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2012 - Mika @ Weekend Wogan Xmas Special 12.12.2012 Union Chapel - on BBC Radio2 23.12.2012


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nina and me were SO lucky yesterday! we only arrived at 7 because nina wasn't in london earlier, and i was supposed to be but my bus from manchester was stuck in traffic so it took 2 hours longer. anyway we asked a few people whether they had spare tickets/places (like teresa and the others had done before), but it was only few arriving at that time and they didn't have any. and then the doors were closed and no one got in anymore. we went round to the backstage entrance, thought everyone would be inside already because everything was quiet and were just wondering whether to go in a café, when suddenly mika arrived! :shocked: him and max and tim in a van. he said he doesn't know whether he can get us in because he had already got 3 people in (the french girls who had met him in the afternoon when he was at the soundcheck), but told us to wait a few minutes and *maybe* someone will come to get us... but we didn't have to wait, he had just gone inside when one of the crew guys there told us to follow him. it was awesome! :wub2:

gotta leave now, will write more when i have time. :wink2:


I'm sorry about your delay on traffic,good it went well in the end :thumb_yello: And awesome indeed,how to not love him?? I'm so glad that you all managed to get in,even more that one was not a planned event :kachinga:

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nina and me were SO lucky yesterday! we only arrived at 7 because nina wasn't in london earlier, and i was supposed to be but my bus from manchester was stuck in traffic so it took 2 hours longer. anyway we asked a few people whether they had spare tickets/places (like teresa and the others had done before), but it was only few arriving at that time and they didn't have any. and then the doors were closed and no one got in anymore. we went round to the backstage entrance, thought everyone would be inside already because everything was quiet and were just wondering whether to go in a café, when suddenly mika arrived! :shocked: him and max and tim in a van. he said he doesn't know whether he can get us in because he had already got 3 people in (the french girls who had met him in the afternoon when he was at the soundcheck), but told us to wait a few minutes and *maybe* someone will come to get us... but we didn't have to wait, he had just gone inside when one of the crew guys there told us to follow him. it was awesome! :wub2:

gotta leave now, will write more when i have time. :wink2:


you're lucky :thumb_yello:


thanks for celebrate and lenon's song


can't wait for vid :mf_rosetinted:

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It was a lovely night indeed!


The entire performer list in the end was Shingai (Noisettes), Lemar, Friar Alessandro, Mika, Steps, The Gypsy Queens, James Torme, Joe McElderry, Sir Brian May & Kerry Ellis - all rounded off with the London Community Gospel Choir as house band. All as Christmassy as could be, yet not a turkey amongst them!


A few sublime covers in there too - listen to the whole thing on Sun 23 Dec 11:00am - 1:00pm. Though you'll never see it on radio, Steps made me crack a smile when they did their new single - complete with a routine...

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You're all welcome :) I hope BBC won't block it, tried to not mention anything about Wogan and the BBC in the descriptions.

And yeah, he was wearing a key necklace of some sort.

Btw, half way through that vid, Mika smiled at the MFCers in the crowd, we stood out I guess lol

Edited by LaraMay
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aww, thanks for the video lara! :thumb_yello: also thanks for the audio sephira, was fab to hear his cute talking in between the songs again! :thumb_yello: i love the john lennon song, and loved mika's version too. :wub2: ok yes his voice wasn't at its best, but still i got goosebumps when he performed it, so beautiful! :wub2: and it's fab that you got the bit on video where he looks over to all of us! as i sat so far at the side and no one was behind me, i dared to wave my arm to the music (slowly of course, like you'd do with a lighter for a slow song :teehee:), he saw that and he saw your group as well, and it's so cute how he smiled when he saw us all there! :wub2:

i also really enjoyed several of the other performances, for example the guy who was on after mika, don't know his name but he got everyone dancing. and a monk who sang a beautiful classical xmas song (iirc it was silent night, but not sure anymore). and the choir was brilliant, it was so much fun to hear them sing! :wub2: and generally, it was a fantastic atmosphere in that church. though far too cold! xD in the middle part of the church there were heaters, but as nina and me sat at the side, we didn't get much of that warmth and at the end of the concert i was completely frozen, tho i had put on my jacket and gloves halfway through. but i didn't want to leave after mika's performance, or in the pause (there was a pause after about half of the gig, but mika was on quite early already, the 4th artist or so), since i wanted to see brian may, and he was on last. it wasn't really worth it tbh, as i didn't like the voice of the girl he performed with, one song was ok but generally i wish now that i had left in the pause instead of freezing my a** off - i LOVED the first half (not just because of mika ;-)), but the second half was a bit boring at times, i was so tired and had the feeling i'd doze off any moment, after the mika adrenaline had disappeared. :teehee:


