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silver last won the day on May 14

silver had the most liked content!


29,022 Excellent

About silver

  • Birthday December 25


  • Bio
    Give me a little hope

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  • Gender
  • Location -
    Wrong place (UK)
  • Occupation
    Kennel maid, carer and gardener

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  1. Hi and welcome Mika's music has helped a lot of people, there is something joyful about his songs. You will have a great time in Bonn, Mika's giga are like being at a big party
  2. Hi Kira and welcome to the MFC
  3. Nice to hear a Christine and the Queens song being used for the current Amazon Prime advert (Full of Life), even if it is just a snippet.
  4. Happy Birthday



    1. Anna Ko Kolkowska

      Anna Ko Kolkowska

      happy birthday Fiona :yay:




    2. teenagedreamer98


      Thank You! :hug:

  5. You should send a PM to @jengafer, she has the tickets
  6. Hi and welcome to the MFC
  7. People in the UK, Channel islands, Isle of Man and Eire can vote for this - votes from elsewhere will be discounted. I've voted
  8. I appreciated the artistry of Michael's playing and singing, but Daniel was the performer of the night for me.
  9. Happy Birthday



  10. Hardest thing in the world, having your pet put to sleep.
  11. All we can do is keep reporting them. But it is rather like trying to nail jelly to a wall.
  12. Always hated job hunting, it can get very demoralising, so big hugs I hope something turns up soon.
  13. Tanti auguri




    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chiara 83

      Chiara 83

      Thank you so much 🫶💓💓💓

    3. dcdeb


      Sorry I missed your birthday @Chiara 83 ! Hope it was a good one! X

    4. Chiara 83

      Chiara 83

      Thank you Deb❤️Yes I spent a very nice day☺️🎂

  14. Covering your face in shame. Or
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