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Everything posted by Hero

  1. Unless you're browsing the "All Activity" stream, which will show the posts?
  2. C'est vrai, vous avez raison, ce n'était pas clair et c'était auparavant une pratique courante. Mais depuis le message de Deb, nous essayons de l'éviter. Nous pouvons dire que nous avons un billet de rechange, et les gens peuvent DM pour plus de détails. Merci! (Fait en GT, désolé pour les erreurs.)
  3. A bit, yes, thank you. House alarm was beeping again last night for the first time in ages, I thought I'd fixed it last time. At 4am after no sleep and thinking about everything else I'm dealing with, it was a bit, last straw. But hey, I've had a cry and now I'm thinking f it, if something doesn't get done, tough.
  4. @Ahlem holniman Google translate Salut tout le monde. Je voulais juste vous rappeler que techniquement et légalement, nous ne sommes pas autorisés à vendre des billets via ce forum. C'est pourquoi nous vous déconseillons d'inclure un prix, de dire que vous « vendez » vos billets. Vous pouvez proposer que vous avez des billets de rechange, ou dire que vous recherchez des billets de rechange, ou que vous avez un billet que vous ne pouvez pas utiliser... , puis prendre vos dispositions pour obtenir ou disposer des billets en privé. Je sais que cela semble être une question difficile, mais je ne veux pas qu'aucun d'entre nous ait des ennuis juridiques à cause de l'apparence que vous ou nous vendons des billets ici. Merci!
  5. Oh I loved Lillian, what a pure soul, such a refreshing delight!
  6. Talking about the words on his jacket, re "Love Harder" - any connection to this from last December? Maybe inspiration?
  7. Of course! He set a precedent, he climbed a tree and opened an upstairs window at that music mogul's house to gatecrash the party being thrown for Diana Ross, so...
  8. The audible "oh no"? That was Zazie. But the girl might be thinking it.
  9. Plus, maybe he's not done as much promo for Greece as he's concentrating on France and the UK at the moment. Possibly he'll start promo there a bit closer to the date.
  10. I missed the braces! If that's right I love it even more!
  11. But without fainting. Or hiding. Or forgetting what to say.
  12. That moment where he's standing in front of the dancers, and looks over his shoulder (no pun intended) at the one dancer, who suddenly breaks composure and grins back at him. I don't think that was supposed to happen, but I love they left it in.
  13. Just hijacking to say - woah what?? I'm putting it down to the Mika effect.
  14. YES! his latest post, it's out tomorrow! Jane Birkin video, 7pm French time. Ice skating! 😍😄
  15. You're not the only one thinking that, a few have suggested it on sm and other threads. Would be amazing. And if he's not yet too proficient, the wobbliness would complement the lyrics about not being comfortable. The clip where he tumbles could be a planned move to show him falling uncertainly while everyone laughs - "tous ces regardes qui m'assassine", "tu moques et tu ris" (quoted from memory on the run, apologies for spelling).
  16. With the cutaway to the large screen, I wonder if they're getting ready to do some filming once the big empty rink has been resurfaced.
  17. I'll never hear it any other way now! State of your carpets...
  18. Love watching the people in the background. "Don't look into the camera, don't look into the camera .. oh sh...". "Huh, a tall guy and an Asian guy. No idea." "Stare into the distance, don't make eye contact.. ok now look the other way, play it cool..." "Dunno who these guys are. Better not miss my train" "Has he passed? Nan! That was Mika!! Ffs...". "Hi.. OH HI! giggle blush"
  19. I did! 😂 But that's only a little one. He's really getting good quickly! Also... lucky lady getting to dance with him. 😅😍
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