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Free Fan Show Monday 21.09.2009


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I didn't have two working days. I had to fly out of Toronto on Monday in order to do it because the ice cream business was the day before the gig. We didn't know anything when we were forced to book our travel or let the opportunity pass.


There are more people who want to go to this event than there are tickets. Someone is going to lose out. If it's the people who can't make arrangements in time then that's just too bad.


Everyone can't go to every gig. We all have to live with it. No matter how impulsive we are, no matter how much money we have, no matter how understanding our bosses are. There's no point in blaming Mika for it.


Which I wasn't, if you noticed further down in my post:wink2:

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I don't understand this at all. You're saying yourself that the level of effort required to get the day off work, travel if needed, and then be there for 12:30pm is huge.


So how is that a case of trying to get new people to hear the show? People who are only vaguely aware of Mika (or are indifferent to him) are not going to make the effort to arrange time off work or school, queue at an ice cream truck, then turn up at a gig 7 hours later. It's only the people who are already actively interested in him who will do that.


You could argue that it results in some nice publicity in the papers - "Mika holds free gig!" - which can be true.


But again, only the people who are already interested in him will care. Those who are indifferent to him won't be swayed by the fact that he did a free gig, and those who dislike him won't think twice of it either.




College maybe, but I don't believe it was holidays for younger people. And it was also on a Tuesday and Wednesday, so people had to take time off work then, too.


I guess my feelings on this (as a whole, mind you, not directed at you SoSi) is that lately, every time Mika announces something fantastic, loads of people start moaning. "Miiiiikaaa! That's not FAIR! Why are you holding [event] in [city]..???!!!! You need to do the same thing in [random other town!!!]"


On Twitter, for every person who said "wow, Mika, it's really sweet of you to hold drinks for fans in your local pub" there were five people moaning and bitching at him about how unfair it was that he's not doing it in their town.


Someone even moaned on here when Mika announced the NYC gig in June. "But Mika was just in LA! Why is he favouring the States??" Um, becaue the distance from LA to NYC is similar to the distance from London.... to the MIDDLE EAST?! :bleh:


What it amounts to is that every time Mika does something cool in one corner of the globe, it seems that everyone else thinks it's their job to go on Twitter/Mikasounds/Mikamyspace and complain that he's not doing it wherever they happen to live.


I've even seen people moaning at Mika that he's neglecting their city - and yet they live in one of the cities he went to on the acoustic tour. Um, hello people! He was JUST THERE.


I guess the way I see it, Mika is not going to do everything, everywhere. And we can either moan at him about it, just tune it out when it doesn't concern us directly, or be happy for our MFC friends who are able to be there. I choose the last option.


That's not moaning, that's wishing... :wink2:

And it shows people care about him. :thumb_yello: I'm sure he appreciates that. :wub2:


Mika come to Milan!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :fangurl:

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thats not what I meant :naughty: god, how do I explain myself? umm...

well, we are Mika's official fan club, arnt we? and Mika is very much aware of us (owning us and all) Im sure if someone who he is familiar with (from here of course) he wouldnt mind reserving you 10 tickets out of the 800 he's offering- its not like we're taking it from other non MFCr fans, right?

You are soooo lovely! :teehee:

I've managed to change my train, so will now be arriving at kings cross at 11.50 can anyone tell which tube station i need to get to xx:thumb_yello:


Hey that sounds like my train too! where are you getting on at? I need to get to the hotel,register, drop bags off, then get to the studios as won't have time to do it all..going to the icecream thing, so banking on Bexxy..fingers xd we get bands.


I have just checked flights and even if I got a really early one I can't guareentee that I would get there in time (with connections). it is VERY frustrating........yes, it is a freebie so it is going to attract a lot of interest but if we break our necks to get there and then don't getthe tickets anyway it will be even more depressing :shocked:

Yurp that's how I feel ...was even thinking of getting changed on the train to save time but prolly still not get there in time as will be gone in 20mins tops! and still need to drop my bags off. So all in the hands of fate!


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That's not moaning, that's wishing... :wink2:

And it shows people care about him. :thumb_yello: I'm sure he appreciates that. :wub2:


There's a different between "hey Mika, the Franco Parenti show was amazing, we love you and can't wait until you come back!" and "Mika, this f*cking sucks, why London/Paris AGAIN? Is it because you hate me??"


