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New Mika Song in French: "Elle me dit"


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He has Melachi for a year yo? He got het as a puppy so Melachi ís not older than 15 months I suppose. 1 year of dog´s life = 7 years of human´s life, so melachi should be like 8 or 9 years old girl :thumb_yello:


no she is 14 years, if she is 1 year in human years ;)

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First of all: I don't think that anybody 'deserves' anything from him or him as person. He's free to do whatever he wants and as an artist he himself should be the only person who influences / decides about his work. Apart from that I don't share your opinion that France or the UK are more / less important for him. Every experience and time of his life made him the person he is now. And whoever decides who gets a Brit Award isn't responsible for making an artist feel more comfortable in a country or something like that. Does he need more attention? Yes, of course. And not only in the UK. In most European countries. As I'm German I could talk ages about what goes wrong in my country. But that's not 'the country's fault' but the consequence of how his music label(s) work(s). It all depends on the promotion they do / don't. How on earth can he be successfull when there isn't a single advert about a gig / cd / whatever? And so on. I'm not happy with the promotion in some countries at all but we won't change that...


What I don't like about the song is basically that it's French and that I don't get a word. I never liked French music as I don't like the language. That's a personal thing. I read the translation but it's still not the same. I won't be able to sing along. I don't understand him when he sings it, etc. As I already said: that's a personal thing. Plus I have the feeling that he is very focused on France these days. Nothing wrong with that. I just wish he would be doing promo all over the world :wink2: In other words: I feel a bit left out even though I know that I'm lucky enough to be able to travel to gigs this year.


About changes: I don't like them too much in general but I can bear a musician to change :wink2: I know that it's a bonus song this time. I'm just a bit worried about the future.


Of course I respect your opinion, these are just 2 different points of view.

But one thing I don´t agree at all - He's free to do whatever he wants and as an artist he himself should be the only person who influences / decides about his work.

No artist decides about his promotion, release dates, shows, anything. If he wanted to decide, he´d have to do everything all alone, but as he needs to be produced by someone who can push him to the top, he needs to sign really rough contracts. So belive me, all you can blame him for is the melody and the lyrics, maybe arrangement.

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: I'm really sad now. I want to like the song. It has a nice meoldy and everything. But I just don't. : It's French. I don't like French. Nor do I understand it or can sing along. I hope he doesn't turn into a French singer. It's bad enough (for me) that he speaks French at gigs in France and in all the countries where people could understand French and that he recorded two of his two DVDs in France where he spoke French. But if he really does more songs in French I fear to feel misplaced like I feel now in more situations. : And I start to get more worried about the 'Frenchness' of his Compiegne-gig as well. It is in France and of course it's French due to that anyway : but what I mean is more my feeling to 'be part of it' or not.:


It's great for all the French and French-speaking fans he has. And it's just my personal opinion. :


:huglove: i know what you mean, i don't like french either and don't like it if i don't understand what he sings/says. but nevertheless i love the song. my french pronounciation sounds more like german (if it sounds like anything at all... :teehee:), but i still managed to learn the lyrics of french GK for the gigs last year, so at least i could move my mouth and pretend i was singing along. :naughty: and what happened? mika forgot the lyrics! :lmfao:


i also remember that the boyband worlds apart, whom i was a fan of in the 90s, started having great success in france, and they released a song half french half english. i loved it, and also managed to learn the lyrics, though i couldn't pronounce the french parts. but listening to the song about a hundred times makes your pronouncation get close to what it should sound like. :naughty:

the bad thing with worlds apart was that they didn't have success in other countries than france anymore, so they were just touring there, and not in germany anymore. :sad: if that happened with mika, i'd be really sad and disappointed as well. but at the moment i think we're still far from that point - although of course i also would've preferred him to come to zurich, instead of having to go to 2 gigs in french-speaking areas. but remember luxemburg? he spoke french there too, but still it was fantastic. :wub2:


in any case, i don't think mika would've released a single now for all of europe - so this isn't a replacement for something, but an extra that we get. :wink2: it's also better imo that he releases a bonus track now, instead of already releasing songs that will be on the (normal) album, like he did the last time on the songs for sorrow EP. i hope though, that he will play 1 or 2 of the english songs from his next album at the gigs. :original:


I don´t know why you dislike the song :

