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Free Fan Show Monday 21.09.2009


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But Mika is deliberately making things awkward for people who want to go to this. Why shouldn't we complain?


Mika is, of course, perfectly entitled to target his "free" stuff to people who would do just that, who have enough money to not care that things cost more at short notice, who can pay for transport they might not use and who are prepared to call in sick when they're not, or miss school. Or to people who live in big cities. And I'm entitled to think less of him for it.


There was a party in London just a week or two back- again exclusively for southerners- and lots of Londoners complained that Paris got 2 songs for sorrow events- I'm not sure why they've changed their tune just because its London getting two events

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Wow no good deed goes unpunished eh? :boxed:


I hate to break it to everyone here but Mika has 6 million paying fans. He never said anything about putting this show on for MFC. There were 18,000 people at the London shows on his tour in 2008 and there will be plenty of album-buying, concert-ticket-buying fans who will benefit from this free gig.


Yes it would be nice for all of us in far flung places if he played in our backyard according to our schedule but he had to play somewhere and this day it happens to be in London so the people who can be in London will be the lucky ones. That's life. :dunno:


The idea that Mika has to give weeks or months notice for a free gig of 700 is ludicrous because the laws of supply and demand dictate that most of the people who could turn up with that kind of advanced notice are not going to get a ticket anyway.


When Mika gives months notice it's called a tour. And when he tours you can expect him to play from 10,000 to 20,000+ people. If you want to see him (for free!!!!) in a venue of 700 people then you need to be prepared to drop everything and go.


Some of you can, some of you can't. It is not up to Mika to sort out which category you fall into. He's there giving a free gig and you can take it or leave it.


Sometimes I think Mika fans are the most petty, ungrateful moany lot of people I have ever encountered. Jeezus!!!! :aah:


here! here!! You beat me to it.


The sooner he stops pissing about with free gigs and calls it a tour the better then


Even though I can't go I will always treasure the golden(!!) opportunities like this over bog standard gigs any day. The difference between going to a large venue with thousands of other people doesn't even compare to being in a little gang of people at a unique event....whether that be a secret gig, a video shoot, a sigining, a showcase, a TV program...the excitemtn fro those lucky few who make these events is contagious for us all.......it's like we all share the experiences of the few.


It's not really Mika's problem though is it? It's ours.

If we really really want to go there then we have to pull out the stops and possibly make sacrifices.

To a large degree it's about how much you want to go.

I really really wanted to go to the LA show, but I couldn't justify spending that amount of cash, but that was my choice and my decision.


Make yours, but don't blame Mika.


Thing is, the free gigs won't affect the tour in any way. They are independent of it. And so far how many have there been? LA in April and now this? So 2 a year?


I'm happy that he does it. I will try and get to it.


Yes, some will say 'oh, you're lucky' but the fact is, I have had to work for it like anyone else-I had to change things around at work that took a lot of effort, in order to get the afternoon off for the POG thing at first, and now I will have to wrangle this one to get there on time.

It's not luck. I am doing it.

I even have to pay out of my own pocket for a work trip that was meant to happen on Monday and that I am postponing to Tue now, because going to the POG filming and now the gig on Monday is worth it for me, so I really fought to change my trip at work.


On Tue, I will have to wake up at 5 am after hardly any sleep and a long day, to travel up to Notthingham for another long day (:biggrin2:work this time) until I get back down to London late on Tuesday. And then of course work normally on Wed. Oh and not to mention that I had to convince MY boss of the change, and then he had to convince HIS boss. It wasn't easy believe me :lmfao:

The reason why I am posting this is not to moan, far from it, as I'm REALLY happy that I can go to these things, and to me paying this price is worth it; I'm just saying it to illustrate the point that I wasn't sitting on my couch having tea and Mika materialised in front of me with some cakes and tickets for Monday :roftl:.

