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The Australian Thread: Part Sixteen

Rainbow Sky

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Your room that bad !! eekkkkk have you got like 3 meters of lollipops stacked high


Im great thanks!! work tommorow yuck yack yuck ggrrrrrr


haha apparently. no i just have clothes everywhere. but what does she expect? lol


o that sux

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Thought it would be quicker to make up a pretend quoted post than find the real one to quote :naughty:



My next door neighbour has THREE! sheep in her backyard, yes a normal sized backyard! She has spent THOUSANDS on vet bills, they nearly died many many times, something to do with missing out on vitamins from their mothers' milk (they were orphans)


So anyway I have no ides, just know that she needs a way bigger yard and I have to hold my nose when it rains... pongy!

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because theyre all the same? thatscuz they did this thing that if they all put the album cover as their own, they would get posted as their top friends. lol

make sence?


Yes :lmfao:


Even in my day delivery work was really low paid - so I wouldn't bother with Yellow Pages.


The traditional way of raising money for these things is to get yourself sponsored doing something either (a) noble and worthwhile or (b) totally ridiculous (eg sitting in a bath full of baked beans).


Or you could have a cake stall selling rainbow cakes


Hmmmmm. Okaaayy. I don't know how much I want to sit in a bath full of baked beans though. I am going to send letters to people asking for money but I don't really know whooo. We will do Mirvac Fini (a developer) though, because they sponsored us when we went to America in high school, and try the other developers I spose. I looked up Alcoa but it seems they only really sponsor bigger groups. Someone from the ISV facebook messaged me and said she was from Perth and she got money from CWA (but didn't tell me what the heck that stands for, and google is telling me "Country Women's Association" .. and I *just* don't live in the country .. maybe I should move in with my dad early :naughty:


And I have thought about a cake stall at uni. We should organise that maybe.


Can you check with other livestock owners in the area? If this were a known problem, wouldn't you have heard about it? Otherwise just put a salt block in their field (s) and see if it makes a difference.


Well yeah, the alpaca people are from right around the corner and they had tha probem, but the vet didn't even mention it and he is from the area too. But we'll give them the salt stuff I guess.

Actually, they said that stuff is in the alpaca mix they make (and that we feed the sheep and alpacas) and after much "hmm, this doesn't make sense, we give that to them" confusion we realised we just set 5 bowls out and it's kind of self service, so maybe Princess and Billy linger around the back a bit more often and miss out..


There's also a yellow food substance which can promote sleep but I dare not mention it with Dances around.





Hello everyone , hope you are ok in this sunny evening





Originally Posted by Sheep Convo

Thought it would be quicker to make up a pretend quoted post than find the real one to quote





My next door neighbour has THREE! sheep in her backyard, yes a normal sized backyard! She has spent THOUSANDS on vet bills, they nearly died many many times, something to do with missing out on vitamins from their mothers' milk (they were orphans)


So anyway I have no ides, just know that she needs a way bigger yard and I have to hold my nose when it rains... pongy!


Haha! Shouldn't that be ... not allowed by the council?


Didn't they (and Kelz) feed them the special lamb mix milk? We raised three of my dad's sheep and they are fine, but these two are actually the only 2 that weren't hand raised, they are Angel and Barbara's babies :tears: (but now they are at least ... 3 or 4 years old - my "youngest" statement was more of a "the other sheep are older than them and are perfectly fine")

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Sweet Knees, I was just entranced by your signature for a bit and realised I don't remember ever answering your "what do you mean 'both of THE SD videos'?" question. Did you ever get an answer to that? :naughty: (Not that it was at all important :naughty:)


Also, why is your name Sweet Knees? :naughty: Do you have sweet knees? Is there sugar on your knees? Or are they of a pleasant disposition?

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Okay... so I did make my cake today :hmph:


I was too tired/lazy to make it yesterday, and actually studying on friday (whereas today I shunned studying and did time wasting, procastinating things instead, like bake a cake)


It comes out of the oven in about 30 mins, and then has to be iced with my marbled icing.....