I think French people deserve him more than British ones, sometimes.. He grown there, he lived there, he loves France, I think, why should he continue in that British production when he´s not even nominated for Brit awards this year? I think he deserves more attention from UK. But that´s only my opinion. Anyway, Elle me dit is only bonus track for his next-coming album, so don´t worry, French will appear only few times. And I love that he´s not always the same, he tries to change a little but he keeps the basic of his music


i definitely disagree with the bolded sentence. no country deserves mika more than another one! of course we have to live with the fact that he prefers certain countries (especially france, since he is very successful there), but i think in europe we can't complain, compared to other parts of the world. :wink2:


btw, i really hope that we in fact CAN buy the song as a download, and it won't just be available in france! :aah:

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I listened to it 6 times. I know the lyrics. Here are the lyrics in French:


Elle me dit "écris une chanson contente, pas une chanson déprimante, une chanson que tout le monde aime".


Elle me dit "tu deviendras milliardaire. T'auras de quoi être fier. Ne finis pas comme ton père".

Elle me dit "ne t'enferme pas dans ta chambre, vas-y, secoue-toi et danse dis moi c'est quoi ton problème?"

Elle me dit "qu'est ce que t'as t'as l'air coincé , t'es défoncé ou t'es gai

Tu finiras comme ton frère"


CHORUS: Elle me dit, Elle me dit "c'est ta vie fais ce que tu veux tant pis un jour tu comprendras un jour tu t'en voudras"

Elle me dit "t'es trop nul, sors un peu de ta bulle. Tu fais n'importe quoi on dirait que t'aimes ca."

Pourquoi tu gâches ta vie? Pourquoi tu gâches ta vie? Pourquoi tu gâches ta vie?

Danse danse danse danse elle me dit danse". x2


Elle me dit "fais comme les autres garcons, va taper dans un ballon, tu deviendras populaire".

Elle me dit, "qu'est-ce que tu fous sur internet, ca va pas bien dans ta tête. Regarde le temps que tu perds."

Elle me dit "pourquoi tu te plains tout le temps? On dirait que t'as huit ans. C'est pas comme ca que tu vas plaire"

Elle me dit "un jour je ne serai plus et c'est quand elle me dit ça qu'elle me dit un truc que j'aime.






Elle me dit, "t'as pas encore des cheveux blancs, mais t'auras bientôt 30 ans, faudrait que tu te réveilles".

Elle me dit "tu es toujours un enfant, tu ne seras jamais grand. Et moi je suis déjà vieille"

Elle me dit "regarde un peu tes amis, qu'est-ce qu'ils vont faire de leur vie, y' a de quoi se foutre en l'air".

Elle me dit, "oui un jour tu me tueras" et c'est quand elle me dit ca qu'elle me dit un truc que j'aime.





Edited by macboll
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Look I will probably like anything that Mika does on some level because I am open to all different kinds of music and he knows how to write a catchy melody. This sounds almost identical to Yelle and I love her so it's not terrible...but can't say I'm happy with the vocals. He's a good singer and this sounds like the same autotuned manipulation they do to no-talents who can't sing at all. And because it sounds like Yelle it's not exactly original or interesting.

I agree, His vocal in this song is not demanded. But the song is very incendiary . This is need for the mass listener ( for the dancing people)... I am assured, we will see in new album something very special and sophisticated , exquisite and etc ). As it was ! I love this new song and wait for spirituel songs very much!

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First of all: I don't think that anybody 'deserves' anything from him or him as person. He's free to do whatever he wants and as an artist he himself should be the only person who influences / decides about his work. Apart from that I don't share your opinion that France or the UK are more / less important for him. Every experience and time of his life made him the person he is now. And whoever decides who gets a Brit Award isn't responsible for making an artist feel more comfortable in a country or something like that. Does he need more attention? Yes, of course. And not only in the UK. In most European countries. As I'm German I could talk ages about what goes wrong in my country. But that's not 'the country's fault' but the consequence of how his music label(s) work(s). It all depends on the promotion they do / don't. How on earth can he be successfull when there isn't a single advert about a gig / cd / whatever? And so on. I'm not happy with the promotion in some countries at all but we won't change that...


