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2023 - Mika @ No Borders Music Festival, Tarvisio, ITALY, 23 July REPORTS/VIDS/PICS


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  1. Lollipop
  2. Origin of Love
  3. Ice Cream
  4. Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)
  5. Tiny Love
  6. Relax, Take It Easy
  7. Overrated
  8. No Place in Heaven
  9. Good Guys
  10. Underwater
  11. Rain
  12. Boum Boum Boum
  13. Yo Yo
  14. Elle me dit
  15. Happy Ending
  16. Grace Kelly
  17. We Are Golden
  18. Love Today


Yo Yo Remix - Dancing with Melachi






Edited by Kumazzz
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Gonna make this short as I have yet to organize my thoughts, but I just gotta say that this gig was just beautiful. 🥰


The location was nothing short of stunning. We arrived pretty early in the morning and got to enjoy a fair share of natural treasures. First time in a while I actually queued for a Mika gig and for some reason it was super chill and pretty well organized. And since this was an afternoon gig the wait was totally doable. 🙂


The energy of the crowd was infectious, and Mika picked up on the energy and was real chatty and on fire. Sooo happy to hear one of my favorite songs live again "No place in heaven". Melody and me stood on the right side of the stage where Mika went over the barrier whenever he went in the audience. I sang and danced so much. 


Unfortunately, I had to run right after the gig to catch my train (still on it for a few more hours 🙃). So I missed out on meeting Mika, but that's ok  It was good to see so many Mika friends again. Always kinda feels like going on a school trip. 









Edited by mariposa
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Some of the photos I took today.
Greetings to everyone!

Thanks to everyone I could meet today!

Such an overwhelming view in the mountains!

We even got to see Melachi or Amira.

23. July 2023 - No Borders Music Festival - Laghi di Fusine (superiore) - Tarvisio, UD: IT






















Edited by Ax07
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It looks like it was a magical place and it sounds like it was a magical gig. Looking forward to some reports and all the photos and videos!



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It truly was a magical gig! Will post a report and videos later :)

But I also wanted to say thank you for everyone who helped put up the rainbow decoration I spontaneously pulled out of my drawer. It was soo sweet, people from all sides quickly grabbed it and the tape so it was up in 2 minutes and down in 2 as well. I even saw people in the first row checking it every once in a while and gently folding it the right way over.

I found that super sweet ❤️




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6 hours ago, dcdeb said:

It looks like it was a magical place and it sounds like it was a magical gig. Looking forward to some reports and all the photos and videos!



Dear Deb, hello!

There was a genial "coup de théatre" when he arrived in the center of the crowd, he asked to have everybody  seated on the grass and he sang two songs from there!

Edited by allegra
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Ok time for a report and some videos!

I cannot express how much I enjoyed this gig.

From the stunning location to the relaxed atmosphere due to it not being a huge venue. Mika seemed happy and relaxed during and after the show when he took some time to talk to us.

Only his poor musicians had some trouble on their way there and were apparently tired which Mika of course couldn‘t resist to make fun of. But it didn‘t stop them from giving it their all and playing an awesome show as always.

There were some small but sweet surprises like him playing no place in heaven, singing in the middle of the crowd with people sitting around him, Melachi on stage and that new suit for love today (at least it was new to me) that is quickly becoming one of my favourite looks.

And I‘ve said it before after Perugia but meeting other fans, connecting with people and making MFC friends is what makes these gigs truly special as well! :hug:


Mika teasing Vincent






Les montagnes fait Boum Boum Boum



Love Today (with broken flower)



Special guest Melachi the Witch

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24 Luglio 2023

Mika incanta al ‘No Borders’ e ammette: “Il mio concerto più bello”
Il cantante libanese si è esibito ieri nell'ultimo concerto del suo tour sui Laghi di Fusine


