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Mika to be a judge at X-Factor Italia 2015!

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@mikasister Simon Cowel turned Mika's demos down and inspired Mika to write Grace Kelly. That's why Mika was wearing red pants at the conference in my opinion :naughty:


Mika didn't write Grace Kelly about Simon Cowell. Is this what all the anti-Cowell hysteria is about? It was just a tabloid rumour in early 2007 and Mika has contradicted it with his own version of events in the years since. Mika would have sent his demos to dozens of A&R directors and Simon Cowell just happened to be one of them. Simon told Mika his songs needed some work and Mika agreed because he was very young and I'm sure his songs did need some work. The reason Mika told this story is because Simon Cowell turned out to be the most successful and most famous A&R director of all time. I hear that Mika told another story yesterday about going to Warner to get them to listen to his demos when he was a teenager and Warner also rejected him. If Mika wasn't being rejected by everyone at the age of 16 then his pop music career would have started many years earlier.


Believe me, I'm not sure I understand what's the point here.   :blink:


The point is just to be contrary without offering an opinion of one's own or, heaven forbid, some actual facts. If anyone wants to believe that disagreeing with something changes the reality of it they can knock themselves out. :naughty:

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Press conference video


XF9: l'entusiasmo di Mika - "Questa giuria è una figata"


Riecco Mika nei panni di giudice, in una conferenza stampa che, dice lui, la prima volta lo aveva terrorizzato.

Ma il cantante di Grace Kelly adesso dispensa consigli a Skin e racconta un aneddoto dei suoi inizi legato proprio a Simon Cowell.

Entusiasta di questo poker di giudici che lui definisce come

“quattro amici che si divertono ad ascoltare musica in un pub, pur con la responsabilità che prendiamo sui concorrenti”.

Perché in Italia i giudici scelgono anche i pezzi da assegnare, è questo il bello! I suoi propositi?

"Voglio divertirmi al cento per cento, creativamente e senza calcoli".

Inevitabile uno sguardo al passato, ai due giudici che hanno lasciato il posto a Elio e Skin.

Sentiamo cosa ha detto di loro.


Edited by Kumazzz
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Another video interview:




Mika: 'Così X Factor mi ha migliorato come artista'


In occasione della presentazione della giuria di X Factor 9 a Milano, la pop star Mika (alla terza edizione nel talent targato Sky) ha parlato a TvZap di quel che si aspetta da questa nuova esperienza ma anche del nuovo disco in uscita a giugno dal titolo No Place In Heaven e di come fare televisione abbia migliorato la sua vita di artista.  


Intervista di Fabio Pisanu


Mika: 'So X Factor improved me as an artist'


During the presentation of the jury of X Factor 9 in Milan, the pop star Mika (in its third year in the talent branded/of Sky) spoke to TvZap of what he expects from this new experience but also of the new album coming out in June entitled "No Place in Heaven" and how television has improved his life as an artist.



Can anyone put the video on youtube or somewhere else, please?

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video interview


Mika: 'Così X Factor mi ha migliorato come artista'


Another video interview:




Mika: 'Così X Factor mi ha migliorato come artista'


In occasione della presentazione della giuria di X Factor 9 a Milano, la pop star Mika (alla terza edizione nel talent targato Sky) ha parlato a TvZap di quel che si aspetta da questa nuova esperienza ma anche del nuovo disco in uscita a giugno dal titolo No Place In Heaven e di come fare televisione abbia migliorato la sua vita di artista.  


Intervista di Fabio Pisanu


Mika: 'So X Factor improved me as an artist'


During the presentation of the jury of X Factor 9 in Milan, the pop star Mika (in its third year in the talent branded/of Sky) spoke to TvZap of what he expects from this new experience but also of the new album coming out in June entitled "No Place in Heaven" and how television has improved his life as an artist.



Can anyone put the video on youtube or somewhere else, please?


Thanks a lot for posting !


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Thank you very much, Eriko!!  :flowers2:

I think he has improved from being on TV. It's made him far more relaxed in front of the camera. I keep hoping I'll hear something about the UK X Factor. I'll keep on hoping until I know for sure, one way or another.

