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Introducing Mr. David Whitmey, Mika's new keyboard player


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Agreed. :thumb_yello: I miss Luke and for some reason my mind still thinks Luke is with the band, but I certainly won't bash the new guy and I'll never forget Luke either! :)




Oh... well darn Jess. You totally just scared him off. :naughty: Now what are we going to do? :wink2:



Anyway, welcome to the band!

*agrees with first part*


*is offended by second*


You have to watch that one, David. That PhotoJenic chick, she's a little looney.:insane: She doesn't know what she's saying half the time.




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*agrees with first part*


*is offended by second*


You have to watch that one, David. That PhotoJenic chick, she's a little looney.:insane: She doesn't know what she's saying half the time.





*thinks you're smart agreeing with the first part*


*second part :fisch:*


Annnnnd.... it takes one to know one! :):naughty:

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Do we know it is definitely him? I know that on Thursday night, we weren't quite 100% sure??


Anyway, if it is David, I wish him all the best. He has some big shoes to fill, but I will form my own opinions after Tuesday!

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*Hopes this doesn't become a bashing thread....especially since HE isn't the one that let go of Luke.....*


Well, by hanging around last night for so long we got to have some interesting chats with some crew members (who will remain name and faceless for obvious reasons), and I heard some whispers...ie, this new guy IS definitely Mikey's business partner and friend, and yes, he knew Luke personally as such...It turns out that he even had Luke to thank for giving him some work in the past:shocked:


I love the way in which some people express their gratefulness and loyalty:thumb_yello:- Way to go to get ahead, just step on someone's head!! :naughty:


So yes, it's not a matter of bashing/not bashing, merely stating the circumstances under which he has come into the band.



if he play good the keyboard... good!.. is the important!


In my humble opinion, his version of the keyboard in Relax does not have the same strength as it used to be.

Oh, and the new info we heard yesterday was that he's also not as good technically as Luke was.

Just stating what has been said to me! Don't shoot the messenger.


Welcome to the Mika family David ! He seems like a decent guy... rather cute I'd say.


Not wanting to create arguments, I don't see how you could make the statement that he seems decent, or not decent, based on what you'vve seen of him?





And some of us still feel a bit bruised and scratched with the way they picked you up, but time heals....mostly.:wink2:


Not so sure about that BS...I for one remember, I'm like an elephant.


For some people it may take a little time to warm up to someone new in the band- but they will come around eventually:wink2:


Again, it's not a matter of taking time to warm to someone, it's about HOW things are done.

Is nobody listening? Everyone can have their own opinions on it, and decide to love him cause they find him cute/good player/agree with Mika's decisions for anything/whatever else, but please don't patronise others saying that they will come around when they may well have some sound reasons to not feel positive towards the guy.

As I said, I'm not saying this to create arguments, or to contradict you, or to upset you, but I'd like to set the record straight.

We heard a lot of things from people who are in there last night, and they are not pretty. That's all.

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Again, it's not a matter of taking time to warm to someone, it's about HOW things are done.

Is nobody listening? Everyone can have their own opinions on it, and decide to love him cause they find him cute/good player/agree with Mika's decisions for anything/whatever else, but please don't patronise others saying that they will come around when they may well have some sound reasons to not feel positive towards the guy.

As I said, I'm not saying this to create arguments, or to contradict you, or to upset you, but I'd like to set the record straight.

We heard a lot of things from people who are in there last night, and they are not pretty. That's all.

That is true- everyone has their own opinions, you are right.

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Don't know the guy. Not gonna fall in love with him because of his "looks". Haven't heard him play.


All I know - and it may seem wrong - is that I'm a bit wary of him (especially of Mr. Choi) because of how he got there. If Luke left of his own accord and this guy auditioned and got the part to fill Luke's hole, then great! But cos Luke got fired (Late in the game, as well) and was so quickly placed by this guy, I PERSONALLY FEEL/GET THE FEELING (Though could be VERY wrong) that "they/he" was thinking of getting this guy involved way before Luke got kicked out.


Hell, it may not be this guy's fault. David might not have even known the Luke situation. He could be oblivious/ignorant to it all. Hell, maybe he put the idea forward? who knows? NO-ONE!


But this whole situation - to me - feels like a cheat. On who's part? Choi's, mainly I guess, but this guy? No idea.


I'll give him a chance, and admittedly he's got some big shoes to fill (and I don't mean Mr. Louboutin's massive shoes, however the hell you spell his name!).


