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Hey :wub2:


High school isn't really that scary as some might think. Much less dramatic and dumb then Middle School, but you actually have real work and real problems in high school... it's a huge learning experience. I think high school is more learning about yourself and learning life lessons, along with educational learning. You just learn about being responsible and dealing with different kinds of people.

Advice would be...

Be patient.

Do your work. It gets insanely stressful if you don't do the work. And there's nothing to lose if you do the work, only something to gain, so you might as well do it. Talk to all types of people, it's a learning experience about them too...


Be outgoing (Which you already are :naughty:) Don't be afraid to talk to people. It sucks to have no friends in classes, especially if you do group work.

Never go to the bathroom at school... Wait till you get home :blink: (Unless it's that time of the month) The school bathrooms could be the death of you...

Don't give into peer pressure.

Have a good time. Take advantage of good opportunities.

DON'T procrastinate :no:

Go to all the fun events and dances as you can. Even though they might seem "lame", you're in high school for only four years so you might as well take advantage of those lame events and have a good time with your buddies.

If you like a guy and want to ask him to a dance, or ask him out or whatever, then ask him!!!! Seriously, the worst that could happen is that he says no.


And yeah.. I'm still learning so.. when I get some new ones, I'll give em to ya. :naughty:


Oh and.. chemistry is insanely hard so you better be prepared for when you take it.


You'll most likely end up liking high school. I do... -ish.




Oh and avoid the big crowded areas of the school. If you have a locker by a major staircase or entrance, then it sucks for you. I had them in insanely busy places for freshmen and sophomore year.

My school has 3 thousand something students, so wherever I am is overpopulated.

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Don't worry--everyone's scared on the first day of high school. :wink2: It's normal.


Also, I think adults are just hysterical and scare people too much about peer pressure. Honestly, no one's going to pressure you into drugs or sex. People have better things to do that try to force you into doing something that doesn't concern them anyway. :naughty: I mean, you may go to a party where someone will be doing drugs and they'll offer you some, but then you just say "no thanks!" People rarely follow up on that (drugs are expensive anyway--why would they want to waste their stash on someone who doesn't even want it?), and if they do say something like "what, are you scared to try?" or whatnot, just shrug and say "it's just not my thing" and you'll be fine.


Sex is a bit trickier because you may get a boyfriend who will in fact pressure you, but you know what, you can always just say "no." It's not really difficult to stick to your values if your mind is already made up.


And don't be afraid of goths and emos. The goths and punks were some of the sweeter friendlier people at my highschool, and they certainly couldn't care less about how I dressed. You shouldn't be friends with people who want to change you anyway, and if they don't, what does it matter how they choose to present themselves?


And anyway, it's summer now! Enjoy it and relax. :mf_rosetinted:



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Aww, Alex!


I was exactly the opposite about going into high school. :naughty:

I was sooooooooooo excited, and ready to be out of the dumpy Jr. High.

But, I can kind of relate to how you feel.


There's just a few things you need to know:


1. Do NOT brag to everyone that you're a freshman. Especially to the Seniors.

2. (even though I know you aren't this kind of person) don't try to act cool or snobby; That won't get you anywhere---this is very cliche, but be yourself!

3. Your friends will make or break your experience. Choose the ones who will help you, or stick with you. I learned that the hard way and had to completely change friends this year. NOT fun.

4. If your locker is by a soda machine, don't take advantage of it. :naughty: I gained like...5 pounds in the first month because of that blasted machine!

5. Be friends with everyone! You don't have to hang out with them all the time, but just be nice and non-judgemental about people--it makes life a heck of a lot easier.


Hope this helps!



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I must say I was farely excited about being a freshman, but it turned to be a big failure. I really hated being a freshmen and a sophomore on that note :boxed: I'm reallly bad with school though.. after a first bad day I just kept thinking negatively. Kind of ruined my year. I guess my advice is... have fun? :naughty:

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My teacher said that it's a slim chance of being friends with the friends you are with in elementary school throughout highschool.


That's a stupid thing for your teacher to say. Clearly, that sort of thing is dependant upon the people in question - there's no "one size fits all" scenario for whether or not people will remain friends.


