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I have to be quick . . . .


The WORST possible thing happened to me today ----


. . . and I just could not bare to put this thread in the goodbye section :no:


I got laid off from my job today! Like SO many Americans! Of course they gave me the whole -- it is NOT your faught, your work is excellent . . we simply had no options left. Blah blah blah! :crybaby:

Words simply do not help MUCH when you are a single mother with 3 children - and all of a sudden your WHOLE future is ripped out from under you!


. . . under normal circumstances - when people lose their jobs, they are sad - but they move on. IN A COUNTRY that is in a recession . . . there are NO jobs to move on to. I AM SCARED - beyond all beleif! :shocked:


I don't know what I am going to do. And I DO NOT have my head together AT ALL, I am still very much in total and utter SHOCK!


I WILL NOT say goodbye to the MFC! There are SO many people here - that are an everyday part of my life . . . and in a HUGE way (that no one but an MFCer could EVER understand) it IS like being suddenly seperated from your loving family! I will be here WHEN EVER I can - which is why I wanted to make this thread! I have no idea HOW often I can get here . . . and well -- I am JUST so SAD -- there really are no words right now~~~~~


I love you all SO MUCH! SO MUCH! P l e a s e - know that I am thinking of you all and DYING because I am missing you/this place!


My time is up . . and I have to go :crybaby:


I ♥ you MFC!

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Oh Holly...


You are such a huge part of MFC, and I understand how this must feel for you. I hope you know that we will all really miss you, every single day! I really can't stress how important you are to this community, and I hope that you'll come back and see us someday. A woman with such a wonderful strength and positive outlook on life can't be unemployed for long--and I hope that you find your way back here soon enough.


Keep listening to Mika! We'll be thinking about you.

I hope you can return. We will miss you so much!


Best of luck,

Kira Marie :wub2:

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so sorry to hear that hollyd


i haven't been very busy at work lately either, but it seems to be picking up.

i feel for you. hope you find a job real quick, this recession can't last forever!


keep us updated!


take care! guylaine xx:wub2:

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HOLLY! :jawdrop:


This is horrible news!


You know what they say:

When one door closes, another opens! Let's hope your new door

opens tomorrow!


Hang in there, and know that we're thinking of you. :huglove:

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i`m so sad for you! i cannot believe it.. really.. i KNOW how hard it is this situation for you.. my dad lost his job in june 2008 and the next month he was operated in his leg.. soo.. imagine all the situation here.. it was hard.. really hard.. but a few weeks ago he got a new job :)

calm down, and try to look for a new job.. i`m sure you`ll get one soon! there`s a lot of opportunities out there for you..

i don`t know what else to say.. i`ll miss you so much :crybaby:

all my love, a HUGE hug and i hope to see you here soon .. :huglove:



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Holly, this is awful news. You've been such a kind person to people from all over, you deserve the very best. Please come visit us sometimes, we will miss you terribly. MFC won't be the same without you. I sincerely hope you can get everything sorted out: we'll be thinking about you.


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Holly! :( we'll miss you


I remember you very well, the times I participated in threads you were part, and I won't forget you easily. You're kind and nice, an a brave person, so I hope everything gets better soon :)


I think that if you raised your children, if you took the challenge, you will have the spirit to survive this time, try to be positive and despite all the bad economic situation, when you're looking for a new job show everybody you can do it and you worth a lot, I'm sure you deserve it



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Oh My God, that's HORRIBLE! :jawdrop::no:



I'm so very sorry, Holly :emot-sad::flowers2::huglove:


I will miss the times that you are not here, but I hope you'll come on often, though I understand you'll be busy with Real Life. :thumbdown:



Jeez...that really f*cking sucks. Gah. This is really depressing. :(



I wish you ALL of my luck, Holly. Love you! *big big hug*

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Holly, I'm so sorry to hear that!

Try to stay calm and be strong.... better days will surely come!

Don't give up, hang on and you'll overcome this hard time.


Wish you all the best, you're such a nice and positive person, hope you'll find a new job asap!

A big hug! :huglove:

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