I do feel kinda mean. I mean, maybe this guy has no malicious thoughts in him at all. I just still feel stung over the whole Luke saga and will NEVER forgive Mr. Choi for what he did.


all the same, good luck and all the best David. Show us what you got.

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Well firstly welcome :thumb_yello:


I wont say much until Ive seen him at Madrid


My initial reaction is that I miss Luke,he seemed to give some balance , I cant explain it


I know what you mean

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Don't know the guy. Not gonna fall in love with him because of his "looks". Haven't heard him play.


All I know - and it may seem wrong - is that I'm a bit wary of him (especially of Mr. Choi) because of how he got there. If Luke left of his own accord and this guy auditioned and got the part to fill Luke's hole, then great! But cos Luke got fired (Late in the game, as well) and was so quickly placed by this guy, I PERSONALLY FEEL/GET THE FEELING (Though could be VERY wrong) that "they/he" was thinking of getting this guy involved way before Luke got kicked out.


Hell, it may not be this guy's fault. David might not have even known the Luke situation. He could be oblivious/ignorant to it all. Hell, maybe he put the idea forward? who knows? NO-ONE!


But this whole situation - to me - feels like a cheat. On who's part? Choi's, mainly I guess, but this guy? No idea.


I'll give him a chance, and admittedly he's got some big shoes to fill (and I don't mean Mr. Louboutin's massive shoes, however the hell you spell his name!).


I do feel kinda mean. I mean, maybe this guy has no malicious thoughts in him at all. I just still feel stung over the whole Luke saga and will NEVER forgive Mr. Choi for what he did.


all the same, good luck and all the best David. Show us what you got.


I'll just sign my name under the post Caz just made, that's pretty much how I feel as well....


You can add my name to the list as well :thumb_yello:. Oh, except for the bit where you say best of luck and all that.

I'm sorry but I can't say what I don't feel, and I don't feel that he deserves to be there under those circumstances, so I can't fake the "welcome" if you know what I mean.



Well firstly welcome :thumb_yello:


I wont say much until Ive seen him at Madrid


My initial reaction is that I miss Luke,he seemed to give some balance , I cant explain it


I could explain it, but I won't do it here :naughty:

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Well firstly welcome :thumb_yello:


I wont say much until Ive seen him at Madrid


My initial reaction is that I miss Luke,he seemed to give some balance , I cant explain it

My thoughts exactly. Luke was probably the most different from everybody in the band, but that was refreshing. And of course I miss him also.

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Wait, I'm confused. Did Mika choose Mr Whitmey? Or Mikey Choi introduced him or something? I mean, of course Mika had something to do with the decision but...Mikey did as well?


And is there any audio/video where I can hear this Mr David Whitmey play with Mika's band? I want to hear this guy play now...perhaps I made assumptions too early on what this guy is like...

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Don't know the guy. Not gonna fall in love with him because of his "looks". Haven't heard him play.


All I know - and it may seem wrong - is that I'm a bit wary of him (especially of Mr. Choi) because of how he got there. If Luke left of his own accord and this guy auditioned and got the part to fill Luke's hole, then great! But cos Luke got fired (Late in the game, as well) and was so quickly placed by this guy, I PERSONALLY FEEL/GET THE FEELING (Though could be VERY wrong) that "they/he" was thinking of getting this guy involved way before Luke got kicked out.


Hell, it may not be this guy's fault. David might not have even known the Luke situation. He could be oblivious/ignorant to it all. Hell, maybe he put the idea forward? who knows? NO-ONE!


But this whole situation - to me - feels like a cheat. On who's part? Choi's, mainly I guess, but this guy? No idea.


I'll give him a chance, and admittedly he's got some big shoes to fill (and I don't mean Mr. Louboutin's massive shoes, however the hell you spell his name!).


I do feel kinda mean. I mean, maybe this guy has no malicious thoughts in him at all. I just still feel stung over the whole Luke saga and will NEVER forgive Mr. Choi for what he did.


all the same, good luck and all the best David. Show us what you got.

I don't feel mean at all actually. In my oppinion, this guy really isn't my favorite keyboardist (and we all know who is....) People can say that I just feel this way because of my love of Luke, but honestly I find this a joke. Did Mika even explain the situation? Really, this guy may be 'cute' to some (deffie not to me.) but I think he can be 'cute' on his own time. When you are in a band as a keyoardist you have to be great. And from what I have heard he wasn't great. So people can feel as mean as they want, but this guy needs to step it up.

