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The Appleman : The Return of the Jedi (part 3)


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People have said you were mean in London?! :shocked:


I lived with you and was pretty much with you 24/7 for most of the week and I can't even think of one moment when you were anything but nice :blink:



I've never really been in this thread so I don't know too much about the goings on but I don't think I've ever had a problem with anything you've ever done on this forum...

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:naughty: i cheated : i wrote it on word 3-4 days ago and kept correcting it since then... and even before posting now i corrected some points... but i felt like i had to do it, so i can have a lot of patience, in those circumstances :wink2:

Ahahaha good idea! I don't get it, I've run into you on the forums before and you're not mean or .. anything :boxed:

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People have said you were mean in London?! :shocked:


I lived with you and was pretty much with you 24/7 for most of the week and I can't even think of one moment when you were anything but nice :blink:



I've never really been in this thread so I don't know too much about the goings on but I don't think I've ever had a problem with anything you've ever done on this forum...


thank you...

apparently yes, someone has to say something about my behaviour (in london :naughty: )... it arrived to one of the apples' ears/eyes who asked why... and i said i had no idea :blink: which is true... so if anyone could help me find that person to... oh no... i don't think i will bother.. i said everything up there... :thumb_yello:

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Ahahaha good idea! I don't get it, I've run into you on the forums before and you're not mean or .. anything :boxed:


the fact is : i'm sarcastic... for sure i am... and it can sometimes be interpreted as "mean" when it's not... it's just sarcastic... but well... if you don't get sarcasm, you don't get it ! :wink2: one might say "they could be used to it after one year"... apparently not. And i repeat : you can't imagine the rate of self-censorship i impose to myself... i think people wouldn't survive :roftl: :roftl:

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the fact is : i'm sarcastic... for sure i am... and it can sometimes be interpreted as "mean" when it's not... it's just sarcastic... but well... if you don't get sarcasm, you don't get it ! :wink2: one might say "they could be used to it after one year"... apparently not. And i repeat : you can't imagine the rate of self-censorship i impose to myself... i think people wouldn't survive :roftl: :roftl:

I'm sarcastic too but when i write it down on the computer it isn't interpretated as sarcasm I sound like a bitch :lmao: I friend Phunkygal is sarcastic and my tone of voice i gave to her when i would read what she wrote was different from what she ment, and left us both with bad tastes in our mouths. I am VERRRY silly but that's not too hard to see *does the time warp*

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So I'm talking Yop's lead and just saying whatever the hell I feel like saying. I sorta have felt like I'm walking on eggshells around here. Before I'd just post whatever I wanted but lately it's been different. Anyway, I don't care, I'm letting it all out.


I agreed with just about all you said Yop. Obviously, I don't know much about the after party deal and I'm not even going to begin to act like I do, but besides that I really agree. In particular, I don't like the fact that sarcasm isn't welcomed. I understand if it's used to insult someone it's bad, but if it's just a joke, it's completely different (to me anyway). I'm not the type of person who is "sunshine and roses" all the time. It's just not the way I am. Then I get people telling me that sarcasm shouldn't be used and that the people who use it are "mean." Well, sorry, but I'm not going to change myself just to please people on an online forum. Maybe I don't the like "always optimistic" people because it seems fake to me. Just as I shouldn't be so sarcastic, other people shouldn't be so damn sensitive.


Maybe I should start hanging out here more if this is the place where we don't talk about Mika. :naughty: Honestly, I don't come on here for Mika news and I don't read the threads about him because I can only read that he is so amazing, awesome, hot, sexy, mikagasmic, etc for so long. Also, I don't like being berated in a thread for not thinking Mika is the best thing in the world.


I noticed something with other members and complaints. I feel like some members feel offended way too much. If I read something that is minorly offensive, then I just let it go. However, if it's a big deal like a racist comment or of the like, then I'll say something. However, it seems as though some members like to be victimized and will report other members for being offensive. Maybe I find those same members annoying. To me that's the same thing as being minorly offended. I'll just look over that person's posts. Yeah, and sometimes I joke about them with other people but it's not like it's a big deal (to me).