anyway, how it all started that day was that my bus from manchester was nearly 2 hours late because the motorway had been blocked so we had to take a detour through small towns with lots of traffic lights and therefor traffic jams. :aah: so i couldn't make it in time to join theresa, laurel, sabine, renate, lara etc. - it had also been my plan to ask people in the queue whether they had a spare place. and obviously that worked! ;-) anyway there was no queue left when i finally arrived shortly before 7pm! :aah: and of course also the bbc people didn't let us in. a few guests still arrived and i asked every single one of them - but just one said he had 2 spare places, but then he learned he had to go inside through the backstage entrance, and since he didn't invite me to, of course i didn't follow him there. a few minutes later nina arrived, and another few minutes later, the doors were closed and they told us that no one would get in anymore now, not even if they had tickets.


so i thought, last chance, see if anyone else like this guy before would go in through the backstage entrance and could/would take us. i was sure mika was already inside, also the bbc people at the entrance said the show would start now and that all the artists were already there. so we went to the back, where there were 2 doors, and took a seat on a small wall, on nina's warm blanket. i was so glad to have a moment to relax, as before that i had just been hurrying from victoria bus station to our hotel at king's cross and from there to the church - i felt quite stressed. well no wonder if you spend 7 hours stuck on a bus and then run through london and still don't make it in time! :aah: next time i'll definitely take the train - at least if i have any plans for the evening, lol! ;-p


we talked about leaving to sit in a café, as there was no person to be seen, and it was freezing cold... but then some more people arrived. a van stopped, and a man and a girl arrived from somewhere, separate from each other, and they weren't sure which of the 2 doors was the entrance. i think the guy asked us which it was (and we didn't know), and we asked the girl whether she had spare places (she didn't), and as we were just about to ask the guy about spare places too, the door on the left opened and the door of the van opened and mika got out. of course i was like: :shocked:, couldn't believe our luck! we stood a few metres away, and i just said to nina, only loudly enough so he could hear it, ah, it's mika! he looked, saw us, stopped and turned towards us to say hi - so we went over, and he said hi, how are you, he was really sweet, didn't looked stressed or in a hurry or anything. :wub2: so i just said the first thing that came to my mind (as that had been the main thing on my mind for the last hour or so :lmfao:), that we didn't get in because we were too late. and the next thing that came to my mind was his voice problems and the canceled gig, so i told him he shouldn't stand outside in the cold too long because of his throat - he answered something like "you're right", and the way he said it it really felt like i had told him something he didn't think of - reminded me of when i answered his tweet about screaming at the top of his lungs with what his vocal doc would say to that (where he had been the day before), and he answered "good point" - seriously, i think he really sometimes needs a "mum" to tell him what's good for him! :lmfao: anyway, he then said it's not his throat but his vocal chords, but in that moment i couldn't think of anything smart to answer, so i was just like "oh!", with a sad/worried look on my face (later of course i got the idea that i could have asked him whether it'll be ok again and whether/when he'd get to rest his voice...), and he said "yeah, can happen", with a shrug. he then said he doesn't know whether he could get us inside, as he had already gotten 3 fans in, and i thought that this meant that it wasn't possible - but then he told us to wait there for a few minutes, and if in that time someone would come out to get us, it'll have worked. we thanked him, and then he went inside (we also quickly said hi to tim and max). just a second after him and his team had gone inside, a guy waved us to come in as well, i think thomas has talked with him, as i remember thomas standing in the doorway and talking to someone, while mika and band were on their way in. the guy at the door led us to another guy, who led us in the venue and told us we could take a seat at the side. about a minute later, the show started. :naughty:


