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REPORTS, PICS, VIDS: MIKA in London - Free show @The Bloomsbury Ballroom (21-9-2009)


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No but for real, I would be locked up somewhere, prison, asylum, security offices at Euston, whatever. Then I'd have definitely missed my train back. :shocked:


When i left Kel's it was still dark and i didn't put the light on, I'm just a bit concernd that her mum put the sleeping bag and blanket away and all this confetti fell out of it, haha.

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Part 1- The morning and POG

So… my gig/day report. What can I say: It was incredible. I’ll try and cover most things, but I’ll mainly focus on the actual gig and the POG show, or this will be long like an encyclopaedia!!

Most people have already reported what happened during the icecream van and just in general during the day, but one thing that I found very funny was when Mika’s manager was telling us that he was on his way now, and she said “we’re running late…As usual”. She was smiling and it just made me laugh.

In any case, he wasn’t extremely late, and when he turned up everyone was happy anyway so that was a success. There was a lot of confusion about the wristbands, because initially Mika was giving out one per person, and there seemed to be some misunderstanding about how many people one band granted access for. Some people from his crew said that it was on +1 system, like in LA, but then later someone else said that it was one bracelet per person, so some people who had promised tickets to others had to go back and ask for an extra one. Anyway that was just a little something, nothing much really. It was nice, and quite civil (if we exclude those two Indian girls who have been quite the menace at all the recent London Mika events, but that is a different story)

After the ticket thingie a few of us (the rest suddenly disappeared and we had no idea where they had gone, lol; I guess that it’s always natural in large groups like that. People naturally tend to group into smaller clusters) had some food and then rushed to make it to the Paul O Grady filming on time. We got there JUST in the nick of time, as the tickets said that we should be there no later than 4, and I think that we probably made it there for around 3.45? Anyway we were VERY lucky because at this point there was quite a long queue, but just as we were joining the end of it they started calling out for the “priority ticket holders” (us) and saying that we needed to go to the front and make a second queue, separate from the general queue. So off we went, and we were quite to the front of that queue. This was myself, Bab, Katita, Buttons, Danika and Katie I think. The rest (FD, Caz, Rose, Cassie, Daisy, etc) turned out to have been at a pub nearby and ended up coming a bit later and joining the queue further back.

Once we went into the studio we were allowed to sit at the front (except for the first couple of rows) so we had pretty good positions in the 3rd row just in front of the stage, that was already set up with the instruments. You saw the videos of Mika’s performance I guess, but basically it was really great. It was what to me seemed his best TV performance to date. Ok, so I may be biased, but I really did think that he was singing like he does at gigs, as he knew that he had a proper (fans) audience, and this is why it felt right. He seemed a bit nervous before he started but he totally loosened up once he got going and we were singing and clapping and moving like mad. We were going properly nuts, and having so much fun, and he kept looking and singing like he was also having fun and enjoying it.

Oh, another cute moment was during one of the pauses in filming, when they brought out the sweet Saint Bernard. Mika just went over to the dog and started cuddling him. He just kept at it for ages . It touched me because that is exactly what I do whenever I run into a dog; I just can’t resist them, so I totally understood his urge to go and cuddle the doggie, LOL.

Then during the interview he seemed to have a good time, and he looked relaxed and like he was enjoying it. We certainly enjoyed it. It was so much fun! The guy who was doing the ‘crowd entertaining and warming up’ was really funny, and he made us laugh a few times. Mind you, he seemed to find us quite funny as well, and was looking in amazement when he realised how ‘hardcore’ we were about Mika, especially when he was singing. It was really great.

I am incredibly grateful to the lovely guy who came to MFC to offer us these tickets, because it was just an indredible experience and I felt very privileged to be there, experiencing it first hand.

The only drawback was that, due to the extra Mika-packed day that we had, we had to leave so soon afterwards in order to make it to the gig in good time , so literally a few of us got out the minute they allowed us to, jumped in a cab and off we went to the gig.

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Part 2- The Gig

The queuing was the usual thing: chatting, singing, and just doing whichever random thing we could think of in order to kill time…It was FREEZING!!! Funny point was that there were two boys in the queue that had never gone to a Mika gig or really listened to him, but they ran into him at a café in St Pancras the day before and went up to him when they recognised him, so he told them that they had to come to the gig, and they did.

When Mika arrived at the venue and saw them he said to them ‘hey, did you get your muffins in the end?’.

