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Official - Dreams about MIKA thread =)


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I had a dream two nights ago with Mika in it.


I can only remember parts of it, though. At one point he was hugging me and he wouldn't let go (not that I wanted him to let go) But it was such a good dream. My Mother woke me up and I screamed. How dare she!!!




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Okay, this was my first Mika dream and it happened like 3 months ago. All I remember was that Mika was walking around the parking lot of my mom's old store, and he was wearing his outfit from PDP.


Then my 2nd Mika dream was like 2 months ago and I remember we were in a small room, it was sorta like a theatre with red curtains and Mika was performing in front of like 10 people. I was there with my sister, and then the show had like a break while Mika was just backstage using his MacBook. I walk backstage and I see him and he was reading our comments on MikaSounds, and I was like thinking "omg! he really does read our comments!" Then I woke up.


to be continued....

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Last night I had my best Mika dream yet. We were in my history class room and there were like 20 people sitting in the desks and Mika would only sing like snippets of songs because his throat hurt or something. Then when he was just standing there I go up to him with my sister because I wanted a pic with him, and so I go up to him and I think I asked him if I could take a pic with him and he looked at my camera and he was like "Omg, I have the same one!" and then he wanted to look for it to show me that he had the same one as me. But as he's looking for it he leaves my camera on my teacher's desk and he leaves to look for his. So then, in efforts to be with him more we go after him with the excuse that he had our camera (although I had seen it on the desk) and then I'm looking for him around school and I asked a janitor where Mika was and he told me so I found him in this cafe and he was sitting with John having lunch I guess. The minute he saw us he like smiled kinda in a "you found me!" kind of way, and we asked him for the camera and he said it was in the room. All of a sudden we are in a gas station (me and my sis) and I look inside the car next to us and there are Cherrise and Martin and a baby in the back seat. Then I walk into the little shop of the gas station and there was Mika eating a popsicle. Then I woke up. :blink:

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hahhaaa I found them :arf2:


Right. the other day I dreamt of Mika. Twice. In one night. That's pretty crazy isn't it ? anyway.


In the first one he was sitting on the floor and I was sittting on a chair. Everytime I leaned down he backed off. So I said 'What are you doing ? I'm

not gonna kiss you !''

and then he laughed at me. His hair was all straight curls, if that makes sense, so I started stroking them. And he laughed again and stroked my

face and I said ' what

are you doing ?' and he said 'I don't know' and he laughed again and said 'I just felt like it I guess. Anyway. You did it to me' and I said' No I didn't

I ruffled your curls' and

he said 'well I was ruffling yours' and I said 'on my face ?' and he laughed and said 'yeah, on yr face'


well. what kindov a dream was that ??! xD. weird.


and the second one was about Mika asweel, as I said b4. anyway.


I was in the library, and I'd gone to get some earphones from the desk. When I got there the woman said 'whatchya gonna listen to ?' and I said

'eerm ... music' and she

said 'who ?' and I was like mind your own business stranger but I said ' MIKA' and she said 'I know how to make people write things just by looking

into their eyes' and I said

' hum. yeah.' and she said 'you don't believe me do you ?' and I said 'no' and she said 'watch' and she did it to me so then I said 'how dyou do

that ?' and she said 'is

that Botox stall still there ?' so I went to see and there was this sign that said BOTOX THE MINDREADER in big blue letters so I sat on the stool

infront of this man with

a moustache and he said 'vat do you vant little girl ?' in a weird russian

accent and I said

'show me how to make people write things by looking into their eyes' and he said ' ah, vell, you vill have to pay little one' and I said 'erm ... right'

and he said 'first

you can have a triaal version' and he said ' look into my eeeyes little girl' so I did and he said 'hmmm, so now, I will look into yr miiind. you caaan't

stoppe me because

you are under my poower little girrl, but I will allow you to shut ze doorz zat contain sings you do not vant me to see' so he did it and he said' right.

I see. You don't

like me doing dat do you little von ? no ? hm. well then sink of zomezing and I vill make it come true.' so I thought of Posh and Becks. And she was

saying weird

things to him and then a TRex came and plodded between them. Then Botox said 'you don'te choose easy sings for me to do do you small person ?'

and then this girl

came rushing through and said that Posh and Becks had divorced and that it was rumoured Becks had said that she had a pet TRex. And I looked at

Botox and he said

' I tolde you so' and then he said 'zo lets have a look in youre head again. be a bit nicer zis time' and then after a bit of time he woke me up and

said ' you have been

sleeping here all nighte. I put ze earephones on your earsa so you didn't vake up' and I said 'seriously ?' and he said 'seriously. yesterday all ze doors

vere shut but von

and zat von was 99 % shut 1% open. I didn't have time to vonder vy so I looked inside and explored and zen I left' I said' what did you see ?' and he

said ' I saw a man.'