I graduated from high school six years ago (:old:) and I'm still BFFs with my best friend from grade 6. And a bunch more friends who I met in grade 7. :wub2:


High school isn't really that scary as some might think. Much less dramatic and dumb then Middle School, but you actually have real work and real problems in high school... it's a huge learning experience. I think high school is more learning about yourself and learning life lessons, along with educational learning.


Wise words!


I found high school to be so much better than junior high/middle school. It really is about more than learning trigonometry and about the Civil War; you'll learn a lot about yourself, who you really are, and where your limits are.


And I agree that parents sometimes exaggerate the peer pressure angle; in my experience people may offer you things you don't care to do, but back off if you say you're not interested.


Oh, and keep in mind that the marks you get in grades 9, 10 and 11 affect what courses you can enrol in for grade 12; and what courses you enrol in for grade 12 affect what post-seondary programs you can get into, if you choose to go that route. I think it's a bit of a sick joke to expect 14 year olds to know what they might want to take in college; the best advice I can give is to do your best, and get as good of grades as you can.


Oh, and have fun! Sooner than you think, you'll be crossing that stage at your graduation. :wink2:

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OK, I know I said I hate these types of threads, and eventually they'll die and I'll re-bump it here and there but...i thought it would be worth a try. I graduated tuesday, and wednesday cried for fear of highschool. There's just so much that worries me. I look at grade 9s that i knew last year and they've gone COMPLETELY emo-decked out. I dont want this to happen to me - not saying there's anything wrong with emos :original: This isn't a thread for assurance but for advice. I need people with experience. I just want to talk to people who have first hand experience.

Grade 9...I was SO nervous about it the first day---the school was so big, there were so many people, teachers, classes:shocked: But now, as I'm going into my final year of highschool in the fall, I've realized it's not all bad.


There is no need to fear highschool...and don't cry:wink2:


Wow...you got emo grade 9s. At my school, the girls dress slutty (even though we have uniforms, they manage to roll their skirts up as high as they can)...though, I guess you would say there are some emo people.


My advice is don't give a horse's poo about what other people are like. Really...some people may try to change the way you act or whatever...ignore those people. And people who think they are individuals but really aren't- as they wear the same bag, shoes etc like everyone else- don't be one of them. Be yourself---but don't stay the same...highschool is a growing experience and if you remained the exact same...then...I don't know...you should change...no no...change is the wrong word. Grow. You should grow...at least a little bit is what I really meant to say.


Also, find friends. But not just "friends" but people that you can actually call you friends- people you hang out with on weekends, people you can call talk to whenever you feel like it...people like that.


Doing things outside of school is also good. Join some sort of sports team, club etc.


Think about after highschool. REALLY---choosing courses is important and you at least want to have a bit of an idea about what you want to do so you know where to go.


Some useless advice...


1) Don't eat cafeteria food

2) Keep your locker relatively clean so at the year end clean out, you won't be one of those people piling the garbage can with junk.

3) Use real bus tickets and always bring your student ID with you---you never know what your bus driver will be like (well...that's if you take the bus)

4) Please, please, please!!! walk on the right side of the stairs...literally. The right side...not the left...the right. Same thing with doors...use the right one!!! Geez...some people just don't know.



Hope that helps:wink2: And I'd be more than glad to give more advice:thumb_yello:


And by the way, highschool isn't that bad :)

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wow a lot of this is really good advice and true!! i wish i had this kind of things told to me when i was a freshman:naughty:

i agree with some stuff like:

-keep your locker clean!!! this killed me my freshman year!

-don't be afraid of emo/goths...yea they might scare you but i know a few and they would never ever pressure me into anything b/c they know i don't do that stuff, and they're usually pretty funny:naughty:

-don't try to act like a cool freshman...glad i didn't try to be cool, it's gets ppl in big trouble(not to scare u:bleh:)


my biggest advice:

-if you see drama starting either get out of it quickly or just stay neutral!!

-always always always stay positive!


those two woulda helped me sooo much:wink2:

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I won't say don't worry, because I know you will anyways--I did, and so does everyone.

