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I've been offline a lot this weekend, celebrating Easter with my family, so I'm a little behind in my MFC reading... but from what I've read, I can only say :shocked::boxed::sneaky2:


Look to cut it short... IF we get perks, and if the admin/mod team is in charge of distributing these perks (two IFs already, which is a lot in Mikaland), be sure we'll come up with very objective criteria to justify ANY decision we could make. We've always tried to be transparent on our decision-making, even for very simple competitions like the banner one, and I don't think anyone was unpleased with the way it went.

Of course, that doesnt mean everyone will be pleased cause whatever the system, whatever the criteria, there will always be people who feel like they deserved better. But there will be absolutely no favouritism, and I feel quite hurt you can even suggest we're like that...


I don't think there's anything else I could add to what Niki's said here. :thumb_yello:


We mods/admins are NOT perfect, but we TRY really hard to

be fair and objective and act in the best interest of the MFC as a whole.

We are Mika fans first, after all, and we want this place to be fun

for every fan, not just a select group of fans, and I think the ultimate

goal is to share our experiences as they relate to Mika -- whether it's

how much we love his music, or how much we've enjoyed a show, etc.


Everyone is welcome here as long as they are willing to follow a

few simple guidelines -- we don't

actively set out to exclude any particular group or individual.


*is gonna complain to a mod*



Hey, don't come crying to me...:mf_rosetinted:


I don't know!! Stuffing themselves with easter eggs, most probably.


Edit: Yeah, they must be on chocolate-induced power trip... sounds bad.


Mmmmph... caught me!:wink2:

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*scraps Sara's name on the "not-entitled-to-perks" list*


(BTW just in case some would think this is a joke, it is not, it's the naked truth, obviously! :naughty:)




Humpf, wasn't expecting anything less. Goodie :naughty:.

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I understand COMPLETELY what Perez is saying, this is insane really! Normally when fans are told about something of this sort it is taken with excitement and that great anxiety of what's to come. Yet, it seems all some people did was complain! That honestly doesn't even make sense. What are you complaining about???

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Oooo what's going on I get bits of threads and then the wrong order posts...Who said what to upset Perezzle? How dare they??? -when he is helping us out on here? Ok we know it was all a set up him telling us..the worst kept secret=Twitter! but hey it's NEW GIGS!!!!


From what I understand...? someone is unhappy about having to get to LA for a gig?

Hey honey I can't go either! ...and ?????? The whole world can not fit into one intimate venue!!!

It could be in freaking Jamaica or Iceland or Australia...then what? come on we are all (or hopefully) are wishing it was closer to us, but it has to be somewhere first!

I am soooooo envious that it is not gonna be in the UK but am sure the peeps who can go are more than happy and will do a good job with reports and tell Meeks that he is well loved from all over the globe.

Hopefully MOST people will get a chance to see him soon...if not this year ..in years to come. It must be frustrating for those that have yet to do so but from where I am standing MIKA! is going nowhere so just keep your fingers crossed! :thumb_yello:


Edited by daisylou
what no pink!! lol
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Alright I'm officially confused now :blink: Guess I'm just gonna shag everyone and hope it pays off at some point :naughty:


Oh how could I have missed this post earlier :roftl:. My belly is hurting from laughing so much.

Kata, you are a true comedian. You should make it a career :naughty:

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cancel that just need for info found the appropriate post? was back on the first page....bizarre! is someone playing with my head today??? :hypo:



it was most confusing indeed!


hey Daisy! I agree totally! I think the same thing would happen if it was in Europe or Canada ( massive country)...it just HAPPENS to be in L.A...I think its great actually to be there...because USA always needs more MIKA!


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Perez you rock :mf_rosetinted:


I think it's cool you came here.


Some people just think they deserve everything because they think that they are more special than other people. Well "NEWS FLASH" to those people, you're not and you don't. They just think "what about me?" but they should be thinking "cool my friends on the other side of the globe will get a change and I can't wait to hear about it"


It's not the end of the world, that Mika is doing this thing in LA and not in there own back yard. I'm just happy for the people that get to go and I can't wait for reports to come in :punk:


I think it's totally uncool what she wrote that to you. :thumbdown:

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I've just done round two of this thread and am still speechless!! (ish!!!)


I note that it's all the peeps who have been here from the start who are trying to convince the newer ones that things are fair and that everyone needs to calm down a bit!


