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REPORTS/PHOTOS/ VIDEOS Vancouver, BC at the Orpheum 15-02-2008


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We line up, the other two lollies insisting that I lead. Fine with me, I think. Back through the corrider - it was maybe two and a half feet wide by maybe six feet high, if that. I was strikingly aware of the closeness of the ceiling, which is saying something coming from me, who's barely over five feet tall. :roftl:


We line up, me closest to the door. Owen is there - I stand corrected about his accent! It's funny how I have North American accents down to a tee - I could tell someone from LA from someone from Toronto in five sentences or less - but I'm lost when it comes to the UK. Maybe I should get my Masters in Language from a British university...get some much-needed field work in. :naughty: But again, I digress.


Grace Kelly finishes, and the band come running off, right past my nose. Mika comes in, takes a sip of water, dabs his face with a towel, then bounds back on stage to wave and bow to his adoring fans before running back to get into his animal costume. He's truly running the show back there - you go here, you go there, hurry! Luke is wearing a donkey costume - I couldn't help but look at him and think "hey Luke - nice ass!" The band walk on to the first strains of Teddy Bear's Picnic, and again the crowd goes mad.


Mika comes in after the rest of them have done their little dance, so he waits backstage a moment. He then turns to me (!) and says "okay, when you come on you have to jump really high!" At this moment I'm star struck; I look up for him and say in what I can only imagine was the most nauseatingly sappy voice possible "okay Mika - I promise we'll jump for you."


He's got the "BAD BUNNY" sign in his hand, and off he goes. We move to fill the space he's just vacated, waiting for our cue. Cherryl hands me a giant paper mache lollipop. I offer it to the other two girls, but they're like "no, you should have it!"


So I did - and then Owen cued us. I skipped onto the stage, smiling and waving my giant lolly. Mika was up front, so we went behind him to take a position between him and Martin. I danced around with the lollipop until the chorus, when I tossed it aside and started dancing and skipping. The giant balloons were out, so I tossed them to the audience. I bounded right up front and saw a bunch of unfamiliar faces looking at me in awe - that's what happens when you get drawn into Mika's magical world.


After Cherisse's (usual) line, I grabbed the other girls and danced in a circle for a few lines, then bounded up front next to Mika, and danced right beside him. I looked at the crowd - people on their feet, a handful on the balcony looking bored, bewildered or maybe both - but mostly people dancing, grinning from ear to ear, and reaching up toward the confetti falling on them. This, I thought, it was Mika sees each and every night - a room full of individuals staring up at him in awe and adoration. I'm sure he doesn't concern himself with the few who don't get into it, and revels in those who do.


A balloon had marooned itself near Martin's gear, so I went to get it - and when I turned back, Mika had begun to pull fans onto the stage. About 15 or so people got on, so I thought - why not? - and helped a few more come up. All told, I think there was about 30 people on stage - and Mika looked like he was having the time of his life.


It was surreal when the fans on stage noticed me and started snapping my picture! I smiled, I posed, I curtseyed - I hope I did Mika proud.


All too soon, it was over, and fans were climbing off stage. We bounded back throught the red velvet curtain, where Mika was, drinking some water. He smiled at us and said "Great job, girls!" We were led back to our dressing room to wait - little did I know, the best was yet to come...

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Luke is wearing a donkey costume - I couldn't help but look at him and think "hey Luke - nice ass!"


He smiled at us and said "Great job, girls!" We were led back to our dressing room to wait - little did I know, the best was yet to come...


:roftl: :roftl:


Wow!!! The best is STILL to come :stretcher:

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All too soon, it was over, and fans were climbing off stage. We bounded back throught the red velvet curtain, where Mika was, drinking some water. He smiled at us and said "Great job, girls!" We were led back to our dressing room to wait - little did I know, the best was yet to come...


i refuse to go to work until i finish this report!!!!:mf_rosetinted:



When he's seated at his keyboard singing, the cosmos shift and time just stops and everything revolves around this one man, one voice. He's beautiful and he's passionate and he's so strikingly talented that again, it made me so thankful that our lifetimes intersect and I get to see him in the here and now. Then came Any Other World. How can I describe how that felt? Bear in mind that his keyboard is usually arranged at an angle facing Martin, so we had a great view of his beautiful self. His piano playing is like dream - his fingers literally dance across the keys. He closes his eyes, and just lets himself flow out in the words that he's singing and the notes that he's playing. It's a little piece of magic that I feel so, so blessed to have seen.


omg, that's soo beautiful!!:harp:

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He's truly running the show back there - you go here, you go there, hurry!


Luke is wearing a donkey costume - I couldn't help but look at him and think "hey Luke - nice ass!"