What I don't like about the song is basically that it's French and that I don't get a word. I never liked French music as I don't like the language. That's a personal thing. I read the translation but it's still not the same. I won't be able to sing along. I don't understand him when he sings it, etc. As I already said: that's a personal thing. Plus I have the feeling that he is very focused on France these days. Nothing wrong with that. I just wish he would be doing promo all over the world :wink2: In other words: I feel a bit left out even though I know that I'm lucky enough to be able to travel to gigs this year.


About changes: I don't like them too much in general but I can bear a musician to change :wink2: I know that it's a bonus song this time. I'm just a bit worried about the future.


I´m feeling exactly like you. We had a talk about this on msn yesterday... if he feels that UK doesn´t love him THEN HE SHOULD DO MORE PROMOTION THERE INSTEAD OF GOING TO FRANCE WHERE HE IS ALREADY LOVED! It´s my opinion anyway. If he just wants to sell 6 millions of albums, well, there are 65 millions of people living in France, maybe he´ll get it :mf_rosetinted:


Now seriously, I perfectly can understand that his fanbase all over the world is feeling apart of this new single. He is releasing it in french, and in french radio stations... :dunno: if he wants to show to France how much they love him, then he can do 67675876 encores after any gig there, and sing again Grace Kelly in french and stuff... but focusing his new single only in France, it´s a mistake for an INTERNATIONAL CAREER in my opinion.

Edited by basicamenteyo
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I´m feeling exactly like you. We had a discussin about this on msn yesterday... if he feels that UK doesn´t love him THEN HE SHOULD DO MORE PROMOTION THERE INSTEAD OF GOING TO FRANCE WHERE HE IS ALREADY LOVED! It´s my opinion anyway. If he just wants to sell 6 millions of albums, well, there are 65 millions of people living in France, maybe he´ll get it :mf_rosetinted:


Now seriously, I perfectly can understand that his fanbase all over the world is feeling apart of this new single. He is releasing it in french, and in french radio stations... :dunno: if he wants to show to France how much they love him, then he can do 67675876 encores after any gig there, and sing again Grace Kelly in french and stuff... but focusing his new single only in France, it´s a mistake for an INTERNATIONAL CAREER in my opinion.


You're so right!:wink2:

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I listened to it 6 times. I know the lyrics. Here are the lyrics in French:


Elle me dit "écris une chanson contente, pas une chanson déprimante, une chanson que tout le monde aime".


Elle me dit "tu deviendras milliardaire. T'auras de quoi être fier. Ne finis pas comme ton père".

Elle me dit "ne t'enferme pas dans ta chambre, vas-y, secoue-toi et danse dis moi c'est quoi ton problème?"

Elle me dit "qu'est ce que t'as t'as l'air coincé , t'es défoncé ou t'es gai

Tu finiras comme ton frère"


CHORUS: Elle me dit, Elle me dit "c'est ta vie fais ce que tu veux tant pis un jour tu comprendras un jour tu t'en voudras"

Elle me dit "t'es trop nul, sors un peu de ta bulle. Tu fais n'importe quoi on dirait que t'aimes ca."

Pourquoi tu gâches ta vie? Pourquoi tu gâches ta vie? Pourquoi tu gâches ta vie?

Danse danse danse danse elle me dit danse". x2


Elle me dit "fais comme les autres garcons, va taper dans un ballon, tu deviendras populaire".

Elle me dit, "qu'est-ce que tu fous sur internet, ca va pas bien dans ta tête. Regarde le temps que tu perds."

Elle me dit "pourquoi tu te plains tout le temps? On dirait que t'as huit ans. C'est pas comme ca que tu vas plaire"

Elle me dit "un jour je ne serai plus et c'est quand elle me dit ça qu'elle me dit un truc que j'aime.






Elle me dit, "t'as pas encore des cheveux blancs, mais t'auras bientôt 30 ans, faudrait que tu te réveilles".

Elle me dit "tu es toujours un enfant, tu ne seras jamais grand. Et moi je suis déjà vieille"

Elle me dit "regarde un peu tes amis, qu'est-ce qu'ils vont faire de leur vie, y' a de quoi se foutre en l'air".

Elle me dit, "oui un jour tu me tueras" et c'est quand elle me dit ca qu'elle me dit un truc que j'aime.


