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Introducing the MFC script writer: ME!


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oh wait, i just remembered RAK1's suggestion lol xD will have to sleep on it to try and develop the idea further. night girls! x



caz... it's not night time yet!!! it's only supper time!!!

nite caz! sweet dreams! x

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"In any other thread...you can tell the difference.

and let it all unfurl

into broken remnants

smeeellll like uuuu meeeaaan iiiittt and let your script be read

'cuz it's all in the head of a lonely lonely thread

say goodbye to the words you thought were mean tho

take a washboard, play the part of a lonely lonely script

say goodbye to the words you thought were mean tho...


I try to stay away, but squirrels made me come here...

so human as I am...I smell the peanuts everywhere...

so I smell and try not to mean it...to let myself let go

'cuz it's all in the head of a lonely lonely thread

say goodbye to the words you thought were mean tho

take a washboard, play the part of a lonely lonely script

say goodbye to the words you thought were mean tho...


in any other world you can smell the peanuts.



I never ever I forget your story...my face is no sad...but inside I am sad"

ok...that was weird xD I need some sleep :roftl: and more script! :D


EDIT and I didn't see your version of the song...which is way better ;)




Wish I could remember what I suggested now.LOL!

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There us a washboard haning on the wall of the music room in school. So I was bored today, and was just staring around, until I saw that thing, and began to laugh:lmfao:


Did you not have an overwhelming urge to fall to your knees and praise the holy grail. Ha ha hah hah ha!!

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There us a washboard haning on the wall of the music room in school. So I was bored today, and was just staring around, until I saw that thing, and began to laugh:lmfao:


I have two in my hall - one wood and metal, the other has a glass

wash-surface!! :thumb_yello: (handy when I have power-cuts!!:wink2:)

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Did you not have an overwhelming urge to fall to your knees and praise the holy grail. Ha ha hah hah ha!!

Yeah, but I thought they wouldn't understand, and I decided I wouldn't do it, cause otherwise they would have sent me to a house for mental people I think:naughty:

hahahahaha hope she was also looking out for squirrels!!! you never know!




There are no squirrels in classrooms:lmfao:

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Yeah, but I thought they wouldn't understand, and I decided I wouldn't do it, cause otherwise they would have sent me to a house for mental people I think:naughty:



There are no squirrels in classrooms:lmfao:


one can never be 100% sure of that... they are really really good at hiding... a little bit like our friend caz....

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mwahahah maby Caz is a squirrel? xD


:roftl: :roftl:


BTW, I was making a script. I got quite far but wasn't finished...and then my computer crashed. Luckily I had saved most of it but some was lost. Just thought I'd let ya know that a script will be up later today!

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Mika are u searching a muse? :flaps eyelashes: :D


reeelax, in the worst case scenario I think most of us would be fine even if he's gonna release an album of covers and remastered demos..btw I really adore those old "prohibited" songs :ap_rosetinted:

I like them too.

But I'd prefer an album of new songs, written by himself (and maybe some co-writers and samples from other songs:naughty:)

:roftl: :roftl:


BTW, I was making a script. I got quite far but wasn't finished...and then my computer crashed. Luckily I had saved most of it but some was lost. Just thought I'd let ya know that a script will be up later today!



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:roftl: :roftl:


BTW, I was making a script. I got quite far but wasn't finished...and then my computer crashed. Luckily I had saved most of it but some was lost. Just thought I'd let ya know that a script will be up later today!




I'll have my popcorn ready :naughty:

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Chapter 19 - PART ONE



Mika and Jerry were in the living room filling up colourful balloons with helium and laughing while doing so. They didn't hear John's footsteps coming near them and so continued their bizarre activity. John - who had got used to the weirdness - coughed to get their attention. The giggling stopped and both men turned to face John at the same time, their expression identical. This left John's hairs standing as it reminded him of freaky voodoo dolls that move on their own accord. In films, obviously.


John: What on Earth are you guys up to?