BUT, I am certain that you won't lose your personality to some trend or other. Your personality is too defined already for that. You already have your own set of opinions, morals, and your character is far too strong to fit inside some box or other. I thought you were way older than you were when I first started talking to you because of that. You're the kind of person who can--and will--choose what you want to be like. You're already sure of where you stand in life, even if it might not look like it right now. You've got your feet on the ground, and there they will stay if you tell them to...people who let other people mold them as they will are generally very insecure and unsure of themselves and have nobody real to lean on.

As for losing your friends...you won't. Even if you don't have classes together, which you probably will, you won't lose your friends. I've only got one class with a couple of my best friends, and we're still as close as ever. There's lunch, after school, before school, weekends...in fact, spending less time together might even tighten your friendship.

So my dear, don't get yourself down, OK? High school is terrifying at first, but in the end, it's just a school. I used to be terrified of the grade 12s but by the end of grade 9 I was (and still am, even though they've graduated) good friends with a lot of them. You're one of the brightest, bubbliest, most fun people I've spoken to, and I know you won't let high school smother that. :huglove:

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Have no fear! Honestly, it's not like school's over or anything. You're just moving forward with your life which as a great step forward. You're still going to have a great time at school, and hopefully things won't change too much! And if they do, you're probably going to have equally amazing moments with some equally cool people. If I wereyou I'd be very excited! I really hate change myself so I do realise how you feel, but I promise that things won't change too much. At least you're aware of what's ahead and can be sure to avoid it. You don't have to be emo if you don't want to! Just hang out with the non-emo people (I'm sure there's someone). Or, if you're powerful enough, you can even make sure your friends don't change. But either way, do make sure you're prepared because it's time to make new great memories!

Good luck! x :o

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If you're not into the emo thing, you're plainly not into it. Don't worry!


High school is utterly lame, but you'll survive. Just work hard and try not to do anything stupid.


...Save that for college. Just kidding!


Oh, and for high school take your last two years more seriously than the first two.

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I'm reading the thread now.


Big school, me too. We had 2300 students 9-12. That fortunately allows the school to be less cliquey, and it's just a less embarassing as a whole because nobody really cares about you- in the good way. You have your friends, and that's how it rolls.


Have you ever seen Little Miss Sunshine? "THE PRIME SUFFERING YEARS!" Don't worry.


You're bound to go through some trouble in your life, but it feels fantastic when you graduate! And that's really not that far off. For reals.

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The best way to approach highschool is to set a goal that you will put your head down and work the whole way through. Teachers get stricter and work gets harder (and more of it) and there isn't time to slack off...


I'm not trying to scare, honestly, for me Grade 10 was my favourite year of all time and you have lots to look forward too... I'm just warning you in advance.

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Awww don't worry! :huglove:


To be honest, high school is way better than middle school in a way. The atmosphere is a lot more relaxed (well, at my school at least). You shouldn't have to worry about changing. You seem pretty much set as who you are and I doubt some emo kids would change you :naughty:


So yea, just don't worry about it, it's kind of fun. :wink2:

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'Ello muffin. :wink2:


I just dont want to change my personality, or lose my friends, or be pressured into drugs or sex, or anything. I'm just afraid. I have a feeling I'll probably cry my first day, like kindergarten LMAO ! My best friend emma and cole are moving away that's one change Im not ready to make...I'm going to start losing more and more sleep as september closes in.


Thanks, Iwill take you up on that offer (Oh..i will.lol)



well, i hope i dont become randomly emo, that would be quite random 'cause im the bubbliest gil in school. I just want to know...like, what should i do? I need advice , like , 2 guys asked me to dance and i didn't like either of them but i said yes so i wouldn't let them down. What if this applies to other things? I can only say no to my friends, Im very stubborn. But...I dont know.


Aww, I remember when I was going into high school, I was terrified. I'm the kind of person that worries way too much and over analyzes everything, so I lost a lot of sleep the month before school and the first month of my freshman year:boxed: But looking back, I realize how silly that was. Yes, it'll be intimidating at first, but once things start rolling, you'll easily adjust and actually like it better than elementary and middle school.

If these are your true friends, you guys will stay friends throughout high school.

In my case, a lot of my good middle school friends and I drifted apart. We found our own things, but my best friend from kindergarten and I are still good friends. I'll be honest, we did drift apart, but that's a whole other story.

