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I haven't seen the Wilde movie, but I was curious, since I'm a fan of Wilde's work.


Today I betrayed Mika. I bought 3 music dvds... justin's (HOTTT!!!), scissor sisters' (HOTTT!!!) and zero assoluto's (an italian band)...


Do you guys think the cashier must've realized how gay I am? lol


don't see anything particularly gay in them.. :blink::thumb_yello: for scissors (jake :wub2: ), not sure about justin.. :fisch: can ya actually HEAR him singing..? :roftl: I mean as used as ya are to ACTUAL voices, like mika and barbra, it may prove to be difficult.. :naughty:

sorry, I am a real bitch, just teasin' o.c. :wink2:

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don't see anything particularly gay in them.. :blink::thumb_yello: for scissors (jake), not sure about justin.. :fisch: can ya actually HEAR him singing..? :roftl: I mean as used as ya are to ACTUAL voices, like mika and barbra, it may prove to be difficult.. :naughty:

sorry, I am a real bitch, just teasin' o.c.


lol since Justin isn't one of my favourite performers, I'll let u go with it... :roftl:

jk, let's say he lets his backup singers do most of the singing, but I love the way he dances!

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I love lord of the rings. The Frodo and Sam story is very special to me in so many ways. love...friendship...longing. The funny things is that MIKA has some parallels to LOTR to me...like SITM...I have access to real ending to LOTR that not many people know about and has blown me a way . Its helped me figuring out my sexuality and believing that love can conquer all. My nickname "Elanorelle" is Sam's daughter who "at least in my opinion" understood the love that Sam and Frodo had and it was more than friendship...beyond gender.

To me I am interested in similar themes.Loss, love, sadness, beating odds.

That is partially why I am in the MFC as part of what I left in the world of Tolkien is now here. And its not that different...I don't care what people say and they think I am loony or insane...but that is how I feel.


When I read the epilogue to LOTR it was like my book caught fire and answered many issues in my life. I am moving away from the fantasy world to more current world (although an element of fantasy is still there..just no longer elves and hobbitsess, but human):


see below: Elanor compares her Father's relationship with Frodo as a similar relationship of Celeborn and Galadriel....and Aragorn & Arwen. That is when it was like the book caught on fire! wow! holy crap! Mika's music has the same spirituality in it. that is why I am so attracted to his music. its like the CD! caught on fire! Below is my favourite Tolkien quote of all time. I get shivers and I start to cry.


Epilogue that always gets me ( almost to tears at times).

-on page 124-25 of Sauron Defeated

What do you think of this ? What exactly is Elanor getting at? any thoughts? Been debating it with a few of my friends.

"Elanor was silent for some time before she spoke again.

"I did not understand at first what Celeborn meant when he said goodbye to the King", she said,"But I think I do now.He knew that Lady Arwen would stay,but that Galadriel would leave him. I think it was very said for him.And for you Sam-Dad',Her hand felt for his, and his brown hand clasped her slender fingers."For your treasure went too. I am glad Frodo of the Ring saw me, But I wish I could remember seeing him"

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I haven't seen the Wilde movie, but I was curious, since I'm a fan of Wilde's work. :)


Today I betrayed Mika. I bought 3 music dvds... justin's (HOTTT!!!), scissor sisters' (HOTTT!!!) and zero assoluto's (an italian band)...


Do you guys think the cashier must've realized how gay I am? lol


I love the scissor sisters!!!


so much fun:):)

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Hello !:roftl:


After talking about the possibility of creating a gay thread with Scut Monkey and

Lolliepop_girl, well I just did. As Scut Monkey said there have to be rules..

I guess the obvious ones are:


- No hate, no discriminating, no judging, no insults etc..:thumbdown:

Let's try to keep it clean too lol People here can talk about themselves, their lives, let's just get to know each other !! haha:thumb_yello:

So speak out people!!!:mf_rosetinted:



ppl tend to think im a lessie cuz i wear rainbows and ties and braces!lol! :lmao: im not, but i must say, i like gay men, they are nice!

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Hi Suzanne (-:

What "cures" did you have? Don`t be mysterious.


