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Everything posted by holdingyourdrink

  1. Ah the Lanesborough! I went for high tea there once (pre Mika), it’s absolutely stunning from the inside. However, the people going for high tea there… not so much. I distinctively remember going there, because this ironic scene is just etched in my mind; imagine this luxurious hotel with beautiful carpets and chairs and chandeliers…. And then women dressed in pants that were so low that you could see their crack when they would sit. I mean!?! Dresscode “smart” casual?
  2. If it’s playback I know what I can do for 10 seconds. But there are 3m20s more to fill and I’m like “no, that’s too much of me for the world to see, I’m out”
  3. I just watched the English version of the announcement again and he does say “your playback version”.
  4. BTW it says “SEND US YOUR BEST "C'EST LA VIE" PLAYBACK”. So you can also mime!
  5. Same like, no one wants to hear what comes out of my mouth when I attempt to sing
  6. Most probably referring to the part of the family that was (is) not as open to the LGBTQIA+ community.
  7. For a second I thought of this: (Honestly how does everything refer to LITERAL Icecream in my head?!) But honestly I think it’s a bad autocorrect moment?
  8. I would say it’s a sing a long… with Mika himself!!! How lucky are we?
  9. I wholeheartedly agree with you. He seems very accessible, but the truth is: he is not our friend, he is a popstar (poptart) and if it’s a controlled environment (barriers or security in place, or just simply people who will behave and not push and touch him), it is much more likely he will stay for a chat (if he doesn’t have other engagements or it not in the middle of the night). Prime example was in South Korea, when fans outside of the radio station would queue and stay in place. He came out and took his time for everyone. I think crowds should take an example to that. This is true. And he eventually also knows who are polite.
  10. This makes me feel so proud and warms my heart. Love the love he’s getting by these (soon to be) sold out shows!!
  11. Can I just say that I love this part where we are interpreting everything and hope to see little hints and signs (and actual explanations) from Mika himself I do have to admit that I prefer when he isn’t 100% clear about it, because then we all can give our own meaning to it and will attend the concerts with an open mind and a chance to be surprised. Or even change our interpretation based on what we see and hear. I personally absolutely love that about his concerts. Like he did with the tiger head: it wasn’t until almost the end of the tour that he explained to us what it means to him. What it symbolizes.
  12. It’s amazing he did a few songs with the orchestra. Is it to try to see if it is doable with a smaller ensemble? What about a symphonic tour in the future with orchestras in the respective cities? Ahhh, the possibilities!!
  13. Hahaha I love that gif Parfait means both “perfect” and “icecream”: it refers to a frozen dessert made from a base of sugar syrup, egg, and cream. And we all know the song “Icecream”! And here receiving French lessons on the forum made me realize how I always think of food first and not grammar Full circle moment!
  14. Random: my first thought with the word “parfait” is still icecream. Wait. I am having a full circle moment This is so… “parfait”!!!
  15. And you know what? I have been trying to learn French for a year now. Once I tell the francophone fans when I see them at concerts, they are 100% willing to be patient with me when I’m struggling to say something and are all willing to help me. There is so much kindness when learning eachother’s languages!
  16. This is what I had in my mind, but I couldn’t word it as eloquently as you just did, so thank you! It’s for a non-French speaker quite easy to make mistakes with the liaisons. Especially when they are not consonant dependent but pronunciation dependent
  17. You need to tell Mika this, because to him he has many French “zero’s” as heroes!
  18. The famous liaison that has so many exceptions! Like “les heros” and “les zeros”
  19. It is a very honest interview where he was left very vulnerable. I have to admit I usually don’t take the time to look at all his interviews (both filmed or written) he has done. I only skim through to get an impression. But from all the impressions of interviews I have gotten, I haven’t seen interviews like this again (like you said, in other interviews he is more emotionally detached compared to this one). He felt safe enough to open up like that, just like in the shooting with Peter Lindbergh - not just the photoshoot, but especially the music video for Last Party. And good night! Dear me, that’s late!!
  20. Lindbergh is just a tiny tiny part of it, but the whole interview is interesting and gives you a different energy from his “normal”interviews.
  21. If you have the time, you really should watch “Le Divan” (it’s an hour long in depth interview, he became good friends with the interviewer after that). He speaks shortly about making the Last Party video with Peter Lindbergh and how Peter had the talent to allow him (and anyone else in front of his lens) to feel safe and allow themselves to show their vulnerability:
  22. It is sold out!! I just went on the Ticketmaster website and only resale tickets are offered! This is amazing!! I knew “my” city wouldn’t let me down ❤️
  23. I think this is very likely, because the World Cup Rugby Final is the 28th of October (just did a quick google search) and if it’s like previous times, filming for the Voice is in November. Let’s not forget the promo and working on the artwork for the new album! Busy man!
  24. I can’t get “à bientôt in your speedo” not out of my head now. Speedos is what it is from now on!
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