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Now I'm disagreeing with you Patricia- you thought he posted too exclusively?- who else would you contact? He's not a third party, he's the originating party. How often have I read "if you don't like what I said, why didn't you take it up privately?" You did, that's all.


Part of the problem seems to be that people can't trust Mikasounds (the blog/ website) for news. If Patricia had known there would only have been a four hour gap, and that there would be a prompt email out, (which there hasn't been- to me anyway) would she have complained to Perez? I like MFC, but not everyone likes chatting online, and it doesn't really function as a news update service for people who don't like reading pages of discussion/ random chat. That, I would say, is Mikasounds' function.

yes you have a point now i guess you can better say what i mean. but still i wish i could take it back because it obviously didn't came out the way i meanted
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Ohh another common human trait! Greed! I am greedy as well! :naughty:


jealous + greedy + honest! that's not a winner combination on forums:lol3:...you're just making it harder for people to love you:roftl:


*loves you more*

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yes you have a point now i guess you can better say what i mean. but still i wish i could take it back because it obviously didn't came out the way i meanted


Ha- I don't think there's anyone one here (who posts anything interesting) that hasn't wanted to take something back because it hasn't come out right.

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so do you understand what I try to say??

Yep :thumb_yello:

What? Why hide behind me?



Oh, any chance I can get some Melb info for the petition book? Or should I just write the whole bloody thing myself :naughty:

Cos you're tough.

Fine I'll do something. :naughty:

Aw love you too, but you know that. Feel free to put me in my place any time, as well. I know I have been lucky.


Ohh another common human trait! Greed! I am greedy as well! :naughty:

Hahah! Very Lucky. But, I'm looking forward to stalking you for videos :naughty:

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Ha- I don't think there's anyone one here (who posts anything interesting) that hasn't wanted to take something back because it hasn't come out right.


Your welcome! Yes it really is very quiet there at the mo and probably boring but mostly we have fun there when there are more active members. Maybe all of this will finally bring peace! I really hope so.

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*hands Kelz a pitchfork and torch*






:roftl: *passes Teegs the pepper spray and rope*


*starts to run*

*throws pitchfork like a javelin through the air and over the ocean* :naughty:


Ok we on mikasounds are welcome here and of course everyone here is welcome there. Here is the link http://bb01.sov.uk.vvhp.net/mikasounds/phpBB2/index.php

Lets all enjoy mika :thumb_yello:


You know, it's a pity the url is so crazy.

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I always suspected that. :fisch:


I suppose sacrificing chickens would be out of the question?


leave the chickens alone!!!


yes i see i've done it wrong although i only meant to do a good thing i'm going to stop replying now i think i've said enough now. this thing was only to ask him if he could treat us the same and he could have chosen to say yes , no or ignore me. than that would have been the end of this , nothing more.

ok he choose to do this , made me feel extreemly bad ofcourse and now i'm the one who feels attacked.

and again perez i hope you will reply to my email and and accept my apology


the thing i meant with that was not that people are like that in general , but i mean that some people are like that. i'll never forget about what some people wrote after getting no for an answer for taking a pic with mika. and thats just one example


*drops mod status for 2 min.*


the thing that bugs me the most about what you did is how freely you were ready to discuss how it works in the "mika world". (whatever that means) and to perez at that! behind our backs. there is not 100 ways to interpret your email to perez. he read it the same way as we all did, except we knew what forums you were talking about. the people without a voice can find one if they want. that people sent you bad emails is not right either. but what you did is extremely hurtful.

perez may be mika's friend and a member of this forum, but that doesn't mean he is there for us to use for our own benefits. *still shaking my head*

this is my first and last post to you about this.


*mod status back on*


*drops mods attributes for the 3 coming minutes*

*is now normal user*

*is not Mika, doesnt have to be nice* :naughty:




There are a few issues I'd like to clear here. I perfectly understand that the people on Mikasounds feel neglected, I understand what your we trying to say in this email of yours, but there are ways to say things. Complaining to Perez (who isn't Meeks, nor Meek's manager) and bashing the MFC behind our back was imo pushing it big time.


As far as I know, Mika hasn't promoted the MFC, has he? Do we see a nice flashing banner on his blog saying "joing mikafanclub.com"? I think not. Every member here has worked hard to make the MFC what it is now, posting news, posting pics, writing reports, welcoming newbies etc. So yeah, we worked hard to get Mika's recognition, and to have people like Perez telling us about these secret gigs and stuff. So when you start saying they're advantaging us over Mikasounds, I disagree, they're just using the easiest way they have to talk to M's hardcore fans, and wether you like it or not, it's the MFC, because we made it so.


Besides, accusing us of being intolerant while sending such a nasty email is a bit hypocritical... And it certainly won't ease the relationships between MFC and MS.


/rant over.



thank you!



somehow i think mika knew perez was posting about it. i bet it was a little game they were playing. :naughty:

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Oh yes sorry about the url but its the only way i can get to the forum at the mo

Oh, Don't apologise! I just meant that if it was easier to remember it would be easier to find.