I think that it's great that he does these things, and I am grateful, but some people will always miss out and that is how the cookie crumbles. I don't agree with complaining about it, that's all. We could all sit and moan now about his Paris signing or the Belgian and German showcases, etc, etc...Now THAT is something to be jealous about, no? A mini gig with only a few audience members, in the double digits. Funny how nobody complained about that. I just don't get it :boxed:.


I couldn't agree with you both more.......if I could find a way for this one I'd be there but my work commitments are unusual on Monday and can't be broken....without being in the naughty corner for a loooooong time!! :naughty:

So, I will sit heartbroken and await the next fantastic opportunity that comes along and hope it is do-able!


Sari, like you described for your day on Monday, when we shot the Big Girl video we got up at 2.30 am after going to bed at 11.30pm!! Then drove through the night to be in London for 8am!!!!!! We were five mins late and it was brain frying getting through the day and finishing after 9pm at night only to have to drive back upto Chester through the night before getting up the next day and driving to Preston for the radio1 Big weekend that were were also very lucky yo have got tickets for (I still think we were ther only MFCr's there(???)). It was so tiring but well worth it and another example of what you have to do if you want to be part of these things. It's making that decision to just do it!! We can't all be at every event (although Sari you probably hold the record!! :naughty:) but we have to get off our arses and make some of them happen when they are within our reach.

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But Mika is deliberately making things awkward for people who want to go to this. Why shouldn't we complain?


Mika is, of course, perfectly entitled to target his "free" stuff to people who would do just that, who have enough money to not care that things cost more at short notice, who can pay for transport they might not use and who are prepared to call in sick when they're not, or miss school. Or to people who live in big cities. And I'm entitled to think less of him for it.


There was a party in London just a week or two back- again exclusively for southerners- and lots of Londoners complained that Paris got 2 songs for sorrow events- I'm not sure why they've changed their tune just because its London getting two events


guess human nature is greedy and everyone from everywhere just wants MORE! nasty but fact of life, survival of fittest me me me n all that crap n stuff.

I can't go to these ones, so I will just hope who ever does has a blast, I'll think bout you all on my cruise (dam selfish of MIKA not to give me a private gig on my ship for my 25th weddng anniversary don't you think, what a tight mean camp bastard :mf_rosetinted:)

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guess human nature is greedy and everyone from everywhere just wants MORE! nasty but fact of life, survival of fittest me me me n all that crap n stuff.

I can't go to these ones, so I will just hope who ever does has a blast, I'll think bout you all on my cruise (dam selfish of MIKA not to give me a private gig on my ship for my 25th weddng anniversary don't you think, what a tight mean camp bastard :mf_rosetinted:)


Happy 25th Anniversary! hope you enjoy it! we celebrated ours this week also.

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guess human nature is greedy and everyone from everywhere just wants MORE! nasty but fact of life, survival of fittest me me me n all that crap n stuff.

I can't go to these ones, so I will just hope who ever does has a blast, I'll think bout you all on my cruise (dam selfish of MIKA not to give me a private gig on my ship for my 25th weddng anniversary don't you think, what a tight mean camp bastard :mf_rosetinted:)


You missed the flamboyant bit.

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But Mika is deliberately making things awkward for people who want to go to this. Why shouldn't we complain?


There are thousands of people who will want to go to this but there are only 700 places. There is going to be some sort of competition to mete out scarce tickets and in this case the competition is who can get to London on short notice and queue up to get tickets first. A little bit of luck and a whole lot of motivation.


That's how these things are done. All of Mika's peers do the exact same thing and he's been telling us for months that he was going to do it. We knew these were the terms.


You can complain all you want about it but the alternative is no gig at all. Mika is not going to throw a private gig for all MFCers to attend at their leisure any time soon. That's crazy fantasy and I don't understand why anyone thinks they are entitled to that because they bought a couple of albums and went to a couple of concerts.


There was a party in London just a week or two back- again exclusively for southerners- and lots of Londoners complained that Paris got 2 songs for sorrow events- I'm not sure why they've changed their tune just because its London getting two events


I don't know why they've changed their tune either. I think EVERYONE should stop moaning about everything. I'm sick of ALL the moaning about the things that Mika does for other people by the ones who are not included. I think it's childish, ungrateful and completely irrational.


