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MIKA in French Press - 2015


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Mika interviewed on Télé 7 jours






Hey there, I haven't seen this posted yet so here it is.


Here you can also find the translation.

Thanks a lot for the translation !!

The interview is very important and interesting !!!


added to your translation to the 1st post.

http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4058643&postcount=1 :thumb_yello:

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Mika interviewed on Télé 7 jours






Hey there, I haven't seen this posted yet so here it is.


Here you can also find the translation.

If anyone finds some mistakes be free to tell me so that I can edit it!





Confidences of a very shy person.


Sunshine in London! End of March, the sun is shining on the English capital city. In the residential district of Chelsea, in the southern London, the white houses glitter. Here’s where Mika lives. The singer welcomes us dressed in jeans and blue sweater, on a light blue shirt. A simplicity that clashes with his The Voices outfits, but also with his home very Art Déco, where the pieces of arts lay next to the artwork of his 4th album which is being put together.

A mix of colourful pieces of paper and Mika’s portraits taken by the great photographer Peter Lindbergh. The coach is a little bit tired, after some hard days of work with his sisters, among whom Yasmine, who comes greeting us before going on working on the album booklet.

We take place in the kitchen around a big familiar table. It’s 4 ‘o clock pm, and as any good Londoner Mika brews some tea.

“It’s been a year and a half I’ve been working between where we’re sit now and that studio over there. That’s my life when I’m in London and I wanted to share that with you.”


INTERV: “Now that you are far away from The Voice, what is your opinion about this second season? Any weariness?”

M:I’ve got a very weird team full of talents coming from very different places. I can’t feel jaded. The Voice for me is like a house, which stays the same changing its furniture. However I’m someone who really loves habits. Like my dog Melachi. (alerted the animal, a big reddish dog, opens her eyes). For example, from the moment I bought that new chair, she’s been starring at it uncomfortably, she stays away from it. I’m the same as her.


INTERV: How do you feel on screen?

M:To be honest, I watch myself very little. There’s just a little mirror here, in my bathroom, standing on a cupboard near the washbasin. I don’t like to look at me very often. Besides I haven’t been sleeping for two days, I’ve barely washed myself and I’ve got nothing left to wear. I emptied all my wardrobes, everything is now in my flats in Paris and Milan.


INTERV: Yet isn’t it here in London, that you consider being at home?

Yes! Here’s the place where I feel most at home. Here is my family, my love life (his boyfriend’s name is Andy). And here I have my dog too. Where she is, that’s my home.


INTERV: After The voice I feel like you are more free, like you can talk without problems…

M:Before The Voice, I had a sort of click. I didn’t want to withhold anymore, I only wanted to do everything I wanted to. It’s not a real liberation. I just feel more at ease, but always preserving the most precious of all qualities: candor.


INTERV: We always see you very talkative on screen…

M:And again, they cut parts when editing.


INTERV: Is it a revenge for you, who hid behind muteness as a child?

M:(He laughs) It can be. It’s better now, because I speak about something I know very well, music.

But I’ve not changed from when I was 7. I just could find something with which I can feel at ease by myself and transpose it in my outside life.


INTERV: What would have been your life if you hadn’t found the music?

M:I would’ve been Geographer! It was the only thing I wanted to study back then. (He attended the London school of Economics, the equivalent of an important school in France). I’ll tell you a little story that makes us all laugh when it comes out in our family. My grandmother is Lebanese and she speaks French, English and Arabic with a very strong accent. She always tells us that we make her angry because she wanted us to become businessmen, doctors or even neurosurgeons. But nobody, neither her sons or daughters nor her grandsons or great-grandsons choose one of those subjects. Nobody! And there are 26 of us! We’re all artists. She wanted to call her family and to be able to say (he talks with Lebanese accent) “Oh my grandson is a great doctor in Paris!”


INTERV: She could say: “Oh my grandson is a great singer”

M:It would rather be: “Oh no, he’s weird, not a traditional one. Will he ever have a woman? He won’t likely have. Good, ok” She’s strange, I love her so much!


INTERV: Despite all, I can still feel a little bit of shyness in you…

M:A lot! When I go out, I tend to hide. I’ve always been this way. It’s a little bit of shyness and a little bit of fear. When I walk into a bakery I mutter, I don’t speak. On stage it’s the other way round.


INTERV: You live between London, Paris, Milan and sometimes Los Angeles. Isn’t it hard to manage to keep up a family and love life?

M:I live close to my family, but we don’t need to see each other every single day. And I don’t have children yet, so, it goes.