You'll make so many new friends in high school once you become involved. Join some clubs, don't be afraid to show your true personality.

Do your best, please. Do not let your grades slip, you'll regret it. Take your grades seriously, but don't go into overkill with keeping your grades up. Don't turn into a perfectionist, just try your best.

I agree with the others that say peer pressure is all hype. Sure, you'll run into some situations that you may find a little intense, but peer pressure shouldn't effect you at all if you have strong values that you have no intentions to break.

And my school is huge also. There's over 400 students in my class alone, haha.

I got lost on my first day. If you get lost, do not ask a student for directions. Chances are you'll run into an upperclassman who feels superior and wants to pick on the little freshman, so they'll give you the wrong directions. Ask a teacher for directions if you get lost.

I also agree with Vanessa, high school seems to really be about discovering who you truly are. High school helps to teach some of life lessons. It sure is a roller coaster ride, but it'll be a great one in the end.

All of your teachers will say to your classes on the first day "It'll go fast." "It'll fly by." I rolled my eyes when I heard all of them say this, but they're all right. It does..


That's about all I can think of.

You'll be fine once mid September rolls around, and I expect to hear all about it. :wink2:

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Don't worry !!

Some people don't change in high school.

I haven't changed since my first year *I'm in what I think is 11th grade for you, next year is my last year of school.*.

You decide.

I've lost some friends, but that's because they changed.

I haven't changed. I'm more mature, but that's it. My personallity is the same. And that's because I didn't want to change.

And it's not as hard as it seems *at least over here*.:naughty:

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Aww hun, :huglove:

I didn't realise you were this worried.

Just remember that you will be faced with a whole new bundle of possible experiences and influences. It's an exciting and confusing time. You'll question and analyse everything. You'll wonder why the hell you did some things.. :naughty:

But it's all part of the journey..

Remember YOU are the only one that can say Yes - and then YOU can take it back and say No if you want. It's your prerogative. You'll change your mind more times than you change your underwear.. Just because you make a decision, doesn't mean you have to (or will) stick to it.

Don't be afraid to embrace something you like. And don't be afraid to walk away from it when it no longer makes you happy.

If life was a long road it would be full of turns and bumps and road blocks.

And stupid pedestrians. :bleh:

Most of all, the best thing you can do right now, is start a diary and write the things about yourself you don't want to change. That way, if you ever feel like you're slipping away from your true self, you can look at it and read it. And anything that was worrying you will be so much easier to deal with.


You'll do fine. I know it. :sneaky2::roftl: .. seriously :wub2:

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Oh man, all this thinking about highschool is making me sad - I miss highschool! :naughty:


I went to the massively biggest and worst reputationed highschool in the area, and I loved it. I had a couple of friends from primary school in my HS, I pretty much lost contact with the ones that didn't, but I guess we didn't have internet as much then. Haha, I sound old. I just didn't start using MSN until grade 8 (our first year of highschool btw) :naughty: Some of my primary school friends went off and joined different groups and changed and such, and some of them stayed crazy/insane like me and I'm still friends with them now :cheerful_h4h:


But highschool is a billion new kids to become friends with, so you'll definately add a bunch more friends to what you start with. It's even a good thing if your friends are in different classes because you'll all make friends in the classes and merge them together in breaks :biggrin2:


Don't worry about it being a massive change and big school or whatever, because you'll surely get a proper orientation and such, and all the other kids in your year are in the same position, and the teachers wont care that you get lost and late for the first week :wink2:


Oh yeah and I agree with what everyone said about peer pressure and changing and stuff, I was totally lead to believe kids would be beating me up and forcing me to take drugs and such and that's just stupid. Just hang around people that are like you :bleh:


But most importantly - highschool is the last time you will spend everyday with your friends like that - in classes or even just at lunch breaks - make the most of it!