after the show we joined our friends who had arrived meanwhile. they were at the backstage entrance, but those of us who had been inside were quite sure that mika was gone already - no reason for him to stay for another hour after his performance. :dunno: but we waited a few minutes, just in case, and besides i hoped for brian may to come out as i would've loved to get his autograph. i'm not a huge autograph collector, but that man is a legend, it would've been nice. :original: and saying hi to our friends took a while anyway, so i thought it couldn't hurt to wait a few minutes. at some point terry wogan came out, and some fans took the opportunity to take pictures with him (mika fans and other fans, there were 2 or 3 more besides us MFCers), and someone asked him whether mika was still there, and he said he was long gone. we had no reason to not believe him, and i didn't feel like waiting in the cold for brian may for longer than the we had already been there, so we left. ;-)


anyway, i'm so happy that all the stress was worth it in the end! :wub2: i wouldn't have cried if we hadn't gotten in, after all he just sang 2 songs (like most of the other artists as well). but it was lovely that we were lucky enough to get this opportunity, and even met him too. :thumb_yello:

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Thanks for the video, Lara :original:


I like this version of the song. But what I don't like is that he reads nearly the whole lyrics from the sheet of paper. As this concert is mostly for the radio it's not that important, the listeners won't know it :wink2: But towards the crowd in the church it seems a little bit unprofessional and unprepared (MFCers probably will tend to think it's cute, I don't exclude myself, but normal people will rather not...). It's not that the lyrics are there for safety and he inconspicuous looks at them from time to time like with "Toy Boy" or "She tells me", here he reads most of the lines from the sheet.

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Thanks for the video, Lara :original:


I like this version of the song. But what I don't like is that he reads nearly the whole lyrics from the sheet of paper. As this concert is mostly for the radio it's not that important, the listeners won't know it :wink2: But towards the crowd in the church it seems a little bit unprofessional and unprepared (MFCers probably will tend to think it's cute, I don't exclude myself, but normal people will rather not...). It's not that the lyrics are there for safety and he inconspicuous looks at them from time to time like with "Toy Boy" or "She tells me", here he reads most of the lines from the sheet.


Yeah we thought it was funny because sometimes he would look at the sheet eventhough it was obvious which lyrics he was supposed to sing lol

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Thanks for the video, Lara :original:


I like this version of the song. But what I don't like is that he reads nearly the whole lyrics from the sheet of paper. As this concert is mostly for the radio it's not that important, the listeners won't know it :wink2: But towards the crowd in the church it seems a little bit unprofessional and unprepared (MFCers probably will tend to think it's cute, I don't exclude myself, but normal people will rather not...). It's not that the lyrics are there for safety and he inconspicuous looks at them from time to time like with "Toy Boy" or "She tells me", here he reads most of the lines from the sheet.


He explained the audience that he never sang this song before and he was afraid of doing it wrong that´s why he´d need the lyrics.

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Thanks for the video, Lara :original:


I like this version of the song. But what I don't like is that he reads nearly the whole lyrics from the sheet of paper. As this concert is mostly for the radio it's not that important, the listeners won't know it :wink2: But towards the crowd in the church it seems a little bit unprofessional and unprepared (MFCers probably will tend to think it's cute, I don't exclude myself, but normal people will rather not...). It's not that the lyrics are there for safety and he inconspicuous looks at them from time to time like with "Toy Boy" or "She tells me", here he reads most of the lines from the sheet.


He explained the audience that he never sang this song before and he was afraid of doing it wrong that´s why he´d need the lyrics.

I think it's a kind of security blanket for him:thumb_yello:

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I loved the videos Lara ... :wub2: I'm really glad we got to see this show ... I really really enjoyed it ... The John Lennon song he did is probably one of my favourite Xmas songs ... so I'm pleased he did that ... hearing it alot at the moment where I work :teehee: I enjoyed all the artists who appeared that night ... it was just a really nice evening spent with really nice people :thumb_yello:

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I loved the videos Lara ... :wub2: I'm really glad we got to see this show ... I really really enjoyed it ... The John Lennon song he did is probably one of my favourite Xmas songs ... so I'm pleased he did that ... hearing it alot at the moment where I work :teehee: I enjoyed all the artists who appeared that night ... it was just a really nice evening spent with really nice people :thumb_yello:


It was a very good show. Nice to hear other artists besides Mika. :teehee:

That choir was amazing.

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It was a very good show. Nice to hear other artists besides Mika. :teehee:

That choir was amazing.


I'm quite familiar with that choir :teehee: Blur did a song called Tender with them ... obviously members change over the years ... but it was with the London Community Gospel Choir :wink2: They toured with them as well ... I saw alot of shows which had their members in it :fisch:



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