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Yes thats very true! Hopefully when the new site is complete there can be a link for both forums! I have talked to mikas management in the past and the assured me that both forums would be very happy with the end result:wink2:

I wonder what they mean! The suspense has been killing me ever since!

I really think we all have a lot to look foward to when the new album comes out perhaps we will have a lot to enjoy on the new site.

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It's impossibel for Mika to be in more than one place at once, and wherever he holds his gig, not everyone will be able to go.

But no one needs to be upset about it, because he WILL do a tour, and he WILL go to a lot of places, so more of us can see him again.

I remember reading, I think on one of his blogs ages ago, where he said that he would test out his new songs in a secret gig. I understand why he wants to do that. He wants to see how they will sound live, and see how people react to them. I think it's great that the MFC have been told about the gig, of course he could have posted it on mikasounds, but maybe he expects that people from mikasounds are also on the MFC.

But anyway, I hate to think that Mika's comeback is being tainted by some bad feelings from certain quarters, and I echo what some have already said on this thread. Perez has been brilliant! He's kept us informed, he has promoted Mika and stayed loyal to him! I absolutely love Perez!


So don't be upset Perez! You are a star!


Edit: I've just seen the new blog thingy on MS, so they are being informed. I think mikasounds and MFC should, maybe, be more joined together than they are, after all, we're all in it for Mika. But maybe this is why he's got Twitter now, so that Twitter can be a kind of bridge between the two sites.

Edited by Marilyn Mastin
Added some information
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Part of the problem seems to be that people can't trust Mikasounds (the blog/ website) for news. If Patricia had known there would only have been a four hour gap, and that there would be a prompt email out, (which there hasn't been- to me anyway) would she have complained to Perez? I like MFC, but not everyone likes chatting online, and it doesn't really function as a news update service for people who don't like reading pages of discussion/ random chat. That, I would say, is Mikasounds' function.


The information that Perez posted was for the benefit of MFC, not the readers of Mikasounds. Mika and Perez hinted around on Twitter days ago that there would be a gig before he left LA. What Perez said about specific days has not been reposted on Mikasounds.


I guess we sometimes feel that because we are such a small group we feel that we have been lost and forgotton. Seeing as Mika is so kind to his fans we all really do get spoiled by him with regular blogs and all sorts! we all as fans wish that we could also hear things too and recieve notifications now and then.


so do you understand what I try to say??


Hi Lynn, I think I do understand what you are trying to say and I sympathize with your situation. I know a lot of MFCers would feel the same if the situations were reversed.


There has been a lack of understanding by many members of the social groups of Mika fans (MFC included) about how recognition and the distribution of perks, etc. works.


Every other artist distributes such perks through their fan club. It has nothing to do with where you choose to socialize with one another. I talk to Mika fans on MFC, on MSN, on Twitter and in real life. None of this interaction with other Mika fans entitles me to the perks that Mika distributes, exclusive information, etc.


The fan club is the fan club. Social forums are social forums. You want perks you join the fan club.


Unless Mika plans to do something completely unorthodox and just give out perks to random social groups instead of his own fan club, then everyone is just going to have to come to terms with that. Complaining to Perez is not going to change anything.


It would be nice if Mika communicated this directly and clearly to people but honestly I would expect at this point it is just common sense. The writing has been on the wall for a year.

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Thank you for your understanding. I have never contacted perez but its true mika should really say something about all this confusion. For a long time now there has been questions about Mikasounds forum. It has been there and is the original forum but we never hear anything about its future?

If notifications or competitions are posted here of course that is fine and its great! We too can come here and participate in everything. I guess the main problem with Mikasounds forum is lack of recognition or information. At present there is a lot of spam being posted there and no mod. It really is an issue that Mika needs to address. In saying that he is indeed very busy at the moment with a lot more important issues!

Sorry for blabbing on im gone quite crazy with it all!:blush-anim-cl:

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First of all I'd like to say I admire Perez's honesty. I appreciate the fact he came on here first to tell us about it. We MFCers may have strange reactions but usually it's all in good fun.


Now I want to get to the point as I am rather shocked by the fact that this all occured. It shouldn't have. I understand the MS forum feels a bit pushed aside by the MFC, but there is no need to blackmail the MFC just because of this. No we're not the only fans of Mika and there are less vocal fans as well. But the MS forum doesn't have silent fans. So I think you're talking about the wrong group here as you post your love for Mika as much as we do. BUT this is not about us being the only fans, this is about the fact that we've heard it first as I am sure most of the MS forum members wouldn't be able to go themselves anyway. It's pure jealousy and I'm actually kind of hurt. We're being pointed at as the big bad wolf that's swallowing the little animals which is completely unfair. I'm not saying the MS forum is a bad place, but there is a reason why MFC is bigger. We're more updated etc. etc. I joined the MS forum 2 years ago and it was as dead as a stone and I joined the MFC and I never went away. The people here are lovely, we're one close community, we're always updated and supportive of Mika no matter what. Yes we can be critical and yes we're not always: OH MIKA WE LUVVLES UUUU when we disagree with him on something. But I only think that's healthy. We support him no matter what, all the members here and I can't express how it disgusts me that this happened. And you could say we have no right to speak because we're the lucky ones in this case, but seriously this jealousy must STOP.