Sadly, we all know from experience just how out of hand it can get when we all have our say!!!! I think the original crowd have learned to give each other a wide birth where a clash of opinions has occurred but the newer fans have yet to feel the wrath of a bad MFC moment!:boxed:


I do have to say (again) that I am concerned for my next round of gigs after the experiences of last February but I'll keep my fingers crossed and avoid anywhere controvertial??!!:naughty:


In additon I also wonder whether I'd be overlooked for any "perks" due to not mixing with the right people on here? I couldn't really have joined any earlier or been more committed but I don't use this place as a social network and I suspect that will bite me on the backside when it comes to making any decisions about how to distribute anything that comes our way.



Less than 2000 posts in 2 years????


Tsssk!! What have I been doing with my time??? :roftl:

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In additon I also wonder whether I'd be overlooked for any "perks" due to not mixing with the right people on here? I couldn't really have joined any earlier or been more committed but I don't use this place as a social network and I suspect that will bite me on the backside when it comes to making any decisions about how to distribute anything that comes our way.



Less than 2000 posts in 2 years????


Tsssk!! What have I been doing with my time??? :roftl:


I'd be concerned too if you weren't considered for perks because of your post count. Because post count alone should not be the measure. Half the things I post are useless, so we're pretty much in the same boat if you were to delete those. :naughty:

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hmmm I recognize Freddie, but who's the other one? Did you shave your head?:shocked:


I'm just glad that no one suggested that Mini Me was *ME*! :naughty:




In additon I also wonder whether I'd be overlooked for any "perks" due to not mixing with the right people on here? I couldn't really have joined any earlier or been more committed but I don't use this place as a social network and I suspect that will bite me on the backside when it comes to making any decisions about how to distribute anything that comes our way.


Vix, I'm sorry you even have this concern --IF it ever happens that there are

"perks" to be handed out, it's not going to be based on friendships with

the mods or "the right people". That's just not how I think we ought

to operate. :no: I think we're all in agreement about that.

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I'd be concerned too if you weren't considered for perks because of your post count. Because post count alone should not be the measure. Half the things I post are useless, so we're pretty much in the same boat if you were to delete those. :naughty:


Sadly Suzy...half of my posts are usless too!!! :roftl::roftl:


So where does that leave us eh??

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I'm just glad that no one suggested that Mini Me was *ME*! :naughty:





Vix, I'm sorry you even have this concern --IF it ever happens that there are

"perks" to be handed out, it's not going to be based on friendships with

the mods or "the right people". That's just not how I think we ought

to operate. :no: I think we're all in agreement about that.


I'm just wondering...that's all.


I was actually amazed that I got included in the guestlist for the Brixton party for this very reason. I'm very shy which causes all sorts of difficulties in life but is especially notiable when you get swept up in the "let's all meet up and have a great time" chat on here but just freak out at the thought of actually meeting new people in an already stressful situation.


I've always done all of my "Mika-ing" with my best mate Jo who doesn't post on here (she gets her info from me!) and she's shy too so we've just lurked and done our own thing. I know that we've missed out on things from not being in the MFC gang at gigs etc but that would have been too stressful for us to do.


The party nite Brixton gig was a really stomach churning day for me due to the bullying in the queue the two days previous, being all alone in London (Jo had gone home but I was filming a commercial for Nokia so stayed on in London) having to arrange to meet Racha to collect my ticket and then facing the queuing on my own........not a fun packed MFC get together that lots of the others experienced. I really considered not going as I was sick with nerves about it but Freddie and his "gals" persuaded me to go (via Emmylou) and wait in the queue with them and I'm so grateful for that as it made me feel much better.:thumb_yello:


The point I'm making is that just because I don't mix socailly with other MFCr's I don't want that to jepordise any chances that might come our way.


Oh well, if it's anything...MIKALAND is always uncertain!!!! :naughty:

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Some people think I should be committed! LOL!!!


I've been following this with interest, and think that Patricia, although perfectly entitled to her opinion, and I kind of understand where she is coming from, made a bit of an error in judgement in mailing Perez in the first place. I mean, Perez speaks his mind and doesn't hold back, kind of why I like him, and thinking that sending the email and not expecting him to react, probably slightly naïve.

But she has apologised, fair play to her for that, and it would be cool to see Perez's reaction, hopefully everyone can kiss and make up now, and we can all look forward to what's about to happen ;-)

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Some people think I should be committed! LOL!!!


I've been following this with interest, and think that Patricia, although perfectly entitled to her opinion, and I kind of understand where she is coming from, made a bit of an error in judgement in mailing Perez in the first place. I mean, Perez speaks his mind and doesn't hold back, kind of why I like him, and thinking that sending the email and not expecting him to react, probably slightly naïve.