It was funny. One of them had the London Lite with the album review where they had written that Touches You ‘out George Michael ‘ed George Michael’ and he told us that his mum had gone to school with George Michael. Ok so that was the random fact of the day.

John did his usual coming out to check the queue routine, and he said that everyone would get in, ticket or no ticket. I think that once they realised that there weren’t THAT many people there, that nobody would need to be turned away, they thought that it was pointless to restrict.

Anyway so it was a bit disastrous how they opened the doors and got us to queue inside in the little bar area (when will they learn that Mika fans are rabid fans and this system doesn’t work unless it’s highly policed? In any case when the doors finally opened it was (as we were foreseeing) a big scrum, and it was a big fight to get to the front, which was tiny. The front row only took around 10 people, and this was being squashed. I was lucky that Daz saved me a spot so I got in there with him and Kasia on the other side. It was lovely meeting you Kasia!!! We had so much fun didn’t we?

The gig….How can I describe it…It was intense, relaxed, and magical. He was really happy, he looked satisfied, and totally at ease and relaxed. He was oozing chilledness (if you know what I mean, I made the word up I think :lmfao: ) and this mood permeated the whole gig.

Before he came out we played with the glitter on stage just to entertain ourselves, and Daz wrote on the stage “Hi MIKA” using the little glittery confetti bits, and when Mika came out and was doing his usual pose when singing the start of Relax I saw him look at that and smile. I’m sure that he was smiling at the sign!

You already know which songs he did, but basically he just went full out with them. His pants ripped quite soon, I think during either Relax (first song) or Big Girl, and he only noticed a bit later but it was hilarious when he started filling the hole up with confetti and then shaking his leg so that it would fall out ,ahhaa. He was just being silly and having fun, and the place was rocking.

The stage was so tiny that they were all crammed, but he still managed to move quite a bit and come over to the sides a lot. On one of the occasions that he came to our side, he suddenly took the hat that Kasia had left on the stage (we used the stage to leave our bags and coats in the corner) and started wearing it and making funny faces with it, and at one point he did the Michael Jackson pose that he does in the WAG video, holding the hat in front of his face. It was really cool, because it was obviously not planned, but when he saw the hat he couldn’t help himself.

In fact we could see him checking out all the stuff that we had left there before he took the hat. He kept looking in that direction and then finally he made a beeline for the hat. So funny.

What else was funny during the gig? There were tons of ‘little moments’, but for example another good one was when he just lay himself down on the stage at the start of one of the songs, and he just stayed there for a bit until the song started. No idea what was on his mind.

Then also when I waved my glasses at him thinking that it would be fun if he wore them or played with them, so he took them, put them, on, and then threw them out into the audience with a cheeky grin. I couldn’t believe my eyes; He had thrown away my precious sunglasses!!!

Another funny one was when he started Blue Eyes but got the verse wrong, and you could see his face when he realised what he’d done: he was smiling and shaking his head, like ‘what have I done?’. Also he started singing Billy Brown I think it was when they were meant to do Love Today, or the other way round, so that was a bit of a funny one too.

Oh and during one of the last songs, Lollipop I think it was, or maybe the one before that, the two roadies who were at each side of the stage spent the whole song throwing something to eachother back and forth from side to side, and Mika didn’t even notice. I can’t remember what the object was, but it was quite big. I thought that they would knock one of the band members or Mika himself on the head at some point.

During Billy Brown Mika pulled one of the dustbins (the one that was right in front of us) slightly more towards the center of the stage and sat on it whilst he sang for a bit, and that was really cute. Later on, during Lollipop, Kasia and I noticed that Sunshine had left some drumsticks really close to the bin, so we took them and started banging the trashcan while Mika banged his, hahaha. We had such a ball, just getting into it and we were really going for it, and then suddenly I see Mika taking a bucket and a drumstick and going around the front sort of ‘offering’ the bucket, so I said heck, I’ll have it, and he just gave it to me. From then onwards I had to try and balance the camera, the bucket and drumstick and dodge the balloons, so that was quite the challenge.

It really was one of those really personal, intense gigs, where you get tons of ‘interaction’ and eye contact and all that, so I really really enjoyed it. TONS. It was amazing. I will have to wait until tomorrow to upload my videos as I’m having internet issues, but they are really good (except for my singing), as they capture the essence of that gig.

Mika did seem ecstatic to me. The impression that I got was that he was really happy to be there. Just really chilled, and at ease.

