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Official - Dreams about MIKA thread =)


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I woke up at 6am laughing to myself about this one.


Mika was appearing in an ice dance show at Kew Gardens in London. I went, along with some other MFCers. They had put this huge icerink in the middle of Kew Gardens, and we had front row seats. Mika came on in his skates, and his role was to clown around with - wait for it - Bobby Davro and Bruno Brookes (where do these random people come from in dreams?:roftl: ) - and have little races on the ice with them.

Mika was all arms and legs and all gangly :mf_rosetinted: and awkward on his skates but having fun falling over and we were all gasping in awe at thim. I can't really remember who the other MFCers were who were there, except for babspanky. She was very enthusiastic in my dream and taking loads and loads of photos and video (I assume she was going to youtube it :roftl: ).

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I woke up at 6am laughing to myself about this one.


Mika was appearing in an ice dance show at Kew Gardens in London. I went, along with some other MFCers. They had put this huge icerink in the middle of Kew Gardens, and we had front row seats. Mika came on in his skates, and his role was to clown around with - wait for it - Bobby Davro and Bruno Brookes (where do these random people come from in dreams?:roftl: ) - and have little races on the ice with them.

Mika was all arms and legs and all gangly :mf_rosetinted: and awkward on his skates but having fun falling over and we were all gasping in awe at thim. I can't really remember who the other MFCers were who were there, except for babspanky. She was very enthusiastic in my dream and taking loads and loads of photos and video (I assume she was going to youtube it :roftl: ).

a prophecy!!! PLEASE!!!!

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I had a Mika dream today ! :blush-anim-cl: It was great in the beginning but ended very bad


I was at a concert in MONTREUX !! with my mother :roftl: The concert was AMAZING ! Well then after the show we were at the station and Mika walked towards us.. so I asked him if I can take a pic with him and he said "ok but just one" so I posed and my mother took the camera out and then wanted to take a picture but then she said.. "the batterie is low I can't take a pic"


And I was like :tears:... and Mika said "well... then... good bye" and left.


and then the dream got worse


I was really sad when I walked back to the hotel. It was very dark and a car almost knocked us over :blink:

Then I was suddenly next to Freddie Mercurys statue and there is some kind of raft... and on this raft was a coffin with Heath ledger in it :shocked:


I started crying so much and when I woke up my pillow was wet :tears:

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I had the tiniest snippet of a mika dream last night. I was at his concert (dunno which one though cos there are none coming to Aus yet) and some music was playing (but it was a cover, not one of his songs and i can't for the life of me remember what it was) and then the music segued into "Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You" by Glenn Madeiros and Mika was singing it! it sounded really good too. Now, i'm not a fan of this song, i have no idea why it turned up in my dream, but Mika did a good job of it!

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i had a dream last week that Jon Heder (who's the actor of Nopolean Dynamite) and I had to sing over My Shoulder in a duet in some dark room in front of Mika...and guarding the door was Freddie Mercury with his 70s hairstyle and wearing the costume Chazz wears in the movie 'blades of glory'


very strange lol. i htink it was coz i fell asleep listening to my ipod and oveer my shoulder was playing

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I had a dream last night about Mika, but he wasn't in it. My teachers were really pleased with my GCSE results (Ha! I wish :naughty: ) that they decided to hire Mika to do a Year 10 only gig at the school. But, of course, my form tutor was being stupid, saying 'I won't take you in if you're not quiet...' I thought to myself 'We're going to see Mika! Excitement and loudness should be allowed!' But we had to wait like 10 minutes before we could go in. We got a bench quite far from the stage thing, but we were the one closest to the front. Soimeone from my form got up and stood really close to the front, so I did too, extremely excited. Then my form tutor came over an complained (as usual... I can't stand him, he's not even nice in DREAMS!!). Then all of a sudden, I was dragged into a conga line of people (all from my Year at school) and we congaed all the way down to this area of town I'd never been to before. There was a stage, and a few sofa's facing the other way. I made my way toward the stage and was chatting to a few people when this woman came onto the stage, and began talking to the teachers there. She was quite skinny and had blonde hair up in a bun and a pair of glasses on. She also had a dry, annoying posh voice.

"You do know Mika will be playing over there? Why have you brought the children down this end?" Then she saw me. "Oh, my, why are you standing there? You didn't see Mika did you?"

