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MIKA @ Italia Love Wave Festival (former Arezzo Wave) - Florence (Italy)


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hahaha:roftl: I can imagine Mirtilla's future meetings with Martin...

Martin standing around sipping on his beer, not suspecting anything when suddenly a naughty girl, Mirtilla!, is coming up from behind pinching his ass!:naughty: Martin jumps up and turns around to Mirtilla who greets him with a cheeky grin and whispers "Hello Sexy!!!"

Sorry Mirtilla!:wink2: Your comment made my imagination go wild!:naughty:


lmao ha ha ha :roftl::lmao:

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TESTA DI CULO!:naughty: Come on you can say it...i mean Mika said it in public!:bleh: So the literal translation would be "butthead"!

*anxiously waiting for Mirtilla's part 3...*


oh I understand that! only I didn't understand the stars lol

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So here we are. Lollipop was over. I was sweat. I started shaking like a leave. Nice beginning uh? :P I went to the “entrance†of the backstage area (as I was told to before) and the sec guard told me to wait few minutes there. I did, and after something like 15 mins they called me. My heart was jumping out of my chest, no need to tell you. They took me to a sort of tent (the “dressing roomâ€) and few people were there drinking and chatting. Mika was there, as well as Cherisse, Mickey and Luke, and a girl who I suppose was Mika’s sister (not Yasmine). The guy called Mika, who was showing me his back, he turned and say “Hi, how are you??†He pointed at my (glowing) heart and said “you must be very proud of that†and I said “yes!†He offered me a drink but really it was the last thing I needed. I was next to him, talking to him: who needs to drink??? He asked me my name and we sat. I gave him all the presents MFCers gave me, mine too. He loved all of them. I also gave the present esperia made to Luke and he was surprised! Then he told me to thank her, but I told him that she was outside, near to the entrance and he could recognize her by the glowing hearts onto her head. He went outside and I’ll let her tell you what happened (I still don’t know exactly).

Mellody: as I told you, he was amazed by the golden lollipop! I told him it was from German fans and thaey made it (because I though you did) and was surprised. He immediately wore it. He also showed it to his mom and she loved it too. Her mom also looked at other presents and said they were beautiful. She’s so lovely!! Then I gave him the Oldlings’ stuff: I didn’t know what it was, but when he opened the envelope with a paper which listed your names typed in red he said “I met her in Washingotn†and me “dcdeb?†“Yeah†He remembers you deb! Then he saw Blue’s name and asked me if you were there and I said no, and he told me he has your thing attached to his phone (as I didn’t know it!).

Then when I gave him the braces with the pailettes he said they were beautiful, showed to Cherisse (who loved them) and told her she should wear them. She did! She was sooo nice!! Then I talked with him for a while, I really don’t remember about exactly what. I asked what happened with My Interpretation and he explained that someone changed the keyboard. I also asked him if there was anything we (fans) do that could annoy him, encroach his privacy or something, you know, but he said no, everything was fine. And that relaxed me a bit cause I was afraid he could feel too watched by us, if you know what I mean. Then I chatted with him again. Oh I told him I was in Paris 3 weeks before and thanked him for paying the bill (not sure if he hear this latest part though) and he looked at me and said he remembers me at the table, and I was “really??†:wub2: awww Cloud 9. Then he started talking about the Paris gig and I told him it was brillinat, the atmosphere was amazing and the ground was shaking cause everybody were dancing and jumping and he told the guy who lead me in (who worked for the Italian Universal, btw) who was with us now, and said everybody was worried because the balcony started shakin visibly! Then he asked me if I knew it was gonna be released on dvd, and I said yes! Then this guy held in his hands some Love Today cd singles, he asked me which single I’d prefer to be released next, Big Girl or Love Today. I asked him if he can give me one,but he said that they were the prizes for a contest in september on the italian forum, I made puppy eyes but he tod me they were exactly 10 so he couldn’t. He gave them to Mika to be signed. While he started to draw something onto the single this guy told me he was glad that it was me to win cause it wasn’t only me but I represented the whole fanclub and that I talked, while many fans only care about having a pic and/or an autograph and they go, and Mika agreed and said he likes having a face-to-face contact and I said “Us too!†:naughty: He smiled. And then Mika gave the single he signed and I was like “for me?? THANK YOUUUU!!†he wrote my name, so it couldn’t be used for the contest anymore! :bleh: then the guy gave the rest of the cds to Mika and he wanted to know the names; no names, so Mika said no, cause otherwise they could be sold on ebay and at that point he could write “to ebay, much love Mika†lol