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:punk:*quotes Kelz & OKD ... without MQ'ing* ... :naughty:


YUP, YEP, YUP .... I say exactly the same as them ...... sure , you may have to cross a new & a bit of a scary bridge .. only , part of that 'newness' .... can also mean .... new possibilities ... & fun !!! Also ... a little drama & tragedy thrown into the mix ..... & hey, ... what's new ... ??!! :naughty::wink2::huglove:

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Hey :wub2:


High school isn't really that scary as some might think. Much less dramatic and dumb then Middle School, but you actually have real work and real problems in high school... it's a huge learning experience. I think high school is more learning about yourself and learning life lessons, along with educational learning. You just learn about being responsible and dealing with different kinds of people.

Advice would be...

Be patient.

Do your work. It gets insanely stressful if you don't do the work. And there's nothing to lose if you do the work, only something to gain, so you might as well do it. Talk to all types of people, it's a learning experience about them too...


Be outgoing (Which you already are ) Don't be afraid to talk to people. It sucks to have no friends in classes, especially if you do group work.

Never go to the bathroom at school... Wait till you get home (Unless it's that time of the month) The school bathrooms could be the death of you...

Don't give into peer pressure.

Have a good time. Take advantage of good opportunities.

DON'T procrastinate

Go to all the fun events and dances as you can. Even though they might seem "lame", you're in high school for only four years so you might as well take advantage of those lame events and have a good time with your buddies.

If you like a guy and want to ask him to a dance, or ask him out or whatever, then ask him!!!! Seriously, the worst that could happen is that he says no.


And yeah.. I'm still learning so.. when I get some new ones, I'll give em to ya.


Oh and.. chemistry is insanely hard so you better be prepared for when you take it.


You'll most likely end up liking high school. I do... -ish.



Oh and avoid the big crowded areas of the school. If you have a locker by a major staircase or entrance, then it sucks for you. I had them in insanely busy places for freshmen and sophomore year.

My school has 3 thousand something students, so wherever I am is overpopulated.

MASSIVE procrastinator. Well...not that huge but, some things I'll put off, but other times I will get right to it!


Thanks vanessa *insert smilie they wont let her put in *wub2**

Don't worry--everyone's scared on the first day of high school. It's normal.


Also, I think adults are just hysterical and scare people too much about peer pressure. Honestly, no one's going to pressure you into drugs or sex. People have better things to do that try to force you into doing something that doesn't concern them anyway. I mean, you may go to a party where someone will be doing drugs and they'll offer you some, but then you just say "no thanks!" People rarely follow up on that (drugs are expensive anyway--why would they want to waste their stash on someone who doesn't even want it?), and if they do say something like "what, are you scared to try?" or whatnot, just shrug and say "it's just not my thing" and you'll be fine.


Sex is a bit trickier because you may get a boyfriend who will in fact pressure you, but you know what, you can always just say "no." It's not really difficult to stick to your values if your mind is already made up.


And don't be afraid of goths and emos. The goths and punks were some of the sweeter friendlier people at my highschool, and they certainly couldn't care less about how I dressed. You shouldn't be friends with people who want to change you anyway, and if they don't, what does it matter how they choose to present themselves?


And anyway, it's summer now! Enjoy it and relax.



Whoa, thanks Jack. I hope the goths and emos and punks and whatnot will be nice. *insert wub2*


Aww, Alex!


I was exactly the opposite about going into high school.

I was sooooooooooo excited, and ready to be out of the dumpy Jr. High.

But, I can kind of relate to how you feel.


There's just a few things you need to know:


1. Do NOT brag to everyone that you're a freshman. Especially to the Seniors.

2. (even though I know you aren't this kind of person) don't try to act cool or snobby; That won't get you anywhere---this is very cliche, but be yourself!

3. Your friends will make or break your experience. Choose the ones who will help you, or stick with you. I learned that the hard way and had to completely change friends this year. NOT fun.

4. If your locker is by a soda machine, don't take advantage of it. I gained like...5 pounds in the first month because of that blasted machine!

5. Be friends with everyone! You don't have to hang out with them all the time, but just be nice and non-judgemental about people--it makes life a heck of a lot easier.


Hope this helps!



lmao!!! Thanks for the advice, Hilary *bookmarks page* *inserts wub2* *tangos*


I must say I was farely excited about being a freshman, but it turned to be a big failure. I really hated being a freshmen and a sophomore on that note I'm reallly bad with school though.. after a first bad day I just kept thinking negatively. Kind of ruined my year. I guess my advice is... have fun?

