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2007 - TBA Gig Manchester


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hahahah well i was getting paranoid over the film crew because everytime i reached for my camera to take a picture the cameras im sure would point my direction :naughty:

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Okey Dokey!! Here's my report!! :thumb_yello: (PART ONE)


Firstly, i'd just like to say that it's impossible to get everything in!! - BUT, I'll do my best! :biggrin2:


I arrived in Manchester (the car park) at 1.20P.m after already chatting to Bexxy, Kath, Shari on phone at services stops.lol! I rang Bexxy - she was already at hotel, an arranged to meet her as i was taking her to the gig as my guest. We met up, and on check in i met up with Akim and her friend - great to see Akim again - I absolutely love her!!:biggrin2: and me and Bexxy went for a drink shortly after.


We went and got ready - i got burned by the shower!!! Flippin thing!!Then it went freezin!! Grrrr!!! That delayed me a bit - was nightmare!! Had phonecalls and texts from just about everyone which was really fab and exciting despite running late at this point. :naughty:


I wrote on Mika's card and pressie tags, got kitted up and met Bexxy, Akim and Felicia. We didn't know directions very well - i went to ask a girl for directions saying 'Excuse me? Excuse me?' in a very lovely polite way and she gave me a filthy look and ignored me!! (won't tell you what i shouted at her!)

After about 25 mins of walking, we heard Mika in the street!! Aggghhhhhh!!!!! Sooooooooo exciting!!!!!!!!!!!


We got in the queue and Bab came to say hello which was brill!!!! We got given passes and a freebie t shirt. We went into the circle after my phone was scanned (ticket). The atmosphere was brill until this bloke and his boyfriend tried pushing in having a go at Akim and her friend. They were really bad!!! I tried to get help but then after 20 mins or so he moved back.

Er....met Vix and my friend Shari and her hubby who nearly didn't get in cuz they were 10 mins late cuz of flooding and that.

Atmosphere getting fabby now - a very hyper Little Bo Peep smoking a fag at 6.20 - just a quickie before his majesty comes on!! LOL!!!:naughty:



Oh wow!!!!! Mika and the band were FABULOUS AND TOTALLY BRILLIANT!!!!!!!

It was really funny - (second song, 'Big Girl') - after the song Mika kissed Big Girl and got lipstick all over his face!!! He only thought it went on his teeth but no, he had a big red mark at the side of his mouth! And er...no, i'm afraid it wasn't from me. ha ha ha ha


Everyone had a fab time, screamed lots, sang along....it was wonderful! The weather was beautiful despite the wind and coldness from it. My outfit kept blowing up which was funny!!! It did on the way to the square too - think half of Manchester's seen my frilly knickers!!!!:naughty:


I think my tea's done - i'll do part two tomorrow if that's ok as i have to phone my sister. :thumb_yello:

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.....and...sorry for being so slow, but Who Is Chris?


OK, OK, I AM the most senior of the Oldlings; give me a break, it was a senior moment. I've edited my original post, and yes, of course I mean Martin!!!!!

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OK, OK, I AM the most senior of the Oldlings; give me a break, it was a senior moment. I've editted my original post, and yes, of course I mean Martin!!!!!


<big hug from an understanding oldling>

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i cannot be help resonsible for anyone passing out at his sheer BEAUTY!!


ps, i had to make the quiality poo to get it on youtube, i will upload it properly on another site, so you can see it better!!






yuppy thank you so much!!! he is awesome!!! this vid is :mf_lustslow: :mf_lustslow:

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Missy, was it you that I spoke to in the bar about taking pictures and you were worried that you would be in trouble? lol


No i never went into the bar because i didnt really know anyone :blush-anim-cl: so it wasnt me lol

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I'm finding the board a bit slow, but having worked on my picture of Mika with me, I'm just about ready to share!


I noticed the lipstick was still on his cheek. We shouted on to the stage to tell him about it after Big Girl kissed him, but he didn't wipe enough!


And he had a crown to wear, briefly, which he threw into the crowd.


In the video's (thanks everyone) you get to see the bottles of red juice that Mika drinks. Was it Daisy and Jemma who got the roadies to give them to them at the end?


So, back to my saga. After Mika had gone, we just hung around. I noticed that Cherisse was talking and asked for a photo with her, then MARTIN came downstairs and posed for photos and autographs. While they were there Mikey came too. And to my great embarassment I said 'haven't we done well, seeing everybody?' THEN Luke appeared. (Sorry Luke! Luke WHO?) So we did the photos/autograph bit again. But then they stayed around and we got over the dizzy tongue-tied bit and relaxed, just chatting.


Yuppy (bless) charmed drinks out of the barman and after ages the band went upstairs and we (lots of us by then) went back to the first room. We had a deep discussion about the meaning of the lyrics of Love Today; not quite coming to blows!


Then Yuppy (double bless) came to say that the bouncers had said we could go upstairs. So we did. And the band seemed genuinely pleased to see us. We talked lots, had a laugh and I bought Luke and MARTIN beers.


Akim, are you reading? Luke and Martin asked about you. (When you and Felicia were talking to Cherisse)


Still reading? They asked about your clothes and said...












You were stunning!


(Now how about that? Are you blushing?)

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They (MARTIN and Luke) were shocked that we had travelled so far to come for the gig, they hadn't realised what a fiasco it had been. They were also amazed that we mostly are strangers in RL and only friends on here.


They laughed about our MySpaces being little shrines to Mika.

They were very nice, very funny and most of all very down to earth. D'you know it all started (in Ibiza) last August. What a journey in 10 months! And Luke was very funny (every time he spoke) but said that Mika had always wanted to play with him.

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