We don't think we are everything and if one or two people have said some things that are not favourable maybe, it doesn't mean we're all like that. I'm directing this at Patricia now. WHEN did you EVER feel that we from the MFC felt better than you? Everytime we met at gigs it was going perfectly well and not ONE of us felt we had more right to meet Mika than any of you. The finger was sometimes pointed at us accussingly, but it was NEVER the case. We always got along well, when you posted here on this forum we accepted you as we accept EVERYONE. This backstabbing disappoints me deeply.

We're all Mika fans. Just the fact that Perez posted this on here first should not be the reason for a huge war against the forums. It's not worth it. The whole "We're official!" "No, WE'RE official!" thing has gone too far. I just don't understand. When Mika will post new tourdates and release dates everyone will find out the same time. What's the big deal? He doesn't love us more than he loves all his other fans. We get that. But as Mika would sing: Point the finger and place the blame, it's not necessary. We shouldn't find and just enjoy the music and our favourite artist: Mika.

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The information that Perez posted was for the benefit of MFC, not the readers of Mikasounds. Mika and Perez hinted around on Twitter days ago that there would be a gig before he left LA. What Perez said about specific days has not been reposted on Mikasounds.


Hi Lynn, I think I do understand what you are trying to say and I sympathize with your situation. I know a lot of MFCers would feel the same if the situations were reversed.


The fan club is the fan club. Social forums are social forums. You want perks you join the fan club.


Unless Mika plans to do something completely unorthodox and just give out perks to random social groups instead of his own fan club, then everyone is just going to have to come to terms with that. Complaining to Perez is not going to change anything.


It would be nice if Mika communicated this directly and clearly to people but honestly I would expect at this point it is just common sense. The writing has been on the wall for a year.


I'm not sure it's anything like as clear as you suggest. I'm on here a lot, and I'm not daft, yet I'm confused about our status. I don't see how anyone not on here can see any "writing on the wall". Or why they'd come on here, if they don't like internet chit chat.

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Also (more blabbing) the fact is that Mikasounds forum isnt a random social club. Mika himself created it so I think he just has to inform his fans there what will be happening with it. Will it still exist????????? Who bloody knows!


Did Mika create it, or the record company? I am pretty sure the domain belongs to Universal?

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I'm not sure it's anything like as clear as you suggest. I'm on here a lot, and I'm not daft, yet I'm confused about our status. I don't see how anyone not on here can see any "writing on the wall". Or why they'd come on here, if they don't like internet chit chat.


Ok you may not have seen the original thread, but Fred and the mods keep reiterating that we are the official fan club forum. No one seems to want to take their word for it and I don't understand why not.

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Lol. Does that mean I'm a bully? Wouldn't be the first time someone says that :naughty:

No, seriously, I had to say what I thought, I ain't trying to make it worse, I ain't trying to lecture anyone. As I said I understand where P4u came from, but I just didn't like her ways. Now, it's all behind us I guess. Next time sthg like this happens, I'd suggest more cooperation between the 2 forums and an email to us BEFORE involving any third parties.


No comment. Things are tense enough on this thread as it is !





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Also (more blabbing) the fact is that Mikasounds forum isnt a random social club. Mika himself created it so I think he just has to inform his fans there what will be happening with it. Will it still exist????????? Who bloody knows!


I doubt he created it. I'm not saying this situation is exactly the same,but Katy Perry's official site also had a forum and she herself never read it or did anything to keep it alive and prefered the unofficial forum. I'm NOT saying it's the same with Mika.


Another thing why I think MFC hears those things sooner is because the MFC is huge and MS rather small. The advantage of a huge fanclub is that more fans can be reached, even though they barely post or anything, while there is only a selective club on MS forum. I'm not saying being a small forum is a bad thing, but the situation is kind of understandable then don't you agree?:wink2:

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Oh I just dont know anymore Im just sick of the whole lot. Im not jealous of anyone here on mfc. Im just glad to be a mika fan and to know him and have met him and have his music. I dont really understand why people cant just be happy!

I have a lot going on in my life these days as most people do but I always can say that being part of a mika forum makes me happy. With things like this going on I dont know if I can say that anymore. Its so unfair and sad that this goes on.


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I'm sure we can do that :)




jealousy is uber natural, and healthy to some extent. But imo there are 2 sorts of jealousy


1) you are jealous and blame yourself or fate for not being at the right place at the right time, but still feel happy for the lucky ones.

2) you are jealous and blame the whole world for not being lucky and you start being nasty with everyone, in particular those who were luckier than you.


As long as you remain in the 1st category, I guess it's pretty healthy :naughty:




Look I think Perez was pretty upset last night, and he probably didn't realize he was posting the full email. It can happen when you're a bit irritated. He's also a busy man and must get more emails a day than I'll get in a lifetime, so I think we can't blame him for not answering if he did it once, he probably's said all he had to say at this stage. If not, give him some credit, he'll be back :mf_rosetinted::wink2:




Aren't you here more describing envy rather than jealousy which is wanting to keep for yourself what -or whom- you have while envy is wanting what your neighbours have ?

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