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Everything posted by TinyLove_CJ

  1. Thanks so much for sharing the videos @Kumazzz! I think the top one here is the one that was used in the UK advert! I haven't seen it for such a long time
  2. Or maybe there'll be a sequel about Téhu Jr. Then Mika will have to do another soundtrack!
  3. I'm looking for the UK TV ad of when LICM was being released. I remember the advert playing a lot in the weeks leading up to the album (Grace Kelly and I think Big Girl played in the ad) and seeing it again would bring back so many memories! Whenever I saw it I would just stop whatever I was doing and either stare at the TV or do a dance to Grace Kelly! 😂 (guess what I do now whenever The Piano trailer comes on channel 4! ) I only remember one ad but if there's any other press release videos of the LICM release that were shown in the UK then I would love to see it!
  4. I was just thinking that this is like Keep it Simple all over again! 😅 We really need to pin Mika down and ask him what he's singing!
  5. That's exactly how 'aye' is pronounced in English Thanks for explaining, my French teachers were never good at explaining things like this, not one teacher was actually French either! 😅 (probably doesn't help either that I had more than one teacher at school, they all had different styles and dialects 🙃)
  6. Just out of interest how do French people pronounce 'soleil' ? I've always thought the last L is silent, that's how I was taught it in French lessons. So it sounds like SOL-AYE, that's what I hear in the song. With the movie being set in the desert it would make sense if Mika is saying "In the sun". French is spoken in Morocco, so like you said it could just be a different dialect.
  7. I agree, talking about 19 individual pieces of music could get confusing, just for the instrumental parts I'd rather just discuss them here without making extra long threads.
  8. Mika's next album isn't music at all, it will be a photo album of his time being a naturist!
  9. My go at the lyrics from what I can hear: No Time to Leave lyrics: Deep Mika voice: There's no time left to leave No time to leave behind There's no time left to leave No time to leave behind Mika: When the world is spinning There's no road out there ?? You say you don't even care You say there's a mountain You say you climb over And all of the world can laugh We can't even move so fast They'll say that you're crazy You say we're together Chorus: Don't let your worries rule ?? They're not for you to write ?? Only one thing's for sure What's good is worth the fight Deep Mika voice: There's no time left to leave No time to leave behind There's no time to leave No time to leave behind Mika: When the world is spinning x 2 à soleil, à soleil, à solely, à soleil, ah! [French: In the sun] You're able to take you're time But you see the finish line No one can stop you Oh claim your thunder ?? Chorus: Don't let your worries rule ?? They're not for you to write ?? Only one thing's for sure What's good is worth the fight Deep male voice: There's no time left to leave No time to leave behind There's no time to leave No time to leave behind Mika: When the world is spinning x 2 à soleil, à soleil, à soleil, à soleil, ah! [French: In the sun] Deep Mika voice: There's no time left to leave No time to leave behind There's no time to leave No time to leave behind When the world is spinning à soleil, à soleil, à soleil, à soleil, ah! [French: In the sun]
  10. I'd love to know who the other male voice is singing with Mika in this song but it doesn't look like they're credited anywhere, even the details on YouTube don't mention who it is. I just really love the mixture of the two voices! I'm listening to it a few times on YouTube at the moment to try and get the lyrics. Once I work out what I think I'm hearing I'll share it here. (unless someone beats me to it! 😅)
  11. I'm wondering if she is singing in the Zulu language. The zulu word "yomile" means arid and "omile" means dry, it could be that she's repeating the line before but in her native language 🤔
  12. I hear "Not wearin' a thing" too and that's in both versions, I've got my noise cancelling headphones on and they do help to make songs/music slightly clearer. Still not too sure what Nomfundo is singing in her first verse though, I hear "hide between your shoulders"
  13. The whole soundtrack is beautiful. I love all the music from The Beginning to the end! With a few of the music pieces it's nice to hear Mika's voice dotted here and there. There's something quite comforting about hearing Mika do heart beat sounds for Two Hearts Beat Together. My favourite piece of non lyrical music is Final Race, it just feels like there's so much happiness behind it, I can really begin to imagine a camel race when I close my eyes to that music! With Calm After the Storm does anyone else think it sounds like Over my Shoulder?
  14. I love both versions but the orchestral version is truly beautiful. I love the softness of Mika's voice, I think there's a lot more emotion behind it compared to the duet version. I haven't seen the movie but hearing the song makes me feel like I'm right there in the desert!
  15. Loving No Time to Leave!!! I love the African vibe of the upbeat music it makes me want to dance so much!
  16. This is a duet after all so it should be here too! 😁 Feels Like Fire featuring Nomfundo Moh
  17. I'm so excited to finally hear the full soundtrack! 19 songs too!? I'm guessing this will be a mix of songs with lyrics and the symphonic music alone, it would be nice if there's more of Mika's voice than what we've already heard too. Do we know if there'll be a physical copy release of the soundtrack?
  18. Mika with chef Fadi Abou and Fadi's father: Fadi was a guest on the September 2015 Vivement Dimanche special about Mika and talked while the Penniman family were still there too.
  19. Oh no, I hope you feel better soon! Mika is a great doctor, his music can be your medicine! 😁
  20. Using an android phone, Google chrome and my page looks like this 🙃 Don't have a rewind feature, I'll just have to keep an eye out for it again.
  21. Frantically searching youtube, twitter and google news and I can't find the trailer anywhere! 😠 Also just noticed that this page of thread doesn't look right or load properly, I think it's a margin problem on the right hand side, could a mod look into this please?
  22. Love this!!! Very creative @crazyaboutmika We should definitely sing it to Mika! My favourite line "Tell us if you want a truck of brie"
  23. I have channel 4 on and I just saw the first trailer for The Piano!!!! It looks so good! I will try and find it and share it here if I can.
  24. I've never tried brie, but if it entices Mika to my door I might start stocking up on it! 😁
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