Mika is one human being, not some omnipresent diety. He can't be everywhere, all the time, doing everything for everyone - especially for free! This is the reality of the situation and it will never change so the sooner everyone grows up and deals with it the better.

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guess human nature is greedy and everyone from everywhere just wants MORE! nasty but fact of life, survival of fittest me me me n all that crap n stuff.

I can't go to these ones, so I will just hope who ever does has a blast, I'll think bout you all on my cruise (dam selfish of MIKA not to give me a private gig on my ship for my 25th weddng anniversary don't you think, what a tight mean camp bastard :mf_rosetinted:)


Happy Annivesary and congrats on your video!! Just watched it and LOVE IT!!! :roftl::roftl::roftl:

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guess human nature is greedy and everyone from everywhere just wants MORE! nasty but fact of life, survival of fittest me me me n all that crap n stuff.

I can't go to these ones, so I will just hope who ever does has a blast, I'll think bout you all on my cruise (dam selfish of MIKA not to give me a private gig on my ship for my 25th weddng anniversary don't you think, what a tight mean camp bastard :mf_rosetinted:)


Congratulations....................and have a fabby cruise:thumb_yello::biggrin2:

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TBH, I completely agree with the reality check thing.


I think the fact that Mika IS generous with his time and actions leads us to expect far more than we should. The people whom I work with are totally agast at some of my tales of the things that Mika does for his fans, they just can't believe it.


As Christine says, many artists do these sort of secret events...posting details on lamp posts etc. It is just that we don't worry about that because it does not affect us.....unless we are fans of them too.

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There are thousands of people who will want to go to this but there are only 700 places. There is going to be some sort of competition to mete out scarce tickets and in this case the competition is who can get to London on short notice and queue up to get tickets first. A little bit of luck and a whole lot of motivation.


That's how these things are done. All of Mika's peers do the exact same thing and he's been telling us for months that he was going to do it. We knew these were the terms.


You can complain all you want about it but the alternative is no gig at all. Mika is not going to throw a private gig for all MFCers to attend at their leisure any time soon. That's crazy fantasy and I don't understand why anyone thinks they are entitled to that because they bought a couple of albums and went to a couple of concerts.


I don't know why they've changed their tune either. I think EVERYONE should stop moaning about everything. I'm sick of ALL the moaning about the things that Mika does for other people by the ones who are not included. I think it's childish, ungrateful and completely irrational.


Mika is one human being, not some omnipresent diety. He can't be everywhere, all the time, doing everything for everyone - especially for free! This is the reality of the situation and it will never change so the sooner everyone grows up and deals with it the better.


I think moaning about people being disappointed is a bit harsh- quite lot harsh, to be honest. And why do you expect the people he's excluded to be grateful? Or any of us? "Surprise free gig" is for the headlines, not the fans. We said so months ago when he announced it- no reason we should like it now.


I was originally pleased for the people going, but not now they've lectured me on motivation. I don't see what motivation's got to do with it, unless you're suggesting people make career changes with Mika in mind. And I hope no-one here's sad enough to do that!


Mika can't be everywhere- but he can announce things earlier so the people who are genuinely motivated have a chance of getting to them. Free doesn't come into it for most people by the time they've paid to get and stay where he's playing- it's no wonder such people get frustrated when people who don't have those costs get free tickets, and stuff done exclusively for them.

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I haven't gone through this whole thread, but just from looking at it briefly it looks like you guys have already touched on what I was going to post...


I think it's incredibly generous of him to be doing this, on top of the pub thing he's already done. He's really busy right now promoting the new record, so if it's most convenient for him to make this kind of gesture in London then so be it. I can't go but I'm happy for those who can, and thankful to him for being so gracious.