Without smiling, Mika automatically (and slowly) lifted the balloon to his face and sucked up the helium inside.


Mika: *voice really high* I can hit high notes without trying! TAKE IT EEEEEAAASSYYYYYY....I CAN BE HURTFUL, I CAN BE PURPLE, I CAN BE ANYTHING YOU LIKE....EVERYBODY'S GONNA LOVE TODAY, ANY WAY YOU WANT TO, ANY WAY YOU'VE GOT TO, LOVE LOVE ME *Jerry starts clapping in time, sucks up helium, and joins Mika*

Mika+Jerry: GIRL IN THE BLUE WITH THE BIG BUST ON, BIG BUST ON, BIG BUST ON! Wait until your mama....your mama... your...ma...

Mika: Why didn't you interrupt like you always do?

John: I've stopped wasting my breath.

Mika: Oh.


At this point, Mika's high voice deflates to his normal low voice, representing the deflation in his once hyper, and happy mood.


Mika: You're no fun, John.

John: I have very important news. I have spent the entire night doing the MFC's officiality.

Mika: I forgot about that.

Jerry: *keeps sucking up helium*

John: I thought as much. Now, I must warn you right now; DO. NOT. TOUCH. THE. COMPUTER. NO. MATTER. WHAT. THE. CIRCUMSTANCE. IS. Do you understand?

Mika: No. You kept stopping in between each word and I couldn't link it all together.

John: For goodness sake Mika!!!

Jerry: *keeps sucking up helium, face is going blue*

John: Don't touch the computer.

Mika: Why?

John: Because I've got all the information stored on there, and with yours and dipwod's reputation with computers and/or technology ITSELF, you are hereby declared BANNED from the computer room until further notice.


During this time, Jerry's middle had expaned to a considerable size and has started to float in the air. His face is a bluey/purple colour, his cheeks are puffed out, his eyes are watering, his mouth is firmly shut. No-one's taken any notice...yet.


Mika: Aawww man! I'm nearly 25 and you're BANNING me from things?!

John: With your behaviour? Yes.

Mika: So when WILL we be able to get on there?

John: Until I say so, which will be after the post has been made. However, I have been running on caffeine for the entire night and haven't slept a wink, so I shall be off to - OMFG JERRY, WHAT THE HELL?!?!?!

Mika: *turns round the look, and see's Jerry bouncing against the ceiling* OMG it's Aunt Marge from Happy Potter!

John: JERRY!! OMG!!!

Mika: Hey, if I stick a needle in him, will be burst and zoom round the room?


Mika: Naahhh all it takes is a needle...or a pin...or a very sharp object! I know, there's KNIVES in the kitchen!!


Jerry opens his mouth to protest but in doing so, the helium is released from him and he is sent whizzing, smashing through the windows and out into the daylight, far beyond human eyes. He's disappeared.



Mika: :boxed:



John leaps out of the broken window and runs to find Jerry, screaming his name.


Mika is left with hundreds of blown up and empty balloons. He gloomily leaves the once happy room and tries to figure out a way to find and save Jerry. He walks along the corridor and comes across the computer room doors. He sees a note hanging up on the door but - due to his selective reading dyslexia - he cannot read it. He remembers John's warning and wonders whether to obey or disobey.


Mika: I need to help Jerry....Google can help me do that....but Google is on the internet....and the internet is on the computer....


Mika turns away from the door and lands on his knees, his hand rests lazily on his head like a dramatic damsel in distress as he remembers the dangers.


Mika: But if I disobey I may ruin the MFC's Officiality! And John will be so angry...


Mika pauses, and gets up.


Mika: Wait, that's never bothered me before. He'll get over it. MIKA TO THE RESCUE!!!!


Mika opens the door with a bang and comes face to face with the computer. He sees lots of buttons.


Mika: Ah, crap.


He stares intently at each one, not knowing which button does what. He presses a button with a bizarre symbol on it cautiosly and slowly, and is somewhat relieved but frustrated at the same time that nothing has happened. He presses a button next to it, and the one after, the one after that, and the one after that. A few seconds later, after pressing all the buttons (which happens to be the keyboard) nothing has worked.

