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The Oldlings Thread, PART 14 (Version 2.0)


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and now I am going to take my aching womb to bed - I think maybe my coil is dislodged - will take to the drs later in the week and she can have a rummage - miners hat on etc.. that'll teach her for taking the piss and suggesting i may be with child!!

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Oh very funy Suzy



No please let me make it perfectly clear to alland sundry - hubby and I - especialyy me - are quite happy with 2 kids - 1 of each - sorted - do not want any more - so may hit the HRT - does it mix ok with Prozac???


I really have 3 kids








1 of each :roftl::roftl::roftl::roftl::roftl:

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Yep, they left just in time for me to get an upper respitory infection. :biggrin2: Good News, I'm on steriods and I'm bouncing off the walls. I feel like my old self at the moment. Just took some drugs to do the trick. :biggrin2:


..............AND your wallet hey weealx??:naughty:


Hi Char, how are the headaches, all gone I hope?

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hello, Charlotte!

the MFC is still going slowly for me.

have you checked out air cleaners for your home?

your symptoms/illnesses make me suspect the air,

I hate to hear of you sick so often!

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Blimey, didn't know we were back on! Can't keep up with this.

I spent the last hour on myspace talking about chocolate and salt & vinegar crisps with Sariflor and Bexxy. LOL! Yes my randomness has no boundaries.HA HA!

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I never come on this thread even though I am ancient :naughty: but I just wanted to run in and say BOO!! before I get my silly carcass into bed at its after 2 am again and not even a hint of Mika in the news or anything so what's my excuse :blink: no idea I am just dumb.

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My father was born and raised in Leeuwarden Fr. He emigrated to Canada when he was around 20 years old because the family business could only sustain the 2 oldest boys of the family and their own families. Dad and two other brothers came to Canada to "seek their fortune". The way the story goes, he had $20 and could not speak any English. All three did well here in Canada.

So, I am half Dutch! My mother's parents emigrated from Yugoslavia, so on my mom's side i am a second generation Canadian but on my father's, i am first generation!

One thing I wish is that he would have taught us to speak Dutch when we were young!


Hi Mamacatt, sorry for my late reaction. Thanks for telling your story. I think it's cool that I meet a lot of MFC'ers around the world (e.g. Australia, Newzealand, Canada, US) who are originally, of half dutch. Shows to tell that the dutch are everywhere:roftl:

If you like to learn a few dutch words I, and ofcourse the other dutchies, will be at your service!

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