I was really sad to see so many of the posts under his MySpace blog saying "Mika please you have to give us a free gig here in Timbucktooooooooo (or wherever), why are you ignoring us, you always forget about us, you HAVE TO do something for ussssss!!!"


It seems so ungrateful, selfish and greedy to me, and really insulting to him. He's excited, trying to celebrate and do something nice... he's currently in London so that's where he's going to do it. He doesn't owe Londoners or anyone else, he's just trying to have some fun and give back in whatever way he's able to at the moment.


To demand and beg and whine for him to do the same thing all over the effing world is ridiculous. I'm hoping that most of those people are not MFC'ers.


To be honest, if I were him, and I got that kind of response everytime I tried to do something nice, I'd stop doing it. I'd also start resenting my selfish, greedy, un-pleaseable fans.


So, thank you to all of you who said things to him like "that's nice of you Mika" on Twitter, Mikasounds and elsewhere... that's what he deserves.

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I haven't gone through this whole thread, but just from looking at it briefly it looks like you guys have already touched on what I was going to post...


I think it's incredibly generous of him to be doing this, on top of the pub thing he's already done. He's really busy right now promoting the new record, so if it's most convenient for him to make this kind of gesture in London then so be it. I can't go but I'm happy for those who can, and thankful to him for being so gracious.


I was really sad to see so many of the posts under his MySpace blog saying "Mika please you have to give us a free gig here in Timbucktooooooooo (or wherever), why are you ignoring us, you always forget about us, you HAVE TO do something for ussssss!!!"


It seems so ungrateful, selfish and greedy to me, and really insulting to him. He's excited, trying to celebrate and do something nice... he's currently in London so that's where he's going to do it. He doesn't owe Londoners or anyone else, he's just trying to have some fun and give back in whatever way he's able to at the moment.


To demand and beg and whine for him to do the same thing all over the effing world is ridiculous. I'm hoping that most of those people are not MFC'ers.


To be honest, if I were him, and I got that kind of response everytime I tried to do something nice, I'd stop doing it. I'd also start resenting my selfish, greedy, un-pleaseable fans.


So, thank you to all of you who said things to him like "that's nice of you Mika" on Twitter, Mikasounds and elsewhere... that's what he deserves.


Great post Shawna, very well said. I agree fully.

And for the record, I am not saying that people shouldn't be disappointed; Being disappointed is natural and human. What I have an issue with is people saying that Mika should or shouldn't do it, or that they are disappointed in him, or that sort of thing.

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I think moaning about people being disappointed is a bit harsh- quite lot harsh, to be honest. And why do you expect the people he's excluded to be grateful? Or any of us? "Surprise free gig" is for the headlines, not the fans. We said so months ago when he announced it- no reason we should like it now.


I was originally pleased for the people going, but not now they've lectured me on motivation. I don't see what motivation's got to do with it, unless you're suggesting people make career changes with Mika in mind. And I hope no-one here's sad enough to do that!


Mika can't be everywhere- but he can announce things earlier so the people who are genuinely motivated have a chance of getting to them. Free doesn't come into it for most people by the time they've paid to get and stay where he's playing- it's no wonder such people get frustrated when people who don't have those costs get free tickets, and stuff done exclusively for them.



agreed- defenitly...



I think this all started when I suggested some MFCrs talk to Mika there and see what they can do about tickets for those who cant make the giveaway but can make the gig- this fight was never my intention though...


although I will add and say- I never complained, I wished all the fun to those who got to go. obviously im disapointed abit- and I belive I have every right to be disapointed with the fact this wasnt announced earlier and I cant make the gig... but im not blaming Mika for THAT. not complaining...



Mika is very generous to do such things for his fans- wether its a free gig, or a party night at some local pub, but the fact that most (most!!) of these things happen in London or in France (or once in LA) get some of us a bit upset- and there is nothing wrong with that, we just have to remmeber that Mika probably wants the best for us, and cant consider absaloutly everyone while doing so- and we love him... (I just realised how my label comess very wrong here :roftl: )


Im not going to addd anything- Im afraid anything I add will just seem rediclous.:aah:

Edited by inbar_assaf
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Great post Shawna, very well said. I agree fully.