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My thoughts exactly. Luke was probably the most different from everybody in the band, but that was refreshing. And of course I miss him also.


Does it sound bad if I say that he was the most "normal" out of all of them? I'm not dissing anyone, but I mean it as in down to earth, uncomplicated, chilled, nice and natural.


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Does it sound bad if I say that he was the most "normal" out of all of them? I'm not dissing anyone, but I mean it as in down to earth, uncomplicated, chilled, nice and natural.

No he was. And I dont feel bad saying that the rest of them are mad, because I am even weirder and crazier than Meeks.


Wait, I am not so crazy as to fire a good keyboardist.

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Wait, I'm confused. Did Mika choose Mr Whitmey? Or Mikey Choi introduced him or something? I mean, of course Mika had something to do with the decision but...Mikey did as well?


And is there any audio/video where I can hear this Mr David Whitmey play with Mika's band? I want to hear this guy play now...perhaps I made assumptions too early on what this guy is like...


We don't know the detail, but we know a few things that mean that we can have a good idea of how it *may* have happened.


-Mikey Choi is/was (not sure what the situation is now) the musical director.


-Mikey has a business partner and friend, who happens to know the rest of the band and Mika for a while now, who is David W.


I also found out last night that David had also had some dealings with Luke in the past, and sometimes if Luke got some work that he couldn't do, he would have given it to David (the way musicians often refer eachother to help out and so).


-Luke was let go with little notice and explanation.


-David came in to fill his position.


As you can see, it doesn't paint such a pretty picture, that's all, and that is why I am feeling a bit of a negative vibe towards him. But that is me personally, the way I see things and the way I expect people to conduct themselves. I believe in honour and loyalty, and I feel those values very strongly, hence why I am upset about this Luke thing.


I hope that this explains it better:thumb_yello:.


As for footage of blondie, I have seen some videos of him, not sure of links now but i am sure they are in the reviews thread.



I don't feel mean at all actually. In my oppinion, this guy really isn't my favorite keyboardist (and we all know who is....) People can say that I just feel this way because of my love of Luke, but honestly I find this a joke. Did Mika even explain the situation? Really, this guy may be 'cute' to some (deffie not to me.) but I think he can be 'cute' on his own time. When you are in a band as a keyoardist you have to be great. And from what I have heard he wasn't great. So people can feel as mean as they want, but this guy needs to step it up.


I don't feel mean either, at all. I don't think that I am being mean, if anything, I know of a couple others who should be feeling that.


As for his skills on stage (and this is from a totally objective / void of passion point of view) I really don't rate him too much.


His kb skills seem to lack the drive, heart and passion that Luke had. When he plays, it sounds very...mild, soft, like it lacks the vibe.


Also as a backing singer, to me he looks like a boyband member who's trying too hard to look pretty and like he's "playing the part" by posing the right way, holding the mike like this, tilting his head like that, and his singing is either out of tune, or too strong, or something else, but I don't think it sounds good.


Of course all of the above is *my opinion* and I am not trying to force anyone into sharing it. Each to their own!

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We don't know the detail, but we know a few things that mean that we can have a good idea of how it *may* have happened.


-Mikey Choi is/was (not sure what the situation is now) the musical director.


-Mikey has a business partner and friend, who happens to know the rest of the band and Mika for a while now, who is David W.


I also found out last night that David had also had some dealings with Luke in the past, and sometimes if Luke got some work that he couldn't do, he would have given it to David (the way musicians often refer eachother to help out and so).


-Luke was let go with little notice and explanation.


-David came in to fill his position.


As you can see, it doesn't paint such a pretty picture, that's all, and that is why I am feeling a bit of a negative vibe towards him. But that is me personally, the way I see things and the way I expect people to conduct themselves. I believe in honour and loyalty, and I feel those values very strongly, hence why I am upset about this Luke thing.


I hope that this explains it better:thumb_yello:.


As for footage of blondie, I have seen some videos of him, not sure of links now but i am sure they are in the reviews thread.

*reads everything*


I see. Yeah, Luke let go...David fills spot...I see where you are coming from. It explains it a bit better yeah.


Hmmm...I should check out some of those videos to see what this guy is like.

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*reads everything*


I see. Yeah, Luke let go...David fills spot...I see where you are coming from. It explains it a bit better yeah.


Hmmm...I should check out some of those videos to see what this guy is like.



He's blondie :mf_rosetinted:

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