And then I shall do OD style shots (though maybe not quite from every angle like her :bleh:)

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"work it baby, work it!! yeah baby, you're looking gorgeous baby, yeah!! show me some filling baby!! oh yeah baby, that's it! That's the money shot baby! Right there!!"



:lmfao: :lmfao:



Yeah, mine won't be as bad :naughty:


And my cake will be iced.... it won't be nude like hers... so my pics will be more tasteful :fisch:

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And I bet your cake will be more tasteful too *zhhz*

How much colouring did you use? :naughty:

Only a few drops of each... the only bottle you can notice any missing from is the red... and thats because I wanted it to be a darker pink than it was...


And thats making both icing and cake....


A little food dye goes a long way :wink2:

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Okay... so I did make my cake today :hmph:


I was too tired/lazy to make it yesterday, and actually studying on friday (whereas today I shunned studying and did time wasting, procastinating things instead, like bake a cake)


It comes out of the oven in about 30 mins, and then has to be iced with my marbled icing.....


And then I shall do OD style shots (though maybe not quite from every angle like her )


"work it baby, work it!! yeah baby, you're looking gorgeous baby, yeah!! show me some filling baby!! oh yeah baby, that's it! That's the money shot baby! Right there!!"



Yeah, mine won't be as bad


And my cake will be iced.... it won't be nude like hers... so my pics will be more tasteful


:lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao:


:lmfao: :lmfao:

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I am seeing the paed on Thurs, have to do something even if its temproary to get him back on track.


Something interesting they talked about at that conference was that the rate of boys to girls with asperger's and autism (7 boys to 3 girls) is wrong and many girls are not diagnosed. Really the rate should be equal. This is cause the diagnosis criteria was formed from a study on boys and girl's symptoms are different.


The obsessions/ repetitive behaviours of girls are more sociably acceptable and girls are better at hiding them and blending in. Girls usually slip through and end up being teenagers with eating disorders, depression or wrongly diagnosed as bi-polar (spell).


Girls will tag along with a group even though they are not wanted. Girls will obsessivley bury themselves in a book, whereas boys will do socially disruptive/noticeable things like want to roll around the floor or line things up.


Hmmmmm... interesting... *ponders*


And that sort of sounds like me :blink:...


Firstly - what's the nutbush?


And also - arghhhh I just googled Byron Bay, and why did no one tell me Byron Bay is no where near Sydney?




No-one told you cause you didn't ask... It's like 12 hours north of me... Byron Bay is heaps closer to the Gold Coast (:das:) than Sydney...


I just realised you invaded the Aussie thread. I'm proud.


PCI cards *pbs*



Yay for Caz invading us!


Oh yes... I saw him looking at me a few times today... though I'm a wee bit disappointed... he's never seen RHPS...


Speaking of which... we should go out one night in GC..... some place that doesn't play total house music though... I like more older stuff


Sounds good!


It's when someone only talks about themselves and nothing else that it happens eventually.. I could (but won't) name a few people who used to be on MFC that would do that and they thought everyone hated them. People just got sick of one sided conversations with them. For example, they would never have quoted your above post about yellow pages and asked "delivery things??"




I know exactly who you're talking about... I think that person might have some difficulties intereacting with people...


And we all know Twatty likes to splash water on unsuspecting Mikamites.


Yes. We all know about that. :sneaky2:


Thanks Guys


And yes , i invaded , i heard the nutbush mentioned and i totally had to nutbush with you ... *high fives Kelz*


Well, now the ice is broken (figuratively) you really should come in more often...


We really don't bite... hard!


Dale a tu cuerpo alegria Macarena ... Que tu cuerpo es pa' darle alegria y cosa buena, Dale a tu cuerpo alegria, Macarena


Hey Macarena!!





Love the Macarena gif...


And that reminds me of my brother getting up on a table at a school disco and doing the macarena... I was mortified...


Especially since I knew the whole school and they all knew I was related to him...




*hands you chicken in a biscuits*


These are much nicer


Mmmmmmm.... chicken in a biscuit... yummy!


wow , your summer sounds amazing and much better than ours :wub2: i will do australia EVENTUALLY... i was supposed to be going in january but the flight prices are too high , my auntie lives in melbourne and is building a new house ... do you guys know of a club called jazz cats ?