But she has apologised, fair play to her for that, and it would be cool to see Perez's reaction, hopefully everyone can kiss and make up now, and we can all look forward to what's about to happen ;-)


Now, why can't we all be like you Rose??? :naughty:


The voice of reason! x

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Okay I'm reading this thread on my phone, so I just want to make sure I'm understanding everything:


  • Mikasounds forum members are jealous Perez posted here

  • Non-LA fans are upset this isn't happening in Iowa or Santiago or Uzbekistan;
  • People are accusing the mods of doling out perks based on... befriending mods? Bribing mods? Sleeping with mods? Or...?
  • People are bringing up the London and Madrid gigs as examples of unfair treatment?


Is that about the gist of it? Am I up to speed?

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Okay I'm reading this thread on my phone, so I just want to make sure I'm understanding everything:


  • Mikasounds forum members are jealous Perez posted here

  • Non-LA fans are upset this isn't happening in Iowa or Santiago or Uzbekistan;
  • People are accusing the mods of doling out perks based on... befriending mods? Bribing mods? Sleeping with mods? Or...?
  • People are bringing up the London and Madrid gigs as examples of unfair treatment?


Is that about the gist of it? Am I up to speed?


Yeahhhhh, pretty much!!


Same old, same old! :roftl::roftl::roftl:

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Am I in the "I wanna be a spoilt rotten fan" thread or not?


I'm sorry, but I think a whole heap of people need to get over the crazy notion that they are going to miss out on perks. I haven't received any "perks" yet, and will probably only get the opportunity to make the most of one or two PERK opportunities throughout Mika's entire career.


Am I whining about that?? No. I'm grateful I may even, or may ever get this opportunity.


Do I want the opportunity to be front row and M&G? Yes of course I do.


Will I get off my lazy ass when my time comes and do my best to make that happen? Sure I will.


Will I sit around expecting people to find me and give me handouts? No I won't.


If you're a DEDICATED enough fan, then you will scour the internet for ways to get perks. Obviously PERKS gets said often enough on MFC that if you googled "MIKA GIG PERKS" you'd find yourself in any one of these discussion threads and then be smart enough to realise "Hey I better sign up or log in here and check it around the time of a gig that I plan to attend"


Many fans have worked this out don't particularly feel like being guilt tripped by people who can't work this out. It's not our problem if you miss out on things. And it's not like these PERK opportunities will only last for 2 minutes. They should go on for days, maybe weeks. If you miss out due to not thinking of looking for something then don't go expecting handouts and throwing a hissy fit when you don't get it.


What's next huh? Fans expecting Mika to pick them up in a limo and personally take them to his concert?? Get a reality check please.

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You caught us! :naughty:


*goes to hide again*


don't you find one of them looks a bit like freddie? :naughty:


i just finished reading every single post since i left the house this morning.

my brain is exhausted. going around in circles seems to be a sport around here. :blink:

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Am I in the "I wanna be a spoilt rotten fan" thread or not?


I'm sorry, but I think a whole heap of people need to get over the crazy notion that they are going to miss out on perks. I haven't received any "perks" yet, and will probably only get the opportunity to make the most of one or two PERK opportunities throughout Mika's entire career.


Am I whining about that?? No. I'm grateful I may even, or may ever get this opportunity.


Do I want the opportunity to be front row and M&G? Yes of course I do.


Will I get off my lazy ass when my time comes and do my best to make that happen? Sure I will.


Will I sit around expecting people to find me and give me handouts? No I won't.


If you're a DEDICATED enough fan, then you will scour the internet for ways to get perks. Obviously PERKS gets said often enough on MFC that if you googled "MIKA GIG PERKS" you'd find yourself in any one of these discussion threads and then be smart enough to realise "Hey I better sign up or log in here and check it around the time of a gig that I plan to attend"


Many fans have worked this out don't particularly feel like being guilt tripped by people who can't work this out. It's not our problem if you miss out on things. And it's not like these PERK opportunities will only last for 2 minutes. They should go on for days, maybe weeks. If you miss out due to not thinking of looking for something then don't go expecting handouts and throwing a hissy fit when you don't get it.


What's next huh? Fans expecting Mika to pick them up in a limo and personally take them to his concert?? Get a reality check please.


Good resumee!

You made a point out of the situation in much less lines I'd need to to do one myself...:thumb_yello:


don't you find one of them looks a bit like freddie? :naughty:


i just finished reading every single post since i left the house this morning.

my brain is exhausted. going around in circles seems to be a sport around here. :blink:



What's wrong with the MFC since last night?:shocked:

Last night Perez Bitc* Thread had posts over Perez's first one, his 2nd post was over the 1st one...:blink:


And just now when i got here you doggie siggie was not under your post, it was over the QUOTE BUTTOM and FLASHING!:shocked::thumbdown:

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