up after hearing him for a week solid, but I didn't care. :naughty:


-Shrieking after hearing him on the radio for the first time.


-Finally starting to post and make friends on the MFC--I was way too shy to post for about 2 weeks, hehe.


-Getting over my fear of voicemail and leaving a message on Amy's (artsyfartsy17) phone during the gig at the Wiltern--and getting a call back! It was awesome talking to you guys :thumb_yello:


-Seeing the Big M in concert a few days later!! Dancing up on stage with him during Lollipop, getting an autograph and a hug (:wub2:) and hearing him call out 'Cool jeans!' to me. That night was the best of my life--I still haven't come down, and I don't know if I ever will. :cheerful_h4h: I was grinning like an idiot for four days straight...something only Mika could make me do...


-Chatting to Suzanne (elanorelle) and Rani (DaMango) at the gig.


-And, of course, chatting to all of you fabulous MFCers. I love you all :wub2:


It was a great kick-start to what is going to be a fabulous year, I can feel it.


Here's one of my favourite Vancouver pics:


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I think it is just the end of a tour, not an era.


You people in the US, Europe and the UK feel it more intensely than those of us sitting across the other side of the world, still WAITING for our version of the Dodgy Holiday tour.


I have enjoyed living MOST parts of it vicariously through all of you. I did have one or two special moments when you all had to live it through me, and for those I will be forever grateful to MIKA.:wub2:


But I have posted my favourite moments at the end of the summer tours, the end of 2007, the beginning of 2008....we always seem to like to post and repost our faves as if nobody has ever heard of them before...indeed some newbies probably haven't:naughty: so post away.


I really love that MIKA is so successful now and I love the funny, and emotional, family we have become on MFC. :wub2:

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I think it is just the end of a tour, not an era.


You people in the US, Europe and the UK feel it more intensely than those of us sitting across the other side of the world, still WAITING for our version of the Dodgy Holiday tour.


I have enjoyed living MOST parts of it vicariously through all of you. I did have one or two special moments when you all had to live it through me, and for those I will be forever grateful to MIKA.:wub2:


But I have posted my favourite moments at the end of the summer tours, the end of 2007, the beginning of 2008....we always seem to like to post and repost our faves as if nobody has ever heard of them before...indeed some newbies probably haven't:naughty: so post away.


I really love that MIKA is so successful now and I love the funny, and emotional, family we have become on MFC. :wub2:


HI Blue sky! I so dooo hope your tour soooooon! all I can say for myself is i am very grateful that I saw him in Seattle and Vancouver. Frankly, I can't afford to go to Europe or UK and its more reasonable for me to go to NZ or OZ because all my other rellies are there,,,and besides MFC is everywhere and now I feel content in my own country:) after all Vancouver was beautiful and extremely spiritual for me. I still have a tough time vocallizing how I feel. Remember how we all gave him the Christmas CD ? well there is something very special I put in the Valentine's box ( something musical)

wonder if he even noticed it....I had to do it.....How are you doing?:wub2: :wub2:

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That was very well said and you make such a good point, it made me understand a lot more about the situation you guys are in and why you're all sad cause it's the end of this "era".

For me, it's the end of staying up late and reading the amazing reports mika fans post and the end of watching those videos of live conerts on youtube.. it might all sound a bit annoying because all I've bean doing was hoping I was at "that concert".. but it's all bean SO much FUN!

Actually.. I did go to a Mika concert in octobre and I was big fan of his but I hadn't discovered MFC yet, thanks to MFC I have learned so many things about Mika that made me love him so much which is why going to that concert didn't mean so much to me.

But the second I heard Mika sing that high note in the beginning of Relax.. I knew it was going to change something.. And it did.. I started watching his youtube videos till dawn everyday! Then.. I discovered you guys:D

I might still be a little bit new hear since a lot of you guys don't really know me but the point I'm trying to make is I know how you guys feel about how this is ending and I feel it too. But thanks to this thread we can all feel better about it:wink2: Thanks CazGirl!:D

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Your thread Caz is exactly what the MFC needed right now! Let's be as positive as we can as we've had such a fantastic year and so many great things to remember!!!

My favourite memories of course are the ones from the Mika gigs i attended this week in London. I didn't get to meet him or get an autograph but seeing him perform all of his songs that i love so much live has made me feel extremely happy!

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Lets all just cross our fingers (and toes) and hope that the new album will be a BLAST and will be out soon..I can't bear a whole year or so without Mika.. :sad:

2007 truly has been an incredible year for him...and its all thanks to him that this superb website exists. I seriously dont know what I'd do without you all and Mika.

Love you all soooo much!!! We truly do make one big HAPPY family.:blush-anim-cl:

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I think it is just the end of a tour, not an era.


You people in the US, Europe and the UK feel it more intensely than those of us sitting across the other side of the world, still WAITING for our version of the Dodgy Holiday tour.


I have enjoyed living MOST parts of it vicariously through all of you. I did have one or two special moments when you all had to live it through me, and for those I will be forever grateful to MIKA.:wub2:


But I have posted my favourite moments at the end of the summer tours, the end of 2007, the beginning of 2008....we always seem to like to post and repost our faves as if nobody has ever heard of them before...indeed some newbies probably haven't:naughty: so post away.


I really love that MIKA is so successful now and I love the funny, and emotional, family we have become on MFC. :wub2:


That's right... still waiting...


*twiddles thumbs*

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Your thread Caz is exactly what the MFC needed right now! Let's be as positive as we can as we've had such a fantastic year and so many great things to remember!!!

My favourite memories of course are the ones from the Mika gigs i attended this week in London. I didn't get to meet him or get an autograph but seeing him perform all of his songs that i love so much live has made me feel extremely happy!


thanks! and you're exactly right! :biggrin2:

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Caz, this thread has brought me to tears. I know it's not the end, but all the wonderful things that have happened to me, it's just so much to be thankful for.

I first heard Mika a year and a day ago. And I bought LiCM exactly one year ago today (At this time too!!!!) I've listened to it for countless hours, and it's changed me. I'm not nearly as shy as I used to be and I'm not afraid to be myself at all. And for that I am very thankful.


I saw Mika for the first time front and center at the Metro in Chicago, and it was what I thought to be the last time I'd see him (My parents are sort of Anti-Mika :thumbdown: )


I was wrong. My friend entered me into the Lollipop girl competion, and I won, and found out I was going to be at the concert two days before! I had the time of my life February 5th, and it's thanks to the great people I got to spend it with: Amanda, Christina, and Emily. You guys were so nice, it was so great to meet you!! And it was amazing becuase I got to go on stage, meet Mika, and I got an all access pass.


This past year has been fantastic. Let's hope the next will be the same, if not better!

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This is a lovely thread!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

I just want to say I really love the MFC! Its nice to know that no one is alone in being an obsessive crazy fan, everyone here is the same!!! We're mad and I love it!

My favourite moments so far were going to my first gig on the 28th Feb, which was Mika's last one of the tour! SO it was very special!!

Being on stage with Mika!!!!!!

Him looking into my eyes on stage, while singing lollipop!!!:mf_lustslow:(more than a dream come true!):wub2:

I'm still on a high from that gig, and I'm so happy that my first Mika experience was absolutley out of this world!!!

I hope I will get to go again and meet all the Mfcers again! It was magic, I'll never forget it!


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