I know an incident where a member felt as though they were being attacked by another member. They proceded to PM that "other member" to asked what was going on. That "other member" said that she didn't really care for the "offended member". The "offended member" got even more offended and told the "other member" that she didn't like her either. The "other member" said that she didn't care and it was assumed they'd just stay out of each other's way. Instead of letting it go, the "offended member" PMed a mod. To me, I think that's a situation where you fight your own battle and don't tattle on someone else. You're going to come across people that don't like you for whatever reason. Get over it. I figure the mods have other things to worry about than to have every single little thing reported to them. Maybe that's why it seems like some of their patience is running low. I would have quit by now for sure.


Clearly, I must have been brought up quite a bit differently than a lot of the members because if I was that sensitive around here, I'd get eaten alive. :naughty:


Anyway, end of what I have to say.

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Maybe I should start hanging out here more if this is the place where we don't talk about Mika. :naughty:


Oh yes, you've come to the right place. :thumb_yello:


The regular posters in this thread like Mika a lot. We don't fly to other countries and queue up for 14 hours because we've got nothing better to do.


But we don't feel the need to express our affection for him in quite the same way as you'll usually find in the rest of the forum. If I find myself in a Mika gushing mood there are plenty of other threads to get it out of my system. :naughty:

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Hey Yop,. Good to see you finally got your side across.

It's been a hot topic on here and MSN for the last week.


Another problem around the MFC is some people complain that their post was ignored. Honestly, some people write so much about nothing sometimes that I can't help but move on to the next post due to personal disinterest. And sometimes a post was made hours earlier and seems pointless to quote it. And off-topic complaints. Sometimes people go way off for pages and that's annoying, but a few posts means nothing. But yes people do complain about these things. I don't understand attention seeking people. I've never been one. I've known plenty however and I don't play their game. It's immature.


I just think there needs to be a clear line about what complaints could warrant banning. There's too much grey area. No wonder we're tip-toeing.


I, too, don't talk about Mika much anymore. I rarely venture into the Chat about Mika section. The chat I do get involved in is all selfishly about when will he tour here. The Chat about Mika section seems to be filled with declarations of Lust.. Yes, Lust - not love.. with a few rare declarations of respect and admiration.

I'm not into public displays of affection on the internet. It's tacky. IMO.

And I certainly don't believe that being a fan should equal unconditional love.

Anyway, that's long enough or someone might miss my post and I'll be forced to complain about it :mf_rosetinted:

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I don't understand attention seeking people. I've never been one. I've known plenty however and I don't play their game. It's immature.


I agree. I don't like when people feel the need to be center of attention all of the time. I think it makes the person look really bad. Anyway, there's none of that in here (from what I've seen). Just mostly through people that create tons of threads and always talk about themselves.



I'm not into public displays of affection on the internet. It's tacky. IMO.

And I certainly don't believe that being a fan should equal unconditional love.



I don't like public displays of affection period, but that's besides the point. I agree with that fan bit and I really hope that Mika doesn't love us as much as he loves his friends and family. That would worry me.

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I agree with that fan bit and I really hope that Mika doesn't love us as much as he loves his friends and family. That would worry me.


Oh I don't think you have anything to worry about there. :roftl:


I think Mika is empathetic with his fans and understands where we're coming from to some degree. I think that's part of the reason he is generous with his time and makes an effort to express appreciation when he gets the opportunity.


But he appears to have a very tight circle of friends and family surrounding him and fans are entirely separate from that.

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I agree. I don't like when people feel the need to be center of attention all of the time. I think it makes the person look really bad. Anyway, there's none of that in here (from what I've seen). Just mostly through people that create tons of threads and always talk about themselves.

None in this thread, but there are a few around MFC. And that's fine, because that's who they are and who am I to tell them not to be like that.. I just don't understand it.. and never will.