"No." I mumbled. I made my way up to the place Mika was supposed the be playing (there was no stage there though :blink: ) And sat on one of the sofa's between some boy I don't know the name of and James. The boy who I didn't know said "Why Mika? Couldn't you have picked someone decent?" Then James joined in and said "Yeah, he's crap." I looked at them in disbelief and replied "Am I the only person really looking forward to this?" James nodded, then moved himself up to the edge of the sofa. He looked at the boy next to me and said "Well, she's a girl, I don't want to sit too close to her. It could be seen in the wrong way." The kid next to me raised and eyebrow and I was about to say "Since when have you cared?" But my mum woke me up. I didn't get to see the concert! :tears:

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After a long time I had a new dream about Mika.


Mika and I were at the top of a very high building... like a tower... from where we could have a very good sight of the city!!


So I noticed that many buildings of the city were crazy. The designs were very very much beautiful and different, and they were very colourful! It is indescribable!!! And the dream was so real, I can't even express how it was...


So I looked at Mika and said: "Wow, you are a very good architect!!! Was it really you who made all this???? It's brilliant!!!!" And he just made a face like he was saying: "Yeah!!! I've made this! And this is beautiful!"


The buildings Mika was the architect were a temple, a hospital, a theater... Very colourful, and wonderful!!! And lots of others. They were really beautiful, I can't describe!!! Imagine all the talent of Mika that is in music expressed in architecture!! That was my dream!


I woke up believing that Mika could be the best architect ever!

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I keep having a recurring dream about Mika, which is kind of strange because at 33 I shouldn't be having fancies about Popstars lol.


If I do dream it's always to do with stuff that is happening now - I'm strange like that.


I dreamt that he'd organised something through the MFC - A once in a lifetime chance to go on tour with him in America. Basically travelling in his tourbus - staying with him in hotels - wherever he goes - the fan goes.


God how great would that be in real life. lol


There was no competition as such, just someone chosen at random from this forum.


I won it. It's weird cos' I've been having this dream kind of on and off since the end of January and it changes abit each time I have it.


Sometimes we really really get on. I pretty much adore him by the second day or the first. lol


Other times I'm really shy and kind uncertain around him. He's always lovely.


But the other day I had the same dream - and he didn't like me at all, or so I thought. It was really awkward. :(


But in general it's a good dream. :)







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I had a dream last night...he was begging me to let my cat and his dog get together and mate because he thought that if they were to produce puppy/kitten organisms...that would be our symbol of friendship, love and trust. He was begging soo much...and on his knees!!!

Imagine...a cat and a dog having chicken!! Ew!!!

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I had a dream last night...he was begging me to let my cat and his dog get together and mate because he thought that if they were to produce puppy/kitten organisms...that would be our symbol of friendship, love and trust. He was begging soo much...and on his knees!!!

Imagine...a cat and a dog having chicken!! Ew!!!

omygaw:roftl: I'm thinkin that you saw Lollipop and the other songs on youtube for too much time

No happy ending!!..Well he once was a whore..don't mess with a missionary man!

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I had a dream last night...he was begging me to let my cat and his dog get together and mate because he thought that if they were to produce puppy/kitten organisms...that would be our symbol of friendship, love and trust. He was begging soo much...and on his knees!!!

Imagine...a cat and a dog having chicken!! Ew!!!




That just made me laugh.


Actually if Mika's involved in this the puppy/kitten result would probably look abit like a chicken.

















Did I just say that....

















You lot are corrupting me....













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hahah i just had a Mika dream and it was kind of odd but kind of funny. I dont really remember how I got there but there was a concert of some sort and afterwards everyone left and I went back into the room and Mika was just sitting at a table alone writing and singing. I told him that I loved his music and his hair and that his singing was cute... also that I felt as though I knew everything about him. Then he gave me a hug but I remember it being a very very long hug (funny how reality manifests itself in dreams haha) and then he gave me his cell phone number. haha Then while walking back to my house, someone called me... it was Mika. And he said "since you know everything, My parents are coming to visit me tomorrow and I need to find them a nice hotel in New york city (that's where Im from)... a really big nice one." and I woke up at some point... but it was sad when I did wake up. haha.

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Last week I had this really strange dream. [That's the reason why I ended up here]

Well.. I was walking around here in my town with my dog [i don't have a dog? :blink:] When I suddenly saw Mika. I guess he was already a friend of my or something, because I didn't seem extremely excited. So we were walking together, just talked about stupid things I can't remember.

Then I went home because my dog was hungry?

He said "Ah, I will lead you to your door ok?" And he looked very strange, like he was in love, not the way he used to look at me I think. :bleh:

So I was like. "Uuuh ok? If you want so?" So I grabbed my keys to open the door, when he suddenly grabbed my hand. I was looking at him like, uuhmn what are you doing? And then he said something like: "Ooooh Barbara, uuhmn. yeaah, uhmn, ooooke.. Whatever. Don't mind me" And then he walked away. :shocked:


Then I was doing a few things, I don't remember anymore..

