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I can't believe I just discovered Mika!


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10 hours ago, TinyLove_CJ said:

Honestly thought I'd replied back to this but I think my brain was still in holiday mode last week, sorry!

Hey, CJ, my brain is on permanent vacation?  I do so love the term because it’s a better way to label my permanent state of being a few apples short of a basket…..:yes:

Edited by QueenBigFat
The first version of this post was a great example of exactly what I was talking about. Sigh. ….aaaaand because CJ wants to be called CJ and not Tiny! (Sorry
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22 hours ago, TinyLove_CJ said:

Honestly thought I'd replied back to this but I think my brain was still in holiday mode last week, sorry!


I'd say "thunk" is fairly common amongst English speakers. I've heard people use it often enough over the years, myself included!


😅I'm not sure, so could you please tell me what is meant by THUNK????


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On 8/25/2023 at 9:40 AM, CharlotteL said:

Ok super random but is this a common english speakers joke or a Mika insider? 😂

Because I recently found a Mika interview with Alan Cumming where he says that and I have using it since… Had never heard it before and now my brain won‘t stop going "Who‘d have THUNK"


1 hour ago, Ax07 said:


😅I'm not sure, so could you please tell me what is meant by THUNK????



Sorry, I didn't see this sooner -- "who'da thunk it?" is just a funny way to say, "who would have thought it?" You all speak English so well, I often forget that you may not know all our little sayings and idioms. Sorry about that!

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Yes. A previous addiction! Nice to connect…!:cheer:…tho the show is ancient history now….

BTW belated thank you for posting those early Mika videos. I only just finished watching the ones that are not dead links. So much wonderfulness! It was a great journey. I have some stuff I wanna post about it but not now. Meanwhile if any other newbies have not spent time with it, it sure is an amazing overview of Mika’s evolution over the years. I missed so much.

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OMG me too! I have prolly spent as many hours complaining about what Americans have done to the use of the English language as I have praising Mika lately! (She said, masticating the word “probably”!). Seriously, my Hunny actually asked me about the use of English on the forum and I told her it was perfect because most of the posters aren’t from America!


now that I think about it, one of the things that makes M so interesting to me is his incredibly intelligent use of language. Rare for a “pop” singer.


I was just concerned that it might have appeared as if I were putting down Ax07’s sincere question with my answer about the word “thunk”, when I was just being thrilled about my own scathingly brilliant humor.:doh:


PS—-sorry, silver, I don’t know how that quote thing got attached, below, and try as I might, I could not remove it!


16 hours ago, silver said:


Edited by QueenBigFat
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On 9/1/2023 at 7:29 AM, QueenBigFat said:

Yes. A previous addiction! Nice to connect…!:cheer:…tho the show is ancient history now….

BTW belated thank you for posting those early Mika videos. I only just finished watching the ones that are not dead links. So much wonderfulness! It was a great journey. I have some stuff I wanna post about it but not now. Meanwhile if any other newbies have not spent time with it, it sure is an amazing overview of Mika’s evolution over the years. I missed so much.


If you're looking for something at all MIKA or MFC related, you can come here and ask.

Someone will answer your questions ( videos, pictures, episodes... )



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On 8/19/2023 at 4:57 PM, Trollenfan47 said:

What a beautiful story! Mika happened to me 4 years ago. I am 76 so I recognize a lot in your story. Unfortunately I have never been to a performance of Mika and there is not much chance that he will come to the Netherlands .. I wish you a lot of fun with Mika!


See???! He’s coming to the Netherlands!!!

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