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2008: REPORTS/PHOTOS/VIDEOS for MIKA in San Francisco, CA at the Warfield


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If drums were made of the same material they'd have the same pretty dents

Thank god their not,I'd have to change drums every week...at most


Where is that bandage actually? Because the drumsticks usually do damage in the palms or at the base of the fingers


If he's got wrist problems,he's doin it soo wrong at least he can do some warming up if he knows he's at risk


Ugghh, yeah sure, use your genius drum-knowledge :bleh:


People who were there could obviously say better but here are pics from today:





Can't really tell what kind of bandage it is there, but it looks like a brace at yesterday's show:

picture time!






So I don't think it's blisters or that kind fo thing. Probably nothing to do with the drums :P

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Here's what Wikipedia says about the location of the venue, in a part of the city called the "Tenderloin":


"Squalid conditions, homelessness, crime, drug sales, prostitution, liquor stores (over 60), and strip clubs give the area a seedy reputation....The Tenderloin is a high crime area, particularly violent street crime such as robbery and aggravated assault. Seven of the top ten violent crime plots are adjacent plots in the Tenderloin and Sixth and Market area....The area has been the scene of escalating drug violence in 2007, including brazen daylight shootings, as local gangs from San Francisco, and others from around the Bay Area battle for turf."


It's not so bad in the daylight, but after dark it ain't pretty. Not the kind of area I'd have envisioned for a Mika concert. :blink: And yes, most MFCers are from out of town, so they're probably in transit which explains the absence of their reports.


I miss Mika already, despite the fact that we're still in the same state and I'll see him on Friday. The post-Mika syndrome is going to be awful - compounded by the fact that in LA it was summery and warm, and when I get back home on Saturday I'm going to be freezing my arse off.


I'm going to upload the videos after I find breakfast - I'm really happy with them - it's soo hard to balance trying to record, and trying to just enjoy the Wonder that is Mika. :wub2:

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One more thing - the bandage on his hand has gotten bigger. :boxed:


Looks like a tensor bandage - maybe trash can drumming is bad for Mika's beautiful hands. :tears:


My breath catches in my throat every time he hops on Cherisse's drum kit during Love Today. It's like I want to somehow envelope him in some kind of MFC love aura where he would never suffer so much as a hang nail, never mind toppling off a drum kit. Yeah, yeah, he's a big boy, etc - doesn't stop me from wanting to steal him and squeeze him.


A giant red balloon conked one of the security guys square in the head, btw. Was hillarious watching him snarl at it.


I'm obsessing now, guys. Is he sleeping? Does he like wherever he's staying? Is he hot, cold, hungry, tired? Does he miss the blankets on his bed at home as much as I miss mine? It's the kind of obsessing that happened when I first discovered him. I'll find myself walking down the street, wondering if he's had supper yet, and if so, what he had.


Oh, how I love writing about Mika. I think that if he ever decides to do an official biography, he oughta give me a call.


Okay, bed now. 1.25 hours of sleep over a period of close to 42 hours just can't be good.


Here's what Wikipedia says about the location of the venue, in a part of the city called the "Tenderloin":


"Squalid conditions, homelessness, crime, drug sales, prostitution, liquor stores (over 60), and strip clubs give the area a seedy reputation....The Tenderloin is a high crime area, particularly violent street crime such as robbery and aggravated assault. Seven of the top ten violent crime plots are adjacent plots in the Tenderloin and Sixth and Market area....The area has been the scene of escalating drug violence in 2007, including brazen daylight shootings, as local gangs from San Francisco, and others from around the Bay Area battle for turf."


It's not so bad in the daylight, but after dark it ain't pretty. Not the kind of area I'd have envisioned for a Mika concert. :blink: And yes, most MFCers are from out of town, so they're probably in transit which explains the absence of their reports.


I miss Mika already, despite the fact that we're still in the same state and I'll see him on Friday. The post-Mika syndrome is going to be awful - compounded by the fact that in LA it was summery and warm, and when I get back home on Saturday I'm going to be freezing my arse off.


I'm going to upload the videos after I find breakfast - I'm really happy with them - it's soo hard to balance trying to record, and trying to just enjoy the Wonder that is Mika. :wub2:



Have you ever considered being a writer? You're a magician with words. I enjoy reading your reports- they're simply wonderful!!:thumb_yello: Looking forward to see the videos.:wink2:


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One more thing - the bandage on his hand has gotten bigger.