And the next day I was walking my dog again. And again I saw Mika. But this time it felt different, like: Waaa, I'm in love!

He took my hand again, and he told me: Honey, I'm just a vacationlove, I have to go back to the UK again. [Vacationlove? What? :shocked::roftl:]

And then he grabbed me, and pushed me against a wall or something.

Waa, then he looked me in my eyes, and slowly he put his head to mine.

AND THEN WE KISSED!!! :mf_lustslow: But he kissed really weard. So then I learnt him kissing? :naughty:

So strange. But very nice!


And then I woke up, because my mother walked into my room.

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Last week I had this really strange dream. [That's the reason why I ended up here]

Well.. I was walking around here in my town with my dog [i don't have a dog? ] When I suddenly saw Mika. I guess he was already a friend of my or something, because I didn't seem extremely excited. So we were walking together, just talked about stupid things I can't remember.

Then I went home because my dog was hungry?

He said "Ah, I will lead you to your door ok?" And he looked very strange, like he was in love, not the way he used to look at me I think.

So I was like. "Uuuh ok? If you want so?" So I grabbed my keys to open the door, when he suddenly grabbed my hand. I was looking at him like, uuhmn what are you doing? And then he said something like: "Ooooh Barbara, uuhmn. yeaah, uhmn, ooooke.. Whatever. Don't mind me" And then he walked away.


Then I was doing a few things, I don't remember anymore..

And the next day I was walking my dog again. And again I saw Mika. But this time it felt different, like: Waaa, I'm in love!

He took my hand again, and he told me: Honey, I'm just a vacationlove, I have to go back to the UK again. [Vacationlove? What? :shocked::roftl:]

And then he grabbed me, and pushed me against a wall or something.

Waa, then he looked me in my eyes, and slowly he put his head to mine.

AND THEN WE KISSED!!! :mf_lustslow: But he kissed really weard. So then I learnt him kissing? :naughty:

So strange. But very nice!


And then I woke up, because my mother walked into my room.

I want that dream!!!:mf_rosetinted:




That's so cute:blush-anim-cl:

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Last week I had this really strange dream. [That's the reason why I ended up here]

Well.. I was walking around here in my town with my dog [i don't have a dog? :blink:] When I suddenly saw Mika. I guess he was already a friend of my or something, because I didn't seem extremely excited. So we were walking together, just talked about stupid things I can't remember.

Then I went home because my dog was hungry?

He said "Ah, I will lead you to your door ok?" And he looked very strange, like he was in love, not the way he used to look at me I think. :bleh:

So I was like. "Uuuh ok? If you want so?" So I grabbed my keys to open the door, when he suddenly grabbed my hand. I was looking at him like, uuhmn what are you doing? And then he said something like: "Ooooh Barbara, uuhmn. yeaah, uhmn, ooooke.. Whatever. Don't mind me" And then he walked away. :shocked:


Then I was doing a few things, I don't remember anymore..

And the next day I was walking my dog again. And again I saw Mika. But this time it felt different, like: Waaa, I'm in love!

He took my hand again, and he told me: Honey, I'm just a vacationlove, I have to go back to the UK again. [Vacationlove? What? :shocked::roftl:]

And then he grabbed me, and pushed me against a wall or something.

Waa, then he looked me in my eyes, and slowly he put his head to mine.

AND THEN WE KISSED!!! :mf_lustslow: But he kissed really weard. So then I learnt him kissing? :naughty:

So strange. But very nice!


And then I woke up, because my mother walked into my room.


Great dream!!

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hahaha! some of these dreams are so funny! i think i have had a total of 3 mika dreams...


1. i was on some school trip to london or something and we were riding the bus to the airport. i looked out my window and saw this huge walmart truck with a big picture of mika's new album on the side, and i was like "THE NEW CD IS OUT?!?!?" and then we got off the bus at the airport and i realized i forgot to pack all my clothes and had nothing with me except for my camera. and then, out of the blue, mika appears, and my spirits are lifted. i try to take my picture with him like 10 times but for some reason my camera wont work. and then i woke up


2. somehow i was at a mika concert front row (and the concert was being held at my school auditorium). and mika started singing but no one except for me liked the music. and then mika got mad and left stage because no one was listening. :no:


3. i was at a mika concert (again) but this time i was part of mika's band or something and we were like bffs. after the concert we went and hung out and had a good time.

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