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Everything posted by SunshineGirl

  1. OMG, I've never seent his footage before or heard Mika sing this song - absolutely amazing, LOVED it!! Thanks for posting the link up!!!!
  2. Yes, I agree! I tweeted my disgust about Britney being a TT! FFS Anyway, I've done loads more tweets but really need to get to bed now... Good luck to those of you carrying on!!!
  3. I've been trying guys!! I was going to stop now as I've done quite a few "#ilovemika because" tweets. But what the hell, I'll keep on going for a while....
  4. More contented than have been for a few weeks because I've got next week off work which means I'll have more time to do important things () like spend time catching up on what's been happening in Mika-World over the last few weeks...(there are so many threads/posts that I haven't had a chance yet to read/look at on MFC and also on Mikasounds)....happy days are here again!
  5. The fact that I have a week off work next week!
  6. My kids (including my 10 year old son) came with me to Sadlers in June, which was a seated gig. Very easy, we rocked up about an hour before start of gig, all very civilised, good view from where we were sitting. He did say to me afterwards "Mika swore a lot" of which I think he was a little surprised but not at all shocked (and Mika did use the 'F' word but not VERY much to my mind). At Latitude (festival) there were TONS of kids of all ages, standing, and they all thoroughly enjoyed the gig (again may have been the very odd 'F' word but I'm not sure many of the kids will have heard/noticed ).
  7. I have NOT been able to get the image out of my head of not one (as if that wouldn't be heaven enough!!) but TWO Mika's to join in with (I mean me of course, not you, hahaha).... since you posted about it! Jeez, honestly, I think I need to get a grip.... makes it very difficult to concentrate at work, LOL!
  8. I'm so glad to know that I'm not alone in this! Although I was so excited to finally being able to see Mika live for the first time at Sadlers as the gig got closer I became more and more anxious because I had 'invested' so much anticipation into it, IYSWIM. Also, I knew that after the gig I'd have PMD and that worried me. I was then worried that these fears would spoil my enjoyment of the gig itself because I wouldn't be able to get those thoughts out of my head. In reality though, once I was at Sadlers and Mika was performing I was just enjoying the show. After the gig I was amazed that although I was sad it was over I didn't feel as bad as I thought I would BUT I think this can only have been because by then I'd booked to see him again quite soon at Latitude. But a few days after I did start to feel quite 'out of things'. I was anxious and impatient for Latitude to come along but again worried that after the gig, with no other date to look forward to, I'd REALLY suffer bad PMD. After Latitude again for a few days I was on a high, but I then became quite low. Since then I've felt less depressed but 'just' very unsettled; I felt sad that I couldn't make it to the free gig and his pub night for example, and to other things (eg Later with Jools) etc, but the fact is family and work commitments are such that I HAVE to accept that that's how it is, or I'd really lose the plot. It's hard but it's reality for me as it is for most MFC'ers I guess. I liken this feeling to what having an extra-marital affair must be like - the not being able to get a person out of your head, not being able to tell RL people about your feelings for him and his music ('cos they'd think you were barking mad), being secretive about the extent of your obsession (!), wanting to see him as often as possible and, if you can't, feeling depressed, not being able to concentrate at work, being disinterested, feeling like your mind isn't your own any more it's been taken over, LOL, etc, etc, etc, I could go on!!! After saying all this, I'm afraid I don't know what the answer is, except what others have said, which is time will help...in the meantime it's not good but it will be better...
  9. This is such a fantastic review - total, genuine admiration from the critic for Mika's showmanship and music. Thank you so much for posting this - it was such a pleasure to read!
  10. Just what I thought - then decided it was just an 'arty' camera angle (I'm so naive! Should've realised it was product placement but didn't think Mika would be that cheap or vulgar, LOL but I agree - if it was going to get him a freebie, why the hell not??! ). However, I did think my older son would LOVE that watch - he has developed a taste for very expensive watches of late (sadly for him he can't afford one and he won't be getting one from me and his father any time soon!) and I think when he finally gets to watch the vid he'll be eyeing it up with interest, wanting to know the make etc (especially as he likes Mika and, I suspect, at least some of his sense of style)..
  11. OMG, should I be scared? I'm only little, am I going to get trampled to death in the stampede, LOL ? (Actually, I may be small but I sure can be fierce when I need to be!! )
  12. That's so funny! I think if my family knew the true full extent of my Mika obsession/addiction they too might think I was in need of psychiatric help!
  13. WTF?? How the hell did I manage to miss knowing about this gig before today ?? I'd so love to go! And I love Paloma Faith too, she is very good live, perfect act to see with Mika. Dammit, just looked at my life organiser (ie my calendar) - don't think it's going to be possible...if it was during school hols I'd go for it...