Well if you come to Orange I'm sure it'll be just like home!


If you go to Melbourne I'll try and come down and visit!


You could always try and time your trip with Mika doing a tour here :fisch:...


I was going to say something in response to something Teegs wrote, something to do with socialising, but my brains not working and I forgot to MQ her. Sorry Teegs.




Really? *hides book she was reading* You don't say?! Actually, for my son it's books... That is his passion. His father and I are both readers, but he takes it to a new level. I start to wonder if maybe I was not picked up or something and then I have to stop myself and I think of all the reasons why I don't think I do have Asperger's.



About the nightclub analogy... One of the reasons that it doesn't ring true for me is because you go to a night club with your friends. You don't make them there. There are no loyalties or politics in a night club. Just how it appears to me.


Geez thanks CD... I feel really loved now!


I would be surprised if I didn't have something on the spectrum... Britt is exactly like me at the same age... and not just in a few things, a lot of things!


And I don't know about that... my cousin goes out all the time and manages to have nightclub friends... random people come up to her all the time and hug her and talk to her! (and they're not school friends cause I know a lot of the people in her year... and she doesn't really like a lot of the people she went to school with...)


(Actually, I'm not sure if I mentioned it already)

But there's something wrong with two of my dad's sheep. Princess and Billy (the two youngest, ignoring Coco, who is more of a ... 'thing' than a sheep) - they both just started limping pretty badly all of a sudden. So he called a vet down (was quite hard to find one that would, actually) and he didn't know what it was and just gave them some cortisol/antibiotics. Today we went to the new Better pets and gardens store thing, which is run by the Alpaca farm people from around the corner and they said it might be because there isn't enough salt in the soil, and it's making their muscles die, because that happened to her sheep a while ago, and her whole flock died. She said she'd give her left over medication for that incase that's what it is though.

Dunno, why I'm saying this. Just incase someone else has a random idea. Because the vet obviosuly didn't know anything


Ooooooh... dunno...


But it's pretty hard to get a vet to look at a sheep... I know...


We had two sheep who could go through a doggy door... Jenny still can even though she has a cast!


My next door neighbour has THREE! sheep in her backyard, yes a normal sized backyard! She has spent THOUSANDS on vet bills, they nearly died many many times, something to do with missing out on vitamins from their mothers' milk (they were orphans)


So anyway I have no ides, just know that she needs a way bigger yard and I have to hold my nose when it rains... pongy!


If she gave them cows milk did she put whiskey in it?


They'll get scours if they drink cows milk straight...



And yes I know it sounds like you're getting the sheep drunk (and ye we've actually done that! It's the best way to make sure they don't feel it as much when the boys lose their... erm... boys :naughty:), but you put whiskey in the cows milk...


I was going to say the same thing. We had a ram whose mother died when we lived on the farm.. We had to raise it. We named it Rambo of course.

But, the same thing happened. He was weak on his knees when he was about 4 weeks old. He'd needed the vitamins from his mother's milk too. So I'd guess it's the same problem.


OG... my uncle had a wether called Rambo... he's the only one to have been sent off to the markets...


Haha! Shouldn't that be ... not allowed by the council?


Propably... unless you have a council that doesn't care...









Mmmmmm... cupcakes...

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Yay for Caz invading us!


Well, now the ice is broken (figuratively) you really should come in more often...


We really don't bite... hard!


Love the Macarena gif...


Well if you come to Orange I'm sure it'll be just like home!


If you go to Melbourne I'll try and come down and visit!


You could always try and time your trip with Mika doing a tour here ..




.... OUCH ! LIAR your bite does hurt !!! :sneaky2::naughty:


ooooh ! i would love to come over its just finances :thumbdown: im sure i can sort something for the future definately and drag a certain admin along :fisch: !!!



ps -


I totally hadda new idea for a new thread (wink wink kelz ).... get ya video's ready for your version of the nuttbush :lmfao::wink2:



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