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Everything posted by mellody

  1. allegra! i know i didn't post much recently, but since when do you have more posts than me?! damn, i really should spend more time on here! anyway, hi! - and thanx for the offer, will think about it. dvd deluxe edition, tzz... things are changing so fast, the last time i've looked, it was still a blu-ray! but in this case, of course i want deluxe! especially since for the standard one it also says the 14th. won't the deluxe one be released everywhere?
  2. i want to sign up for this section, too. sorry it is last minute, but i didn't know whether i'd have the time to do it. today i had the time, so i'm sending it to you via e-mail now. and here it is for everyone else who wants to see it... i didn't want to say "i love you" in german, cause i only say this to my boyfriend - towards mika, it's more "i like you" for me, so i put the bavarian words for "i love you / i like you" (in bavarian, it's more or less the same...). and to demonstrate that it's bavarian, i added a bit of bavarian design. i scanned only the words and did the design in photoshop, cause it would've taken ages to draw it.
  3. this one's by me, it's a video screencap from the show in munich last november. and the other one alice posted of mika+luke is also by me, it was taken in berlin. well, joanna, you know where you can look if you need any of my band pix, don't ya? (and of course you'll get them without watermarks for the yearbook). i don't know what you're still looking for, won't search for pix now without knowing which ones you need. (or if anyone else of the yearbook staff needs more pix for the yearbook, you can find all my concert pix here: http://www.mikafanclub.de/bilder.php - just let me know which ones you need without watermarks. plus, some more band pix are on my myspace site.) here i took a screencap of my amsterdam rain video, don't know if the quality is sufficient, but it's the best i have of sunshine:
  4. dann sag ich doch auch mal wieder hallo! ich poste ja momentan recht wenig im mfc, aber gibt ja auch grad net so viel neues über mika (mal abgesehen von dem, was auf mikasounds steht, und den gelegentlichen paparazzi-fotos...). :rolls_eyes: - außerdem hab ich seit august wieder einen job, dh bin unter der woche mit arbeiten beschäftigt, und die wochenenden verbring ich mit meinem freund - da bleibt dann abends grad noch zeit für die anfallende hausarbeit und für ein bisl dmfc (wo ich mich als admin ja doch gelegentlich mal blicken lassen sollte... ). hoffe euch allen gehts gut.
  5. mellody


    herzlich willkommen im mfc, sabine! wenn du irgendwelche fragen hast, kannst du dich gern per PM an mich wenden. falls du mit anderen deutschen fans chatten willst, gibts dafür auch einen thread: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=13559
  6. this one made me lol so much! marianne, believe it or not, i had a similar idea a while ago... i just thought it would be too complicated to realize (esp. with the hair), and i definitely never would've been able to do it as brilliant as you did it! *bows to marianne for her incredible talent* just where my idea came from was a bit different, i have thought of a whole huge mfc present around this mika-doll...:rolls_eyes: with a mini stage (he collects toy theatres, right? ), the band and their instruments, grey skelly, big girls, lollipop girls, clowns, and different stage outfits for all of them. he surely would love that.
  7. haha, how nice that i'm part of your mika dream! just have no idea what to make of the information that his legs are alright. maybe it means that he wants to go jogging with me and i should start practising (i really should do more exercise! ).
  8. yes, but not today, only tomorrow when it's actually his birthday - he's a nice boy, he won't read the thread BEFORE his birthday!
  9. tzz, it's still too early! but well, who cares, he won't read it today anyway, so... HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIKA!!!!
  10. aww, thanx to you too - and also to queenie, mirti and allegra! group hug!
  11. aww, his sad face is so cute! it reminds me of this smiley with its huge puppy eyes:
  12. i told him about blue sky's blog tips thread on here in my comment to the thank you blog - and it's the first comment, so i hope he might have read it.
  13. on the link blue sky provided, i found that there is a built-in anti-spam tool, that makes things easier than moderating yourself. you have to watch it too a bit, as it's learning from the comments you declare as spam or as no spam - but it's a lot less work than moderating all the comments. ... it's called akismet and can be activated in the plugins panel. in addition, a lot of other plugins can be downloaded in the wordpress plugin directory ... like, there is another anti-spam-tool that sounds good and easy to use ... and i also wouldn't mind the feature, which enables to preview comments before sending them. another thing about the site, i think it'd be great to have a general link back to the first page, and maybe somewhere a text-link-list of ALL the blogs (instead of to just the first 20, like it is now), so it would be easier to read old blogs.
  14. huh? it's 2 different e-mail-addresses too, so for the database the 2 accounts have nothing to do with each other. if i had tried the same address again, it probably would've told me that a user with this e-mail is already registered.
  15. the first one i tried took ages, about half an hour or an hour... the 2nd one came immediately. so i'm registered now as "melody" and "mellody".
  16. yes, as long as it isn't approved, only you can see it. as long as it says "no comments" and you see yours, or "3 comments", but you see 4 with your own, it's not approved yet. lol, i think they'll have a lot to approve now!
  17. mika is online and has just posted a new blog... and christine's comment is there!
  18. damn, i can't live with the fact that i'm not able to figure it out and probably will spend all afternoon now on searching for that mysterious login! maybe just a little hint? - can i find it hidden somewhere on the mikasounds site or is it a different website?
  19. maybe it cannot visualize the page on which it says that you have to log in. no, seriously, i also still have my mikasounds-forum ID and password, but if i log in on the mikasounds forum and then open the blog website and try to post a comment, it still doesn't work. and on the blog website you can't enter a password. @shiku: haha, so you mean mika himself left the comment that he loves himself? @christine: how about if you inform us?
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