Hey Rebeka, hon


Its still stuff I am dealing with...! so I had to get away for a weekend and have some serious fun and grooving with MIKA music and the DVD and friends. It made me realize that I should not be afraid of who I am and be free. His music and complete freedom and genuineness has made me think that denying who I am etc is not healthy and certainly not beneficial to me in any way. I know that I ought to be completely content and happy with my relationship

. I am happy and its working well, but something is missing...and I could put it under the carpet or somehow deal with it. I suppose dealing with it is the best thing...how to do that is the next question. I am in a relationship with a guy and we are like best friends...and its comfortable. I , however am still attracted to women and not sure how to deal with that...meh...its somewhat of a mess. I have come out already as bi but somehow that is just the first step in all of this. There is no confusion...really. There is an issue where I want to get married one day, and he does not. I suppose being bi its the best thing not to get married.(for me anyway) Maybe he realizes that. I wish I could have girlfriend...bleh.....as the attraction is very strong and sometimes I scream in anger...


so my life in a nut shell....I tell my self to Relax and Take it easy..but...

its hard...god its a mess...

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Hey Rebeka, hon


Its still stuff I am dealing with...! so I had to get away for a weekend and have some serious fun and grooving with MIKA music and the DVD and friends. It made me realize that I should not be afraid of who I am and be free. His music and complete freedom and genuineness has made me think that denying who I am etc is not healthy and certainly not beneficial to me in any way. I know that I ought to be completely content and happy with my relationship

. I am happy and its working well, but something is missing...and I could put it under the carpet or somehow deal with it. I suppose dealing with it is the best thing...how to do that is the next question. I am in a relationship with a guy and we are like best friends...and its comfortable. I , however am still attracted to women and not sure how to deal with that...meh...its somewhat of a mess. I have come out already as bi but somehow that is just the first step in all of this. There is no confusion...really. There is an issue where I want to get married one day, and he does not. I suppose being bi its the best thing not to get married.(for me anyway) Maybe he realizes that. I wish I could have girlfriend...bleh.....as the attraction is very strong and sometimes I scream in anger...


so my life in a nut shell....I tell my self to Relax and Take it easy..but...

its hard...god its a mess...


Hey, Girrrlllllll! I hear you....


My best-selling non-fiction book will be titled, "Why I Have a Cat". Ulrich loves loves it!!! :naughty:

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Wow! I've just spent the last hour or so reading this thread and getting

to "know" all of you posting in it here... this is what happens when a

great thread is started when I'm out of town!


Sorry I missed it from the beginning, but I must say I love what

you've started here -- there are so many things I'd like to comment on,

but I guess it's really pointless at this time... I'll just follow along

from here on out, if that's OK with you! :) I've had many close gay

friends over the years -- lost a few to AIDS as well :( -- so this thread

definitely is of interest to me... Just count me in with

Diana as someone who's straight with an open mind --

and with a best friend who's a lesbian.


But I MUST comment on this:


a cunning plaaaaan... *with cockney accent*


anyone fan of blackadder..? (the above would be baldrick)


It's a plan so cunning you can brush your teeth with it! :naughty:


Yes, I'm a HUGE Blackadder fan -- own the whole collection! :thumb_yello:


And finally:


To be slightly on-topic, has anyone seen "Wilde" starring Stephen Fry? I've wanted to watch it for ages. I'm a huge Oscar Wilde fan, and a Stephen Fry fan too.




It's a great film -- well worth seeking out, if you can find it. Stephen Fry

is always amazing... I saw the movie the same weekend I rented Midnight

in the Garden of Good and Evil (another film with a gay subplot), and

had myself an unplanned Jude Law movie marathon! (This was several years ago

when he was still relatively unknown.)


OK, in any case... carry on! And I hope you don't mind if I poke my

nose in from time to time. :biggrin2:



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Hi all, how is everyone???

I stayed up until 3:00 in the moring on sunday...

And what was I doing???

That's right, I stayed up to watch the Moulin rouge :D

Love that movie!


Moulon Rouge !!!!




I love that movie....its beautiful ..such a gorgeous Love Story and the gorgeous Ewan...mmmmmmmm

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Hey, Girrrlllllll! I hear you....


My best-selling non-fiction book will be titled, "Why I Have a Cat". Ulrich loves loves it!!! :naughty:


Now that would be great! I think that would be the best darn book and I would be laughing my head off in glee each time! man oh man that would be the most fab thing ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cats are good friends too actually:) I tell Arwen lots if she isn't hiding in her box pretending i can't see her! (she has a favourite box loves behind the TV)

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More precisely it was Moet et Chandon, I've never had it before. I met a French lesbian and her (straight) sister at an airport in Dubai and we started chatting when we realised that we were heading to the same destination, so they invited me to have coffee with them when we arrived. We've become friends over the last week. They're really nice ladies. :original: ...and did I mention rich? :fisch:


ooh rich????