And for the record, I am not saying that people shouldn't be disappointed; Being disappointed is natural and human. What I have an issue with is people saying that Mika should or shouldn't do it, or that they are disappointed in him, or that sort of thing.


Thanks Sara.


Exactly - being disappointed is natural. I'm disappointed too. But to me it's about having manners and recognizing that he doesn't have to do this for anyone (regardless of what his motivations are for doing it)...


Of course those of us who can't go are disappointed, but I just think people are forgetting that he's a human being too and if you count yourself as a fan it would be nice to treat him with a little respect and common courtesy.


Talking to each other about our disappoint him is one thing - what bothers me is when people take it directly to him. On Twitter, MySpace, Mikasounds... begging him and whining to him... he may not read it all, but he'll glance at it and get the gist... and I think it's rude. He can't possibly do it all, and he doesn't have to do any of it, so why moan directly to him?


I dunno - that's my view - whether I'm in the minority there or not.

Edited by zoots14
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Great post Shawna, very well said. I agree fully.

And for the record, I am not saying that people shouldn't be disappointed; Being disappointed is natural and human. What I have an issue with is people saying that Mika should or shouldn't do it, or that they are disappointed in him, or that sort of thing.


Should or shouldn't do it is a bit strong- but drawing conclusions from the fact that he is doing it is inevitable.


The most obvious of which, to me (and I've posted this in the oldlings though not here yet) is that he's NOT doing it for the fans, but as a perfectly legit attempt to get new people to hear and enjoy a show, then hopefully buy the album, become true fans, and whinge whenever he does a show anywhere else :naughty: If so, I hope he succeeds.


Any idea if LA fandom picked up after he did it there?


However, there is also a message that the fans he rewards are the wild and free ones rather than those with comitments they plan to keep- which I do find disappointing

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Should or shouldn't do it is a bit strong- but drawing conclusions from the fact that he is doing it is inevitable.


The most obvious of which, to me (and I've posted this in the oldlings though not here yet) is that he's NOT doing it for the fans, but as a perfectly legit attempt to get new people to hear and enjoy a show, then hopefully buy the album, become true fans, and whinge whenever he does a show anywhere else :naughty: If so, I hope he succeeds.


Any idea if LA fandom picked up after he did it there?


However, there is also a message that the fans he rewards are the wild and free ones rather than those with comitments they plan to keep- which I do find disappointing


Oh how I wish I was wild and free and without commitments, believe me, life would be one ball :lmfao:

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Thanks Sara.


Exactly - being disappointed is natural. I'm disappointed too. But to me it's about having manners and recognizing that he doesn't have to do this for anyone ...


Of course those of us who can't go are disappointed, but I just think people are forgetting that he's a human being too and if you count yourself as a fan it would be nice to treat him with a little respect and common courtesy.


Talking to each other about our disappoint him is one thing - what bothers me is when people take it directly to him. On Twitter, MySpace, Mikasounds... begging him and whining to him... he may not read it all, but he'll glance at it and get the gist... and I think it's rude. He can't possibly do it all, and he doesn't have to do any of it, so why moan directly to him?


I dunno - that's my view - whether I'm in the minority there or not.


I was just asking to try and help people who I know won't get there in time for the giveaway, not their fault, and they are trying to get there as best they can, it's just transport and timing that are the problem.

I'm okay, I'll already be there, I just wanted to help others who won't be able to, even though they are trying. Especially as people have helped me get to events in the past, I just wanted to help them back.

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Thanks Sara.


Exactly - being disappointed is natural. I'm disappointed too. But to me it's about having manners and recognizing that he doesn't have to do this for anyone ...


Of course those of us who can't go are disappointed, but I just think people are forgetting that he's a human being too and if you count yourself as a fan it would be nice to treat him with a little respect and common courtesy.