I don't like public displays of affection period, but that's besides the point. I agree with that fan bit and I really hope that Mika doesn't love us as much as he loves his friends and family. That would worry me.

I'm ok with friendly affection. But to declare undying love is something that makes me gag.. I'm sure Mika doesn't love us. He's probably just very appreciative, curious and a little bewildered by us. He might think some of us are awesome. People he's met and felt comfortable talking to..

And, of course, ones that have flown around the world to be at a concert. :wink2:

Then there's people like me, completely unknown by him. :thumb_yello:

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Wow, Yop, that must have taken you all week to write!


Thanks for reposting so that everything is in order -- when I first started reading part 1 was missing and I was a bit confused. :)



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Was interesting to read Yop :mf_rosetinted:


If anyone should want my version of the events in London then you can read my novel on myspace. If anyone want my version of the ban, then you can ask Niki the oracle, as she seems to know a lot more about me than I do...and Im evidently not entiteled to an opinion anyway.


Cant really keep myself for having one anyway, so I will probably still throw it in everywhere...

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Maybe I should start hanging out here more if this is the place where we don't talk about Mika. :naughty: Honestly, I don't come on here for Mika news and I don't read the threads about him because I can only read that he is so amazing, awesome, hot, sexy, mikagasmic, etc for so long. Also, I don't like being berated in a thread for not thinking Mika is the best thing in the world.

Yup, this is definitely the place for you then! :thumb_yello: And I'd be really glad to have you join us; you know I like what you have to say a lot, I think I've PMed you several times way back in the summer and such... I've seen that you weren't posting a lot since and had wondered why.


- another thing : yes I had made a little tease (OBVIOUSLY enough I thought, not mean) about one of the members in the Vancouver gig reports thread… She was quoting the same useless and stupid things OVER and OVER and OVER… I 1st asked her “do you think it’s really necessary to quote the same things over and over ?”… Post she replied to quoting again the same thing… erm… ok… So yes, I teased her a bit posting something along the lines “Aaaaaargh !! Will she ever stop ? cry smiley x3” to which she replied by another useless quote, leading me to “No !! Please !!! Not again”… or something along those lines…


Well, I could see how someone might be upset by that anyway, but I do have to say that if this counts towards Yop's "pattern of behavior" then GhostsInTheRadio should be banned by now too, since she engages in the same type of teasing. She's often made snarky remarks to and about me, for instance, but hey! She's just having fun, I don't consider it "abusive" when she makes fun of me... usually I think it's funny, if anything, I can joke back too, or choose to ignore it, since it's all harmless in the end really. If I got upset any time someone got a bit stroppy or snarky with me I'd just be going around the forum constantly offended, which would be silly.


I'm also amused that there were people who posted stuff that was much worse than Yop recently, in the afterparty thread, and they were not banned. I was told it was because they "apologized" but they did not do so on all counts, and anyway, after the apology they went on posting the same stuff in different form. I suppose the mods did not receive enough "complaints" to ban them, although I talked to some people and all of them were really offended and upset by that member's posts. Why didn't we complain? Well, we may be annoyed and even offended, but we don't really feel like bothering to whine to the mods or ban that member, we consider that we can either deal with it or talk to the member about it on our own.



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Thanks for posting yop, I think you owed it to yourself (and us) to clear up this matter - as far as it is going to be cleared up.


Although I asked for explanations, I was never given one that justified the ban or even made any sense. I felt patronised and insulted by the replies I recieved.


You obviously know that I support your point of view, but I just want to state it publicly.


People's attitiudes in the afterparty thread just put the lid on it for me, and I have only made about three posts in the last week.


I think I still want to be part of the forum and post here again, but I've lost confidence in being able to say what I want in the way I want and the people who make me laugh the most have been (IMO) unfairly treated and may not return. I'ts been a week and I still feel angry.