and I said 'right' and he said 'he vas tall and had curly browne hair and yesse, I know who it is. I looked about your head and found nossing about him'

so I weent into yr heart

and zere was nossing but him. he vas everywhere, every square inch of ze place. apart from one bit dat said FAMILY abaove ze door. zen after a lot of

intensive searching I

found a very small door entitelde FRIENDS. You don'te have many of zem do you small sing ? anyvay. I went in and found quite a few pepeel but 99%

of zem were off a

place called ze MFC zo I did a bit of research in yr brain and found dat ze MFC stood for Mika Fan Club. So zen I realized ze man in youre head vas

Mika. And he vas zat

person zat vas everywhere possible to be seen by ze human eye in ze place called yooure heart so I made my way back to yr SOUGHTS department and

zere he vas. but he vas all faint. like a ghoste.'

and zats ven I left.' and I said 'why ?' and he said 'because I had to zink.' and I said 'about what ?' and he said 'about two zings. the 1rst one, was

very troubling. I just

didn't understande vy yr fellowe, vats his name little von ?' and I said 'Mika' and he said ' Oh yesse, Mika zat is it. vy he vas faint. anyvay. I just

vorked and vorked and vorked all nighte

trying to vork out vy and I didn't spend any zought on my second problem.' and I said 'being ?' and he said ' being vy ze door to ze only sing you

were letting me see vas

practically shut viz nossing in it apart from zat man ... erm. ... Mika.' and I said ' well maybe I was too tired to shut it. or I thought it was shut and

it wasn't' and he said

'niet niet little von. yr mind doesn't vork like zat. it shuts ze doores automatically. you have no say in it.' and I said 'oh' and he said 'vell dyou wanna

know vot I found

after many hours of deep sought ?' and I nodded and he said ' I gave up on ze 1rst problem zinking zat you had ruined my career and zat ze press

vould have a field day

because Botox doesn't mindread properly anymore. and zo I passed onto ze scond problem zo I could give you at least von answer. and zen it all

made sense. you didn't shut

ze door properly because you really vonted to tell someone, to share yr prooblem wiz zem and I vorked it out. youre problem voss simple. Mika vas

faint because you didn't vont

to zink about him, vell ... you did, but yr intelligence tolde you nott to. you vernrt aloud to zink of him because your brain had said 'Niet litlle vons

heart ! Zats enough ! you vill

not rule over her intelligence any longer ! she cannot zink of zat retched man who causes you such pain. you keep on complaining to us yet you

make us zink of him all ze time.

she doesn't sink of anysink else but him ! she needs to leave him behind!' and zo you tried to. your soughts locked him up in a room. vell. they tried.

they hid him in a small

room viz no vay out but zay couldn't shut ze door because youre hearte little sing, youre heart did not let them shut it, they vonted to let somevon

know, and share ze veight

of ze problem not lock him up. and zen I come. Botox ze mindreader and now I know. and I vill help.'

and then he dissapeared and I went on the computers.


I mean if thats not an extraordinarily crazy dream I don't know what is.

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It was this morning; I was dreaming,had nothing to do with Mika,but then I dreamed that I was watching a Mikaconcert on television, but Mika was playbacking "Allein Allein" (by Polarkreis 18) :blink: but then I woke up and realised that it was my alarm clock and this song was on the radio :naughty:

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I had this dream about Mika. The whole of 2nd year moved to this posh school and he was like some special guest and he was wearing pink while playing football. Then I was looking for him but couldn't find him. It was sad. I've had other ones but i cant remember

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  • 2 weeks later...
Omg thank goodness i am not the only one dreaming about mika! OKay this dream made me want to cry and punch my pillow.


I was sitting and thinking about (the day that you're goona die your wrinkled eyes...off subject) mika of course his beautiful brown eyes and such when I decided to go visit him. I saw him kissing (a long awkward kiss) Christina Aguilera. I was angry because I was in love with him and I thought that he needed someone more like him. While they were swimming together in his pool I held up signs that said back-off christie on them and more signs that i can't say on here. he just got slightly irritated and she left. I then somehow got over the gate and snuck in. somehow christina "teleported" back into his house and they were kissing again. When i woke up from the dream I was angry. IT FELT SO REAL!


I just copied and pasted my dream from mika forums so i wouldn't have to rewrite my madness!

Wow, almost 2 years ago I wrote this.



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I had a dream recently that i had tickets to see Mika, but then something happened where they F-ed up my order so he said as an "im sorry" he'd spend the day with me and then send me to another show for free.


