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Mika art in Belgian museum!


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Well there is of course a chance that he himself will be there too. It's not every day that his art gets exposed, it's usually his music that gets the attention. He might see it as a special ocassion and show up :wink2:


Maybe his sis will be there to :woot_jump:

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Well I dunno if he himself will be there... I mean it's an expo with work of 20 famous artists, if they would all show up... don't think that will happen.


BUT maybe he'll do rock werchter (the one he cancelled this year remember...:mf_rosetinted: ) since it's a collaboration with that festival. AND if he's doing werchter, he might show up at the private party for the opening of the expo or something (if there is such a party...).


But I'm HOPING he'll do a gig in that venue of the museum :naughty: I don't like festivals, don't think mika likes them, so win win situation! :roftl:

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Well I dunno if he himself will be there... I mean it's an expo with work of 20 famous artists, if they would all show up... don't think that will happen.


BUT maybe he'll do rock werchter (the one he cancelled this year remember...:mf_rosetinted: ) since it's a collaboration with that festival. AND if he's doing werchter, he might show up at the private party for the opening of the expo or something (if there is such a party...).


But I'm HOPING he'll do a gig in that venue of the museum :naughty: I don't like festivals, don't think mika likes them, so win win situation! :roftl:


He's in Paris just before Werchter (Werchter is on 6-7-8-9 july if I ain't mistaking) so he's very close. And he might wanna see Bowie's art :naughty:

I think werchter festival being the place to be at least once for all artists he might show up this year (I still haven't forgotten last year's cancellation either grrrr)

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Different sources, nothing on the official museum site yet though, or maybe I'm not looking properly. This is the site of the museum


No dates yet! But it's gonna be in summer, I'll keep updating this thread if I have more info.

Rock Werchter is a Belgian rock festival by the way


Van wei naar museum



BRUSSEL - Rock Werchter en Bozar werken volgende zomer samen. Ze inviteren popmuzikanten die ook actief zijn als beeldend kunstenaar. 'Het zal vooroordelen helpen wegwerken', zegt Herman Schueremans.



De zomertentoonstelling bij Bozar heet It's not only rock-'n-roll en vaart onder de vlag '33 jaar Rock Werchter'. Brussel krijgt grote namen uit de rockscene over de vloer.

Van Patti Smith, Brian Eno of Yoko Ono was het dubbeltalent al in de jaren zeventig bekend. Maar ook voor de jongere generatie popmuzikanten dient kunst wel eens als springplank. Antony is een veelgevraagd performer. Pete Doherty stelde vorig jaar zijn bloedtekeningen tentoon.


De Franse curator Jerôme Sans, zelf lid van een rockband, tekent het parcours uit in het Paleis voor Schone Kunsten. Elk van de twintig deelnemers krijgt een eigen ruimte. Zijn verder van de partij: David Bowie, Ron Wood, Mika, Graham Coxon van Blur en Björk.

Het initiatief ging uit van Rock Werchter, maar de samenwerking met Bozar is nog niet helemaal rond. Dat hoeft niet te verbazen, want het festivalcircuit speelt veel korter op de bal.

Herman Schueremans: 'Dit project ligt in het verlengde van AmuseeVous, de actie waarmee we drie jaar na elkaar de festivalbezoekers ook naar de musea kregen. We gaan dit keer een stap verder. De tentoonstelling moet alle vooroordelen en blinddoeken helpen afgooien, en jongeren ook een culturele burcht als Bozar binnenloodsen.'


Bij de expositie horen performances en unplugged concerten. Schueremans: 'Het zou jammer zijn om de zaal van Bozar in de zomer onbenut te laten. En popartiesten werken in de festivalperiode toch alleen in de weekends.'

De tentoonstelling wil niet zomaar teren op de naamsbekendheid van de artiesten.


Johan Van Steenkiste, directeur tentoonstellingen bij Bozar: 'We gaan niet de gitaar van Ron Wood of andere memorabilia exposeren. Voor veel popmuzikanten was kunst de eerste uitlaatklep. Ze hebben geen muzikale, maar een artistieke opleiding gehad. Bij hen is de affiniteit tussen de twee disciplines frappant. De spirit van de rockcultuur sluipt binnen in hun beeldend werk.'



OK we'll go back to Brussels.

Oef, This time in summer :surfing:time:thumb_yello:

Yeh I'm back:blush-anim-cl:

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Mouahaha I did expect that :naughty:

As I said my house is open... watch out tho, Queenie talks in her sleep ;)


that's okay because I listen in my sleep! hopefully we'll get some interesting information :naughty:

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Omg :shocked:

thats great!!!!!:groupwave:

God, I hope I get the chance to visit, I was sooo down when I couldn't go to the Blink gallery, because it was in London :thumbdown:

I hope it's in July or August and now I only have to convince my mum :naughty:

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Oh, i'll definitely pay a visit there, hope my mum can help

a room ....... humm ........ how nice


i like Graham Coxon btw, but he can't sing, he bites his own fingers

haha, and my friend said his daughter is called pepper, he could have another one called salt

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Oh, i'll definitely pay a visit there, hope my mum can help

a room ....... humm ........ how nice


i like Graham Coxon btw, but he can't sing, he bites his own fingers

haha, and my friend said his daughter is called pepper, he could have another one called salt


my neace is called hide but we call her pepper coz she always sneezes

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oh my gosh Mika in belgium!!!:welcomeani::yay: !!!!!!!!I I haven't ben to his concert in bruxelles because it was sold out but this time I 'll be theeeeerrreeeeeeeee:roftl: :mf_lustslow::roftl:

MIKA IS THE BEEEEEEESSTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:thumb_yello:


Attends on sait pas s'il sera là... c'est juste une expo a priori ;)

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Attends on sait pas s'il sera là... c'est juste une expo a priori ;)

hihihi Niki qui vient me calmer:wink2: you're right but maybe he will be there....? I hope so:roftl: and if not I want to see his artwork,(and yasmine artwork too).


bisous Niki:roftl:

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hihihi Niki qui vient me calmer:wink2: you're right but maybe he will be there....? I hope so:roftl: and if not I want to see his artwork,(and yasmine artwork too).


bisous Niki:roftl:


Yeah I'm worried about your heart condition :naughty:

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