Looks like a tensor bandage - maybe trash can drumming is bad for Mika's beautiful hands.


My breath catches in my throat every time he hops on Cherisse's drum kit during Love Today. It's like I want to somehow envelope him in some kind of MFC love aura where he would never suffer so much as a hang nail, never mind toppling off a drum kit. Yeah, yeah, he's a big boy, etc - doesn't stop me from wanting to steal him and squeeze him.


A giant red balloon conked one of the security guys square in the head, btw. Was hillarious watching him snarl at it.


I'm obsessing now, guys. Is he sleeping? Does he like wherever he's staying? Is he hot, cold, hungry, tired? Does he miss the blankets on his bed at home as much as I miss mine? It's the kind of obsessing that happened when I first discovered him. I'll find myself walking down the street, wondering if he's had supper yet, and if so, what he had.


Oh, how I love writing about Mika. I think that if he ever decides to do an official biography, he oughta give me a call.


Okay, bed now. 1.25 hours of sleep over a period of close to 42 hours just can't be good.


It's funny, the little things that we obsess over in regard to Mika. And all the wondering, all the questions running around in our heads that we will never get answers to...


I warned you it only gets worse after you see him. Wait until next week when you have to deal with the fact that we have no idea when he's coming back to North America. People who've never seen him before think their pining is acute...but they don't even know what they're missing yet so they don't know the half of it.




They tape and air on the same day so it would have to be tonight.


You're telling me it can get worse?:shocked: No, I did know that, I keep hearing it. I really don't want to believe it's true though, cos I don't know if I could bear it.


GYAAAAAAH! I love reports.

Isn't the Post-Mika Syndrome something else? It's the new PMS

Except it doesn't only last a week, it can only be cured momentarily by another Mika show. Basically it's a chronic condition with acute flare-ups post gig. You just have to learn to live with it, easing the symptoms with youtubes, MFC reports, photobucket and other fleeting joys.



And Mana, if he ever wants a biographer WE will be pushing you forward. Your imagery is vivid and hilarious, it is better than a novel any day!


When you get up tomorrow please write more.


Someone can pay me to do some research on this syndrome! I'll volunteer my services to better understand this, out of the goodness of my heart, for the betterment of my fellow MFC'ers. I'm thinking a grant of $100, 000 should do to start me off. Any scientific acadamies out there interested in sponsoring my research? Anyone? Damn. Didn't think I'd get away with it!:naughty:


Don't you use Blackberrys (and similar) in Australia? They're not really considered massively ridiculous here.




:shocked: Well I hope it's not going to be as bad as all that! Perhaps it's not necessarily worse, just different.


I just don't think it's possible to fathom what it's like to be in the same room with him while he's performing until you've been there. The CDs, the videos...they can't replicate the power of his live voice or the energy you get from him and the people around you.


Listen to Mana. She could wax poetic about Mika from day one but you can tell from her review that seeing him live was something beyond even her wildest imagination.


It's a pretty high high and unless you have gig after gig lined up you have to come down at some point. It can be a pretty hard fall.


Maybe our bodies are just not designed to take the amount of adrenalin and other neurotransmitters (trying to remember what makes people euphoric and can't) that Mika causes to be released! There seriously should be some research into this! :wink2: Maybe this is why Mika gets sick all the time?


Yes, hasn't anyone?




Oh I suppose. Lol, well I saw something on TV about how people are addicted to them My phone doesn't even have a camera




Did - I - not - just - tell - you - to - stop - saying -it!


I know! As keeps being pointed out, my expectations couldn't possibly be high enough, so I keep raising them, and raising them, thinking it's not possible to go higher, and already imagining the horrific time after the glorious event. But knowing that the expectation will still be blown to all oblivion after actually seeing him ... *faints*




... not many reviews today - hope everyone made it home safely :boxed:

That area sounds seriously creepy...


Hey OD! Maybe it'll be you and me at a show together one day! Awesome!!

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I'm obsessing now, guys. Is he sleeping? Does he like wherever he's staying? Is he hot, cold, hungry, tired? Does he miss the blankets on his bed at home as much as I miss mine? It's the kind of obsessing that happened when I first discovered him. I'll find myself walking down the street, wondering if he's had supper yet, and if so, what he had.


Oh, how I love writing about Mika. I think that if he ever decides to do an official biography, he oughta give me a call.


Okay, bed now. 1.25 hours of sleep over a period of close to 42 hours just can't be good.