Elle me dit danse, elle me dit danse danse danse


Elle me dit, c'est t'as vie fais ce que tu veut tampis. Un jour tu comprendras un jour tu t'en voudras

Elle me dit t'es trop nul sort un peu de t'as bulle. Tu fais n'importe quoi on dirais que t'aime ca.




Ah! That makes sense, I knew I was going wrong somewhere. Not to mention my awful spelling/grammar. Thank you :thumb_yello:

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Of course I respect your opinion, these are just 2 different points of view.

But one thing I don´t agree at all - He's free to do whatever he wants and as an artist he himself should be the only person who influences / decides about his work.

No artist decides about his promotion, release dates, shows, anything. If he wanted to decide, he´d have to do everything all alone, but as he needs to be produced by someone who can push him to the top, he needs to sign really rough contracts. So belive me, all you can blame him for is the melody and the lyrics, maybe arrangement.


Oh, there was a misunderstanding then! When I said he should be free... I meant musically :wink2: I know about those contracts and everything and I don't blame him for the bad promo :wink2: I just meant his musical work by saying 'work', assuming that we all have in mind that there are many other people and companies pushing him and everything :teehee:

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I listened to it 6 times. I know the lyrics. Here are the lyrics in French:


Elle me dit "écris une chanson contente, pas une chanson déprimante, une chanson que tout le monde aime".


Elle me dit "tu deviendras milliardaire. T'auras de quoi être fier. Ne finis pas comme ton père".

Elle me dit "ne t'enferme pas dans ta chambre, vas-y, secoue-toi et danse dis moi c'est quoi ton problème?"

Elle me dit "qu'est ce que t'as t'as l'air coincé , t'es défoncé ou t'es gai

Tu finiras comme ton frère"


CHORUS: Elle me dit, Elle me dit "c'est ta vie fais ce que tu veux tant pis un jour tu comprendras un jour tu t'en voudras"

Elle me dit "t'es trop nul, sors un peu de ta bulle. Tu fais n'importe quoi on dirait que t'aimes ca."

Pourquoi tu gâches ta vie? Pourquoi tu gâches ta vie? Pourquoi tu gâches ta vie?

Danse danse danse danse elle me dit danse". x2


Elle me dit "fais comme les autres garcons, va taper dans un ballon, tu deviendras populaire".

Elle me dit, "qu'est-ce que tu fous sur internet, ca va pas bien dans ta tête. Regarde le temps que tu perds."

Elle me dit "pourquoi tu te plains tout le temps? On dirait que t'as huit ans. C'est pas comme ca que tu vas plaire"

Elle me dit "un jour je ne serai plus et c'est quand elle me dit ça qu'elle me dit un truc que j'aime.






Elle me dit, "t'as pas encore des cheveux blancs, mais t'auras bientôt 30 ans, faudrait que tu te réveilles".

Elle me dit "tu es toujours un enfant, tu ne seras jamais grand. Et moi je suis déjà vieille"

Elle me dit "regarde un peu tes amis, qu'est-ce qu'ils vont faire de leur vie, y' a de quoi se foutre en l'air".

Elle me dit, "oui un jour tu me tueras" et c'est quand elle me dit ca qu'elle me dit un truc que j'aime.







Thanks :thumb_yello:

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:tears: I'm really sad now. I want to like the song. It has a nice meoldy and everything. But I just don't. :emot-sad: It's French. I don't like French. Nor do I understand it or can sing along. I hope he doesn't turn into a French singer. It's bad enough (for me) that he speaks French at gigs in France and in all the countries where people could understand French and that he recorded two of his two DVDs in France where he spoke French. But if he really does more songs in French I fear to feel misplaced like I feel now in more situations. :sad: And I start to get more worried about the 'Frenchness' of his Compiegne-gig as well. It is in France and of course it's French due to that anyway :aah: but what I mean is more my feeling to 'be part of it' or not.:huh:


It's great for all the French and French-speaking fans he has. And it's just my personal opinion. :wink2:

I personally LOVE this song and I also think it's very sing-alongable for non-French-speaking fans. Everybody, after the first listen, knows exactly where the Elle Me Dit bits are comming in the song and will sing those bits.

But he's still going to have his 12 English songs on his album.

I think this is brave of Mika. It's Mika leading the way as usual, and it's a slightly different sound, and yet, it's still recognisable as a Mika song. I think the chorus is gorgeous and ppl will learn it very soon!