Si è chiuso ieri al No Borders Music Festival sui Laghi di Fusine il World Tour Summer Festival 2023 di Mika. Ultimo di sei appuntamenti di una tournée in cui il cantante libanese auspicava ai suoi fan di poter sempre fiorire (sul palco ad inizio e fine performance ha portato due fiori di dimensioni giganti), ha visto la partecipazione di oltre quattromila ammiratori arrivati da Friuli, Veneto, Austria, Slovenia, Francia, Olanda, Stati Uniti e Venezuela. Compiaciuto per l’interesse suscitato verso tante culture diverse, ha ammesso che la tappa friulana è stata la più bella della sua estate. Difficile, effettivamente, credere il contrario, visto lo scenario spettacolare dei Laghi di Fusine. 


Il cantante ne è rimasto affascinato e, dopo una prima immersione tra il pubblico a mo’ di prova, ha voluto inoltrarsi tra i suoi fan, fatti sedere nel prato, per cantare in mezzo a loro tre brani della scaletta: ‘No place in heaven’, ‘good guys’ e ‘Underwater’. Con la sua carica di energia pura, ha trascinato una platea, inizialmente abbagliata dalla location, in due ore di musica, ballo e condivisione totale. E’ finita con Mika di nuovo sul palco, sempre a dirigere un coro assolutamente unanime nel tributo ad un artista eccezionale anche in questo ultimo concerto acustico.










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Il Gazzettino



Mika infiamma il pubblico del No Borders ai Laghi di Fusine.

«Siete il più bello di questa estate»

Lunedì 24 Luglio 2023


TARVISIO - Quando l'abbiamo intervistato ce l'aveva promesso, «Non voglio anticipare nulla, ci tengo che sia una sorpresa e spero di lasciare tutti a bocca aperta».



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InTrieste Magazine





Mika Lights Up No Borders Festival Stage


Hundreds of people braved the uphill hike this Sunday afternoon to come see the world-famous pop star play on the arguably one of the most beautiful Italian stages this summer, in the heart of Laghi di Fusine.


To kick off the show, Mika and his band opened with “Lollipop,” a song that had the crowd singing along.

The former X-Factor judge changed his outfits to match the vibe of each song, transitioning from green to white to pink, while the audience erupted in applause.


Cheered on by the spectators who arrived to see him sing from around the world, Mika descended from the stage and on to the elated crowd to sing his all-time-favorite “Good Guys” and the breathtaking “Underwater”.


No Borders Music Festival, has entered its 28th edition, and will end next Sunday, 30 July with Benjamin Clementine.



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47 minutes ago, Kumazzz said:





I love that there are so many MFCers featured in this video! :wub2:




@Ax07 Love your photos, especially this one!



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Diario FVG


24 Luglio 2023


No Borders Music Festival: in migliaia ai laghi di Fusine per Skin e Mika




Riuscire ad entrare nel mondo di Mika è semplice, basta seguire gli indizi che canzone dopo canzone  elargisce, seguendo il flusso naturale degli eventi della sua vita. La sua musica, esattamente come lui, non è mai forzata ed è limpida, e il concerto di oggi ai Laghi di Fusine al No Borders Music Festival 2023 è stato proprio così. Inizia il concerto parlando da subito con il pubblico, preparandolo all’esibizione che prende vita ed energia con Lollipop. Il dialogo, quando si parla di Mika, si sa già che non può mancare, perché è un artista che del dialogo ha fatto la sua carta vincente. È così che,  comunicando con il pubblico di 4.000 persone che sono arrivate oggi a piedi o in bicicletta ai Laghi di Fusine, ha permesso a tutti di guardare dentro la scatola magica da cui trae ispirazione: la sua vita. 