Once AGAIN, I'm so glad I'm not the only one thinking like this. I wonder where he is at different points in the day, hoping he's happy and things are going well. He's given so much to us, it's only natural for us to care so deeply about him.


GYAAAAAAH! I love reports.

Isn't the Post-Mika Syndrome something else? It's the new PMS:wink2:

Except it doesn't only last a week, it can only be cured momentarily by another Mika show. Basically it's a chronic condition with acute flare-ups post gig. You just have to learn to live with it, easing the symptoms with youtubes, MFC reports, photobucket and other fleeting joys.:wub2:


SO TRUE!!! I'm still sad that I won't see Mika in concert again for a looong time, and it's been over two weeks since the Toronto show! I miss him so much it hurts. (Hmmm, I don't think that's healthy.) *siiigh*


I'm SO excited about the Tonight Show, though! :roftl:

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Once AGAIN, I'm so glad I'm not the only one thinking like this. I wonder where he is at different points in the day, hoping he's happy and things are going well. He's given so much to us, it's only natural for us to care so deeply about him.


I always worry about and want to protect Mika. That motherly feeling. (Although there are LOTs of other feelings too--:wink2:)


Ever watch "The Adventures of old Christine" with Julia Dryfuss? She went out with a much younger man and said, "I didn't know whether to kiss him or to smell his head. So i did both."


It's like that.

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GYAAAAAAH! I love reports.

Isn't the Post-Mika Syndrome something else? It's the new PMS:wink2:

Except it doesn't only last a week, it can only be cured momentarily by another Mika show. Basically it's a chronic condition with acute flare-ups post gig. You just have to learn to live with it, easing the symptoms with youtubes, MFC reports, photobucket and other fleeting joys.:wub2:



And Mana, if he ever wants a biographer WE will be pushing you forward. Your imagery is vivid and hilarious, it is better than a novel any day!:naughty:



When you get up tomorrow please write more.


I love this. It's perfect! :thumb_yello: Coming down from the SLC gig has been such a bummer. Come back Mika!!!

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Oh, those pics ARE wonderful! :mf_lustslow:


But sad, too...LadyGodiva's bracelets are gone. Maybe Mika couldn't fit them over his wrist guard anymore. :( I still think they should get some award since Mika loved them so much. :roftl:

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Ever watch "The Adventures of old Christine" with Julia Dryfuss? She went out with a much younger man and said, "I didn't know whether to kiss him or to smell his head. So i did both."


It's like that.[/color]


:roftl: Although I'm only 8 months older than Mika, and I still want to take care of him, and um...well, date him. :naughty: I think it's a woman's motherly instinct to care like that.


(Can't believe I'm posting about this...) :roftl:

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I forgot to mention...


Some asshat threw a cigarette lighter right at Mika's head as he was at the front of the stage. :thumbdown:


I could go on an indignant, sputtering rant about the disrespect and stupidity, but since I'm sure you all know where I'm coming from, I'll save it. :naughty:

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I forgot to mention...


Some asshat threw a cigarette lighter right at Mika's head as he was at the front of the stage. :thumbdown:


I could go on an indignant, sputtering rant about the disrespect and stupidity, but since I'm sure you all know where I'm coming from, I'll save it. :naughty:


:blink: :blink: :blink: people are weird... really...

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I forgot to mention...


Some asshat threw a cigarette lighter right at Mika's head as he was at the front of the stage. :thumbdown:


I could go on an indignant, sputtering rant about the disrespect and stupidity, but since I'm sure you all know where I'm coming from, I'll save it. :naughty:


at least in Bologna someone throw a teddy bear right in

ika's face,and it was soft I suppose!:naughty:

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Ugghh, yeah sure, use your genius drum-knowledge :bleh:


So I don't think it's blisters or that kind fo thing. Probably nothing to do with the drums :P

I just know because drumming has left marks on my palms :roftl: The joys of being a drummer y'aaaalll :lol3:


But that looks like one of those bands u put on sprained ankles , so I think he may have had extracurricular activities in order to get the right effect :mf_rosetinted:


Who actually knows it's with drumming.........if it is RSI :wink2:

Must be all that pulling from Perez's.......... doggy on his lead! :roftl:



now this is what I was waiting for,confirmation! :lol3:

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Nice reports and pics for those who did report and post pics- but where is everybody? Normally when i get home and go on a new concert thread there are 20-50 pages at least! The kicker is, i can finally relax and not feel guilty being on here because all my auditions are over for a while, but i come back theres not much:blink:


ooooh, the irony.....kind of, anyways.

