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Everything posted by mellody

  1. cool, freu mich! :biggrin2: also wie gesagt, wir treffen uns am sa 16 uhr vorm starbucks am odeonsplatz... und dann bleib halt einfach so lang dabei wie es für dich passt, ist ja alles flexibel. :original:

  2. unless you do it like that dog in the other video and just refuse to high five him, lol!
  3. just watched the video of rain, wtf, that sound mixer should be fired! hope it wasn't that bad live in the venue, they had the loudness of voice vs. instruments totally wrong, e.g. at the spoken part you can't hear him at all! didn't they make a soundcheck?! loved his performance of course, and the dancing bit...
  4. t4p! what's he saying on the interview and the award presentation (except for "the nominations are" and "the award goes to", i got that... )? or has it been translated somewhere on this thread already? haha, now that "kiss" was really quick, amazing that the photographer caught it so clearly in mid-movement! what did they talk before it?
  5. ah thanx! i really understood it as "greasy" at first, probably because it's so totally absurd for me to think of his fingers as chubby/clumsy, that i didn't even consider this option!
  6. BIOTG by jumpup (better sound, but end missing)and by graciosa: (more close-up) aww that talk before it is soo cute, him wiping some (imaginary?) dirt from the piano keys, using his hands to talk and getting stuck in mid-sentence... "yeah... i don't know!" it's just so natural and adorable... his shyness coming through, although he says that on stage he normally isn't shy, but that just shows how much it felt for all of us like being in a livingroom, and not at a gig. i don't even have post-gig-depression, so definitely not a gig, lol! btw, what does he mean by "fat fingers"? like, "big", or does he mean greasy from food or so? i thought the latter, but that would probably be "fatty"? but if he means in the sense of big, yeah, sure, as if! mika with his wonderful piano hands!
  7. i think that woman might have brought out his "lebanese big brother" side, she looks like she needs protecting, petite and cute, and mika happily jumped to her rescue.
  8. hmm, yesterday i've read an article where they said mika took the song back because he wanted to use it himself, and in this article it says because he thought it was too cheesy in boyzones version. hmm, is that again mika confusing ppl by saying different things in different interviews? maybe he just had a feeling that he didn't want them to publish the song, for no real reason, and now he makes up different reasons, so in the end no one will know what to believe anymore anyway.
  9. yup, i'm getting confused with his spanish harem. don't know either of them. and how do you know that the hand/fingers theory still is the same when he's drunk, which like you said he always is in madrid? i'd like to meet mika when he's drunk, if that means that he starts kissing and clenching everyone nearby...
  10. was that the girl he kissed? in that case, i don't think a hand/finger analysis is necessary.
  11. yeah the songs are good, but i often don't know the lyrics! i should learn them at least for "bare necessities", only know the german lyrics for that... and he had it as background music before his US gigs, might take it to europe as well...
  12. at what point? before the show, i'd sing along to almost anything, to make the boring waiting time more enjoyable. during the show, my head is so full of mika's music that even though the text fits well, i probably couldn't bring myself to singing tina turner.
  13. here's graciosa's video of let it snow (including the beginning, where he motioned me to throw the snow upwards instead of letting it fall down ) and we are golden: (still processing, so the picture quality is not 100% yet)
  14. uploaded the photos by me, Graciosa and JumpUp on my website: http://www.mikafanclub.de/bilder-hannover.php here are my faves:
  15. no, didn't hear that... what kind of "ahh" and "ohh" - more like "nice, it's snowing!" or more like "f***, stop throwing that stuff in my face!"?!
  16. at the beginning of the song, i pointed on you/your pictures when mika was watching me throwing snow, so he wouldn't miss your fabulous idea! and you can see in the vid that he's looking down on the drawings all the time - the bit where i meant that he got confused was at "the lights are turned way down low" - anyway, he didn't sing that! he had his eyes closed during a lot of the songs, so surely nothing to do with you! you should've seen her other drawings! for "my dear" she drew a reindeer, i never would've got an idea what to do with that line, kanni's so creative! edit: just saw she posted the pix, perfect!
  17. here's the rest of my videos (and i'm currently uploading graciosa's): sat1 interview after the show: mika playing with bizkit: short clip of my snow-fight with mika: ... filmed by myself, so very shaky, as you can imagine, but you can see what happened (except that he also threw snow at martin, that was too quick, i can only see it when i play the original video in slow motion ). i prefer the ffn pic of it though, as it's minus the camera shaking.
  18. guess doesn't need that, there's probably an iphone app with which you can follow tweets from people without following them on twitter.
  19. ok, that makes sense then - i thought you meant my last post... and agree. stalker. i also bet he's still reading twitter, although he's not posting that much - it would be like "i love watching people without them realizing", and i can so see him doing that!
  20. no charts news unfortunately, but good to see a bit of promotion for tbwktm in germany: it's one of 10 cd-tips for christmas on radio bayern3: http://mdl.br-online.de/multimedia/eventbox-xmas/?cd-tipps-bayern3-2009 - click on number 8 to see it, they say it's a great variety of songs, with blue eyes sounding like samba and i see you being perfect for christmas (agree! ), and play some bits of the songs.
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