Mika salta, parla, va spesso in mezzo al pubblico, non si risparmia per la sua ultima tappa della tournée, condividendo con tutti tutta la sua forza d’animo: Relax, Happy Ending, Golden, Good Guys sono solo alcuni dei brani che Mika ha cantato e fatto cantare a tutti.
Mika ci ha regalato uno spettacolo nello spettacolo, durante il brano Underwater è sceso tra il pubblico facendo cantare a tutti come un unico coro la sua musica, i fan in delirio hanno seguito passo passo ogni movimento del cantautore.
“Guardate i Laghi di Fusine! Guardate dove siete! Non guardate il palco, ma ballate tra di voi e guardate la meraviglia che c’è qui!” La bellezza della giornata di oggi si può sintetizzare con questa frase di Mika. Una chiusura di concerto meravigliosa con Love Today seguito da un’ altra conversazione con il suo pubblico. Tutti prima o poi della vita devono assistere a un live di Mika perché solo così si può capire a tutto tondo l’artista vivace, vero e unico che c’è in lui, ma il concerto di oggi in chiave acustica, immerso nella natura del Tarvisiano, ci ha restituito un’immagine raffinata rara che difficilmente si potrà replicare senza uno scenario naturale come questo.



:uk: Google translator

Being able to enter Mika's world is simple, just follow the clues that song after song bestows, following the natural flow of the events of his life. His music, just like him, is never forced and is clear, and today's concert at the Fusine Lakes at the No Borders Music Festival 2023 was just like that. He starts the concert talking to the audience right away, preparing them for the performance that comes to life and energy with Lollipop. Dialogue, when we talk about Mika, we already know that it cannot be missing, because he is an artist who has made dialogue his trump card. This is how, communicating with the public of 4,000 people who arrived today on foot or by bicycle at the Fusine Lakes, you allowed everyone to look inside the magic box from which you draw inspiration: your life.

Mika jumps, talks, often goes in the audience, he doesn't spare himself for his last stage of the tour, sharing all his strength with everyone: Relax, Happy Ending, Golden, Good Guys are just some of the songs that Mika sang and made everyone sing.
Mika gave us a show within the show, during the song Underwater he descended into the audience making everyone sing his music as a single choir, the delirious fans followed every movement of the singer-songwriter step by step.
“Look at the Fusine Lakes! Look where you are! Don't look at the stage, but dance among yourselves and see the wonder that is here!" The beauty of today's day can be summarized with this sentence from Mika. A wonderful closing concert with Love Today followed by another conversation with the audience about him. Sooner or later in life everyone has to attend a Mika live because only in this way can we fully understand the lively, true and unique artist in him, but today's concert in an acoustic key, immersed in the nature of the Tarvisio area, has given us back a rare refined image that can hardly be replicated without a natural scenario like this.





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1 hour ago, Kumazzz said:

Mika infiamma il pubblico del No Borders ai Laghi di Fusine.

«Siete il più bello di questa estate»

Lunedì 24 Luglio 2023

Unfortunately he came out of the backstage area so late😭

after waiting nearly two hours I had to leave before I would have been enabled to see him 😖😢

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24 luglio 2023


No Border Music Festival, la musica e l’alta cucina si incontrano ai Laghi di Fusine.

Mika: “Quanto amo l’Italia e il suo pubblico”


MIKA, L’ARTISTA POLIEDRICO – Affermato cantautore pop tra i più originali ed eclettici della sua generazione, Mika ha incantato il pubblico con un concerto esplosivo, segnato dalle sue hit come Grace Kelly e la sua energia.

“Cantare immerso alla natura, al lago blu, il cielo, le montagne – racconta dopo l’esibizione – Percepivo un’energia particolare. Anche il contatto con la gente è stato pazzesco. Questa è stata l’ultima data del mio tour estivo e io sono davvero felice: il pubblico italiano mi ha regalato tanto e penso sia l’inizio di un nuovo capitolo” (guarda).



MIKA, THE VERSATILE ARTIST – Established pop singer-songwriter among the most original and eclectic of his generation, Mika enchanted the audience with an explosive concert, marked by his hits like Grace Kelly and his energy.