Uhm, thanks? HAHA i love you meg.

That's a stupid thing for your teacher to say. Clearly, that sort of thing is dependant upon the people in question - there's no "one size fits all" scenario for whether or not people will remain friends.


I graduated from high school six years ago () and I'm still BFFs with my best friend from grade 6. And a bunch more friends who I met in grade 7.




Wise words!


I found high school to be so much better than junior high/middle school. It really is about more than learning trigonometry and about the Civil War; you'll learn a lot about yourself, who you really are, and where your limits are.


And I agree that parents sometimes exaggerate the peer pressure angle; in my experience people may offer you things you don't care to do, but back off if you say you're not interested.


Oh, and keep in mind that the marks you get in grades 9, 10 and 11 affect what courses you can enrol in for grade 12; and what courses you enrol in for grade 12 affect what post-seondary programs you can get into, if you choose to go that route. I think it's a bit of a sick joke to expect 14 year olds to know what they might want to take in college; the best advice I can give is to do your best, and get as good of grades as you can.


Oh, and have fun! Sooner than you think, you'll be crossing that stage at your graduation.

I'm looking forward to it kindof now...LOL. Thanks mana! *wub2*

Grade 9...I was SO nervous about it the first day---the school was so big, there were so many people, teachers, classes But now, as I'm going into my final year of highschool in the fall, I've realized it's not all bad.


There is no need to fear highschool...and don't cry


Wow...you got emo grade 9s. At my school, the girls dress slutty (even though we have uniforms, they manage to roll their skirts up as high as they can)...though, I guess you would say there are some emo people.


My advice is don't give a horse's poo about what other people are like. Really...some people may try to change the way you act or whatever...ignore those people. And people who think they are individuals but really aren't- as they wear the same bag, shoes etc like everyone else- don't be one of them. Be yourself---but don't stay the same...highschool is a growing experience and if you remained the exact same...then...I don't know...you should change...no no...change is the wrong word. Grow. You should grow...at least a little bit is what I really meant to say.


Also, find friends. But not just "friends" but people that you can actually call you friends- people you hang out with on weekends, people you can call talk to whenever you feel like it...people like that.


Doing things outside of school is also good. Join some sort of sports team, club etc.


Think about after highschool. REALLY---choosing courses is important and you at least want to have a bit of an idea about what you want to do so you know where to go.


Some useless advice...


1) Don't eat cafeteria food

2) Keep your locker relatively clean so at the year end clean out, you won't be one of those people piling the garbage can with junk.

3) Use real bus tickets and always bring your student ID with you---you never know what your bus driver will be like (well...that's if you take the bus)

4) Please, please, please!!! walk on the right side of the stairs...literally. The right side...not the left...the right. Same thing with doors...use the right one!!! Geez...some people just don't know.



Hope that helps:wink2: And I'd be more than glad to give more advice:thumb_yello:


And by the way, highschool isn't that bad :)

that's amazing, louise. *wub2* When do you get a student ID?

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wow a lot of this is really good advice and true!! i wish i had this kind of things told to me when i was a freshman:naughty:

i agree with some stuff like:

-keep your locker clean!!! this killed me my freshman year!

-don't be afraid of emo/goths...yea they might scare you but i know a few and they would never ever pressure me into anything b/c they know i don't do that stuff, and they're usually pretty funny:naughty:

-don't try to act like a cool freshman...glad i didn't try to be cool, it's gets ppl in big trouble(not to scare u:bleh:)


my biggest advice:

-if you see drama starting either get out of it quickly or just stay neutral!!

-always always always stay positive!


those two woulda helped me sooo much:wink2:

HAHHAHA Thanks a lot! I'm pretty possitive, .. ok lies I'm negative but I'll try!



I won't say don't worry, because I know you will anyways--I did, and so does everyone.

BUT, I am certain that you won't lose your personality to some trend or other. Your personality is too defined already for that. You already have your own set of opinions, morals, and your character is far too strong to fit inside some box or other. I thought you were way older than you were when I first started talking to you because of that. You're the kind of person who can--and will--choose what you want to be like. You're already sure of where you stand in life, even if it might not look like it right now. You've got your feet on the ground, and there they will stay if you tell them to...people who let other people mold them as they will are generally very insecure and unsure of themselves and have nobody real to lean on.