Oh Scut!!!


mmmmmm very nice.......:naughty: :naughty:

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I`ve seen it, liked it.. I love Oscar Wilde too! Especialy his fairytales (-:

And also the quotations, I might post here some later..


I even had a "Wilde stage" some time ago, I wore a hat, visited Ireland, put flowers on his grave in Paris, was reading him all the time, went to see him in theatre.. Now I have a "Mika stage" (-: Not that Wilde dissapeared from my head, he just settled down like a layer in my mind, like all my previous numerous stages, I wonder what will be my next stage, after Mika?


But when I think of it again, my "Mika stage" is somehow stronger than my "Wilde stage", I guess it`s because Oscar Wilde is dead while Mika is alive (-: There is a big difference between going to put flowers on Oscar`s grave and going to Mika`s concert! (-:


Though my very first Mika concert will be on 3/12.

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as for mika's house, unless he moved recently, and it may as well be, he lives in his parents ' huge house basement.


And its adress is..? (-: We are going to visit him in few days, right Avoca? (-:

I fly to London on Fridayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy................ maddening.

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But I MUST comment on this:




It's a plan so cunning you can brush your teeth with it!


Yes, I'm a HUGE Blackadder fan -- own the whole collection!


And finally:




It's a great film -- well worth seeking out, if you can find it. Stephen Fry

is always amazing... I saw the movie the same weekend I rented Midnight

in the Garden of Good and Evil (another film with a gay subplot), and

had myself an unplanned Jude Law movie marathon! (This was several years ago

when he was still relatively unknown.)


OK, in any case... carry on! And I hope you don't mind if I poke my

nose in from time to time.



awwww, deb, I knew you were a rocking one!! blackadder and fry and law fan!! whooohoooo!!! :punk:

I have seen midnight either.. spacey and law :wub2:


my fave law film is though my fave film at all, which has also a gay plot: the talented mr ripley.. did I mention that already..? :fisch:


And its adress is..? We are going to visit him in few days, right Avoca?

I fly to London on Fridayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy................ maddening.


no way I am giving ya the addy.. :mf_rosetinted: I'm keeping it to myself :biggrin2:


yessss........ less than 1 week to london, baby!


no one seems to like poor old justin here but me!


aww... *pats shoulder* well, he can dance, I ca give ya that.

and you still like REM (do you.. or am I getting confused..? :blink: ), darren and mika, so we get on well :biggrin2:

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aww... *pats shoulder* well, he can dance, I ca give ya that.

and you still like REM (do you.. or am I getting confused..? :blink: ), darren and mika, so we get on well :biggrin2:


u remember correctly, my dear! ;)


I saw Midnight in the garden of good and evil recently and I found it deeply uninteresting... and I LOVE John Cusack!!!

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u remember correctly, my dear! ;)


I saw Midnight in the garden of good and evil recently and I found it deeply uninteresting... and I LOVE John Cusack!!!


the movie is not the best, but acting's great.


I shall REALLY be off for bed, kick me outta here! :roftl:

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awwww, deb, I knew you were a rocking one!! blackadder and fry and law fan!! whooohoooo!!! :punk:

I have seen midnight either.. spacey and law :wub2:


my fave law film is though my fave film at all, which has also a gay plot: the talented mr ripley.. did I mention that already..?


You did say that, but that's one I haven't seen all the way through...

for some reason I missed the end. Maybe fell asleep? :blink: Will have to correct that...


yessss........ less than 1 week to london, baby!

Hmmm... jealous of you all! Wish I could be there, too!



aww... *pats shoulder* well, he can dance, I ca give ya that.

and you still like REM (do you.. or am I getting confused..? :blink: ), darren and mika, so we get on well :biggrin2:


*whispers* I kinda like JT too... sssshhh! don't tell anyone! :naughty:


Hello, I'm reading the best book ever!

Lizzie scares me though.

It's Mika's favourite but reading it makes me question what I know about him :)

So has anyone else read nights at the circus by Angela Carter?


1. How do you know it's Mika's favorite?


2. What scares you about it? I haven't read it obviously...



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