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*Official Sammy Rae Fan Club*


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I am a HUGE fan of our very own 'pianogirlsammy' . . . and I know I am NOT the only one! :roftl: Sammy YOU are SO amazing - you totally deserve your very own Fan Club. And I am not ONLY the first member, but I am also the President! :biggrin2: You are going to be SO famous one day. Your VOICE and ability to write INCREDIBLE songs is . . (I am speechless) :aah:


LET'S just say . . .YOU ROCK!




My FAVE Sammy song . .




Keep up the excellent work - the SKY is really the limit for you! :bow:



Edited by HollyD
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Um, where to begin, where to begin ...


Sammy was the first MFCer I met in RL, so she will always have that special place in my heart ...


What else is there to say. She's amazingly talented, and she HONEST TO GOD is gonna be huge some day. I know she's gonna be going into the studio in the new year, so can I just say that I am SO excited to hear these tracks layed down!


Wow. :wub2:


My fave tracks are Oh, Happy July, Yesterday, and Blast Off. :aah:


And, Sammy, if you're reading this ... you are always and forever my firefighter. :lmfao:


Also ... keep a look out for Blast Off on iTunes in the next few weeks ... :teehee:

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Just remember ME when you B L O W - UP Sammy . . . . cause I wanna run your WORLD-WIDE Fan Club! There is NOTHING in the world to date that compares to the MFC . . . but, just WATCH OUT for the SRFC - cause it is going to be DA BOMB! :thumb_yello:



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Now we ALL have 'Guess who dosen't like you very much' stuck in our heads! It may not be on the radio YET - but, you would CRACK UP to see me and the kids riding down the street singing this song at the TOP of our lungs! SO much fun - and DAYUM this song is ADDICTIVE!


It's a number 1 hit! - NO DOUBT! :teehee:

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Now we ALL have 'Guess who dosen't like you very much' stuck in our heads! It may not be on the radio YET - but, you would CRACK UP to see me and the kids riding down the street singing this song at the TOP of our lungs! SO much fun - and DAYUM this song is ADDICTIVE!


It's a number 1 hit! - NO DOUBT! :teehee:


I aggree :biggrin2:

I love your music Sammy! :wub2:

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