One is positive, one is whiny and guilt tripping. It's the whining and guilt tripping that I find irritating. :wink2:

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Yes no worries , do what you need to hun :thumb_yello:


Ill get that new Dan Brown book and a coffee , the hours will fly past :biggrin2:


Cheers me dear:thumb_yello:

I don't think there's going to be quite the queue everyones expecting at the ticket pick up, I'll report what's happening when I get there.

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There's a different between "hey Mika, the Franco Parenti show was amazing, we love you and can't wait until you come back!" and "Mika, this f*cking sucks, why London/Paris AGAIN? Is it because you hate me??"


One is positive, one is whiny and guilt tripping. It's the whining and guilt tripping that I find irritating. :wink2:


I guess it depends on the kind of education you have received. :naughty:

Some people really don't know how to behave. :dunno:

But sometimes it's frustration, because you really want something and you can't have it, or you just have to wait a while. It can be difficult: I waited for my second gig for nearly two years. :tears:

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Kath, I've pmed you. You're on the system now so should be alright to book your flight. CU girl!!!!


You are my star:wub2: Thank you so much...all booked :thumb_yello:


You didn't Rose, but others did :biggrin2:. Anyway re that LA story, I got on that plane not even knowing if anyone would manage to get me the darn chicket :freak:


Same position as I am currently in:naughty:


Yehhh saw the sun newpapers woopppp


Hope you all get tickets:biggrin2::thumb_yello:

Thanks Fred:wub2: You can't make it because of your train back, is that right?


Cheers me dear:thumb_yello:

I don't think there's going to be quite the queue everyones expecting at the ticket pick up, I'll report what's happening when I get there.


Rose..............I have just had an idea.:biggrin2: IF that is the case and there are not too many people there, do you think you could take a bag full of disguises ( I know you have many) and keep rejoining the queue?:thumb_yello::wink2:

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Cheers me dear:thumb_yello:

I don't think there's going to be quite the queue everyones expecting at the ticket pick up, I'll report what's happening when I get there.


Have you seen this Rose? This is what happened the last time he had a secret gig. Except he was in a country where he can't even get radio play, on the other side of the continent (at least) from most of his fans, without all the details being made public until the day of and at a time when he was not launching his new album and had been in hiding for almost a year rather than giving non-stop promo for weeks.



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Have you seen this Rose? This is what happened the last time he had a secret gig. Except he was in a country where he can't even get radio play, on the other side of the continent (at least) from most of his fans, without all the details being made public until the day of and at a time when he was not launching his new album and had been in hiding for almost a year rather than giving non-stop promo for weeks.




oh :doh: i just figured out why you guys always say decadent :lmao:

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Have you seen this Rose? This is what happened the last time he had a secret gig. Except he was in a country where he can't even get radio play, on the other side of the continent (at least) from most of his fans, without all the details being made public until the day of and at a time when he was not launching his new album and had been in hiding for almost a year rather than giving non-stop promo for weeks.




I'm reserving my judgement til I get there.

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It looks lovely :aah:



Wow! Loving the venue! Looking forwards to seeing footage of this gig! :wub2:



Have you seen this Rose? This is what happened the last time he had a secret gig. Except he was in a country where he can't even get radio play, on the other side of the continent (at least) from most of his fans, without all the details being made public until the day of and at a time when he was not launching his new album and had been in hiding for almost a year rather than giving non-stop promo for weeks.




That's true, Christine. I was very surprised when I first watched the vlog.

But I guess that loads of people also found out about this gig through Perez. :wink2:




And I'll kepp my fingers crossed for all of you trying to get tickets! Good luck! :thumb_yello:

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Wow! Loving the venue! Looking forwards to seeing footage of this gig! :wub2:





That's true, Christine. I was very surprised when I first watched the vlog.

But I guess that loads of people also found out about this gig through Perez. :wink2:




And I'll kepp my fingers crossed for all of you trying to get tickets! Good luck! :thumb_yello:



Thank you:wub2:

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Wow! Loving the venue! Looking forwards to seeing footage of this gig! :wub2:



That's true, Christine. I was very surprised when I first watched the vlog.

But I guess that loads of people also found out about this gig through Perez. :wink2:


And I'll kepp my fingers crossed for all of you trying to get tickets! Good luck! :thumb_yello:


exactly! and this gig is in a newspaper, so chances are, lots of people know about it.

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I wouldn't recommend that fans think about the size of the queue after they get there. The people who did that in LA didn't get wristbands.


Well I'll be there at 10am, so I'm not expecting to see many people there at that time, if like you have said, they can't get out of work/school/college.

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