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I personally LOVE this song and I also think it's very sing-alongable for non-French-speaking fans. Everybody, after the first listen, knows exactly where the Elle Me Dit bits are comming in the song and will sing those bits.

But he's still going to have his 12 English songs on his album.

I think this is brave of Mika. It's Mika leading the way as usual, and it's a slightly different sound, and yet, it's still recognisable as a Mika song. I think the chorus is gorgeous and ppl will learn it very soon!


but is this kind of song what we were waiting for?

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Oh, there was a misunderstanding then! When I said he should be free... I meant musically :wink2: I know about those contracts and everything and I don't blame him for the bad promo :wink2: I just meant his musical work by saying 'work', assuming that we all have in mind that there are many other people and companies pushing him and everything :teehee:


Oh ok. :aah:

Conclusion is that I love the song, you don´t :aah: and it´s impossible to change our minds so all I can do is hope that you´ll like it one day ;)

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I listened to it 6 times. I know the lyrics. Here are the lyrics in French:


Elle me dit "écris une chanson contente, pas une chanson déprimante, une chanson que tout le monde aime".


Elle me dit "tu deviendras milliardaire. T'auras de quoi être fier. Ne finis pas comme ton père".

Elle me dit "ne t'enferme pas dans ta chambre, vas-y, secoue-toi et danse dis moi c'est quoi ton problème?"

Elle me dit "qu'est ce que t'as t'as l'air coincé , t'es défoncé ou t'es gai

Tu finiras comme ton frère"


CHORUS: Elle me dit, Elle me dit "c'est ta vie fais ce que tu veux tant pis un jour tu comprendras un jour tu t'en voudras"

Elle me dit "t'es trop nul, sors un peu de ta bulle. Tu fais n'importe quoi on dirait que t'aimes ca."

Pourquoi tu gâches ta vie? Pourquoi tu gâches ta vie? Pourquoi tu gâches ta vie?

Danse danse danse danse elle me dit danse". x2


Elle me dit "fais comme les autres garcons, va taper dans un ballon, tu deviendras populaire".

Elle me dit, "qu'est-ce que tu fous sur internet, ca va pas bien dans ta tête. Regarde le temps que tu perds."

Elle me dit "pourquoi tu te plains tout le temps? On dirait que t'as huit ans. C'est pas comme ca que tu vas plaire"

Elle me dit "un jour je ne serai plus et c'est quand elle me dit ça qu'elle me dit un truc que j'aime.






Elle me dit, "t'as pas encore des cheveux blancs, mais t'auras bientôt 30 ans, faudrait que tu te réveilles".

Elle me dit "tu es toujours un enfant, tu ne seras jamais grand. Et moi je suis déjà vieille"

Elle me dit "regarde un peu tes amis, qu'est-ce qu'ils vont faire de leur vie, y' a de quoi se foutre en l'air".

Elle me dit, "oui un jour tu me tueras" et c'est quand elle me dit ca qu'elle me dit un truc que j'aime.







I'll never learn that by next week!:naughty:

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omg! i can't stop listening to it!!! I love Mika ,I love the song,I love you Mika's fans!!



*dancing like an idiot to the song* :P:roftl:


I'm going to show the song to my friend who wanted me to tell him something about Mika ,who knows maybe we'll have another member :D

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ok. just woke up (no work today) and I listened and I LOVE THE SONG . of course I love the song....it's the same effect every time with Mika.... love at first listen


sounds a bit arabic to me . fantastic!


I don't understand the exact meaning of few lines but I get the idea


love, love, love


and I have to edit my first post here a bit....not sure "write a song that everyone loves (somebody, anybody, anything) or write a song that everyone will love (the song)?


going to dance....


EDiT: ok, I'm not editing my first post cause I got it right "write a song that everyone would love"....

I love the song..it's a very good dance song with a good lyrics...but ....it's what the mother said..it's all a quotation....(first I thought it's what the woman in the bar said...and that's somehow wise and important to M)..my conclusion is: I hate such talking:-) I hate when mothers talk like that to children....there are many other ways! ok..too many translations....some of the things the mother said were ok, but not everything..;-)


and a real artist writes what he/she feels inside. when it's sadness he/she writes sad songs. maybe one day it will be time for happy songs...

that's me.

Edited by Melisanda
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