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The Official "The Boy Who Knew Too Much ERA" Charts & Sales around the world Thread


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It really is a puzzle, isn't it? :blink: Rain is a really good song, but it isn't getting much airplay atm.


There are a lot of really pedestrian tunes high in the charts - some that are absolute rubbish - but I am heartened by the number of good songs that work their way slowly up the charts over a few weeks. Don't forget Rain has only been out a few days.


Also with albums, the pattern this year for all artists seems to be a strong first week, then a rapid drop down the charts, so the fact that Mika seems to be going back up again can only be a good thing.


here, french radio stations play mika quite a bit. WAG and Rain.

but english stations can't give him the time of the day. go figure :dunno:


i sent emails, tweets & called in a request.... the lady who answered me said that although she is a mika fan, she doesn't decide what goes on the air. she said to send in my request & they forward it to another department who chooses what goes on. if enough people demand it, then they'll play it.


what i don't understand is how people are suppose to request it, if the radio never played it. and yet, they always premiere new albums for new artists. shakira, britney etc... it just drives me mad that they don't do that for mika :dunno:


if you want to help, please tweet a request to play Rain to @VirginRadio96



Edited by guylainem123
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here, french radio stations play mika quite a bit. WAG and Rain.

but english stations can't give him the time of the day. go figure :dunno:


i sent emails, tweets & called in a request.... the lady who answered me said that although she is a mika fan, she doesn't decide what goes on the air. she said to send in my request & they forward it to another department who chooses what goes on. if enough people demand it, then they'll play it.


what i don't understand is how people are suppose to request it, if the radio never played it. and yet, they always premiere new albums for new artists. shakira, britney etc... it just drives me mad that they don't do that for mika :dunno:


if you want to help, please tweet a request to play Rain to @VirginRadio96



Will do! Will also put the link on the UK Promoters thread

I'v just contacted Radio One about Mika not being on their playlist. I told them what I thought of them. Please others do the same. I sent my question to Radio One Enquiries. here http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio1/help/

Edited by Marilyn Mastin
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I really don't know what to say about the whole situation :boxed: It totally baffles me why TBWKTM hasn't done better than it has, it had lots of great reviews so why? Nothing will ever top LICM but it is a great album. I really feel for Mika at the moment :blush-anim-cl:


I agree. I am baffled too. I really love it and don't understand why it hasn't done better.

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I really don't know what to say about the whole situation :boxed: It totally baffles me why TBWKTM hasn't done better than it has, it had lots of great reviews so why? Nothing will ever top LICM but it is a great album. I really feel for Mika at the moment :blush-anim-cl:


This is what surprises me the most... I remember soooo many awful reviews of LICM, with TBWKTM not so much! Most reviews were great. And still it doesn't seem to show...

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I really don't know what to say about the whole situation :boxed: It totally baffles me why TBWKTM hasn't done better than it has, it had lots of great reviews so why? Nothing will ever top LICM but it is a great album. I really feel for Mika at the moment :blush-anim-cl:


As for the reviews for TBWKTM being better than for LICM I'm beginning to think there's something really sad about the British, that actually makes them prefer to buy stuff that's crap (with LICM they didn't get what they bargained for), so they feel better about their pathetic selves- think how many would buy Jedward, despite knowing they're rubbish?

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here, french radio stations play mika quite a bit. WAG and Rain.

but english stations can't give him the time of the day. go figure :dunno:


i sent emails, tweets & called in a request.... the lady who answered me said that although she is a mika fan, she doesn't decide what goes on the air. she said to send in my request & they forward it to another department who chooses what goes on. if enough people demand it, then they'll play it.


what i don't understand is how people are suppose to request it, if the radio never played it. and yet, they always premiere new albums for new artists. shakira, britney etc... it just drives me mad that they don't do that for mika :dunno:


if you want to help, please tweet a request to play Rain to @VirginRadio96



guylainem123 I agree with you.

How can Mika get requested if you don't play Mika in the first place??? DUH!