So i was waiting for him and Davey Havok, the lead singer of my fave band, showed up and wanted to hang out. And im like "cant....mikas coming!"

and he was all "OHHH! I wanna meet him!" So we were waiting together.


Then Mika comes and brings me and davey sodas and we talk.

I don't remember what exactly went on next but I remember saying "wow, i thought you were going to be a real douche...but you're not!" and he got reaaallly offended.


Then we got bored and me and davey left with my dad



yeah. :blink:




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I dreamed the other day he had announced dates and locations for the acoustic tour, and he was performing two gigs in Spain :punk: but they were in cities where artists don't usually go :blink:

I don't think that's possible anyway... :no:

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I had one last night!


Pianogirlsammy (LOL) and I were following Mika. He was walking around and we just followed him.

At one point he walked into my dance studio. I asked him where in the U.S. he was going to play. There was a map and he pointed at places, about 5 along the East Coast, 4 down south, and 5 on the West Coast. I was like "Mika, you should play in Austin."

There was another part where we followed him to a LITTLE town in Connecticut. I told Sammy that we should make him play on the stage. Which was randomly there. But I was just joking around and making fun of how small it was.


So, I don't remember it very well. But still, it was nice to dream about him. :naughty:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had one last night that doesn't really count.


Basically the whole dream led up to me going to a movie. And during the movie, Happy Ending started playing. And then I screamed really loud and woke myself up, but then I realized that Happy Ending was my alarm. :thumbdown:

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what a coincidence! i had a dream last nighttt .

well my dream was that he was playing a show in a band and he came around to sign some autographs and he finally came to me and i KISSED HIM ! in the lips i kissed mika on the lips, it was crazy


another dream i had a while ago was that i was in a concert he was having and i was all the way at the front, evrything went great until it was over and he left backstage. i was crying uncontrollably and that's all i remmember.


okay last dream (this was a really long time ago), mika came to my school to play a small show . all i remmember was freaking out when someone told me he was coming. i even felt the butterflies and tears in real life


thanks for this thread :)

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I had a MIKA related dream last night ... or early morning, I think (otherwise I probably wouldn't be able to remember). It probably has to do with Sari's massive pink plea in the 'Message to Mika' thread, as I dreamt of tour dates. :roftl: Suddenly they were there. I can remember that there was a gig scheduled on a Monday in my town, at my favourite venue (tiny, blimey, way too tiny for Mika's 'intimate'), and another one in the nearest big-ish city in my country just the night before.

It was a quite pleasant dream, I must say, although it didn't even have any Mika in it. :lmfao:

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i hope that dream will turn true :naughty:


my deskmate dreamed that it was my birthday and she left the classroom to make a phone call and when she came back she saw Mika entering the classroom. he came straight to me, kissed my hand and wished me happy birthday. :lmfao:




tsssk and they say I'm weird. :roftl::roftl:

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i hope that dream will turn true :naughty:


my deskmate dreamed that it was my birthday and she left the classroom to make a phone call and when she came back she saw Mika entering the classroom. he came straight to me, kissed my hand and wished me happy birthday. :lmfao:



tsssk and they say I'm weird. :roftl::roftl:


Oh my god! My best friend had a dream like that! only thata she dreamt Mika and her sang happy birthday to meee!!! Hahahah I would die if that reall happen...

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OK, this was my dream the other night that i posted in blog updates :naughty:


in my dream i went onto MFC, and on the front page was the long-anticipated title; INFO ON NEW ALBUM! ALBUM COVER AND TITLE!


i went on all excited, not realising i was dreaming. The album cover was a photograph of a hand wearing dozens of colourful rings. The sleeve was a back jacket with gold cufflinks. the album title was 'Eleven Words.' in fancy script.


And I was soooo disapointed. I sat there looking at it, totally shocked and disapointed. I was expecting a beautiful creative name and new awesome artwork. then i ran away from the computer and burst into tears.


Then i woke up, and i had tears running down my face.

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OK, this was my dream the other night that i posted in blog updates :naughty:


in my dream i went onto MFC, and on the front page was the long-anticipated title; INFO ON NEW ALBUM! ALBUM COVER AND TITLE!


i went on all excited, not realising i was dreaming. The album cover was a photograph of a hand wearing dozens of colourful rings. The sleeve was a back jacket with gold cufflinks. the album title was 'Eleven Words.' in fancy script.


And I was soooo disapointed. I sat there looking at it, totally shocked and disapointed. I was expecting a beautiful creative name and new awesome artwork. then i ran away from the computer and burst into tears.


Then i woke up, and i had tears running down my face.



I love how the cover's just a hand.


I actually quite like the idea of "Eleven Words" as a title. I don't know why :naughty:

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