So someone said that it was time…so I asked Mika if I could take a pic with him, he said “of course†and we posed. At first I felt his head over mine but then he had to set up his hair while the guy took the pic. When we saw it Mika said “let’s do another one!†and made one more. Poor boy, he was really tired, you could read on his face. Then I said thank you for the wonderful night, bla bla, and mentioned I would be at the Ibiza gig on august with other 2 MFCers so see you soon. (?) He thanked me, and kissed me and said bye. While I was walking out the door I saw Cherisse and she said ‘bye’ with enthusiasm and I told her she was amazing at the drums and was gorgeous, and she said “thank youuu!†and asked to take a pic with her. Sweet sweet sweet. Then I turned and FINALLY saw Martin.:wub2: I had the sec guard’s arm around me but I saw Martin, nothing could have stopped me now! I pretty much yelled at him “Martin!†and said something like “you’re gorgeous!!†really, I didn’t mean that way, though he’s very very handsome! He was drinking a beer and smiled and told me “oh thank you, you must be drunk!†:naughty: (kidding) and I said no, that I love the work he’s doing and he was amazing with the guitar and second voice and he smiled and said thank you. I told him I was at the Paris gig and he said he remembers my face! Awwww then I told him on august I’ll be at the Ibiza gig so I’d see him again, and in november in Glasgow with the MFC team. Then he said something like drinking something in Ibiza but I really didn’t understand cause the sec guard was telling me that it was getting too late, so I took a pic with my lovely Martin (yesssssss! I did it!!) and said bye. He’s lovely, he really is!!:wub2: Then I wanted to said ‘bye’ to Mickey and Luke as well but couldn’t see them..too bad. While walking away, always with my sec man, I passed by near Yasmine and told her her works are amazing. Then I really reached the exit and the girls, walking 1m over the earth! :biggrin2:

Now I can die happy. Doesn’t matter everything else.

That’s all.


Sorry, I know there are some details I’m missing, but it’s getting all blurry now, I have some random flashes once in a while from the chat with Mika…..but can't remember everything..

It was great.




you are such a lucky girl!! I got all excited here reading this!!! and OMG he remembered you from Paris!! I mean we were like 10 people at the table and you did not especially talk to him or anything!! he must have a really good memory!! he is just amazing!! I am so happy for you!!

omg you were so disappointed after the olympia now you got your piece of cake and it's 10 times bigger lol


and hey did martin invite you to a drink there or what??

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really! i forgot it! rob even texted me so he would have heard his own laugh from my phone but she texted at the wrong time:bleh:


haha imagine his face if she had texted you at the right time :naughty:

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hahaha:roftl: I can imagine Mirtilla's future meetings with Martin...

Martin standing around sipping on his beer, not suspecting anything when suddenly a naughty girl, Mirtilla!, is coming up from behind pinching his ass!:naughty: Martin jumps up and turns around to Mirtilla who greets him with a cheeky grin and whispers "Hello Sexy!!!"

Sorry Mirtilla!:wink2: Your comment made my imagination go wild!:naughty:


oh johnny I missed you :roftl:



now we're waiting for your pics mirtilla :D and your avatar looks great! very promising for the rest!

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you are SO lucky! sounds to me like you had the most amazing time ever!

took me ages to read all the thread, but i was worth it to hear about that!


i know why the giant letters mika normally uses on stage were not there hehehe:bleh:

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:biggrin2: (<-- this is my face since yesterday)


ahahah i can testify it! :naughty:


yeah guys, i'm back from hell! and i'm clean finally! :mf_rosetinted:


my report will come, problems with internet connection...sorry no pics from me :blush-anim-cl: , didn't trust to bring my video camera in the camping site (that f****** camping site :sneaky2:. i burnt myself!)

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HI JEN!!!! thank you for being so sweety yesterday in Florence about my trip in the night... I stopped for a coffee... but in spite of this I drove for about 50 km after that with an eye closed and the other one half opened! muahaahah ;)


and so you're finally at home! see you

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HI JEN!!!! thank you for being so sweety yesterday in Florence about my trip in the night... I stopped for a coffee... but in spite of this I drove for about 50 km after that with an eye closed and the other one half opened! muahaahah ;)


and so you're finally at home! see you


Ain't that a bit dangerous ? :blink:

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HI JEN!!!! thank you for being so sweety yesterday in Florence about my trip in the night... I stopped for a coffee... but in spite of this I drove for about 50 km after that with an eye closed and the other one half opened! muahaahah ;)


and so you're finally at home! see you


whaaat? :sneaky2: so i was right, i was a bit worried!! ahahahah, yesssss!!! i'm home! i kissed my shower when i saw it and had 2 showers!!! never been so happy to be home :tears:


ok, i'll keep on with my report

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yes.. you're right.. but fortunately I have a very high self control!

and I decided at the last moment to go to Florence.. I really believed that it was impossible to go there for me yesterday when I come back to Italy

