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Mika's Dog Thread ▽・w・▽


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They look so happy !!


4 hours ago, Kumazzz said:

Paris Match

Photos François Roelants


page 84 + 85



Près de Florence, en Toscane, ou à Londres, les deux golden retrievers, Melachi et Amira, ne sont jamais loin du couple.


Quand j’ai révélé mon homosexualité, maman m’a dit : « je l’ai toujours su. si toi tu ne le savais pas, c’est ton problème »

Chanter sous la pluie, comme dans les comédies musicales qu’il affectionne. Avec Andy, ils ont connu des orages, se sont séparés, puis retrouvés. En 2013, Mika lui dédie une chanson, « The Origin of Love ». D’autres suivront. Comme la très sensuelle « Ice Cream », écrite ici il y a un an et devenue le single du nouvel album. Anglogrec, réalisateur de documentaires et de clips, Andreas Dermanis, 34 ans, partage avec Mika origines multiculturelles et goût des images. Mais il préfère l’ombre à la lumière, comme la mère du chanteur avec qui il s’entend si bien. « C’est une personne face à laquelle j’oublie tout, dit Mika. Les succès, les échecs, la pression, l’avenir. » Celui sur lequel il s’appuie et qui lui donne des ailes.






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On 10/31/2019 at 10:16 PM, Kumazzz said:





3 hours ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:




How do you keep your form?

Mika: I have 4 coaches in 4 different countries. They contact themselves via emails. I do a lot of horse riding. I swim. I run. And I walk. 


How do you keep your optimism?

Mika: I am curious. And I am trying to find people which have interesting stories to tell. Really.  It's almost an obsession. And because I am interested by people around me it makes me  engaged and amazed by the situations I find myself in.


What you have to have while touring?

Mika: My dogs. Two Golden Retrievers. They are cool. And they travel with me around the world.


Where is "at your place"?

Mika: For me to be "at my place" is to be with people I love. With people who make me laugh. And it is the place where the food is. The kitchen.



Thanks a lot @Anna Ko Kolkowska


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Girls in Turin


12 minutes ago, Kumazzz said:



25 novembre 2019

Corriere della Sera / Corriere TV


Torino, il debutto di Mika con il suo «Revelation Tour»: tutti in piedi per lui


Il backstage della prima tappa del lungo ciclo di concerti che toccherà diversi palazzetti italiani


Mika ha debuttato con il suo «Revelation Tour» al Pala Alpitour di Torino. Nel palazzetto piemontese erano in ottomila, tutti in piedi per lui. Questo nuovo show, prodotto in Italia da Barley Arts, è stato pensato in ogni minimo dettaglio, come si faceva un tempo: «L’ho cambiato ben quattro volte - afferma l’artista - consapevole che questo tour doveva essere diverso dagli altri realizzati fino ad oggi. E quindi ho disegnato un set molto bello, ricorda un’immensa installazione d’arte, grandi illustrazioni e foto sospese nell’aria. Il palco è tutto proteso verso il pubblico, e mi lancia in una dimensione quasi onirica e intima». L’inedito backstage della prima tappa del tour tra l’affetto dei suoi cani, la carica del suo staff, l’omaggio dei calciatori della Juventus e l’entusiasmo del pubblico.



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Turin, Mika's debut with his «Revelation Tour»: all standing for him

 The backstage of the first stage of the long cycle of concerts that will touch several Italian buildings

Mika made his "Revelation Tour" debut at the Pala Alpitour in Turin. In the Piedmontese building they were eight thousand, all standing for him. This new show, produced in Italy by Barley Arts, was designed in every detail, as it was once: "I changed it four times - says the artist - knowing that this tour had to be different from the others made up to date. And so I designed a very beautiful set, reminiscent of an immense art installation, large illustrations and photos suspended in the air. The stage is all leaning towards the public, and launches me into an almost dreamlike and intimate dimension ". The new backstage of the first leg of the tour between the affection of his dogs, the charge of his staff, the tribute of Juventus players and the enthusiasm of the public.



DIRECT MP4 https://vod.rcsobjects.it/corriere/fcs.quotidiani/VAM/2019/11/25/TurinFinal_20191125161041_900k.mp4



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