“Singing immersed in nature, the blue lake, the sky, the mountains – he says after the performance – I perceived a particular energy. Even the contact with people was crazy. This was the last date of my summer tour and I'm really happy: the Italian public has given me so much and I think it's the beginning of a new chapter" (watch).





An interview with Mika


1 minute ago, Kumazzz said:



24 luglio 2023

Mika, l’ultima tappa del suo tour è al No Borders Music Festival: “Oggi sono felice”

Mika è uno dei protagonisti del festival della “musica senza confini”, il No Borders Music Festival.

A margine della sua esibizione, racconta l’ultima tappa del suo tour: le emozioni, il nuovo capitolo della sua vita e l’esibizione nella natura. – leggi (Giulia Perona – Luca Lemma)


Mika, the last stop of his tour is at the No Borders Music Festival: "Today I'm happy"


Mika is one of the protagonists of the "music without borders", the No Borders Music Festival.

On the sidelines of her performance, she talks about the last stage of her tour: the emotions, the new chapter of her life and the performance in nature. – lread(Giulia Perona – Luca Lemma)




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3 hours ago, Ax07 said:

Unfortunately he came out of the backstage area so late😭

after waiting nearly two hours I had to leave before I would have been enabled to see him 😖😢

But MIKA gave me the most wonderful, and the most beautiful smile, with the cutest waving accompanied, while he was driven past me on the street in his car, while I was walking down to the parking slot. 🫶

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7 hours ago, Kumazzz said:

Il Gazzettino



Mika infiamma il pubblico del No Borders ai Laghi di Fusine.

«Siete il più bello di questa estate»

Lunedì 24 Luglio 2023


TARVISIO - Quando l'abbiamo intervistato ce l'aveva promesso, «Non voglio anticipare nulla, ci tengo che sia una sorpresa e spero di lasciare tutti a bocca aperta».




Ah, I see @Gigimau and @Gabry74 ! :) I hadn't even noticed that they were interviewing fans.


2 hours ago, Ax07 said:

But MIKA gave me the most wonderful, and the most beautiful smile, with the cutest waving accompanied, while he was driven past me on the street in his car, while I was walking down to the parking slot. 🫶


Aww that's so sweet! :wub2: Sorry you missed meeting him after the show. Was fab to see you, and talk a bit in person! :)  Did your Dad enjoy the gig as well? :)


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Ein Prosit





L’entusiasmo puro di questi due ragazzi a dir poco unici, sia in cucina che fuori, ci ha conquistati! Alberto Toè - chef di Horto Restaurant Milano - e Salvatore Sodano - chef di Ristorante Local, Venezia
Quella di ieri sera ad #einprositsummer2023 è stata una cena a quattro mani che difficilmente dimenticheremo



Karime Lopez e Takahiko Kondo chef di Gucci Osteria da Massimo Bottura li avevamo già incontrati, ma averli ad #einprositsummer2023, a casa tra le nostre montagne, è una storia che a parole non si può raccontare.

Parlano per noi i piatti che definire pazzeschi è poco, che ci hanno fatto girare il mondo e che ancora ci stiamo sognando.

La loro bellezza e la loro semplicità, lasciano il passo alla pacatezza e alla concentrazione di due ragazzi che sono riusciti a portare il Messico, la Cina, la Grecia nel bel mezzo delle Alpi Giulie





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10 hours ago, mellody said:

Aww that's so sweet! :wub2: Sorry you missed meeting him after the show. Was fab to see you, and talk a bit in person! :)  Did your Dad enjoy the gig as well? :)

Thanks to all the open-minded MFCers, I could meet! @mellody, hopefully I see you soon again at the next gig I attend! And of course he did, I mean who could not 🤭

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11 hours ago, Kumazzz said:




This photo with some MFCers is also featured in this article by Rolling Stone Italia:


And another one of Mika in the crowd. The article just talks about the festival in general and mentions Mika's performance with 2 sentences.

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