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i burnt myself but it was worthy, i saw him live part 1


so here we go.my report. i left home at 7.30 to catch the train, i was going there with 2 friends of mine (they're mika fans now :naughty: ). i met greta in bologna and we all arrived in florence around 2pm. ate something then we took a bus to go to the festival area. it was bloody hot guys, at least 43 degrees! :boxed: so i went to pitch the tent and finished to do it around 4pm.i have to say something about the camping site: say camping site it's a bit too much, i think! first, it was near a dumping ground and the camping itself was a FIELD, just a field with not even a small bush! no shade!! i burnt myself, seriously, not kidding :crybaby: my shoulders hurt so bad!! and of course the toilets didn't work properly.

anyway, i met mellody and we chatted a bit. then we reached greta, who was near the main stage. we got the very first row, ahahah and stayed there till we met robertina, mirtilla, esperia and giulietta. they came around 6pm and we waited paciently for the gig. robertina told me they met mika in florence and i was like :shocked: i'm always so lucky! :sneaky2: i was literally melting under the sun and mika was so near to me! i'm always at the right place in the right time!as we were in the first row we could see a bit of the backstage and we saw mickey and cherisse! i was with mirtilla when she called her and she waved to us!! :wub2: ooooohhh she's sooo sweet and cute! lovely, adorable! :wub2:

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i burnt myself but it was worthy, i saw him live part 2


then bands started to play and as i hadn't lunch i decided to go and eat something. i was at the bar when CSS were playing and during their performance mika appeared on stage and started jumping around! and where was i?? eating! what a timing! :mf_rosetinted: i run near the other girls but it was too late, obviously! CSS ended their performance and people of stuff started to do sound check for mika. we were in front of martin microphone and suddenly he appeared and started to try the guitars! aaaahhh this time i was there, near the stage! :naughty:

then we heard dolly parton aaaaand the show started! when i saw mika coming on stage i almost cried :blush-anim-cl: i was so exicited!! i loved sweet dreams and love today, but also lollipop and grace kelly...and when he started any other world ooooohhh :wub2: :wub2: i have no words to express you how much i was happy...i'm still so happy...didn't sleep tonight cause i was thinkin and thinkin at the gig

he's amazing live! i have to see him again, i MUST!! it's like a drug :naughty:

but i have to say that i agree with mirtilla about the crowd. there was so many people, but a bit cold..i really hope mika enchanted them and converted them into his fans! he did it with my friends. they told: we want an autograph, we want to see him again! we want to come to a gig! :shocked: great job mika!

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i burnt myself but it was worthy, i saw him live part 3


when they started lollipop (btw, they didn't dressed as animals, of course! too hot!) i was a bit sad cause i knew it was the last song! anyway, when they finished we moved near the "entrance" of the backstage, where mirtilla should have been...i was sooo exicited for her! meet him personally! she seemed santa claus with all that gifts for him! :naughty: while we were waiting here luke came out to talk with fans. but i leave this part to esperia, she's the one that has to tell you what happened! then also cherisse came out and the only thing i could tell her was: "you're awesome" and she heard me and said "oh, thank youuu" she's really too lovely :wub2: :wub2: adorable!

then mirtilla came out and told us everything about the meeting! ooooohhhh, i was so happy for her!

as kaiser chiefs were doing sound check we all thought that mika wouldn't have come out, but then, after a while, he came!! :shocked: but all the 13years old girls started to screaming so loud that he stayed there for about 2 mins...i got an autograph, just his name and nothing else :sad: well, it's always an autograph but you know...i couldn't chat a bit with him, no pics...nothing!!

my trip back home has been a bit dramatic, but that's another story...sorry i'm really tired and i know i missed a lot of details, sorry! :blush-anim-cl:


last thing: i'm so happy to have met you girls! robertina, esperia, mirtilla, giulietta, greta, mellody! thank you very much! you're amazing! :wub2: had great time with you!

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i was at the bar when CSS were playing and during their performance mika appeared on stage and started jumping around! and where was i?? eating! (...)

i have to see him again, i MUST!! it's like a drug :naughty:

but i have to say that i agree with mirtilla about the crowd. there was so many people, but a bit cold..i really hope mika enchanted them and converted them into his fans! he did it with my friends. they told: we want an autograph, we want to see him again! we want to come to a gig! great job mika!


I'm glad you had such an amzing night and managed to convert your friends to Mikaism!:thumb_yello: Spread the word MFCers, we have much missionary work to do, everybody hail Mika!:lol3:

So he really DID jump around on stage while CSS where performing!:roftl: I was listening to it on the radio and suddenly I heard one of the CSS singers shouting "MIKA!" and I was wondering if he had appeared on stage or something!:shocked:

I know I know...Mika live is one bad drug!:naughty: You always need more more more...:bleh:

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