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Everything posted by SunshineGirl

  1. Feeling down in the dumps cos' missed the pre-sale for tix to Hammersmith Apollo...
  2. Was at work all day and by the time I was able to sneak a few mins on-line this afternoon, all the pre-sale tix for London gig were gone . I know that it's not like the whole gig is completely sold out so I can still get a ticket when they go on general sale, but I was so looking forward to getting my ticket today. I feel really down in the dumps now..silly I know... Do we know now though if the Hammersmith gig is seated (numbered) or just standing only?
  3. Hoping to go to London gig....not sure yet, but I might 'ditch' my family this time round who, because they're also all into Mika to varying degrees (albeit not as obsessed as me!), came with me to Sadlers and (2 of my kids) to Latitude and watched Mika's set there too. If I do come without any of them to the Hammersmith gig I'll be on my own though, so am feeling a little bit unsure about that, but hoping I could get to meet other MFC'ers there and have a good 'fangurly' time before (ie queuing outside the venue) and during the gig?!
  4. I've voted literally countless times over the last few days - I'm getting repetitive strain injury!!
  5. Feel like I could sleep for England, at a loose end, lots of 'housey-type' things to do but can't be bothered!
  6. I agree with you jodi2518, other than 'Touches You' which I decided is my fave track, 'Rain' and 'I See You' were my other choices!
  7. I deliberately didn't comment on here until now because I thought I needed more time to decide which one was my favourite as it was too hard to choose! Well, it still is because I love the whole album but I guess if I HAD to choose one it would be 'Touches You', which is just the most fantastic track to dance to....
  8. I'm really hoping it's not one of those "'announcement to be made on xx date'-and-then-that-date-passes-and-more-days-go-by-and-still-nothing" kind of situations!!
  9. I like the first few seconds best of all ie him speaking the opening words and then sitting in the chair and then standing and tapping with the cane. Not so keen on the costumes of the dancers and would've preferred less of them, if I was being honest. But overall, I do like the video. It's different, I like the overall 'look' of the video (including what M's wearing), and I do think it's cool, but on reflection I do agree it probably lacks 'energy' (especially compared to the 'WAG' vid). Having since watched the 'WAG' video again I must say it reminded me of how much I ADORE that video (and song) - this new vid is not as good as the WAG vid IMHO....Mind you, whilst I like 'BIOTG's', it's probably one of the songs I like least on the new album. And even though I like the new vid, I'm not sure it's amazing enough to make me like the song any more than I do (if that makes sense!) which I guess I was hoping it would make me do!
  10. 'Interesting' pic of David Walliams talking very closely to Mika - he's not even gay, but you'd never know it from this pic, he seems quite 'taken' with Mika! Thanks for posting these pics, which are lovely (I even love the tartan trousers!!)
  11. I freaking LOVE this track - I can't stop playing it over and over and I can't NOT dance to it when it's playing! So, if you see a bright orange Fiat weaving across the roads, avoid it like the plague, because it'll be me listening to 'Touches You' as I'm driving........(There are two heavy beats in it at the end of one line which I particularly love - genius!!)
  12. Aww, I loved this view of Mika, so nice to be able to see it again, thank you! He does look very contemplative and rather vulnerable...makes me want to give him a hug! Gladys who??
  13. Hi, good thanks, how are you? Are you enjoying all this Mika-excitement?

  14. I thought it was lovely how intently he was listening to Gladys Knight (legend!!) when she was singing... and she was swaying to 'Rain' when he was singing!
  15. Cool performance by Mika, smiley and relaxed-looking - hope he does some more????
  16. Absolutely agree with you on this, I'm totally smitten with his cover of that song . So much so, that when I hear it I have to remind myself that it's a Jackson's song originally and NOT a Mika song - that's high praise from me as I love the Jackson's stuff, but he seems to have made the song his own (at least for me anyway!).
  17. Only managed to listen to half an hour of Moyles' show this morning as I drove to work, 8.30 - 9.00 AM. Rushed back to my car at my break-time to listen to Fearne's show for 20 brief minutes only to have to get back to work just as she was saying Mika was about to come on, aaarrrggggghhhh!!!!!! Anyway, surreal conversations this morning in the bit I heard, but made me smile a lot. Moyles is still a self-serving p**t as far as I'm concerned but as long as he was okay with Mika (was he??) then that's fine. I mean, how could anyone NOT like Mika, he's so sweet and charming? Must listen to the recordings of the Moyles' show and Fearne's too when I get the chance! (Thanks very much for uploading those!!)
  18. Yes, I must say I was very surprised to hear he apparently 'didn't think' (He did that 'Have I? Not sure' - type of thing) that he'd met Mika before. Personally I don't have a lot of time for Moyles and I think this just says a lot about him...I mean, come on, how could anyone possibly not remember meeting Mika (not that I personally have but you know what I mean!)!?!!! I agree, I think he (Moyles) just talks a load of crap a lot of the time. Anyway, if Moyles decides to be an a******* when Mika is on, it sounds like, from previous encounters, mentionned above, that Mika was able to 'hold his own' with Moyles, which I'm very pleased to hear about. Hopefully though, Moyles will be nice to him. We shall see....
  19. When it was mentionned on Moyles' show that Mika was going to be in next Monday for 'Mika Monday', Moyles said he hadn't met Mika before?!!!
  20. The way he said 'nahce' in that vlog he made where he was trying on Yasmine's aviator sunglasses and asking if we thought they looked good on him; the way he said 'legendary' when he was talking about the 'souk' in Damascus (a bit like Jonathan Ross he didn't seem to say the 'r' properly!); the way he said he wishes he had 'many functions' in the vlog at the airport where he was playing with the toy that the fan sent him that he'd opened before his b'day because he was bored at the airport! The way he sings 'little bit of love' over and over and 'hey! hey! hey!' in 'Happy Ending'; the way he sings 'golden' with the emphasis on the first part of the word; when he speaks French, well honestly he could be telling me his list of laundry or shopping but I'd still sit there absolutely mesmerised and fangurly as if he was saying the most romantic things in the world...but also love the fact he speaks (most of the time anyway!) with an English accent (of sorts!), saying (with the odd exception) British things!
  21. Well, of course ALL of the above points and also the fact that he's intelligent and cultured, which I find VERY attractive and sexy in men!!!
  22. This song has just been added to my list of The Most Beautiful Songs Ever Written! 'Happy Ending' was top of that list for me, but now I'm all teary-eyed over 'I See You' - it may just take the No.1 slot from 'HE'!!! I close my eyes and listen to it and it's just utterly gorgeous...the words, his voice, the music...perfect
  23. I totally agree with the bit I've highlighted CazGirl, that was definitely also my impression watching it on TV. He was much more natural in his performance than he had been on Jonathan Ross. I got the feeling he was feeding off the energy of the (MFC'ers!!) audience much more, and less self-conscious. I also thought he was looking into the audience more and, possibly me just being fanciful, but perhaps he was really 'comforted' to know that some of you from the MFC were there? He just seemed so much more relaxed this time round. And his interview with POG was Thanks everyone for lovely pics and great reports!!!
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