I look up for him and say in what I can only imagine was the most nauseatingly sappy voice possible "okay Mika - I promise we'll jump for you."


I bounded right up front and saw a bunch of unfamiliar faces looking at me in awe - that's what happens when you get drawn into Mika's magical world.


This, I thought, it was Mika sees each and every night - a room full of individuals staring up at him in awe and adoration. I'm sure he doesn't concern himself with the few who don't get into it, and revels in those who do.


All told, I think there was about 30 people on stage - and Mika looked like he was having the time of his life.


It was surreal when the fans on stage noticed me and started snapping my picture! I smiled, I posed, I curtseyed - I hope I did Mika proud.


little did I know, the best was yet to come...


I - love - details!


LOL at the Luke-ass joke :naughty:


I looove your descriptions of what it's like on stage, for you and Mika.


I can't stand the suspence!


Your reports are like 100x better than if you strapped a video camera to your forehead and we were watching the video, how is that even possible? YOU ARE A GENIUS!

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ok so i havent had a chance to upload my pics to a proper sharing thing!

but if u have myspace u can go here!




i promise i shall set it up so u all can chack them out real soon!


have a beautiful day!




thanks....amazing pics !!!!

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Mana your reports are so detailed and descriptive. For the people who have never been to one of his shows, it is EXACTLY like being there, believe me, Mana has completely captured the essence and spirit of a show, so everything she writes and how she writes it, is spot on.

Look forward to the next part.

Really gonna miss these reports.

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Mana your reports are so detailed and descriptive. For the people who have never been to one of his shows, it is EXACTLY like being there, believe me, Mana has completely captured the essence and spirit of a show, so everything she writes and how she writes it, is spot on.

Look forward to the next part.

Really gonna miss these reports.


Very true Penguin


<waits for next part>

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AAAAAAHHHHHHH!! MANA!!! I have eaten an entire packet of chocolate chip cookies reading this thread to catch up on all I missed. It was all so exciting I kept reaching for more until ...oops I didn't mean to eat the whole lot!!


And now a cliff hanger at 1.30 in my morning. Can I stay up long enough to get the vital post:blink:



I'm surprised it doesn't freak Mika out. I mean it kinda freaks me out that I know more about him than I know about most of the people I've met in my life. In Toronto Andy was calling us the FBI. :naughty:


I am sure you LOVE knowing this much about the Big M, Christine. :thumb_yello:


But I would be pretty sure he himself has never known an obsession about ANYONE at the level of intensity we do with him.


WE DO MIKA. :wub2:

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. . . She and John had ran into Mika in the elevator, and he'd given her some pointers on the dancing. She attempted to adopt his accent, and executed some fabulously exaggerated moves ; "he was like 'okay so I want you to stick your tits out, walk on your heels, and bring your arms up" - she does so - "and then be very exaggerated". Fscking hillarious! I was just dying imagining Mika doing just that . . .





BRILLIANT REPORTING--lollipop_monkey!

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We go back to our dressing room, all of us totally buzzing and in a bit of disbelief over what just happened. Most just sort of sit or stand for a few moments, trying to get back in touch with reality. Some of the girls go off to the adjacent bathroom to get undressed.


Mika's mom comes in, and tells us we were great. She's undoing the Big Girl's corsets, so I take moment to talk to her. I thanked her for the opportunity to be part of the show, and she was like "aww, you were great - I'm glad you had fun!" I ask her what's next for the team, and she told me back to London for the Brits, followed by the London gigs - then, she said, he's going to be working on the second album. So we don't know when, but we do know that its all going down in the forseeable future - yay!


I asked if there was any chance we could meet Mika - and she said without hesitation "of course!"


We talk a bit more, and I tell her she must be so proud to watch her son on stage like that. She smiles, nods, and then proceeds to tell me her experience. She was seated next to two girls who were with a girl in a wheelchair, she says - and they were all so into the show, including the wheelchair bound girl, that it really touched her. :wub2:


Cherryl comes back and tells us there's going to be a meet and greet with the band and Mika in that room - no word yet on if we can stay. Two girls from the group of friends that had been the LGs and BGs had already left - I guess they didn't think they had the chance to meet Mika. At that point I realized that the wardrobe assistant had brought us back our belongings, and that while I was yakking with Mika's mom, the other girls had gotten dressed. So I scramble to get dressed, Mika's mom and the wardrobe assistant still in the room - bearing in mind that apart from underwear, I wasn't wearing a stitch under the costume.