I searched VirginRadio96 - there are a lot of them in different Canadian cities each with different contact addresses.

I think I will make a list to post here later or tomorrow & also contact them myself.


Will do! Will also put the link on the UK Promoters thread

I'v just contacted Radio One about Mika not being on their playlist. I told them what I thought of them. Please others do the same. I sent my question to Radio One Enquiries. here http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio1/help/


Thanks Marilyn - just finished sending.:thumb_yello::thumb_yello:

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i sent emails, tweets & called in a request.... the lady who answered me said that although she is a mika fan, she doesn't decide what goes on the air. she said to send in my request & they forward it to another department who chooses what goes on. if enough people demand it, then they'll play it.


what i don't understand is how people are suppose to request it, if the radio never played it. and yet, they always premiere new albums for new artists. shakira, britney etc... it just drives me mad that they don't do that for mika :dunno:


The same thing happens in the states where I live. I have called local radio stations to request that they play Mika and I am told that they can't decide what goes on the air. In fact, they usually don't even know who Mika is! I even went so far as to send actual CD's of TBWKTM to a couple of stations. I know that they don't use CD's anymore for radio feed but I did it just to get his music out there. I figured if someone at the radio station played his CD for themselves they might push the "people in charge" to play Mika on the air.


I don't see how people can know who Mika is if they don't play him on the radio. I have never heard a Mika song on our local stations, not even Grace Kelly. It is just sad. I know if he was played on the radio a lot of people would enjoy it...most of my friends love his music and thank me for telling them about him. Otherwise, they never would have known.

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I don't know if this will help - but I did it anyway.

I emailed the following link to Perez hilton hoping he will post it on his blog for his four & half miliion visitors everyday.

It is the excellent review of Mika's Enmore Concert by The Sydney Morning Herald.

I was told they rarely positively review musical artists.

It also raves about Mika being "live" as opposed to Britney Spears.




< Perez@PerezHilton.com >


If anybody else here thinks there is a chance Perez might post it & it might get Mika positive attention - Thanks.

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Well, I totally agree with what you said and I must confess I don't understand either what's happening...


Even in France it's not the same. He still has a big success but it's different... I think people just moved on. I was thinking about that this morning, I'm not sure he'd be able to sold out the Parc des Princes like he did last year... whereas he has 2 albums now to build a big nice setlist... Well, things can change but the first weeks are really important for an album...

In 2007 and 2008, you couldn't put your radio on without listening to one of Mika's song. It was massive and incredible and various kind of radio played him : pop rock ones of course, but even general ones, the ones for teens, the ones for oldest people... He was played everywhere.

But now, it's different. WAG was played but not really liked by people. It was played because it was the brand new Mika... But I think Rain is a better hit, and it's not really played on radio. You can hear it, but you have to drive for a long time and change your radio station every 3 minutes...


look at this : http://www.charly1300.com/euroairplay.htm


it's the euro airplay : the most played tracks in Europe

Rain is # 80 on 100 (last week) and he was # 48 the week before :shocked: that's insane especially when it's said Rain was played on radio since 3 weeks...


On a french music tv chanel, there is a programme where you can vote on internet for your favorites videoclip. He was in the list last week, and not anymore :shocked:


Is there a boycott or something ?


Even for the shows. Ok, he still sells. But, in France, none of his gigs is sold out yet... in 2007, for the second Zénith de Paris, it was sold out in half a day... They even have made big adverts in the stations, and metro in Paris for the tour... they didn't have to do that before...

Maybe things are changing. Look at Shakira, Mariah Carey, Beyonce... their album didn't really top the charts... Even for Robbie. He was #2 in France last week, he's now # 9...


Well, wait and see...

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Well, I totally agree with what you said and I must confess I don't understand either what's happening...




Agree with everything you wrote, couldn't agree more. I knew for sure he was going to sell out the Antwerp gig, not so sure about it anymore!