As for losing your friends...you won't. Even if you don't have classes together, which you probably will, you won't lose your friends. I've only got one class with a couple of my best friends, and we're still as close as ever. There's lunch, after school, before school, weekends...in fact, spending less time together might even tighten your friendship.

So my dear, don't get yourself down, OK? High school is terrifying at first, but in the end, it's just a school. I used to be terrified of the grade 12s but by the end of grade 9 I was (and still am, even though they've graduated) good friends with a lot of them. You're one of the brightest, bubbliest, most fun people I've spoken to, and I know you won't let high school smother that. :huglove:

You know me so well *huggles to death and many, many wub2's and huglove's* That sounds great, *takes it to heart* My my danielle *another wub2*

Have no fear! Honestly, it's not like school's over or anything. You're just moving forward with your life which as a great step forward. You're still going to have a great time at school, and hopefully things won't change too much! And if they do, you're probably going to have equally amazing moments with some equally cool people. If I wereyou I'd be very excited! I really hate change myself so I do realise how you feel, but I promise that things won't change too much. At least you're aware of what's ahead and can be sure to avoid it. You don't have to be emo if you don't want to! Just hang out with the non-emo people (I'm sure there's someone). Or, if you're powerful enough, you can even make sure your friends don't change. But either way, do make sure you're prepared because it's time to make new great memories!

Good luck! x :o

Thanks a tonne shahd! *wub2* I can feel my most individualist friend emma changing already and it's a bit scary but i keep her on track :P

If you're not into the emo thing, you're plainly not into it. Don't worry!


High school is utterly lame, but you'll survive. Just work hard and try not to do anything stupid.


...Save that for college. Just kidding!


Oh, and for high school take your last two years more seriously than the first two.


I'm reading the thread now.


Big school, me too. We had 2300 students 9-12. That fortunately allows the school to be less cliquey, and it's just a less embarassing as a whole because nobody really cares about you- in the good way. You have your friends, and that's how it rolls.


Have you ever seen Little Miss Sunshine? "THE PRIME SUFFERING YEARS!" Don't worry.


You're bound to go through some trouble in your life, but it feels fantastic when you graduate! And that's really not that far off. For reals.

Haahaha I love that movie! Thanks, Kate *wub2* You're truly awesome.

The best way to approach highschool is to set a goal that you will put your head down and work the whole way through. Teachers get stricter and work gets harder (and more of it) and there isn't time to slack off...


I'm not trying to scare, honestly, for me Grade 10 was my favourite year of all time and you have lots to look forward too... I'm just warning you in advance.

Ahahaha thanks MG!!!*wub2*

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Awww don't worry!


To be honest, high school is way better than middle school in a way. The atmosphere is a lot more relaxed (well, at my school at least). You shouldn't have to worry about changing. You seem pretty much set as who you are and I doubt some emo kids would change you


So yea, just don't worry about it, it's kind of fun.

Thanks Nono *smilie then wub2* i love it.

'Ello muffin.






Aww, I remember when I was going into high school, I was terrified. I'm the kind of person that worries way too much and over analyzes everything, so I lost a lot of sleep the month before school and the first month of my freshman year But looking back, I realize how silly that was. Yes, it'll be intimidating at first, but once things start rolling, you'll easily adjust and actually like it better than elementary and middle school.

If these are your true friends, you guys will stay friends throughout high school.

In my case, a lot of my good middle school friends and I drifted apart. We found our own things, but my best friend from kindergarten and I are still good friends. I'll be honest, we did drift apart, but that's a whole other story.

You'll make so many new friends in high school once you become involved. Join some clubs, don't be afraid to show your true personality.

Do your best, please. Do not let your grades slip, you'll regret it. Take your grades seriously, but don't go into overkill with keeping your grades up. Don't turn into a perfectionist, just try your best.

I agree with the others that say peer pressure is all hype. Sure, you'll run into some situations that you may find a little intense, but peer pressure shouldn't effect you at all if you have strong values that you have no intentions to break.