Thanks Eriko for the video, but I'll have to wait for the translation to understand it.

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video interview


Mika: 'Così X Factor mi ha migliorato come artista'




Thanks a lot for posting !



Thanks a lot to Charlie20 and Eriko !! Looking forward to the translation!




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I think he has improved from being on TV. It's made him far more relaxed in front of the camera. I keep hoping I'll hear something about the UK X Factor. I'll keep on hoping until I know for sure, one way or another.

Thanks Eriko for the video, but I'll have to wait for the translation to understand it.

Yes, that's what I think too! All his new tasks, in front of the TV cameras, has paid off well. MIKAs latest performances are sooo extremely good, it's pure pleasure to watch!! -:)




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Yes, that's what I think too! All his new tasks, in front of the TV cameras, has paid off well. MIKAs latest performances are sooo extremely good, it's pure pleasure to watch!! - :)




I've just watched the Korean showcase and it was so beautiful to watch Mika in the interview. He still has that shyness about him that makes you want to hug him, but there is more self confidence in him now. I used to think, in the earlier interviews, he seemed like he felt he didn't deserve to be on TV. He seemed very nervous. I'm sure that's why he avoided some interviews, like the one on the Jonathan Ross show where he hid in the loo (or something like that) But now he is confident, without being vain or overbearing. He's retained the qualities we love about him, but now he knows that he belongs in front of the camera. I definitely think the talent shows have helped him to get over any reluctance he used to have, when he was on TV.   

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XF Auditions in Bologna!


From Facebook (geotagged for Italy)




XFACTOR STA PER TORNARE! Mika avrebbe il piacere di invitare i suoi fan ad assistere alle registrazioni della trasmissione, per sentire il vostro calore da vicino. Volete partecipare come pubblico alle audizioni di Bologna dell’ 11 e 12 giugno?

Inviate una mail a mikacompetition@gmail.com scrivendo nome , cognome , età vostri e della persona che vi accompagnerebbe. Mettete anche un numero di telefono per essere contattati. Dovete essere maggiorenni per partecipare. In oggetto alla mail scrivete: “XFactor Bologna 11 giugno” oppure “XFactor Bologna 12 giugno” ( uno dei due - mandate solo una email per persona!)

L’invito a partecipare inizia ADESSO e termina Domenica 31 maggio alle 20.00, ora italiana.

I fortunati estratti a caso riceveranno una mail di conferma entro la mattina di martedì 2 giugno. Dovranno presentarsi all’Unipol Arena entro le ore 16.00 ed essere disponibili a trattenersi fino alle ore 00.30. Potranno assistere alle registrazioni e vedere come Mika selezionerà i nuovi talenti dal tavolo dei giudici. Per motivi logistici e di sicurezza non sarà possibile incontrarlo di persona, ma lo spettacolo visto da vicino sarà sensazionale ! Per favore scriveteci SOLO se siete ASSOLUTAMENTE CERTI di poter partecipare.

Grazie e buona fortuna !

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  • 2 weeks later...

So the Auditions started today in Bologna, here's a backstage video with the judges + host


Basically he's saying nothing at all, same things from last year, from the year before ect. :naughty:

thanks! oh and he's very good at saying nothing :naughty:

I like the way he smiles just looking at Elio :D

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  • 1 month later...

17 July

Mika on a 'floating' sofa through Milan for XF9





"About to shoot on a 'floating' sofa through the streets of Milan with @alecattelan "



CLIP https://instagram.com/p/5NL-SNTiBE/

"On the sofa!!!"

DIRECT MP4 https://igcdn-videos-b-2-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/t50.2886-16/11768384_1600422336897942_1211282910_n.mp4







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Prima di partire per le Home Visit @alecattelan @mikasounds @eelst @skinskinny @Fedez vi augurano buone vacanze #XF9



VK https://vk.com/video232312753_171332255

Edited by Kumazzz
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Ahahah I love that Mika's always the one to speak a lot more than the others. Thanks for sharing

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