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This is f*cking ridiculous, I almost went out of my mind today.


I was at Lakeside, which is one of Europe's largest shopping centres.


I went into HMV and they only sell the TOP 5 SELLING SINGLES. WTF?! How can artists - not *just* Mika - make money if NO-ONE is selling THEIR STUFF?! TOP FIVE SELLING SINGLES ONLY?! HOW UNFAIR IS THAT?!


I went WHSmith's...they haven't sold singles in years (though they're happy to self charity singles...which is understandable, but if they can shelf those, than why not artists singles? Same goes for Sainsbury's!)


I went in GAME...only sell Albums...


I even went into fecking Curry's cos I was desperate and they don't sell any music at all...


I shall try Southend's HMV tomorrow, as that's where I usually get my singles...



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Well, I totally agree with what you said and I must confess I don't understand either what's happening...


Even in France it's not the same. He still has a big success but it's different... I think people just moved on. I was thinking about that this morning, I'm not sure he'd be able to sold out the Parc des Princes like he did last year... whereas he has 2 albums now to build a big nice setlist... Well, things can change but the first weeks are really important for an album...

In 2007 and 2008, you couldn't put your radio on without listening to one of Mika's song. It was massive and incredible and various kind of radio played him : pop rock ones of course, but even general ones, the ones for teens, the ones for oldest people... He was played everywhere.

But now, it's different. WAG was played but not really liked by people. It was played because it was the brand new Mika... But I think Rain is a better hit, and it's not really played on radio. You can hear it, but you have to drive for a long time and change your radio station every 3 minutes...


look at this : http://www.charly1300.com/euroairplay.htm


it's the euro airplay : the most played tracks in Europe

Rain is # 80 on 100 (last week) and he was # 48 the week before :shocked: that's insane especially when it's said Rain was played on radio since 3 weeks...


On a french music tv chanel, there is a programme where you can vote on internet for your favorites videoclip. He was in the list last week, and not anymore :shocked:


Is there a boycott or something ?


Even for the shows. Ok, he still sells. But, in France, none of his gigs is sold out yet... in 2007, for the second Zénith de Paris, it was sold out in half a day... They even have made big adverts in the stations, and metro in Paris for the tour... they didn't have to do that before...

Maybe things are changing. Look at Shakira, Mariah Carey, Beyonce... their album didn't really top the charts... Even for Robbie. He was #2 in France last week, he's now # 9...


Well, wait and see...


I completely agree with you, Deb! I can't really see the reason why TBWKTM isn't selling well. It's just really encouraging.

TBH I'm really worried about the Germany gigs...hope they will all sell out by March!

I really hope for another single to become a massive hit (which has to be Toches you IMO) - so that the album numbers will climb again...

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22 in France?? Oh I'm so disappointed!


I don't know if French people have "moved" on, I certainly haven't as I kind of went back to him with this second album. I'm going to see him for the first time this year, and well, I'm now a MFC member. And on a positive note, I do feel like Rain is being played on more radios since the last few days. And not only pop rock ones, but all the others mentioned too. I had a try at it yesterday, within 15 minutes I heard Rain twice and Mika mentioned once in an ad.

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22 in France?? Oh I'm so disappointed!


I don't know if French people have "moved" on, I certainly haven't as I kind of went back to him with this second album. I'm going to see him for the first time this year, and well, I'm now a MFC member. And on a positive note, I do feel like Rain is being played on more radios since the last few days. And not only pop rock ones, but all the others mentioned too. I had a try at it yesterday, within 15 minutes I heard Rain twice and Mika mentioned once in an ad.

That's encourageing news Camille. Thank you for that.

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Okay Here is Billboard's Latest:

WAG is number 5 on the Dance/club Chart - that is up from last week.

TBWKTM is 42 on the European Album Chart - unfortunately that is down.

Worldwide Albums hasn't been updated yet today.

