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Something about Mika and Lily Allen


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Oops was Lily on the olde drunken juice again?

She was interviewed and said she always has to apologise to people after she has met them as she can never remember what she said as she is always pissed! (she has lost her music crown to Kate Nash anyway!)

What I don't get - MIKA is always saying he doesn't like socializing with famous people "celebrities" so why try to make himself popular with them?

He is a complicated guy and afterall who is to say any of this is true but thanks for bringing it to my attention


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What a waste of paper that article is!!

To be honest this just sounds like a stupid little story, made by someone who *clearly* has nothing more interesting to write, and I don't think that we should really make a big deal of it.

The only thing that worries me about all this is the fact that when one sees Mika mentioned on a paper or tabloid, etc, it's always with a negative spin put on it, and it makes me a bit angry.:hunter:


Why don't they just leave him alone? He's done nothing but be talented and nice to everyone he meets- they could have the decency to behave the same way towards him.

Just my thoughts :blink:



When I was looking for Lily Allen lyrics (No, no Mika is still number one) :blush-anim-cl: I stumbled over another lyric that was called Mika Haters.


Made me really sad, because it was so mean.


When I read it i tried to think about it the way Mika does when he compares his music to Marmite, you either hate it or love it.:mf_rosetinted:

But then again, could'nt stop have an uncomfortable feeling about this.

At first, i can't understand how anybody can hate Mika, he is not doing any harm.

And second: Not to care about someone's music is one thing, but to go through the effort making lyrics about it and put it on the net?:thumbdown:


I won't put the link up here because I don't want this crap to spread but the name of the site is LyricsZZ.com.


I was thinking of make a thread about this, but I agree with sariflor, don't make a big deal of things that are negative for Mika.:sneaky2:

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Sounds like a load of rubbish. Not that Lily Allen wouldn't say anything to anyone but I can't picture Mika acting deferential to her. I have heard her say that she thinks it's weird when other celebs give her the eye when they're in a club together like it's some sort of secret society and they're both members.


I just don't see Mika fawning all over her whether she'd blow him off or not.

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Thanks for posting.


We definitely shouldn't take this too seriously, what this reporter (or his 'barfly') classes as deferential/fawning/sickmaking behaviour appears to be influenced by his opinion of Mika, well, we should be used to this by now - sigh, unfortunately!:sneaky2:


I think Mika is just a friendly person who is still getting used to the fact he is famous, and is maybe still a little ingenuous when meeting other famous people. Nothing wrong with that - I think it is refreshing.


If Lily Allen did say that to Mika then so what. She can be a bit of a pain BUT she did put Cheryl Tweedy in her place, we shouldn't forget that!!:biggrin2: Kudos to her for that!

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What I don't get - MIKA is always saying he doesn't like socializing with famous people "celebrities" so why try to make himself popular with them?

He is a complicated guy and afterall who is to say any of this is true but thanks for bringing it to my attention



Mika probably gets a bit star-struck like the rest of us. It's like the Hollyoaks thing. He was completely freaking out when he saw them. That's just a very human reaction to seeing someone famous, even if you are famous yourself. Mika hasn't been on the scene for that long, so it'd be different if he were a veteran celebrity and had met tons of famous people or something.


Lily Allen is a *****. I love her music, but she seems like a really annoying, ungrateful person.

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Mika probably gets a bit star-struck like the rest of us. It's like the Hollyoaks thing. He was completely freaking out when he saw them.


That's a good theory except that Lily Allen isn't exactly on some other plane from Mika. I've never even heard him mention her so I don't think he's a big fan and even if he was Lily has only been around 5 minutes longer than he has. If he wanted to meet her I'm sure he had umpteen opportunities at various festivals. I don't see him fawning all over her at a club the way he did with the Hollyoaks people.

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Who said he was fawning? The bag comment sounded sort of snarky, of all things. Even if this story is completely true, all I got out of it is that Mika met Lily at a club and tried to be nice, as he is wont to do, and Lily acted a boring catty bitch in return, as she is wont to do.



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When I was looking for Lily Allen lyrics (No, no Mika is still number one) :blush-anim-cl: I stumbled over another lyric that was called Mika Haters.


Made me really sad, because it was so mean.


When I read it i tried to think about it the way Mika does when he compares his music to Marmite, you either hate it or love it.:mf_rosetinted:

But then again, could'nt stop have an uncomfortable feeling about this.

At first, i can't understand how anybody can hate Mika, he is not doing any harm.

And second: Not to care about someone's music is one thing, but to go through the effort making lyrics about it and put it on the net?:thumbdown:


I won't put the link up here because I don't want this crap to spread but the name of the site is LyricsZZ.com.


I was thinking of make a thread about this, but I agree with sariflor, don't make a big deal of things that are negative for Mika.:sneaky2:


Yeah, you know I found lyrics on the internet called Mika is a ****er and well, basically they wanted him to die, saying he's a rent boy and a gay dog rapist. It actually made me very sad...

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....oh what a life...even the smallest silly "SOH-show-off" moment gets straight into "Independent"....

(btw...they used to give him rather nice coverage in the winter, if I'm not mistaken).......


...one more btw: maybe Perez could help here as well :wink2: (Beth)....

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That's a good theory except that Lily Allen isn't exactly on some other plane from Mika. I've never even heard him mention her so I don't think he's a big fan and even if he was Lily has only been around 5 minutes longer than he has. If he wanted to meet her I'm sure he had umpteen opportunities at various festivals. I don't see him fawning all over her at a club the way he did with the Hollyoaks people.


The only time I've heard Mika mentioning Lilly Allen was when sometime/somewhere/somehow that I can't remember he commented on her song 'Alfie' saying that he quite liked it.

Oh, and in a roundabout way, the other day after Lowlands when the Dutch interviewer (radio presenter) was talking to him about whether he had been offered Lilly Allen's spot in the festival or not, to which Mika said he 'didn't want it'.

So really nothing much:blink:

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This article actually made me a little sad. The writer has put it very negatively. About Lily Allen, I think Mika likes her, I heard him mentioning her once and he seemed quite enthusiastic about her. I've heard her music and it's nice, but I don't like herself, she seems nasty. If this is true, I'm sorry for Mika, he is always very nice and friendly towards other people, but many are mean towards him. :thumbdown:

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