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Everything posted by SunshineGirl

  1. That was me suzie. I tweeted about it. I dunno, maybe I'm just being overly sensitive and protective about Mika at the moment. It wasn't so much what Chris Moyles said, although I found that irritating, but his tone. I felt he was taking the p*** a bit, and kind of implicitly siding with those who don't like Mika. But, hey, maybe that's me just being paranoid! Hopefully my impression will be proved completely wrong and he'll be pleasantness itself when he actually gets Mika into the studio and meets him. I'll be very happy to be proved wrong on this!!!
  2. OMG these pics are FAB!! Thanks for posting!! Must go to work now, back later for another oggle and drool......
  3. Dammit, have I missed the party? Wasn't able to get online until quite late (queue for the PC in my house and my laptop has died)...
  4. My signed copy arrived today, to my huge delight! But, for a while I was about to have a nervous breakdown because my lappie has died, the CD player was playing-up so wouldn't work and the desktop PC also won't play CD's at the mo (don't know why, am not very technical!), so I had no way of listening to TBWKTM. Fortunately, my youngest son (in an attempt to stop his mother completely losing-it ) suggested we play it on the DVD player. Not ideal but at least we got to hear it, my sanity was restored and I could tweet to Mika that it's beautiful!! Which it totally is - absolutely stunning . It's just GOT to get to #1!!!!
  5. I agree - something odd here about being very down-on-their-luck and yet being able to pay very expensive school fees! Anyway, other than that apparent discrepancy, it's a great article! Thanks for posting!
  6. Thanks for posting this! Just beautiful....
  7. That's so funny! He almost looks scared - like he thinks he could be eaten alive by these women baying for his bod!!
  8. Thanks for posting this droopsy! Ah, j'aime beaucoup quand Mika parle en francais He could be just telling us the most mundane thing but I'd still love it!
  9. Lying in bed dying of a cold...woe is me!!! (and checking out MFC to cheer myself up!)
  10. Love Lady Gaga! Listen to 'The Fame' very frequently in the car and on my MP3. I recently bought Little Boots CD but honestly, give me Lady Gaga anyday. I find Little Boots' stuff completely underwhelming and even dull. Lady Gaga is clever and sophisticated musically, and love her stylistic individuality, bizarre as it may be at times! I'd love to see her live.
  11. God, I so agree with you on that! What utter garbage - boring, boring and even more boring....
  12. Surely it's just a case of they don't physically have the signed copies in their possession yet, but that Mika will sign them (!) and they will have them in good time to be despatched to those who ordered them?? (Hope so, cos' that includes me!). As already pointed out, Mika did say he had 2,500 to sign - I can't believe that he'd disappoint fans by not doing it or doing only a few or so that they have to be posted out late.... It has to be said though that on my Account on Play.com my order doesn't mention anything about 'signed' so I admit now I'm worried (but trying not to be!)
  13. Maybe its just because I'm tired and also I haven't read all the posts on this thread so may have missed the answer to this very question, but I'm so confused about where 'WAG' is in the charts! Is Mika #4 in itunes chart and #2 in the overall chart or vice versa (and where, pray, does one find the overall chart anyway??!) or something else entirely? Help! I'm so hoping the single does well I'm losing sleep over it (hence the tiredness!)
  14. Re the pic of Mika and Patrick - sorry to say that Patrick has a bit of a 'Wurzel Gummidge' look going on there IMHO, something about his hair, I think...an "interesting" look ....whereas Mika looks cool and elegant. I was heartened to see this recent pic of them together - hope this means they are friends now!
  15. I'll buy him as many drinks as he likes - then he could come and crash at my place to recover (yeah, in my dreams!)
  16. That's so true Fmbm! I feel completely addicted too! I also liken seeing Mika live as being like swimming under water for ages (when not seeing him) and then coming to the surface and taking that first, life-giving huge gulp of air (when at a gig)! It's exhilarating and makes me feel so alive. I've only been to two gigs, so am waiting anxiously for the next time I'll be able to "resurface from the depths" and get that rush again!!
  17. I'm almost daren't believe that he might actually be at #2 after my cock-up of yesterday when I jumped the gun a bit and quoted the wrong itunes listing...still hanging my head in embarassment and shame...! Is he at #2 now? It'd be fantastic if he has got there afterall!!
  18. Sounds like Mika had a really enjoyable time judging by his tweet. If he feels like he can be around fans in a social, friendly setting and not be mobbed and manhandled (I know MFC'ers wouldn't crowd him or be rude to him like that, but you know what I mean, others might) I hope that this means he will do something like this again in the future, not necessarily with the drinks being on him or anything, but just impromptu, fun 'get-togethers' similar to tonight's bash. Maybe its just wishful thinking on my part, though, LOL?
  19. I'm gutted that I'm not there!! Glad to hear everyone is having a great time. Mika looks really chilled and happy from the pix! Thanks for posting and updating on what's happening!!!
  20. I feel awful now! I was so excited and got everyone else excited...for nothing!
  21. Hold on guys, ignore me, I may have been a bit hasty. I've just rechecked and he's #2 in the pop genre of downloads but still #4 in the overall listing. Was looking at the wrong listing. Sorry sorry sorry for getting your (and my!) hopes up for that naked vlog....
  22. Yay!!!! I couldn't get online much last night as my computer was being monopolised most of the evening (but I did manage to buy two versions of 'WAG' and my son also bought 2 versions also). So, wasn't able to check the latest position. Freaking frustrating, I kept pacing about in an state of high anxiety! Probably more anxious than Mika!! LOL. Couldn't sleep wanting to know where we were at!! Am also loving his affectionate refs to MFC! What a sweetie :wub2:
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