I get dressed in record time, get my things, and go perch on the table by the door. A handful of people are streaming in the other door - a bunch of people with accents that I can at least say were from somewhere in the UK. Soon after Luke comes in, and chats them up for quite some time. He never made it over to our side, but since he was such a dear in LA, I'll forgive him. :naughty:


Then, after some chat with the shockingly friendly security guard, John comes in. He tells us - get this - that since we didn't use our seats, he's actually going to pay us back for our tickets!! I don't know about the other gals, but being reimbursed for an experience like THAT was so no even on my radar.


I didn't want to part with my ticket (hello, scrapbook material!), and I felt bad about taking money from them after such an experience. so I said I didn't have it on me. He's a peach - he insisted on paying me back, even having to run to another room and get accurate change for me, lol.


Then, who comes in, but the two girls and the girl in the wheelchair Mika's mom had mentioned - she had hooked them up to come backstage.


The wheelchair-bound sister appeared to have perhaps cerebral palsy, or something similar - her motions were jerky, and she appeared unable to form complete words. I talked for quite a while to the one sister, who was a pretty cool gal with badeges on her purse reading things like "grants not sudent loans" and "end homophobia" - quite a cool gal.


About fifteen minutes later, Mika came in. He was wearing jeans, a tee shirt, a pretty off-white cardigan sweater, and cowboy-ish boots. He shook my hand, and the hands of the other lollies/big girls waiting, and then turned his attention to the sisters.


Pay attention people - this is important!


Mika leans down next to the sister in the wheelchair. He asks all three if they liked the show, beaming at them the whole time. He then talked to the sister in the wheelchair - guys, there was no nervousness, no hesitancy on Mika's part when interacting with this girl. He was collected and warm and open - I've seen people in the past get nervous about interacting with someone with a barely-there disability, and this girl could barely talk - and here was Mika, interacting with her, focusing on her, without any hesitancy.


On the tray of her wheelchair were the letters A-Z. Mika noticed this - bless him! - and asked her caringly if this is how she communicates. She let out a sound that can only be described as elation and beamed at him - and he beamed right back, leaning his head on hers for a picture.


Guys, he made that girl's night, if not her year - she was over the moon, as were her sisters. What a beautful, warm, tender, brilliant young man he is. It didn't matter that she couldn't speak to him, that her way of moving isn't "normal" - he saw the effect he and his music have on her and her sisters, and devoted himself to them, even for five minutes.


Satisfied, the girls left - and Mika turned to me. I told him I had an amazing time, and thanked him for the opportunity - I think I also told him he's wonderful. :wub2:


That's when I got those two pics - LOVE THEM. John took them, by the way. He's totally not as surly as he seems.


Mika kind of pulled me right up to him for the first one, and I just melted. John was like "okay, let's do a second one" - that's when I felt those pretty curls touch my head. :blush-anim-cl:


I then turned to Mika. Hey lollipopgirl83 - I'm talking to you, Taylor - listen up!


I asked him if the skeleton has a name - and he smiled really wide and said that yes, they call it Gray Skelly.




I didn't get the chance to call him on it, but that's proof - either he (or someone on the "in") regularly reads our site, or that's one hell of a fscking coincidence, won't you say? :roftl:


The other girls said their thank yous, and we started to walk out. That's when I spotted Mikey, glass of white wine in his hand - he's such a sweet guy! I asked him for a picture, and he said of course - and he's not that much taller than me. What a peach.


I then followed the other girls up the stairs. They filed out long before me, so I was the last one in the stairs. As I got to the top, Mika was standing there.


I stopped, turned to him, and looked deep into those pretty eyes, which worked since he was standing about three steps below me. :roftl:


I said to him "Mika. I really want you to know just how much you mean to us...and how deeply your music touches us, all over the world". He beamed at me, reached out, and interlaced his fingers with mine. He looked right back into my eyes and said "thank you - that means a lot to me". I smiled, he smiled, then out I went....


(one more part, if you're still interested...)

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. . . Mika comes in after the rest of them have done their little dance, so he waits backstage a moment. He then turns to me (!) and says "okay, when you come on you have to jump really high!" At this moment I'm star struck; I look up for him and say in what I can only imagine was the most nauseatingly sappy voice possible "okay Mika - I promise we'll jump for you." . . .

. . . I hope I did Mika proud . . . . where Mika was . . . . He smiled at us and said "Great job, girls!"



BRILLIANT REPORTING--lollipop_monkey!

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I stopped, turned to him, and looked deep into those pretty eyes, which worked since he was standing about three steps below me.


I said to him "Mika. I really want you to know just how much you mean to us...and how deeply your music touches us, all over the world". He beamed at me, reached out, and interlaced his fingers with mine. He looked right back into my eyes and said "thank you - that means a lot to me". I smiled, he smiled, then out I went....


OMG! :shocked: You are the luckiest girl alive right now. He is so sweet. I envy you. Lolz.


Great reporting! I so totally want to read more.

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