And my school is huge also. There's over 400 students in my class alone, haha.

I got lost on my first day. If you get lost, do not ask a student for directions. Chances are you'll run into an upperclassman who feels superior and wants to pick on the little freshman, so they'll give you the wrong directions. Ask a teacher for directions if you get lost.

I also agree with Vanessa, high school seems to really be about discovering who you truly are. High school helps to teach some of life lessons. It sure is a roller coaster ride, but it'll be a great one in the end.

All of your teachers will say to your classes on the first day "It'll go fast." "It'll fly by." I rolled my eyes when I heard all of them say this, but they're all right. It does..


That's about all I can think of.

You'll be fine once mid September rolls around, and I expect to hear all about it.

*smilie and wub2* Doesnt sound so bad afterall!

Don't worry !!

Some people don't change in high school.

I haven't changed since my first year *I'm in what I think is 11th grade for you, next year is my last year of school.*.

You decide.

I've lost some friends, but that's because they changed.

I haven't changed. I'm more mature, but that's it. My personallity is the same. And that's because I didn't want to change.

And it's not as hard as it seems *at least over here*.

Aww thanks Ana! I don't know you very well, and I find it amazing how you took the time to give me advice. *wub2*


Aww hun,

I didn't realise you were this worried.

Just remember that you will be faced with a whole new bundle of possible experiences and influences. It's an exciting and confusing time. You'll question and analyse everything. You'll wonder why the hell you did some things..

But it's all part of the journey..

Remember YOU are the only one that can say Yes - and then YOU can take it back and say No if you want. It's your prerogative. You'll change your mind more times than you change your underwear.. Just because you make a decision, doesn't mean you have to (or will) stick to it.

Don't be afraid to embrace something you like. And don't be afraid to walk away from it when it no longer makes you happy.

If life was a long road it would be full of turns and bumps and road blocks.

And stupid pedestrians.

Most of all, the best thing you can do right now, is start a diary and write the things about yourself you don't want to change. That way, if you ever feel like you're slipping away from your true self, you can look at it and read it. And anything that was worrying you will be so much easier to deal with.


You'll do fine. I know it. .. seriously

kelz kelz kelz *roftl* I don't want to know what happens between you and pedestrians *roftl* lol, I'm surprised you didn't know. I have fretted high school my whole life! *many wub2's and mf_boff's*

Oh man, all this thinking about highschool is making me sad - I miss highschool!


I went to the massively biggest and worst reputationed highschool in the area, and I loved it. I had a couple of friends from primary school in my HS, I pretty much lost contact with the ones that didn't, but I guess we didn't have internet as much then. Haha, I sound old. I just didn't start using MSN until grade 8 (our first year of highschool btw) Some of my primary school friends went off and joined different groups and changed and such, and some of them stayed crazy/insane like me and I'm still friends with them now


But highschool is a billion new kids to become friends with, so you'll definately add a bunch more friends to what you start with. It's even a good thing if your friends are in different classes because you'll all make friends in the classes and merge them together in breaks


Don't worry about it being a massive change and big school or whatever, because you'll surely get a proper orientation and such, and all the other kids in your year are in the same position, and the teachers wont care that you get lost and late for the first week


Oh yeah and I agree with what everyone said about peer pressure and changing and stuff, I was totally lead to believe kids would be beating me up and forcing me to take drugs and such and that's just stupid. Just hang around people that are like you :bleh:


But most importantly - highschool is the last time you will spend everyday with your friends like that - in classes or even just at lunch breaks - make the most of it!

Oooh OkD *wub2 smilie* Great advice , I'm so proud I know you - lol!


:punk:*quotes Kelz & OKD ... without MQ'ing* ... :naughty:


YUP, YEP, YUP .... I say exactly the same as them ...... sure , you may have to cross a new & a bit of a scary bridge .. only , part of that 'newness' .... can also mean .... new possibilities ... & fun !!! Also ... a little drama & tragedy thrown into the mix ..... & hey, ... what's new ... ??!! :naughty::wink2::huglove:

Oooh! Haha sounds spicey *das smilie*


*wub2* Thanks HK! (my fingers wrote hulk *OMG*)

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