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The MFC EMA Trophy Project!!!


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Ooh! I can see it now...:biggrin2:


We could figure out some cool saying to go along with it from Any Other World, since it has to do with a globe...

Perhaps the award could be called 'The Any Other World award', just a suggestion. Hey, this is exciting isn't it!!!


Love again, from Marilyn

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You do realise, girls and guys, that Mika is going to love this award better than any he ever gets. I hope he gets loads of awards of course, but this one from his fans will really make him happy. It's making me well up just thinking about it!


Love again today, from Marilyn

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or what about a shape-lie-golden-microfone???


he is a singer...obviosluy! a microfono will represent it best...that's my idea:D


hmmm i have an idea. you know the globe idea can be incorporated in the mic idea....like the top part of the mic can be replaced with a globe.

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Cool idea! I'm in! :thumb_yello:


What about a globe, just like the EMA's, but with "MFC" instead of "MTV"? And with lots of colours, of course!

A bit difficult to make, I know, but it was the first thing that came to my mind! :naughty:

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hmm, hey, i cant download the "unspeakable songs", can you please help me...ive seen you have the vids, and thought you´ll have the songs too:blink: :biggrin2:




*oh, i like very much the idea, im in!!

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I'mm so excited!! ahhh! You're suggestions and ideas are all so great!! It's gonna turn out amazing!!


Count me in!!!


I soo love the idea!!!!


I have a few ideas....I'm in art class on Thursdays....and we do some kind of artcraft...with paper...glue...and water...I know it doesn't sound that good....but after everything is done...the paiting, the desing, it looks pretty cool.


Yes. I like the idea of the glove with the countries....and what if above of it we put "MIKA" with a slinky in each letter so it kind of dances de letters.


And what about a speech?? when whoever is going to give it to him has to let him know what we think about him. We should make a speech all of us...and someone tka ehte best quotes and put them all together so we can make a big speech , and we all had participated in....so what ya think?


Oh are you talking about paper mache!!?? yeah i thought that we could use that!! Because I have an idea for the globe thing!!


And i love the slinky idea, AND the speech idea!!! That'll be amazing!! I'm sure he would love it so much!!! :flowers2:


or what about a shape-lie-golden-microfone???


he is a singer...obviosluy! a microfono will represent it best...that's my idea:D


Yes maybe we can mix it into the globe idea! Like maybe those old-fashioned type microphones? haha


I'm so in!!!! :thumb_yello:


EDIT: i've found tons of softweres for the designing theyre my dad's but i think i can learn how to work with them... :biggrin2:



Ohhh! that's perfect!



Ok guys i've expanded on the globe idea!! So we'll have a globe obviously. And it won't be just like the regular world, but the land will still be shaped like it. And I wanted to make the land pop out!! For example, since Paris is where mika lived for a bit, we can make the Eiffel tower out of something moldable, like a clay or something like that! and not just that, but we can do like a lot of the world like that! And we can make a hospital in Beirut since mika was born there, and make the butterfly lounge in california and such!! And it'll be all bright colors!! And on an island off the coast of mexico, we can have billy brown sort of hovering above the globe on a wire, and he'll be laying on his couch!!! And maybe in random places on the globe we can have random computers to represent the MFC! haha and some of the land can be emerald forest and places from the album!! and mika will be on top of this world of course! and there will be a scroll maybe at the bottom of the globe that will say what the award is for!! But it shouldnt be just for "most addictive song" or whatever. It should be for everything that we think he deserves to win! and this will be in all bright colors! and we can add rafa and the music teacher and his family too! And the band of course! and the royal sympathy band too!


Ok and I also thought that, instead of just one world on it, we can split it! So on 1 side of the globe, we can just have the regular world on it, with just the land and the labeling of places. And then on the other side of the globe, we can have the world mika has made!!! So it'll have the butterfly lounge and just all his creations! And we can have our own land labeled for the mfc! and everything will pop out here!

I was thinking it could be a whole 3D-ish world he can look at and explore and see little hidden things instead of just a flat regular globe! Sort of like a miniature model of a land or something! And mika will be on top again, and he'll have one foot in the regular world, and one foot in his own world!! What do you think?


oh and I wanted to have maybe some screaming fans on the globe, and I had an idea that I can get a picture of all of your guyses faces, but it'll be when youre screaming because youre at his concert, or you just insanely happy, and we'll put your faces on a body or something!! haha I don't know about it, I just had the idea. I don't know how we'd do it, but we'll figure it out! What do you guys think???

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I'mm so excited!! ahhh! You're suggestions and ideas are all so great!! It's gonna turn out amazing!!




Oh are you talking about paper mache!!?? yeah i thought that we could use that!! Because I have an idea for the globe thing!!


And i love the slinky idea, AND the speech idea!!! That'll be amazing!! I'm sure he would love it so much!!! :flowers2:




Yes maybe we can mix it into the globe idea! Like maybe those old-fashioned type microphones? haha





Ohhh! that's perfect!



Ok guys i've expanded on the globe idea!! So we'll have a globe obviously. And it won't be just like the regular world, but the land will still be shaped like it. And I wanted to make the land pop out!! For example, since Paris is where mika lived for a bit, we can make the Eiffel tower out of something moldable, like a clay or something like that! and not just that, but we can do like a lot of the world like that! And we can make a hospital in Beirut since mika was born there, and make the butterfly lounge in california and such!! And it'll be all bright colors!! And on an island off the coast of mexico, we can have billy brown sort of hovering above the globe on a wire, and he'll be laying on his couch!!! And maybe in random places on the globe we can have random computers to represent the MFC! haha and some of the land can be emerald forest and places from the album!! and mika will be on top of this world of course! and there will be a scroll maybe at the bottom of the globe that will say what the award is for!! But it shouldnt be just for "most addictive song" or whatever. It should be for everything that we think he deserves to win! and this will be in all bright colors! and we can add rafa and the music teacher and his family too! And the band of course! and the royal sympathy bad too!


Ok and I also thought that, instead of just one world on it, we can split it! So on 1 side of the globe, we can just have a regular world on it, with just the land and the labeling of places. And then on the other side of the globe, we can have the world mika has made!!! So it'll have the butterfly lounge and just all his creations! And we can have our own land labeled for the mfc! and everything will pop out here!

I was thinking it could be a whole 3D-ish world he can look at and explore and see little hidden things instead of just a flat regular globe! Sort of like a miniature model of a land or something! And mika will be on top again, and he'll have one foot in the regular world, and one foot in his own world!! What do you think?


oh and I wanted to have maybe some screaming fans on the globe, and I had an idea that I can get a picture of all of your guyses faces, but it'll be when youre screaming because youre at his concert, or you just insanely happy, and we'll put your faces on a body or something!! haha I don't know about it, I just had the idea. I don't know how we'd do it, but we'll figure it out! What do you guys think???



Shizzzz! haha


How big is it going to be? Sounds like you'll need a lot of room

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Shizzzz! haha


How big is it going to be? Sounds like you'll need a lot of room

haha i have no idea. I was thinking maybe as big as a basket ball? haha


OH and i thought that when we give it to him, we can put it in a hugeee box and wrap it up in crazy wrappings! but there'll be that bubble paper or styrophome stuffings inside and there'll be another box! so at first he'll think it's huge!! But then it'll be in another box and another, and then he'll find it! hah what do you think?


I might be going over the top haha. I know it won't turn out how it is in my mind, but we'll try our best :wink2:

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