It’s a big responsibility, we can’t be selfish. Children come first when you have them, now it’s my job what comes first. And talking about my life as a couple, for now it goes. Sometimes it’s hard, living far away and all. But I’m lucky. What’s important is having a few moments when we can rest and live a quiet life as a couple and in our social lives. I work a lot at my place, that helps.


INTERV: I know you’re sensitive, however you’ve been the only one who hasn’t cried in The Voice so far…

M:I’ve very sweet and sensitive, I feel things in a very deep and intense way. Too much sometimes! But when it comes to crying, I keep it for myself.


INTERV: You say you’re not a romantic person but in your last single “Talk about you” you sing “You’re the only one I wanna talk about” It’s a nice love stating anyway…

M:In my life I don’t like the sickly sweet part. I’m rather a colourful romantic. More like Matisse than Mon Chéri. This song is utterly joyful!


INTERV: Does your boyfriend ever ask you if these songs are dedicated to him?

M:No, never. I don’t know if he feels himself brought into play. He hides all this because he knows I feel hung up very quickly if many judgments are expressed. So he does say nothing. He listens but never says a word. I hope he’s happy with it but honestly, I don’t know. It’s all to the good.


INTERV: Wouldn’t you like him to know when you write a song thinking about him?

M:No… It’s my modest side, once again. Everything I need to say, it’s written in my songs. And I don’t want to explain them too much, because I want people to make them yours. When I released Boum boum boum many people said that it was an engaged song talking about homosexuality, just because it came from me. But it’s not, it’s just a love song.



Sneak Peak: We listened to Mika’s new album.

At his place, Mika made a point of presenting us a few songs of his forthcoming album, No place in Heaven, waited for the 15th of June. A very pure and direct pop record. We listened, among the others: “All she wants” a song which speaks about his mother “All she wants is another son, but not me, it’s quite weird this one” jokes the singer. Then the title-track: “A letter to God in which I ask Him where do I have to go. Heaven or Hell? It’s a question that many people ask themselves. We wonder whether we’ve made the right decisions or not, whether we’ve been a good person or not.” And Mika does not forget us, with many French tracks among which: “L’amour”very disco-chic, recorded with the Montreal Symphony Orchestra where he says :”Love does what he wants” but also “J’ai pas envie” very pop and weird, on the line of Elle me dit.


oh thank you so much for the translation.

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You can try to go to Le Divan recording with Mika on Friday April 10th at 11 AM

La Plaine Saint Denis - 93210

but it's a lottery



Check their twitter for the last updates


Thks for the information and to MFC subtitles.for the video.


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On the home page of Accès Illimitè there's the ad of the next episode where there are some seconds of MIka's interview (we'll listen Good Guys!!)




En studio d’enregistrement avec Mika


Presque trois ans après la sortie de son troisième album, Mika prépare son grand retour sur le devant de la scène internationale. Jean-Philippe est parti le rejoindre dans son studio d’enregistrement, à Londres, là où sa carrière a commencé. Plongez dans l’univers de l’artiste et découvrez en exclusivité ses prochains hits !


In the recording studio with Mika


Almost three years after the release of his third album, Mika is preparing his comeback on the international scene. Jean-Philippe went in London to join him in the recording studio, where his career began. Dive into the world of the artist and discover his upcoming hits!!

Edited by Lucrezia
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Accès Illimitè


On the home page of Accès Illimitè there's the ad of the next episode where there are some seconds of MIka's interview (we'll listen Good Guys!!)




En studio d’enregistrement avec Mika



Thanks a lot for posting !!:huglove:


:pray: Hope we can watch it!!!




VK http://vk.com/video232312753_171206950











Edited by Kumazzz
adding a video link.
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Accès Illimité



Les Confidences d'Accès Illimité sur MOI&Cie : 12 avril - Mika, Simple Plan, José Théodore et autres




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Repost :wink2:
:france::uk: Here is the interview with Nikos at Radio Europe 1 from last Saturday with English and French Subtitles




Thanks Camille, Elwendin, Laura, Manon and *Vv* for great teamwork again :huglove:


Thank you very much!! :flowers2:

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Le Divan de Marc-Olivier Fogiel



Facebook VIDEO


Et c'est parti pour le tournage du Divan avec MIKA !

Diffusion dans quelques semaines sur France 3


re-uploaded to YT






L'ambiance sur le plateau #ledivan

MP4 https://mtc.cdn.vine.co/r/videos/20828999A11198260504020537344_36ab2baaf75.2.1.6162356962151829429.mp4









Et voilà @mikasounds et @FogielMarcO : rendez-vous dans qq semaines sur #ledivan sur @France3tv pour voir l'émission





Sur le plateau avec #ledivan, @FogielMarcO très concentré pour préparer l'arrivée de @mikasounds




I don't know if someone alreaydy post it, but Mika will be in "Le divan" sur France 3 shortly.


