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Mica gets horny for new album: The Boy Who Knew Too Much


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Ohh, I am soooo daft... I now realize the horny-thing....And no: I am not naive, the first thing I thought was horny the dirty thing...

Only just this minute I get the horny in combination with the animal....:aah:




I hope his next step won't be wearing fur....


ROFL. I thought so too. In fact, if you hadn't said this, I wouldn't even have realized it.:aah:

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Ohh, I am soooo daft... I now realize the horny-thing....And no: I am not naive, the first thing I thought was horny the dirty thing...

Only just this minute I get the horny in combination with the animal....:aah:




I hope his next step won't be wearing fur....



It's not easy with this multi lingual business which is going on here!:wink2:


Things get easily lost in translation!:thumb_yello:

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He's just holding the antlers. How does that disrespect them? And we don't even know the provenance of the antlers. They aren't necessarily a trophy procured by a hunter.


Mika has just said in recent interviews that he has no plans to make music with Gaga so I'm sure this source is rubbish.


It disrespects them because hes holding a dead animals bones. Thats like you dying and mika posing in a picture with your skull. real skull, sick and sadistic. fake skull, just as bad. its like posing with a dead animal! why would you do that?!



And how do we know they're real? :blink:


If they are real theyre probably those horrible ones that are stags raised on a farm and shot for their horns. lazy and sick.


horns should be a symbol of hard work - like my dad, pushbikes over 100km into the bush, walks 30-odd km uphill every day stalking deer for weeks, and if he finds a stag and shoots it, carries the 80kg-ish animal out on his back. the horns are a trophy from that mission. Shooting deer raised on a farm for their horns is sick and wrong. Hanging horns in your house for no reason is sick and wrong. posing with a dead animal is sick and wrong.


posing with fake horns is even worse.

tell me, how can anyone find that picture sexy? :blink:


ewwwwwwww i don't like the horns



i second that.


The animal was already disrespected when it was murdered :tears:

I loathe hunters :pinkbow:


i loathe people who shoot deer on farms or shoot deer out of a helicopter window. i loathe people who spread poison in the forest so deer (or any animal) spend days dying in agony.

i dont loathe people who remove pests from the bush, putting real effort and getting real enjoyment from the physical challenge.


Do you think Mika hired someone to go out and kill a stag for this photoshoot? Animals die of a million other causes than people killing them to use their body parts as trophies.


of course he didnt hire someone to kill an animal. but he should have had enough sense in his head to realise he was posing with a dead animal, and that can offend any people from many backgrounds.

It's not about the cause the animal died from, its the sheer principle of posing with a dead animal.


OK, that deer died by natural causes. Maybe he was old.

Srsly, I meant that someone (NOT Mika or someone else who was hired by him!!:confused:) probably killed the deer, unless the horns were fake.


To tell the truth, I simply don't like images with exposed corpses or part of corpses. It seems he's lying on a skeleton. Blame on my hypersensibility. That's all.


that deer was old alright! did you see the size of the rack! massive!

thats what makes me think it was a deer raised on a farm on grain, deer dont live that long in the wild.


still, it doesnt change anything that because the deer was old and maybe died naturally he should pose with it - thats like saying 'oh your old granny died of natural causes now shes dead can i do some sexy photoshoot with her?'




That picture is ridiculous!



... and I loves it. :das:


nothing personal, but it is sick and i hope you see some sense.

Edited by racinghorse83
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It disrespects them because hes holding a dead animals bones. Thats like you dying and mika posing in a picture with your skull. real skull, sick and sadistic. fake skull, just as bad. its like posing with a dead animal! why would you do that?!


Death is a part of life. Evidence of it isn't inherently sadistic. If you want to read that into it, that's your prerogative but you can't expect everyone to see it that way. I certainly don't.


I don't have a problem with bones whether they are animal or human. I've worked with human bones myself and as long as they're procured in an ethical manner I don't have a problem with it.


I wouldn't expect Mika posing with anyone's granny to be sexy whether she was alive or dead, so I don't think that is a valid comparison. To me the picture evokes something primitive and animalistic and that's why there's that association you're not going to get with someone's dead granny. Mika is the animal, not the hunter.

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