I may be forgetting some details here, but if I am I’m sure that they will dawn on me at some point later……

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Part 3- Afterwards

I have a funny anecdote that happened just after the gig and before going outside. When the gig ended I really had to go to the toilet, so when we were all being told to leave the venue and I was following everyone out, I saw a door with the word ‘toilets’ on it, so of course I thought I’d do a quick stop there before I went outside. There were people going in through that door when I went in so I thought nothing of it, and just followed them, not even really paying much attention to the fact that this nice man was holding the door for me. I only clicked when I was in the little room and I saw Cherisse there…I found it a bit strange, so I did a quick visual inspection of the room (tiny room, it was like a little foyer, but maybe 3 by 4 meters big, if even. It was very small) and noticed that the whole of Mika’s family/management/friends base were in it! So I thought oh my, where have I landed? I went back to the door and said to the guy that I was actually just looking for the toilet, where was it? And he pointed again BEHIND me, to this set of doors that were there. In the room with all the Mika entourage. I found it very strange but I was so desperate to go to the toilet after waiting since way before the gig, that I just pushed the first door that he had pointed at, and what do I see….some guy standing there doing his business. OMG I nearly died. I thought: not only will they think that I am a stalker, but also a perv!!! So I just went off towards the other door, and finally found the ladies’ toilets. Once I finished and braced myself to go through the party again (they were having drinks and nibbles and it was packed in the little room) I opened the door and saw that at this point Mika had come out and was standing there chatting to some of these people. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I thought this is the worst luck ever, they will think that I did it on purpose!!! So I just somehow managed to squeeze through half his family and leg it as fast as I could, trying to keep my eyes low and focused on the floor, hoping that I wouldn’t be noticed. Oh lordy that was quite stressful, but I found it hilarious later when I thought of it.

I finally made it out to the street again where everyone was, and I found out that others had tried to go into the ‘toilets’ like I did but they didn’t allow them, so somehow I just made it after a group of the insiders and they must have thought that I was with them? I still don’t know how I got in there to be honest, it was so strange.

After the gig we did the usual hanging around for a while, and then hanging around some more outside once we got kicked out of the venue, waiting for Mika.

Of course those two annoying girls (sisters) who like to push and shove everyone out of the way (the ones who were touching Mika when he was at the keyboard on stage at Scala) were trying their tricks outside, just being their usual rude selves, and in addition to this there were the other 2 girls who had been causing trouble with the other MFC’ers (Rose and Caz and co) and these were also being a royal pain….Sigh…I really wonder why people can’t just behave!! Is it really that hard? Can’t they see that they don’t achieve anything and that it only causes things to be worse for everyone?

Anyway, Mika came out and then karma kicked in because of course this lot had been too busy trying to cause trouble so they hadn’t lined up to see him, and when they tried infiltrating the queue everyone told them to sod off and go and stand at the back of the queue, hahaha. Good on everyone who told them to bugger off. It’s the only way that they will (hopefully) learn. I mean, I understand that they are young and exciteabvle, but for example those two girls are with their dad there. Can’t he have the common sense to keep his kids in check??? It’s outrageous.

In any case, Mika came out and was looking really well. He wore a white Tshirt and a salmon coloured jumper that looked really good on him, and he seemed relaxed and in a good mood. We had the usual after gig exchange and everyone went home. Caz and I shared a cab with Giovanna (it was lovely meeting you!! And I see that you joined MFC, well done) and then went to Kings Cross where we said our goodbyes as we were taking different lines from there.

Soo finally this is the end, sorry for rambling on so much. Thanks to everyone who was there, I had the greatest time with you (as usual). And it was lovely meeting the new ones!!

I’ll see if I can put some pics up now. I didn’t take many, and none at the gig (I only film at gigs) but I got a few of the day.

Thanks Mika for another amazing experience, and thanks my fellow MFC’ers for being the best ever gig companions and just friends in general!!! You know who you are .

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The whole back row was MFC. We had the place covered :thumb_yello:


That's right, we were at the back lol! Me, Babs, Daisy, Katie, Jules, Kev, Sarahlou, Jemma...have I covered everyone? :aah:

YEAH - think you have everyone there Caz - t'was lovely to have some room for a 'bop' with you guys.