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I just finished reading your posts, Yop. I know that it was something that you felt that you needed to do for yourself but I still want to say thank you for presenting your point of view to us, due to the insufficient explanations presented by the mod team I've been forced to assume many things and I'm glad to get some of them if not all of them cleared up. I hope that the whole mod team reads Yop's post very carefully as she has raised some issues outside the matter of the bannings which also need to be considered seriously.


In light of the new information I still believe that the mods handled the banning situation inappropriately (now with the fact that non-mod members were involved in the discussion of the bannings also added). Perhaps the mods disagree, or perhaps they agree and can't say so in order to maintain their "united front" which we have been patronisingly told to trust somewhat unconditionally. I really do hope that it's not the latter although if it is the former it still means that the mods do not follow what I view to be fair practices.


(Btw, I'm not saying this to denigrate the mods, I'm merely stating the fact that I honestly disagree with their recent actions. But the fact that I even have to consider adding this disclaimer is sad.)


I also agree with much of what Babs, Jack, Kelzy and kk448 have posted above, but I won't repeat it all again.

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I missed{reading} you!:huglove:

uh sorry if you don't like this sorta things:bleh:


I've read all of your point of view, grateful that you had the patience to post it there for everybody to know...and in particular this come to my attention{wonder why}:naughty:

Oh ! And is it normal that other people (non mods) were invited to the msn conversation between the mods about the bans ?? I don’t think it is… You invite “random” (meaning “non-mods”, not insulting) members to the msn conversation about our bans, but think there is too much behind the curtain to reveal it on the forum ??? There is something I don’t get there…


ok, first of all I'm a kinda reserved person and I try to protect over all mine and others private issues...sometimes I'm seen as snob or arrogant for that but it's my nature, neither I go to hug and wave everyone in the world.


So while I'm still unnerved from the monitoring of IP' address now I get to know also this! I think it's inacceptable:thumbdown:...we should have some rules to get privacy being respected in this place!..I detest the lack of transparency and the idea of msn convos goin'on between mods and others backsides the members of this forum makes me cringe:boxed:

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Was interesting to read Yop :mf_rosetinted:


If anyone should want my version of the events in London then you can read my novel on myspace. If anyone want my version of the ban, then you can ask Niki the oracle, as she seems to know a lot more about me than I do...and Im evidently not entiteled to an opinion anyway.


Cant really keep myself for having one anyway, so I will probably still throw it in everywhere...

I've read all of you looong diary Kata, thanx for your sincerity:thumb_yello:

and keep on shooting your IMO's here and there:mf_rosetinted:

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What really gets in my piss now is that everyone and their dog and the dogs former owner and the former owners neighbours seem to be well/misinformed about this, whereas I still dont have a ****ing clue whats going on. I told a mod in a PM that I was concerned that the whole PM the mods for info might result in someone spreading stories for the **** of it and that they could run around telling everyone that I had broken into Mikas house and stolen his underwear...I was of course joking, but it turns out that I apparantly wasnt that far off, as there seems to have definately been spread rumours bordering to just that...Do I now need to open a thread to explain to the MFC that even if they might have heard from reliable sources that I have |insert ridiculous story| then it is of course not true? I dont even know who has said what and to whom, so right now there is an unknown number of people who think I have done something and I dont know who thinks it and what they think I have done. Could someone please tell IN PUBLIC what the hell I am supposed to have done, so I once and for all can either confirm or deny the story or at least tell my version of it :badmood:

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I'm starting to think it might be best to have mods who are not Mika fans, or undercover Mika fans or 'not really Mika fans', but just external people who have barely heard about the guy and don't get involved personally in heated discussions as easily as they appear to do here obviously. This is getting way too dirty for my taste.

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I'm starting to think it might be best to have mods who are not Mika fans, or undercover Mika fans or 'not really Mika fans', but just external people who have barely heard about the guy and don't get involved personally in heated discussions as easily as they appear to do here obviously.

MIKA in the band sense:mf_rosetinted:

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