Talking to each other about our disappoint him is one thing - what bothers me is when people take it directly to him. On Twitter, MySpace, Mikasounds... begging him and whining to him... he may not read it all, but he'll glance at it and get the gist... and I think it's rude. He can't possibly do it all, and he doesn't have to do any of it, so why moan directly to him?


I dunno - that's my view - whether I'm in the minority there or not.


Ah no- I wouldn't hassle him about this on twitter, at least- I can understand younglings expressing a bit of disappointment, but I can imagine that plenty have a hectoring tone which isn't on- Album night was always likely to be London IMO- I must admit I see this more as motivated by promo than the free drinks though- that's not a criticism of him, but I'm not sure I have to feel very grateful that he's doing it

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However, there is also a message that the fans he rewards are the wild and free ones rather than those with comitments they plan to keep- which I do find disappointing


Wild and free. :naughty: Not exactly. Speaking for myself I have enough commitments.

Nice to be called wild and free though even if it's not true.

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London isn't the only lucky place. Take the secret NYC gig for example, and the free ice cream there. Plus the really big shows are in Paris and two of those mega big shows have been recorded. Italian fans get exclusive VLogs (okay yeah sure they're on YouTube now :roftl:) But they WERE for Italians.


Yes there are several places Mika hasn't been to yet but he's going to be, at least that's what he says and I don't see why we shouldn't trust him. The pub party happened. The EP *finally* happened, and Mika said on YouTube this gig was gonna happen, it just happened on a different week. Mika is a man of his word, but Mika is currently in the UK, Mika lives in London, he WILL do a full on tour soon so you WILL get to see him at some point but because of where HE is placed then yes, of course he will do it in London.


It's not our fault and I'm not saying that people are saying it is, but for people to moan and say how unfair it is kinda makes me feel a bit guilty about going and I shouldn't be. It's taken me two years to be this lucky and I'm going to soak it up as much as I can, cos I know you guys would if YOU could and why should I miss out when I am actually available?


Don't get me wrong, of course I am sad for you guys, I totally understand where you are coming from, but Mika can't be in two (or more) places at once and he will get round to you eventually.

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I think moaning about people being disappointed is a bit harsh- quite lot harsh, to be honest. And why do you expect the people he's excluded to be grateful?


Because in so many of those cases, as you've touched on previously, the ones who are doing the moaning will change their tune with whatever way the wind is blowing.


Basically they are grateful to Mika until he does something for someone else and then it becomes "What have you done for me lately?" They have plenty to be grateful for in the past (not to mention the future) but are only concerning themselves with what someone else is getting instead of them today.


I also don't begrudge anyone being disappointed. If you want to lock yourself in a room and cry until Tuesday morning knock yourself out. But all this anger directed at Mika is just irrational IMO. I mean did I just read somewhere someone saying they were not going to buy the album because they are upset with him?


I'm sorry but that is madness! I'm guessing that Mika's going rate for a private gig is in the hundreds of thousands of pounds plus all the associated costs with the venue, his staff, the ice cream truck, etc. And someone thinks he should make accommodation for them so he can get their 1 pound in royalty from an album sale?


What has anyone ever done for Mika that they think they are entitled to these things from him? This kind of mentality is just completely outrageous to me. I am sorry for people's disappointment, but people expressing it in this manner is disgusting to me.

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Ah no- I wouldn't hassle him about this on twitter, at least- I can understand younglings expressing a bit of disappointment, but I can imagine that plenty have a hectoring tone which isn't on- Album night was always likely to be London IMO- I must admit I see this more as motivated by promo than the free drinks though- that's not a criticism of him, but I'm not sure I have to feel very grateful that he's doing it

I think that it all stemmed from some people saying that they are disappointed in Mika now because of this, and dont' feel like buying his album/going to gigs/being on MFC, etc. There were a couple of pretty 'heavily criticising Mika' posts. Not necessarily posted on this thread, but expressed on MFC in any case :wink2:.

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