That is the one I am anxiuosly waiting to see.:shocked::blink:


Okay guys as promised here are all of the Virgin radio 96 contacts throughout Canada that I could find:

< mbergman@virginradio.ca >

< bharris@radio.astral.com >

< VOD1069@virginradio.ca >

< mtremblay@radio.astral.com >

< wwebster@radio.astral.com >

< jwinskell@radio.astral.com >


I am including Marilyn's suggestion of Radio One in the UK:

< http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio1/help/contactus/ >


If you put them all in one email it shouldn't be time consuming.


I think sometime over the next week I am going to start a new thread with radio contacts throughout the world.

We need to get radio's attention!!

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22 in France?? Oh I'm so disappointed!


I don't know if French people have "moved" on, I certainly haven't as I kind of went back to him with this second album. I'm going to see him for the first time this year, and well, I'm now a MFC member. And on a positive note, I do feel like Rain is being played on more radios since the last few days. And not only pop rock ones, but all the others mentioned too. I had a try at it yesterday, within 15 minutes I heard Rain twice and Mika mentioned once in an ad.


Indeed, that's good news :wink2:

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22 in France?? Oh I'm so disappointed!


I don't know if French people have "moved" on, I certainly haven't as I kind of went back to him with this second album. I'm going to see him for the first time this year, and well, I'm now a MFC member. And on a positive note, I do feel like Rain is being played on more radios since the last few days. And not only pop rock ones, but all the others mentioned too. I had a try at it yesterday, within 15 minutes I heard Rain twice and Mika mentioned once in an ad.


Good news! :thumb_yello::wink2:

I heard WAG this morning while I was having my driving lesson... :teehee: My instructor was quite *cough* suprised of my reaction :aah::teehee:


I think that maybe his appearance on the French TV show, Sacrée Soirée, will help to improve the sales? :) Well hope so :blink: and the NRJ Music Awards in January...

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22 in France?? Oh I'm so disappointed!

On a positive note, I do feel like Rain is being played on more radios since the last few days. And not only pop rock ones, but all the others mentioned too. I had a try at it yesterday, within 15 minutes I heard Rain twice and Mika mentioned once in an ad.


Welcome to the MFC camille!

We will keep our fingers crossed.:thumb_yello:

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I hope too kate :wink2:


Well, do you remember when I said yesterday that this tv Channel W9 has a programme where you can vote for your favorites videoclip and there wasn't Rain anymore ?


On a french music tv chanel, there is a programme where you can vote on internet for your favorites videoclip. He was in the list last week, and not anymore :shocked:



Well, I've send an email to them, just asking why we couldn' vote for "Rain" anymore because it's a great videoclip. I didn't thought they'd answer ! but they did ! :teehee:

"I inform you we considered your request about this clip and that we'll transfer to the programme headmaster" :biggrin2:

I don't know if it's gonna change something but why not ?!!


Please, can you send an email in French to them here :



You just have to fill the blanks and tell them that various people from Mika's fan club don't understand why we can't vote for Rain for the programme "@ vos clips" !!

Go frenchies or others who receive that channel !! :thumb_yello:


He has to be sawn on TV !

Edited by French Deb
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Well, do you remember when I said yesterday that this tv Channel W9 has a programme where you can vote for your favorites videoclip and there wasn't Rain anymore ?


Well, I've send an email to them, just asking why we couldn' vote for "Rain" anymore because it's a great videoclip. I didn't thought they'd answer ! but they did ! :teehee:

"I inform you we considered your request about this clip and that we'll transfer to the programme headmaster" :biggrin2:

I don't know if it's gonna change something but why not ?!!


Go frenchies or others who receive that channel !! :thumb_yello:


He has to bee sawn on TV !


Oh no, I didn't see your post yesterday :shocked: I didn't know! :boxed: It's so unfair that Rain isn't in the list :sneaky2: This kind of programme is really important, seen by quite lot's of people :bored:


I'm gonna send them an email right now :thumb_yello::pinkbow:


Don't hesitate Frenchies to send one as well :thumb_yello:


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