I don't know the show so I don't really know what we can expect... :blink:


Here the article, from here http://tvmag.lefigaro.fr/programme-tv/article/people/85387/marc-olivier-fogiel-mes-invites-ont-ete-sonnes.html


"Marc-Olivier Fogiel modernise Le Divan, abandonné par Henry Chapier en 1994, déjà sur France 3. L'animateur nous explique le principe de son émission, dont trois ont déjà été tournées : avec Fabrice Luchini, ce soir, Thierry Ardisson (la semaine prochaine) et Éric Dupond-Moretti.


Comment fonctionne votre nouveauté?


C'est une émission à la Chapier, je l'assume. En plus du dispositif essentiel consistant à être placé derrière l'invité, des images défilent sur l'écran placé face à lui. C'est très chapitré, ça dure plus longtemps. Le fait de ne pas être dans le face-à-face contribue à faire une interview différente, ce n'est pas une partie de ping-pong, là on ne renvoie pas la balle de la même façon. À la fin, il y a le débrief. Le fauteuil se retourne, comme dans The Voice. On est alors en face à face, et l'invité fait aussi face au public, alors qu'il ne le voit jamais 90 % de l'émission. Les trois ont été sonnés, dans le bon sens du terme.


Le résultat est à la hauteur de vos espérances?


L'avocat Dupond-Moretti m'a confié avoir mis du temps à s'en remettre. Ardisson m'a envoyé un SMS: «Moi, tel que je ne m'étais pas encore livré. Bravo!». Il a parlé de sa mère pour la première fois de façon étonnante. Luchini m'a dit: «La TV, j'en ai fait, beaucoup, mais jamais comme ça». Je ne veux pas prétendre que l'émission est meilleure que les autres, mais c'est différent.


En quoi est-ce différent?


La façon pour l'invité de se livrer, sur une durée très longue. Avec Luchini, ça dure quatre-vingts minutes. À la télévision, aujourd'hui, c'est un luxe de laisser du temps et d'avoir des moments de silence.



La semaine prochaine, vous recevez Thierry Ardisson, c'est la fin des frères ennemis?


Nous avons été fâchés très longtemps, près de quinze ans, mais on était très copains avant. Au début de l'émission, je lui dis qu'on ne va pas parler de notre brouille, mais je lui demande: «Pourquoi avez-vous toujours besoin d'avoir un meilleur ennemi?». Ça ouvre sur quelque chose d'intéressant: sa peur constante d'être dégagé par quelqu'un.


Il vous invitera aussi sur Canal+ dans Salut les Terriens!?


J'y vais samedi! Et il sera la semaine prochaine sur mon divan.


Quels seront les autres invités? Who will be the next guests ?


Anne Hidalgo, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Luc Besson, Mika, Jamel, Lagerfeld, Balasko... Il y en aura 20 en tout."

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Thanks Eriko ! :wub2:


I love when Marc Olivier Fogiel said to Mika: Stay next to me because you can kick your ass !" :teehee: I'm not sure about the translation. In French it is: "Reste à côté de moi parce que peux te casser la gueule"

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Thanks Eriko ! :wub2:


I love when Marc Olivier Fogiel said to Mika: Stay next to me because you can kick your ass !" :teehee: I'm not sure about the translation. In French it is: "Reste à côté de moi parce que peux te casser la gueule"

That would be "Stay next to me because you might fall off" (but he uses a slang world for fall off so "break your neck" could do I guess...) so

"Stay next to me because you might break your neck"

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That would be "Stay next to me because you might fall off" (but he uses a slang world for fall off so "break your neck" could do I guess...) so

"Stay next to me because you might break your neck"


Merci :huglove:

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Stéphane Larue.com


Published Thursday, April 16, 2015 - modified Thursday, April 16, 2015 - 21:55

EXCLU AUDIO - Interview de Mika

"Il n'y a jamais eu de plagiat sur mon dernier single"

Le nouveau single de Mika"Talk About You", l'un des jurés de The Voice, sorti il y a deux semaines, a été mis en cause et carrément accusé de plagiat avec le tube de variété italienne Sarà Perché Ti Amo de Ricchi e poveri, hymne transalpin des années 1980.

Mika à voulu répondre à cette polémique qui n'avait pas lieu d'être puisque tout avait été fait dans les règles avec Ricchi e poveri, comme il l'explique, pour la première fois en AUDIO, au micro de Stéphane Larue.




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#Mika #TéléObs


















(Thanks a lot to france7885!)


Unfortunately, the article isn't very clear in some parts. If anyone has better scans, can post them, please?

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