He looks around the room and sees a switch on the wall. He stares at it and inches away from it, scared of what it may do.....he turns his face away, squints, and presses it. The blackness in his eyelids turn to a deep shade of red and as he opens his eyes, he finds out why - it was the light switch.


Mika: :sneaky2:


Mika breathed heavily through his nose and his fists are now placed firmly on his hips. He chews the bottom of his lip, deep in thought...........Nope, all hope is lost. Mika scratches his head in confusion. A scuttling is heard.


Mika: Focus Mika, foc-- Oh look, a squirrel!


A red, fluffy squirrel hops down from the windowsill and runs up the computer's tower. As he climbs up it, he presses a switch and the computer comes to life.


Mika: OMG you're my hero! I shall name you Humphrey!


The squirrel, now known as Humphrey, presses another button and a floppy disk comes out, which Mika hasn't yet seen. Instead, the computer has fully loaded and there's a folder on the screen which now doubt is of great importance, but because of Mika's dyslexia, it was unreadable. Humphrey is gallivanting across the mouse and it clicks on the folder. The folder is now highlighted in blue. Humphrey jumps onto the keyboard, innocently pressing the buttons, not suspecting a single thing, but in a flash the folder is gone.


Mika: OMG Humphrey what have you done? That could have been the MFC shizz!


Humphrey slides back down the computer tower, taking the floppy disk with him.




Humphrey jumps out of the window and Mika follows suit, his lanky legs and big feet getting stuck on the windowsill and falling flat on his face outside on the grass.


Jerry's mum: Are doors not fashionable or something anymore??




Despite Mika's long, slim twirling legs, he was still quite behind the scurrying, scuttling, speedy Squirrel. Humphrey stopped in front of a huge Oak Tree and Mika stopped too. He inhaled, rolled up his sleeves and got down low on the ground. His arm and leg outstretched, ready to pounce on his tiny, endangered prey.


Mika: Heeeyyyy squirrel, squirrel, squirrel....coo-wee!!! tutututututut!!! *squirrel noises*


Humphrey looked on with his huge, black, innocent eyes glazing over Mika crouching in front of him.


Mika: Come here you.......stupid little thing.......


Humphrey runs up the tree.


Mika: No, no, no I didn't mean it!! .......Oh for God's sake.


Mika got back up, and done a bit of jogging on the spot. He did a couple of stretches, spat on his hands and rubbed them together. He placed his hand firmly on a tree branch and his legs wrapped round the tree branch.


Mika: Oh God, oh God, oh God.


Mika looked up and saw the fleeting Squirrel scurrying and jumping and leaping at high speed across each branch, eventually getting to the top. Mika scowled.


Mika: Stupid, stupid, stupid!!


Slowly, Mika made his way up the tree, dragging and heaving himself up and up, quickly breaking a sweat.


About fifteen minutes later, Mika's clammy, shaking, cold hand clasped round the last tree branch, while Humphry sat there eating acorns, guarding his new gift. Mika's head popped up above the leaves, which now found home in his hair.




In the distance, Mika could hear wind. He looked up and saw a familiar sight.

There was Jerry, still flying and whizzing in the air, loop-de-looping, twirling, somersaulting at high speeds, going on and on into the further distance.

Mika then heard another noise and looked below. There was John - poor, dear John - running after Jerry's deflating, flying body rather slowly and weakly, who clearly left his stamina behind somewhere ... many years ago. His faint, tiny, whiny voice was heard.


John: Jeeerrrryyyy!!!!


Mika, distracted, didn't notice the squirrel going to the edge on the tree. The squirrel opened it's arms, and there was a flap between his arms and his torso. The squirrel jumped, with the floppy disk in his mouth.


Mika: NO!!!!!!!


The Squirrel starts to float in the air and soars to the next tree.








....Part 2 coming up! This one's a long one!

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