Still on my MIKA-high after this wonderful gig. Also still completely over-whelmed by the kindness of fellow MFC'ers who managed to nab a couple of wristbands for Kev & I :wub2: I feel very priveledged and very lucky not only to have been able to attend the gig but to have met so many lovely people through the MFC - thank you guys - you're the TOPS :huglove: (Feeling all warm and fuzzy!)


Thanks for all the photos / vids / reports - super stuff !!

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Sara, lovely report!! Makes me wish I was at the front though >_<

Being at the back was good, cos I got to dance as if I were at a party, but you completely miss the interaction with Mika. Kinda felt like an outsider looking in :blink:


Ah well, there will be other gigs :aah:

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Stuck In The Middle .... I love this bloody song :wub2:



I love it too! :wub2: But of course it's not quite the same when he's not banging along on the piano!:wink2:


Thank you for the gig report Sara, your toilet story was really funny!:roftl:

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Thanks sariflor for this little anecdote from your exciting three page report:

"When the gig ended I really had to go to the toilet, so when we were all being told to leave the venue and I was following everyone out, I saw a door with the word ‘toilets’ on it, so of course I thought I’d do a quick stop there before I went outside. There were people going in through that door when I went in so I thought nothing of it, and just followed them, not even really paying much attention to the fact that this nice man was holding the door for me. I only clicked when I was in the little room and I saw Cherisse there…I found it a bit strange, so I did a quick visual inspection of the room (tiny room, it was like a little foyer, but maybe 3 by 4 meters big, if even. It was very small) and noticed that the whole of Mika’s family/management/friends base were in it! So I thought oh my, where have I landed? I went back to the door and said to the guy that I was actually just looking for the toilet, where was it? And he pointed again BEHIND me, to this set of doors that were there. In the room with all the Mika entourage. I found it very strange but I was so desperate to go to the toilet after waiting since way before the gig, that I just pushed the first door that he had pointed at, and what do I see….some guy standing there doing his business. OMG I nearly died. I thought: not only will they think that I am a stalker, but also a perv!!! So I just went off towards the other door, and finally found the ladies’ toilets. Once I finished and braced myself to go through the party again (they were having drinks and nibbles and it was packed in the little room) I opened the door and saw that at this point Mika had come out and was standing there chatting to some of these people. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I thought this is the worst luck ever, they will think that I did it on purpose!!! So I just somehow managed to squeeze through half his family and leg it as fast as I could, trying to keep my eyes low and focused on the floor, hoping that I wouldn’t be noticed. Oh lordy that was quite stressful, but I found it hilarious later when I thought of it."


If that happened to me I would have froze & looked like a deer in headlights.

You handled it really well.:thumb_yello::thumb_yello:


A Kewl real life Mika Moment.

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just woken up only 2nd time today...My Lord am I ill...but needed to say

THANK YOU to the guys who were there (you know who you are) and helped me to have an awesome day.

Yeah I am suffering (more than I ever expected I would...I was prepared for being poorley but not like this).....so I tried the queuing and being "normal" and no way can I do it again...having to crawl on my hands and knees to get to the bathroom is no fun believe me, especially as I have no feeling in the left side of my body. I defo can't take any more pain killers than i have done..eh Babs! :wink2: so moan, complain, bitch, shout do as you please tbh I don't care anymore. It is not possible for me..End OF! If I can get assistance getting in I will take it and if you don't like it I wish ME on you then you may be more understanding!

Was it worth it..in one word YES!!! the day wasn't without it's traumas and when I am well enough I will review my whole day which in itself was amazing and I know I have said some people on here drive me crazy but I saw the good side in all on Monday! (now you never thought I would say that!) :roftl:

I wanna say a HUGE THANK YOU to MIKA aswell if he manages to find time to read these boards.... if it wasn't for him I wouldn't have gone to bed a very happy girl!

Ok too much typing and I need more sleep...

will review when I can..Night!


ps those girls jumped after Rose and I shouted at them from afar tho...well security just ignored them ...don't battle with MFCers! How does it go Caz? MFCers kick butt everytime! :thumb_yello:

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Here is the full list of all the videos that I took the other day. As I said before, please excuse the terrible "singing" (screeching or shouting more like it, LOL), but I think that they are fun, and capture the funny moments that we had, like the pants breaking, him playing around, etc...






Big Girl:





Stuck In The Middle:




Dr. John:





Blame It On The Girls:





Blue Eyes:





Love Today:





Happy Ending:





Billy Brown:










We Are Golden:






Grace Kelly:









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