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Hi, I haven't posted in a long time, but I'd love to share my SF report!

My friends and I arrived around 4:20, and saw that there was only one group of people there (presumably MFCers) so we went across the street and got lunch/dinner.

We waited in line (with Starbucks excursions) and not many people showed up for a loooong time. The band walked by maybe forty five minutes before we were left in, but we didn't run after them. :( They passed before we really noticed.

Skip to the opening act. The singer was pretty cute. It was good I guess, but we were anxious for MIKA, of course.

We were in the second row, behind people who for some reason didn't seem very excited throughout the concert... It was kinda weird because I wasn't sure why they were in front if they weren't going to get into it. The other side of the stage was much more active, so he kept going over to them more than us. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

While we were waiting for Mika, my friends and I spotted people with what looked like angel wings on the side of the stage. Sure enough, the show began with Saranayde bursting out of a balloon dressed in a nude bodysuit and angel wings.

Relax was amazing.

There was a huge inflatable Big Girl during Big Girl, and it half fell over, so Mika went over while he was singing and pushed it up. It was cute. :)

Stuck in the Middle! I looooved it. I don't know why I'm even saying how great the songs were, of course they were! But he extended SITM (like mentioned previously), and had the crowd repeat after him.

A guy dragged Mika's big M out, and Saranayde came out in costume and sang on top of it, ripping off her skirt to reveal a sparkly black fringed bikini. Mika skipped onstage wearing the hottest jacket I have ever seen! I don't know what song it was since it was a new one (or at least not on his CD). Man, that makes me feel like such a bad fan haha.

Love Today started with a rain of confetti and Mika twirling his umbrella. A guy in a giant inflatable skeleton costume walked onstage and came to the front, then back to Mika. Mika turned around slowly and hugged him. Collective "awww" from the crowd. :)

Shirt off during Love Today, and a drum-off with Cherisse.

...and LOLLIPOP! A huge sheet was draped from the top of the stage so we could only see the shadows. Mika was a big bad wolf and shot the bunny with a floppy gun. Balloons and madness. At the very end, he pulled a girl onstage and everyone started clambering to get on. We were squished against the stage. A girl in front of me climbed on, and I made up my mind that I was going to follow her since she cleared an opening! So I jumped on and people were pushing me up! It was so cool. Dancing onstage was a very strange experience. I just danced and sort of noticed how many people were there and the mayhem and confetti and balloons! Insanity. The song ended and we were herded to the side of the stage. The band passed by, but I didn't see Mika. There were about five of us. Then the guards told us to get off, so we walked back onstage, and some people took the set lists (darn! I forgot to until they already had them), but I grabbed an orange balloon hidden near the drumset.

I passed the balloon to my friend.. and this is starting to get to the bad parts. :\ Well, to summarize the rest, some mean girl hit the balloon out of my friend's hands and my bag was so close to being stolen I can't even understand how lucky I am.

BUT this concert was AMAZING, even better than the last one. A lot more out there, which made it even more entertaining. MIKA <3



some photo love...




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i don't know if you noticed, but sara is much more "hidden" that she used to be during her non-singing parts... i mean, she's much more at the back of the stage out of the light than when i saw the first shows of this tour in october... maybe what we say actually has a tiny little impact... or maybe it's just the pictures that are taken at the moments she's at the back... and the comments people were making in their reports saying that they barely noticed her until her part made me think about it too...

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Tako, thank you for your review and *gorgeous* pictures!!! :shocked:


Well, to summarize the rest, some mean girl hit the balloon out of my friend's hands and my bag was so close to being stolen I can't even understand how lucky I am.


Glad it wasn't! Some people...:thumbdown:

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i don't know if you noticed, but saranayde is much more "hidden" that she used to be during her non-singing parts... i mean, she's much more at the back of the stage than when i saw the first shows of this tour in october... maybe what we say actually has a tiny little impact...


I've been thinking that after watching the latest youtube clips etc.

I think we may actually have more impact than we think sometimes :naughty:

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I've been thinking that after watching the latest youtube clips etc.

I think we may actually have more impact than we think sometimes :naughty:


good ! i thought i was taking my desire for reality :naughty: :naughty: nooooooooooooo just kidding !!! i love her voice, really, and the missionary man cover is the best part of the show (after love today OF COURSE) for me...


and maybe i should think about what i write before posting then :blink: :blink:


YOU WISH :mf_rosetinted:

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