  14. Yeah, never been to RAH so would love an excuse to go - and what better reason to go than seeing Mika - but can't stretch to those ticket prices at the moment so haven't applied for tix. It's not like I'm really particularly fussed about any of the other acts in the line-up either... I know it's a good cause but I'll just watch on TV.
  15. My daughter thinks Mika is HOT/FIT/BUFF and any other teen-speak words in that vein (and, of course, she's not wrong!). She also really likes his music. Thinks his vids are cute. Came with me to see him at Sadlers and Latitude. My older son likes Mika's music a lot too - in fact, tbh, it was through him that I first got 'introduced' to Mika as he asked for CD of LICM for his b'day last year. So, I have him to thank for my obsession now, LOL! He's currently almost non-stop playing TBWKTM on the PC or his iPod Touch. Sings along to all Mika's songs. Especially loves 'Touches You' and 'WAG' at the moment + 'Rain'. Will happily watch Mika's music vids as and when they come out. Came with me to see Mika at Sadlers and Latitude. Wanted to know why he can't come to the Hammersmith gig next Feb! Youngest son also big fan of Mika's - will sing along to all Mika songs, wants to play TBWKTM all the time in the car (just as well, 'cos that's what he'd get even if he didn't want to listen to it!), watches Mika's vids and passes positive comments on them (eg he thinks the BIOTG's vid is 'awesome' and loves the vid for WAG). Came with me to Sadlers gig. Also wanted to know why he can't come with me to Hammersmith Apollo gig next Feb! Husband likes Mika and his music too, came to Sadlers also and enjoyed it. Will happily listen to LICM and TBWKTM. I've obviously got him well-trained/indoctrinated because I only knew about the i/v Mika gave on R4 a few weeks back for 'Front Row' 'cos my husband was in his car driving and heard that Mika was going to be a guest, so rang me to say 'Listen to R4 quickly, Mika's going to be on!!' All of them,whilst liking Mika too and being 'fans' to an extent, tease me occasionally and say I'm obsessed (which of course I am....LOL )
  16. LOL - Guilty as charged, m'lud! Honestly, I drive with TBWKTM (and especially 'Touches You') so loud that I can't hear the engine, and I often find I've been driving in second/third gear and the engine has been screaming (no wonder I often get funny looks - you should see the looks of terror from cyclists as I approach them from behind!) - what with that and the occasional bumping into the kerb, it's a wonder I haven't been stopped by the cops for suspected drunken driving! Especially with me 'dancing' in my seat like a loony. I'm really a very competent driver (when I'm not listening to Mika/'Touches You' which at the moment isn't very often!) by the way - REALLY!!
  17. 'Happy Ending' is one of my all-time favourite songs and I adore the video for it, too. It makes me go all emotional when I hear it and/or see the video. I also think the video for 'WAG' is fantastic - I couldn't stop watching that and I don't think I'll ever get tired of it. The same now also applies to this vid for 'Rain'! :wub2:
  18. I'm with you on this, I also have a soft spot for this vid (BIOTG's) - it's very different from the vid for 'WAG' (as is the vid for 'Rain' of course but for different reasons) and so the contrast is interesting. It's not by any means perfect and definitely has its flaws, but I think overall, Mika's moves are really cute in it! My 10 year old son saw the vid for 'BIOTG's' today for the first time because I rewatched it - wasn't sure he'd like it, but he almost immediately said, 'It's awesome' and at the end said how much he liked it (I admit I was a bit surprised!). He also likes the vids for 'Rain' and 'WAG'. Such good taste!
  19. Okay, I wasn't very clear, I don't mean go into detail giving examples of how in such-and-such a job eg you worked with the public and as a result really enjoy it working with people etc etc. You're right, the place for this sort of detail is in the personal statement. I mean just literally mention a couple/three (?) qualities which you may not have mentionned already (with examples to illustrate these) in the personal statement bit of your CV/application form. Alternatively, pick a couple of the most appropriate qualities which you think the job requires which you've mentionned already, and say something along the lines of: "Finally, as you will see from my personal statement, I am reliable, hard-working and enjoy working with the public" (words to that effect! Pick your own qualities to mention!) The covering letter should be brief but it's like a 'taster'/attention grabber - you want to just highlight the main qualities you have to make the employer want to know more!! Good luck!
  20. Caz, how about mentionning what PERSONAL qualities you have as a result of your previous work experience? Eg, Liking working with the public, helpful, reliable, able to use your initiative, can work on own but like working in a team, hard-working etc etc. I'm sure you can think of others which are appropriate to yourself. Hope this helps!
  21. I love Mika's unique 'dancing' or perhaps it would be more accurate to say 'moves'! In the same way that Mick Jagger and Michael Hutchence, for example, have/had their trademark 'dancing' styles, so does Mika. And the way he moves is so Mika - he's wonderfully uninhibited; it's really something to watch and in its own way, really beautiful (and no, I'm not being sarcastic, LOL!)
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